private static TransformConstraintTimeline GetFillerTimeline(TransformConstraintTimeline timeline, SkeletonData skeletonData) { TransformConstraintTimeline timeline2 = new TransformConstraintTimeline(1); TransformConstraintData data = skeletonData.transformConstraints.Items[timeline.transformConstraintIndex]; timeline2.SetFrame(0, 0f, data.rotateMix, data.translateMix, data.scaleMix, data.shearMix); return(timeline2); }
public override void Apply(Skeleton skeleton, float lastTime, float time, ExposedList <Event> firedEvents, float alpha, MixPose pose, MixDirection direction) { TransformConstraint transformConstraint = skeleton.transformConstraints.Items[transformConstraintIndex]; float[] array = frames; if (time < array[0]) { TransformConstraintData data =; switch (pose) { case MixPose.Setup: transformConstraint.rotateMix = data.rotateMix; transformConstraint.translateMix = data.translateMix; transformConstraint.scaleMix = data.scaleMix; transformConstraint.shearMix = data.shearMix; break; case MixPose.Current: transformConstraint.rotateMix += (data.rotateMix - transformConstraint.rotateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.translateMix += (data.translateMix - transformConstraint.translateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.scaleMix += (data.scaleMix - transformConstraint.scaleMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.shearMix += (data.shearMix - transformConstraint.shearMix) * alpha; break; } return; } float num2; float num3; float num4; float num5; if (time >= array[array.Length - 5]) { int num = array.Length; num2 = array[num + -4]; num3 = array[num + -3]; num4 = array[num + -2]; num5 = array[num + -1]; } else { int num6 = Animation.BinarySearch(array, time, 5); num2 = array[num6 + -4]; num3 = array[num6 + -3]; num4 = array[num6 + -2]; num5 = array[num6 + -1]; float num7 = array[num6]; float curvePercent = GetCurvePercent(num6 / 5 - 1, 1f - (time - num7) / (array[num6 + -5] - num7)); num2 += (array[num6 + 1] - num2) * curvePercent; num3 += (array[num6 + 2] - num3) * curvePercent; num4 += (array[num6 + 3] - num4) * curvePercent; num5 += (array[num6 + 4] - num5) * curvePercent; } if (pose == MixPose.Setup) { TransformConstraintData data2 =; transformConstraint.rotateMix = data2.rotateMix + (num2 - data2.rotateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.translateMix = data2.translateMix + (num3 - data2.translateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.scaleMix = data2.scaleMix + (num4 - data2.scaleMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.shearMix = data2.shearMix + (num5 - data2.shearMix) * alpha; } else { transformConstraint.rotateMix += (num2 - transformConstraint.rotateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.translateMix += (num3 - transformConstraint.translateMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.scaleMix += (num4 - transformConstraint.scaleMix) * alpha; transformConstraint.shearMix += (num5 - transformConstraint.shearMix) * alpha; } }
private static Dictionary <string, object> fromAnimation(Animation animation, SkeletonData skeletonData) { Dictionary <string, object> anim = new Dictionary <string, object>(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > bones = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); Dictionary <string, List <object> > ik = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > paths = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > slots = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > transform = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > events = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > > deform = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > > >(); List <Dictionary <string, object> > drawOrder = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >(); List <object> tl; Dictionary <string, object> tmp; foreach (var timeline in animation.Timelines) { SlotData sd; BoneData bd; PathConstraintData pcd; int count = 0; string name; int length; switch (timeline) { case ColorTimeline ct: //slots timeline //TODO: add color timeline support break; case AttachmentTimeline at: //slots timeline sd = skeletonData.Slots.Items[at.SlotIndex]; name = "attachment"; length = at.FrameCount; tl = new List <object>(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { tmp = new Dictionary <string, object>(); tmp["time"] = at.Frames[i]; tmp["name"] = at.AttachmentNames[i]; tl.Add(tmp); } if (!slots.ContainsKey(sd.Name)) { slots[sd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } slots[sd.Name][name] = tl; break; case RotateTimeline rt: //bone timeline name = "rotate"; bd = skeletonData.Bones.Items[rt.BoneIndex]; count = 0; if (!bones.ContainsKey(bd.Name)) { bones[bd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } bones[bd.Name][name] = applyTimeline(rt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["angle"] = f.pop(); setCurve(d, rt, count++); }); break; case TranslateTimeline tt: float timelineScale = 1; if (tt is ShearTimeline) { name = "shear"; } else if (tt is ScaleTimeline) { name = "scale"; } else { name = "translate"; } bd = skeletonData.Bones.Items[tt.BoneIndex]; count = 0; if (!bones.ContainsKey(bd.Name)) { bones[bd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } bones[bd.Name][name] = applyTimeline(tt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["x"] = f.pop() / timelineScale; d["y"] = f.pop() / timelineScale; setCurve(d, tt, count++); }); break; case IkConstraintTimeline ikt: IkConstraintData ikd = skeletonData.IkConstraints.Items[ikt.IkConstraintIndex]; count = 0; ik[ikd.Name] = applyTimeline(ikt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["mix"] = f.pop(); d["bendPositive"] = f.pop(); setCurve(d, ikt, count++); }); break; case TransformConstraintTimeline tft: name = "transform"; TransformConstraintData tfd = skeletonData.TransformConstraints.Items[tft.TransformConstraintIndex]; count = 0; if (!transform.ContainsKey(tfd.Name)) { transform[tfd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } transform[tfd.Name][name] = applyTimeline(tft.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["rotateMix"] = f.pop(); d["translateMix"] = f.pop(); d["scaleMix"] = f.pop(); d["shearMix"] = f.pop(); setCurve(d, tft, count++); }); break; case PathConstraintPositionTimeline pcpt: name = "position"; if (pcpt is PathConstraintSpacingTimeline) { name = "spacing"; } pcd = skeletonData.PathConstraints.Items[pcpt.PathConstraintIndex]; count = 0; if (!paths.ContainsKey(pcd.Name)) { paths[pcd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } paths[pcd.Name][name] = applyTimeline(pcpt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d[name] = f.pop(); setCurve(d, pcpt, count++); }); break; case PathConstraintMixTimeline pcmt: name = "mix"; //"time"], GetFloat(valueMap, "rotateMix", 1), GetFloat(valueMap, "translateMix", pcd = skeletonData.PathConstraints.Items[pcmt.PathConstraintIndex]; count = 0; if (!paths.ContainsKey(pcd.Name)) { paths[pcd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } paths[pcd.Name][name] = applyTimeline(pcmt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["rotateMix"] = f.pop(); d["translateMix"] = f.pop(); setCurve(d, pcmt, count++); }); break; case DeformTimeline dt: var att = dt.Attachment; sd = skeletonData.Slots.Items[dt.SlotIndex]; string skinName =; count = 0; if (!deform.ContainsKey(skinName)) { deform[skinName] = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <object> > >(); } if (!deform[skinName].ContainsKey(sd.Name)) { deform[skinName][sd.Name] = new Dictionary <string, List <object> >(); } string attName = att.Name; if (attName.Contains('/')) { attName = attName.Substring(attName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1); } attName = attName.Replace('-', ' '); deform[skinName][sd.Name][attName] = applyTimeline(dt.Frames, (f, d) => { d["time"] = f.pop(); d["offset"] = dt.offsets[count]; var verts = dt.originalVerts[count]; if (verts != null) { d["vertices"] = dt.originalVerts[count]; } setCurve(d, dt, count); count++; }); break; case DrawOrderTimeline dot: //for each frame in the draw order for (int i = 0; i < dot.FrameCount; i++) { //create new frame object -> order Dictionary <string, object> order = new Dictionary <string, object>(); //each frame has a list of offset objects List <object> list = new List <object>(); for (int k = 0; k < dot.offsetSet[i].Length; k++) { int offset = dot.offsetSet[i][k]; if (offset == 0) { continue; } Dictionary <string, object> temp = new Dictionary <string, object>(); sd = skeletonData.Slots.Items[k]; temp["slot"] = sd.Name; temp["offset"] = offset; list.Add(temp); } order["time"] = dot.Frames[i]; order["offsets"] = list; drawOrder.Add(order); } break; case EventTimeline et: throw new Exception("Does not support Events to JSON"); break; } } if (bones.Count != 0) { anim["bones"] = bones; } if (ik.Count != 0) { anim["ik"] = ik; } if (paths.Count != 0) { anim["paths"] = paths; } if (slots.Count != 0) { anim["slots"] = slots; } if (transform.Count != 0) { anim["transform"] = transform; } if (drawOrder.Count != 0) { anim["drawOrder"] = drawOrder; } if (events.Count != 0) { anim["events"] = events; } if (deform.Count != 0) { anim["deform"] = deform; } return(anim); }