public IActionResult FindAll([FromBody] DTO.TranSearchObj dto) { TransactionDAO dao = new TransactionDAO(_context); List <AccessoryTransaction> list; if (dto.UsernameSearch.Equals("")) { if (dto.StatusSearch.Equals("All")) { list = dao.FindAll(); } else { list = dao.FindAllByStatus(dto.StatusSearch); } } else { if (dto.StatusSearch.Equals("All")) { list = dao.FindByUsername(dto.UsernameSearch); } else { list = dao.FindByStatusAndUsername(dto.StatusSearch, dto.UsernameSearch); } } return(new JsonResult(list)); }
public IActionResult FindTranByUsername([FromBody] string username) { TransactionDAO dao = new TransactionDAO(_context); List <AccessoryTransaction> list = dao.FindByUsername(username); return(new JsonResult(list)); }
private void selectedProductRepartition_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TransactionDAO transactionDao = new TransactionDAO(); try { List <Transaction> transactions = transactionDao.getTransactionsListByProductID(Code); this.statusLabel.Text = "Product Transaction Repartition"; this.statusStrip1.Refresh(); decimal total = 0; if (transactions != null) { transactions.ForEach(item => { total = total + (item.Product.PrixUnitaire * (1 + item.Product.Tva)) * item.Quantity; }); productChart.Series["Repartition"].Points.AddXY("Total Transactions By Product", total); } else { throw new exceptions("There's currently no transaction for the selected product"); } }catch (exceptions exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message, "Exception", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
private void coBoxMonth_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { listfilter = new List <Transaction>(); using (var transdao = new TransactionDAO()) { listTransaksi = transdao.GetAllTransactionDataByID(user.ID.ToString()); } foreach (var item in listTransaksi) { if (coBoxMonth.SelectedIndex == 0 && item.Date.Month == DateTime.Today.Month) { listfilter.Add(item); } else if (coBoxMonth.SelectedIndex == 1 && item.Date.Month == DateTime.Today.Month - 1) { listfilter.Add(item); } else if (coBoxMonth.SelectedIndex == 2 && item.Date.Month == DateTime.Today.Month - 2) { listfilter.Add(item); } } fillChart(listfilter); }
private void FrmDetailTransaksi_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.listAwal = new List <Transaction>(); try { using (var transdao = new TransactionDAO()) { ListTransaction = transdao.GetAllTransactionDataByID(user.ID.ToString()); } foreach (var item in ListTransaction) { if (item.Date == DateTime.Parse(Date)) { listAwal.Add(item); } } dgvData.DataSource = listAwal; this.dgvData.Columns[0].DataPropertyName = "Category"; this.dgvData.Columns[1].DataPropertyName = "SubCategory"; this.dgvData.Columns[2].DataPropertyName = "Amount"; this.dgvData.Columns[3].DataPropertyName = "Note"; lblResult.Text = "Results : " + dgvData.Rows.Count.ToString() + " Row(s)"; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public FrmReportOUT() { InitializeComponent(); _custDAO = new CustomerDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _transDAO = new TransactionDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); }
public long InputCode(string code, string captcha, string token) { try { if (!CheckCaptcha(captcha, token)) { return(-2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) || code.Length != 12) { return(-55); } var result = TransactionDAO.InputCode(AccountSession.AccountID, AccountSession.AccountName, code); if (result == null || result.Gold <= 0) { return(-56); } return(result.Gold); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-56); }
private void btnEdit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (var transdao = new TransactionDAO()) { if (dgvData.SelectedRows != null) { DataGridViewRow row = dgvData.CurrentRow; foreach (var item in listAwal) { if (item.SubCategory.ToString() == row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() && item.Amount.ToString() == row.Cells[2].Value.ToString() && item.Note.ToString() == row.Cells[3].Value.ToString()) { this.Hide(); new FrmAddTransaction(user, ComboIn, ComboEx, true, item).ShowDialog(); this.Show(); } } } } FrmDetailTransaksi_Load(null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public void LoadDataBranchData(int branch_id) { List <string[]> list = new TransactionDAO().getTransactionsGroupedByDate(branch_id); string[] dates = new string[list.Count]; int[] total = new int[list.Count]; int i = 0; foreach (string[] item in list) { string dateString = item[0]; DateTime dateFromString = DateTime.Parse(dateString, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); dates[i] = dateFromString.Year.ToString() + "/" + dateFromString.Month + "/" + dateFromString.Day; total[i] = int.Parse(item[1]); i++; } var series = new Series("Total"); series.Points.DataBindXY(dates, total); chartDailyTotal.Series.Clear(); chartDailyTotal.Series.Add(series); }
public FrmReportStock() { InitializeComponent(); _itmDAO = new ItemDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _transDAO = new TransactionDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); }
public dynamic GetTransactionFees(int month, int year) { DateTime start = new DateTime(year, month, 1); DateTime end = new DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); return(TransactionDAO.GetTransactionFees(start, end)); }
public string ReturnFromKitchen(Transaction aTransaction) { string sr = ""; try { TransactionDAO aDao = new TransactionDAO(); aDao.InsertTransactionForReport(aTransaction); StockBLL aBll = new StockBLL(); Stock dStock = new Stock(); dStock = aTransaction.Stock; aBll.InsertStockOrUpdate(dStock); Stock cStock = new Stock(); cStock = aTransaction.Stock; cStock.Stocks *= -1; aBll.UpdateKitchenStockByStockId(cStock); sr = "Insert Successfully"; } catch { sr = "Plz Try again"; } return(sr); }
public FrmReportIN() { InitializeComponent(); _suppDAO = new SupplierDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _transDAO = new TransactionDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); }
private void btnConfirm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtDelete.Text.Trim() == "") { MessageBox.Show("Please type the required string !", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (txtDelete.Text != "DELETE MY ACCOUNT") { MessageBox.Show("Confirmation string is wrong ! Remember to use capslock. ", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else if (txtDelete.Text == "DELETE MY ACCOUNT") { try { using (var transdao = new TransactionDAO()) { transdao.DeleteAllTransactionsByID(user.ID); } using (var userdao = new UserDAO()) { userdao.Delete(user); } MessageBox.Show("Account Deleted !", this.Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); Boolean = true; this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } }
public CashoutModel Cashout(int cardType, int prize) { try { List <CardConfig> data = TransactionDAO.GetCardConfigs().ToList(); var d = data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == cardType && x.Prize == prize); if (d == null) { return new CashoutModel { Status = -100 } } ; return(TransactionDAO.Cashout(AccountSession.AccountID, AccountSession.AccountName, cardType, prize, prize * (d.CashoutRate - d.Promotion) / 100)); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(new CashoutModel { Status = -99 }); }
public int topupPostBackGA(int card_id, string phoneNum, string result, int menhGiaThe, int menhGiaDK, int menhGiaThuc, string status, string requestId) { try { int stt = -1; if (status == "success") { stt = 1; } var his = TransactionDAO.GetTopupHistory(requestId); if (his != null) { List <CardConfig> data = TransactionDAO.GetCardConfigs().ToList(); var d = data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == his.CardType && x.Prize == menhGiaThuc); if (d == null) { d = new CardConfig(); } long exchangeValue = menhGiaThuc * d.TopupRate / 100; exchangeValue += (exchangeValue * d.Promotion / 100); //TransactionDAO.UpdatePayResult(id, status, amount); TransactionDAO.RetopupCard(requestId, menhGiaThuc, exchangeValue, stt); } return(1); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(-99); }
public string callbackbb2d([FromBody] paybb2dCallBack pay) { NLogManager.LogMessage(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pay)); try { var his = TransactionDAO.GetTopupHistory(pay.RefCode); if (his != null) { List <CardConfig> data = TransactionDAO.GetCardConfigs().ToList(); var d = data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == his.CardType && x.Prize == pay.Amount); if (d == null) { d = new CardConfig(); } long exchangeValue = pay.Amount * d.TopupRate / 100; exchangeValue += (exchangeValue * d.Promotion / 100); if (pay.Status != 1 && pay.Status > 0) { pay.Status *= -1; } TransactionDAO.UpdatePayResult(pay.RefCode, pay.Status, pay.Amount); TransactionDAO.RetopupCard(pay.RefCode, pay.Amount, exchangeValue, pay.Status); } return("1|success"); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return("-1|failed"); }
public string callbackgg([FromBody] PayGooglesCallback pay) { NLogManager.LogMessage("CALLBACK PAY GG: " + JsonConvert.SerializeObject(pay)); try { var his = TransactionDAO.GetTopupHistory(pay.transaction_id); if (his != null) { List <CardConfig> data = TransactionDAO.GetCardConfigs().ToList(); var d = data.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == his.CardType && x.Prize == pay.amount); if (d == null) { d = new CardConfig(); } long exchangeValue = pay.amount * d.TopupRate / 100; exchangeValue += (exchangeValue * d.Promotion / 100); if (pay.error_code != 1 && pay.error_code > 0) { pay.error_code *= -1; } TransactionDAO.UpdatePayResult(pay.transaction_id, pay.error_code, pay.amount); TransactionDAO.RetopupCard(pay.transaction_id, pay.amount, exchangeValue, pay.error_code); } return("1|success"); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return("-1|failed"); }
private void addproductbtn_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { TransactionDAO transactionDAO = new TransactionDAO(); Transaction transaction = new Transaction(); transaction.Code = code; transaction.Quantity = int.Parse(this.quantity.Text); this.message.ForeColor = Color.OrangeRed; try { if (transaction.Product.Quantity < transaction.Quantity) { throw new INSUFFICIENT_QUANTITY("There's not a susfficiant Quantity to accept your transaction"); } transactionDAO.updateTransaction(transaction); this.message.Text = "The Selected Transaction Has Been Updated With Success"; }catch (INSUFFICIENT_QUANTITY exception) { this.message.Text = "An Error Has Occured While Updating The Selected Transaction"; string title = "Exception"; string message = exception.Message; MessageBox.Show(message, title); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Eve Market Discovery"); Console.WriteLine("-------------------------"); var transactionDAO = new TransactionDAO(); //long jitaRegionId = 10000002; //long amarrRegionId = 10000043; //long heimatarRegionId - rens = 10000030; //long metropolisRegionId - hek = 10000042; Console.WriteLine("Getting cached data. This can take awhile..."); int itemLimit = -1; var eveMarketData = new EveMarketData(itemLimit); Console.WriteLine("Cache loaded.."); Console.WriteLine("Press [H] For History Analysis. Press [O] For Order Analysis"); var @char = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar; if (@char == 'h') { GetHistoryAnalysis(eveMarketData, itemLimit); } else if (@char == 'o') { GetOrderAnalysis(eveMarketData, itemLimit); } Console.ReadLine(); }
private void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (var transdao = new TransactionDAO()) { if (dgvData.SelectedRows != null) { DataGridViewRow row = dgvData.CurrentRow; foreach (var item in listAwal) { if (item.SubCategory.ToString() == row.Cells[1].Value.ToString() && item.Amount.ToString() == row.Cells[2].Value.ToString() && item.Note.ToString() == row.Cells[3].Value.ToString()) { DialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this transaction ?", "Delete Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (DialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { transdao.Delete(item); } break; } } } } FrmDetailTransaksi_Load(null, null); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public dynamic GetDashboard(int month, int year) { try { var result = new List <AgencyCashFlow>(); var refundLogs = new List <RefundLog>(); var transactionLogs = new List <TransactionLog>(); int from = int.Parse($"{year.ToString("D4")}{month.ToString("D2")}01"); DateTime _end = new DateTime(year, month, 1).AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1); int to = int.Parse($"{year.ToString("D4")}{month.ToString("D2")}{_end.Day.ToString("D2")}"); var agencies = new List <Ag>(); var curLevel = UserContext.UserInfo.GroupID; if (curLevel == 0) { agencies = AgencyDAO.GetAgencies(null); refundLogs = TransactionDAO.GetRefundLogs(null, from, to); transactionLogs = TransactionDAO.GetTransactionLogs(null, from, to); } else { var curId = UserContext.UserInfo.AccountID; agencies = AgencyDAO.GetAgencies(curId); refundLogs = TransactionDAO.GetRefundLogs(curId, from, to); transactionLogs = TransactionDAO.GetTransactionLogs(curId, from, to); } var rootAgenciesId = agencies.Select(x => x.GameAccountId); foreach (var item in agencies) { var trf = refundLogs.Where(x => x.AccountId == item.ID).Sum(x => x.TotalRefund); var totalGold = transactionLogs.Where(x => (x.SenderID == item.GameAccountId && !rootAgenciesId.Contains(x.RecvID)) || (x.RecvID == item.GameAccountId && !rootAgenciesId.Contains(x.SenderID))).Sum(x => x.Amount); var transactionCount = transactionLogs.Where(x => (x.SenderID == item.GameAccountId && !rootAgenciesId.Contains(x.RecvID)) || (x.RecvID == item.GameAccountId && !rootAgenciesId.Contains(x.SenderID))).Count(); var statisticItem = new AgencyCashFlow { Displayname = item.Displayname, Gold = item.Gold, LockedGold = item.LockedGold, TotalGold = totalGold, TRF = trf, TRF2 = 0, TransactionCount = transactionCount, Level = item.Level }; result.Add(statisticItem); } return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(null); }
public bool GetOTP(long accountId, string tel) { try { var status = OTP.OTP.GenerateOTP(accountId, tel); NLogManager.LogMessage("OTP Agency: " + status); if (int.Parse(status) < 0) { return(false); } bool deduct = TransactionDAO.DeductGold(accountId, 1000, "Phí dịch vụ OTP", 2); if (!deduct) { NLogManager.LogMessage("Tru phi dich vu OTP dai ly that bai: " + accountId); return(false); } SmsService.SendMessage(tel, $"Ma xac nhan: " + status); return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(false); }
public bool UpdateState(long transId, int state) { try { if (UserContext.UserInfo.GroupID != 0) { var agencyAccount = AgencyDAO.GetById(UserContext.UserInfo.AccountID); if (agencyAccount == null) { return(false); } TransactionDAO.UpdateState(transId, state, agencyAccount.GameAccountId); } else { TransactionDAO.UpdateStateAdmin(transId, state); } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(false); }
private void GetData() { DBHelper helper = null; helper = new DBHelper(_conStrPortalDbRoot); DataTable dt; long accID = 0; var query = ""; if (_id > 0) { var account = AgencyDAO.GetById(_id); if (UserContext.UserInfo.GroupID == 0) { if (account != null) { if (account.IsAgency == true) { accID = account.ID; } } } else { if (account != null) { if (account.IsAgency == true) { var agencyInfo = TransactionDAO.GetAgencyInfo(account.GameAccountId); if (agencyInfo != null && agencyInfo.Creator == UserContext.UserInfo.AccountID) { accID = account.GameAccountId; } } } } } else { var agency = AgencyDAO.GetById(UserContext.UserInfo.AccountID); accID = agency.GameAccountId; } if (_type == 0) { query = $"select top 1000 * from ag.[Transaction] where {accID} in (SenderID, RecvID) and CreatedTimeInt >= {_start} and CreatedTimeInt <= {_end} order by id desc"; } else if (_type == 1) { query = $"select top 1000 * from ag.[Transaction] where RecvID = {accID} and CreatedTimeInt >= {_start} and CreatedTimeInt <= {_end} order by id desc"; } else { query = $"select top 1000 * from ag.[Transaction] where SenderID = {accID} and CreatedTimeInt >= {_start} and CreatedTimeInt <= {_end} order by id desc"; } dt = helper.GetDataTable(query); CreateSheet("Lịch sử giao dịch", dt); }
public List <Transaction> GetTransactionBetweenDate(DateTime fromdate, DateTime todate) { List <Transaction> aTransactions = new List <Transaction>(); TransactionDAO aTransactionDao = new TransactionDAO(); aTransactions = aTransactionDao.GetTransactionBetweenDate(fromdate, todate); return(aTransactions); }
public List <PlayLog> GetPlayLog() { try { var accountId = AccountSession.AccountID; var trans = TransactionDAO.GetGameGoldTransaction_v1(accountId, 200); return(trans.Select(x => new PlayLog() { Amount = x.Amount, Balance = x.Balance, CreatedTime = x.CreatedTime, ID = x.ID, GameName = x.GameName, Type = x.Type }).ToList()); //var games = GameDAO.GameList(accountId); //var linq = (from item in trans // join game in games on item.GameId equals game.ID // into plays // from play in plays.DefaultIfEmpty() // select new // { // ID = item.ID, // GameName = play.Name, // CreatedTime = item.CreatedTime, // Amount = item.Amount, // Balance = item.Balance, // Type = item.Type // }).Select(x => new PlayLog { // ID = x.ID, // GameName = x.GameName, // CreatedTime = x.CreatedTime, // Amount = x.Amount, // Balance = x.Balance, // Type = x.Type // }); //return linq.ToList(); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); NLogManager.LogError("ERROR GetPlayLog: " + ex); } return(null); }
public FrmTransaction(bool itemOUT) { InitializeComponent(); _itemDAO = new ItemDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _suppDAO = new SupplierDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _transDAO = new TransactionDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); _custDAO = new CustomerDAO(Setting.GetConnectionString()); this.dgvItemData.AutoGenerateColumns = false; _itemOUT = itemOUT; }
public dynamic GetListTransactionFee(long id) { try { return(TransactionDAO.Search(id)); } catch (Exception ex) { NLogManager.PublishException(ex); } return(null); }
private void updateTransactionScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { TransactionDAO transactionDAO = new TransactionDAO(); Transaction transaction = transactionDAO.GetTransaction(code); this.statusLabel.Text = "Update Transaction"; this.statusStrip1.Refresh(); this.transactionCode.Enabled = false; this.transactionCode.Text = code; this.product.Text = transaction.Product.Name; this.client.Text = transaction.Client.Name; }
/// <summary> /// inserts user details & retreives orderID /// </summary> /// <param name="userTransaction">TransactionDAO</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetOrderId(TransactionDAO userTransaction) { ITransactionDatabaseService transactionDatabaseService = null; try { transactionDatabaseService = DBDelegateFactory.Current.TransactionDatabaseService; return transactionDatabaseService.GetOrderId(userTransaction); } finally { transactionDatabaseService = null; } }
/// <summary> /// inserts user details & retreives orderID /// </summary> /// <param name="userTransaction">TransactionDAO</param> /// <returns></returns> public string GetOrderId(TransactionDAO userTransaction) { using (TransactionScope tranScope = new TransactionScope()) { Database database = null; DbCommand insertCommand = null; DataSet dataset = null; try { database = DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(); insertCommand = database.GetStoredProcCommand("uspGetOrderId"); database.AddInParameter(insertCommand, "@userId", DbType.String,userTransaction.UserID); database.AddInParameter(insertCommand, "@address", DbType.String,userTransaction.DeliveryAddress); dataset = database.ExecuteDataSet(insertCommand); tranScope.Complete(); return dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0][0].ToString(); } catch (SqlException ex) { SpencerLogger.Error("UserDetailsDBLL->GetOrderId()", ex); throw new BaseException("DBSelect"); } catch (Exception ex) { SpencerLogger.Error("UserDetailsDatabaseService->GetOrderId()", ex); throw new BaseException("DBInsert"); } finally { if (insertCommand.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Open) insertCommand.Connection.Close(); insertCommand = null; database = null; } } }