public static void GetChanges(Document _doc, string _filepath) // _filepath to .txt file in share folder { //string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(mapFolderPath, "*.txt"); float x = 0, y = 0; // callouts, main and floating topics int index = 1; // subtopic index in a branch string line = ""; string _case = ""; string _what = ""; // case details string rollup = SUtils.rollupuri; //string numbering = SUtils.numberinguri; string mapfolderpath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_filepath) + "\\"; //foreach (string file in files) { System.IO.StreamReader _file = null; try { _file = new System.IO.StreamReader(_filepath); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + e.Message, "ReceiveChanges:StreamReader"); return; } line = _file.ReadLine(); // line 1: case _case = line; int colon = line.IndexOf(":"); if (colon != -1) { _case = line.Substring(0, colon); // before colon _what = line.Substring(++colon); // after colon if (!int.TryParse(_what, out index)) { index = 1; } } MapCompanion.received = true; // to repulse event handlers switch (_case) { ///////////////////////// MODIFY TOPIC /////////////////////// case "modify": // line 2: topic Guid _t = SUtils.FindTopicByAttrGuid(_doc, _file.ReadLine()); if (_t == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseModify.TopicNotFound"); break; //TODO } if (_what == "rollup") // set or remove rollup { if (_t.HasAttributesNamespace[rollup]) { _t.IsTaskRollupTopic = false; } else { _t.IsTaskRollupTopic = true; } break; } // line 3: topic text (for chat) forchat = _file.ReadLine(); // line 4: timestamp (to attributes) TransactionsWrapper.SetATTR(_t, SUtils.TMODIFIED, _file.ReadLine()); // line 5: offset line = _file.ReadLine(); if (line != "") { if (_t.IsFloatingTopic || _t.IsMainTopic || _t.IsCalloutTopic) { int w = line.IndexOf(";"); float.TryParse(line.Substring(0, w), out x); float.TryParse(line.Substring(w + 1), out y); } } // line 6 to end: value line = _file.ReadLine(); string _value = line; while (line != null) { line = _file.ReadLine(); if (line != null) { _value = _value + Environment.NewLine + line; } } if (_what != "offset") { PortraitSet.TopicPortrait(_t, _what, _value, mapfolderpath); } if (_t.IsFloatingTopic || _t.IsMainTopic || _t.IsCalloutTopic) { _t.SetOffset(x, y); //restore topic position } break; ////////////////// MODIFY case ends /////////////////// /////////////////////////// ADD TOPIC //////////////////////// case "add": Topic _parent = null; Boundary _bparent = null; Relationship _rparent = null; // line 2: parent guid line = _file.ReadLine(); if (line != "") // empty if floating topic { if (_what == "relcallout") { _rparent = SUtils.FindRelationshipByAttrGuid(_doc, line); } else if (_what == "bndcallout") { _bparent = SUtils.FindBoundaryByAttrGuid(_doc, line); } else { _parent = SUtils.FindTopicByAttrGuid(_doc, line); } if (_parent == null && _rparent == null && _bparent == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseAdd.ObjectNotFound"); break; // TODO обнаружить ошибку - сообщить пользователю? } } // line 3: topic text - for chat forchat = _file.ReadLine(); // line 4: added topic guid : add topic line = _file.ReadLine(); if (_what == "floating") { _t = _doc.AllFloatingTopics.Add(); } else if (_what == "callout") { _t = _parent.AllCalloutTopics.Add(); } else if (_what == "relcallout") { _t = _rparent.AllCalloutTopics.Add(); } else if (_what == "bndcallout") { _t = _bparent.CreateSummaryTopic(MMUtils.GetString("callout.text")); } else { _t = _parent.AllSubTopics.Add(); _parent.AllSubTopics.Insert(_t, index); // EventDocumentClipboardPaste fires! MapCompanion.paste = false; // so, neutralize it... } TransactionsWrapper.SetATTR(_t, SUtils.OGUID, line); // line 5: timestamp line = _file.ReadLine(); TransactionsWrapper.SetATTR(_t, SUtils.TADDED, line); TransactionsWrapper.SetATTR(_t, SUtils.TMODIFIED, line); // line 6: offset line = _file.ReadLine(); if (line != "") // skip standart topics { int w = line.IndexOf(";"); float.TryParse(line.Substring(0, w), out x); float.TryParse(line.Substring(w + 1), out y); } if (_t.IsFloatingTopic || _t.IsMainTopic || _t.IsCalloutTopic) { _t.SetOffset(x, y); } // line 7: skip if new topic added, otherwise (topic was pasted) replace whole topic xml line = _file.ReadLine(); // <?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?> if (line != "newtopic") { _t.Xml = line + _file.ReadLine(); // topic XML if (_t.IsFloatingTopic || _t.IsMainTopic || _t.IsCalloutTopic) { _t.SetOffset(x, y); } } _parent = null; _rparent = null; _bparent = null; break; ///////////////////// ADD TOPIC case ends //////////////////////// //////////// DELETE TOPIC OR RELATIONSHIP OR BOUNDARY //////////// case "delete": // line 2: guid of object to delete line = _file.ReadLine(); DocumentObject m_objtodelete = null; m_objtodelete = SUtils.FindObjectByAttrGuid(_doc, line); if (m_objtodelete == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseDelete.ObjectNotFound"); break; // TODO map synchro failure, do something } m_objtodelete.Delete(); m_objtodelete = null; // line 3: for chat: topic text or "relationship" or "boundary" forchat = _file.ReadLine(); // line 4: for chat: name of user who deleted object username = _file.ReadLine(); break; //////////////////// DELETE case ends //////////////////// //////////////////// RELATIONSHIP ADD, MODIFY ////////////////// case "relationship": Relationship rel = null; // line 2: relationship guid line = _file.ReadLine(); if (_what == "modify") { rel = SUtils.FindRelationshipByAttrGuid(_doc, line); if (rel == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseRelationships.RelNotFound"); break; } } // line 3: Guid of connection 1st object string Guid1 = _file.ReadLine(); Topic t1 = null, t2 = null; Boundary b1 = SUtils.FindBoundaryByAttrGuid(_doc, Guid1); if (b1 == null) { t1 = SUtils.FindTopicByAttrGuid(_doc, Guid1); } if (b1 == null && t1 == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseRelationships.Object1NotFound"); break; // TODO } // line 4: string Guid2 = _file.ReadLine(); Boundary b2 = SUtils.FindBoundaryByAttrGuid(_doc, Guid2); if (b2 == null) { t2 = SUtils.FindTopicByAttrGuid(_doc, Guid2); } if (b2 == null && t2 == null) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("ReceiveChanges.CaseRelationships.Object2NotFound"); break; // TODO } if (b1 == null) { if (b2 == null) { if (_what == "modify") { rel.SetConnection1ToTopic(t1); rel.SetConnection2ToTopic(t2); } else { rel = t1.AllRelationships.AddToTopic(t2); TransactionsWrapper.SetAttributes(rel, line); } } else if (_what == "modify") { rel.SetConnection1ToTopic(t1); rel.SetConnection2ToBoundary(b2); } else { rel = t1.AllRelationships.AddToBoundary(b2); TransactionsWrapper.SetAttributes(rel, line); } } else { if (b2 == null) { if (_what == "modify") { rel.SetConnection1ToBoundary(b1); rel.SetConnection2ToTopic(t2); } else { rel = b1.AllRelationships.AddToTopic(t2); TransactionsWrapper.SetAttributes(rel, line); } } else if (_what == "modify") { rel.SetConnection1ToBoundary(b1); rel.SetConnection2ToBoundary(b2); } else { rel = b1.AllRelationships.AddToBoundary(b2); TransactionsWrapper.SetAttributes(rel, line); } } // line 5-8: control points if ((line = _file.ReadLine()) == null) //new rel added, go out { break; } rel.SetControlPoints( Convert.ToSingle(line), Convert.ToSingle(_file.ReadLine()), Convert.ToSingle(_file.ReadLine()), Convert.ToSingle(_file.ReadLine()) ); // line 9-10: rel.Shape1 = RelationshipShape(_file.ReadLine()); rel.Shape2 = RelationshipShape(_file.ReadLine()); // line 11: rel.LineColor.Value = Convert.ToInt32(_file.ReadLine()); // line 12: rel.LineDashStyle = LineDashStyle(_file.ReadLine()); // line 13: rel.LineShape = LineShape(_file.ReadLine()); // line 14: rel.LineWidth = Convert.ToSingle(_file.ReadLine()); // line 15: rel.AutoRouting = Convert.ToBoolean(_file.ReadLine()); rel = null; t1 = null; t2 = null; b1 = null; b2 = null; break; /////////////// RELATIONSHIP case ends ////////// /////////////////// ADD OR MODIFY BOUNDARY //////////////// case "boundary": // line 2: topic guid _t = SUtils.FindTopicByAttrGuid(_doc, _file.ReadLine()); Boundary b = null; // line 3: boundary shape or portrait if (_what == "add") { b = _t.CreateBoundary(); b.Shape = BoundaryShape(_file.ReadLine()); } else // modify boundary { b = _t.Boundary; string[] bvalues = _file.ReadLine().Split(';'); b.Shape = MMEnums.BoundaryShape(bvalues[0]); b.FillColor.Value = Convert.ToInt32(bvalues[1]); b.LineColor.Value = Convert.ToInt32(bvalues[2]); b.LineDashStyle = MMEnums.LineDashStyle(bvalues[3]); b.LineWidth = Convert.ToInt32(bvalues[4]); } // line 4: boundary guid TransactionsWrapper.SetAttributes(b, _file.ReadLine()); b = null; break; ////////////// BOUNDARY case ends //////////////// } MapCompanion.received = false; _file.Close(); _t = null; // TODO dooble-check! very important!! //File.Delete(file); } // foreach files //MMBase.SendMessage("received"); // TODO nedeed? }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public override void onObjectChanged(MMEventArgs aArgs) { string _what = aArgs.what; Topic _t = as Topic; Relationship _r = as Relationship; Boundary _b = as Boundary; string rootfolder = aArgs.aMapFolderPath + "share\\"; string _path = rootfolder + SUtils.modtime + "&" + SUtils.currentUserName + ".txt"; if (_r != null) { SUtils.ProcessRelationship(_r, _path, "relationship:modify"); _r = null; return; } if (_b != null) { SUtils.ProcessBoundary(_b, _path, "boundary:modify"); _b = null; return; } string rollup = SUtils.rollupuri; string _offset = ""; string _extra = ""; if (_t == null) { return; // TODO case? } _extra = aArgs.extra; //if (_extra != "") // System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.SetText(_extra); // TODO для чего? if (aArgs.extra.ToString() == rollup) { _what = "rollup"; MapCompanion.rollup = true; } if (_t.IsFloatingTopic || _t.IsMainTopic || _t.IsCalloutTopic) { float x, y; _t.GetOffset(out x, out y); _offset = x.ToString() + ";" + y.ToString(); } string _shorttext = MMUtils.TShortText(_t.Text); string _attrs = SUtils.TimeStamp + ";" + SUtils.currentUserName + ";" + SUtils.currentUserEmail; TransactionsWrapper.SetATTR(_t, SUtils.TMODIFIED, _attrs); string tXML = MMUtils.getCleanTopicXML(_t.Xml); if (_what == "task") { _topicxml = tXML; // впадает в цикл, если изменять Duration, Effort и ресурсы } string _tguid = _t.get_Attributes(SUtils.SYNERGYNAMESPACE).GetAttributeValue(SUtils.OGUID); _t = null; try { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(File.Create(_path)); sw.WriteLine("modify:" + _what); sw.WriteLine(_tguid); sw.WriteLine(_shorttext); // short topic text for chat sw.WriteLine(_attrs); sw.WriteLine(_offset); sw.WriteLine(_extra); sw.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Exception: " + e.Message, "SaveChanges:onObjectChanged"); } }