コード例 #1
        // Loads an Image from a File by invoking GDI Plus instead of using build-in
        // .NET methods, or falls back to Image.FromFile. GDI Plus should be faster.
        public static Image LoadImageFastFromFile(string filename)
            IntPtr imagePtr = IntPtr.Zero;
            Image  image    = null;

                if (GdipLoadImageFromFile(filename, out imagePtr) != 0)
                    image = LoadImageSafe(filename);

                    image = (Image)typeof(Bitmap).InvokeMember("FromGDIplus", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, null, new object[] { imagePtr });
            catch (Exception e)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Failed to load image {0}: {1}", filename, e.Message);
                image = null;

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Download an image if it does not exist locally
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">Online URL of image to download</param>
        /// <param name="localFile">Local filename to save image</param>
        /// <returns>true if image downloads successfully or loads from disk successfully</returns>
        public static bool DownloadImage(string url, string localFile)
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

            webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", TraktSettings.UserAgent);

                if (!File.Exists(localFile))
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Downloading new image. Url = '{0}', Filename = '{1}'", url, localFile);
                    webClient.DownloadFile(url, localFile);
            catch (Exception)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Image download failed. Url = '{0}', Filename = '{1}'", url, localFile);
                try { if (File.Exists(localFile))
                } catch { }
コード例 #3
        static void PlayTrailer(string url, PlayerFactory factory, bool?preparedPlayerResult)
            if (preparedPlayerResult != null)
                (factory.PreparedPlayer as OVSPLayer).GoFullscreen = true;

                var savedFactory = g_Player.Factory;
                g_Player.Factory = factory;

                    g_Player.Play(factory.PreparedUrl, g_Player.MediaType.Video);
                catch (Exception e)
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Exception while playing trailer: {0}", e.Message);
                g_Player.Factory = savedFactory;
                GUIUtils.ShowNotifyDialog(GUI.Translation.Error, GUI.Translation.UnableToPlayTrailer);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all Skin Settings
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        public static void Load(string filename)
            // Check if File Exist
            if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filename))
                TraktLogger.Warning("Trakt Skin Settings does not exist!");

            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            catch (XmlException e)
                TraktLogger.Error("Cannot Load skin settings xml file!: {0}", e.Message);

            // Read and Import Skin Settings

            // Read Dashboard Skin Setings
コード例 #5
        static string LoadFileCache(string filename, string defaultValue)
            string returnValue = defaultValue;

                if (File.Exists(filename))
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Loading file from disk. Filename = '{0}'", filename);
                    returnValue = File.ReadAllText(filename, Encoding.UTF8);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnValue))
                        TraktLogger.Warning("Unexpected contents in file '{0}', restoring default value", filename);
                        returnValue = defaultValue;
            catch (Exception e)
                TraktLogger.Error(string.Format("Error loading file from disk. Filename = '{0}', Error = '{1}'", filename, e.Message));

コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Shows the Rate Episode Dialog after playback has ended
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="episode">The episode being rated</param>
        private void ShowRateDialog(FileLocal episode)
            new Thread((o) =>
                FileLocal epToRate = o as FileLocal;
                if (epToRate == null)

                string seriesid = null;
                int seasonidx   = 0;
                int episodeidx  = 0;

                if (epToRate.AnimeEpisodes == null || epToRate.AnimeEpisodes.Count == 0 || !GetTVDBEpisodeInfo(epToRate.AnimeEpisodes[0], out seriesid, out seasonidx, out episodeidx))
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Unable to rate episode, no AniDb/TVDb reference in database yet.");

                if (!TraktSettings.ShowRateDialogOnWatched)
                    return;                                                  // not enabled
                if (epToRate.AnimeEpisodes[0].UserRating > 0)
                    return;                                                  // already rated
                TraktLogger.Debug("Showing rate dialog for '{0}'", epToRate.AnimeEpisodes[0].EpisodeName);

                TraktRateEpisode rateObject = new TraktRateEpisode
                    Title    = epToRate.AniDB_File.AnimeSeries.SeriesName,
                    Year     = GetStartYear(epToRate.AniDB_File.AnimeSeries),
                    Season   = seasonidx.ToString(),
                    Episode  = episodeidx.ToString(),
                    SeriesID = seriesid,
                    UserName = TraktSettings.Username,
                    Password = TraktSettings.Password

                // get the rating submitted to trakt
                int rating = int.Parse(GUIUtils.ShowRateDialog <TraktRateEpisode>(rateObject));

                if (rating > 0)
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Rating {0} as {1}/10", epToRate.AnimeEpisodes[0].EpisodeName, rating.ToString());
                    // note: can't set rating locally as its read only
                Name         = "Rate",
                IsBackground = true
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Sync Data based on Series object and a List of Episode objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="series">The series to base the object on</param>
        /// <param name="epsiodes">The list of episodes to base the object on</param>
        /// <returns>The Trakt Sync data to send</returns>
        private TraktEpisodeSync CreateSyncData(AnimeSeries series, List <FileLocal> episodes)
            if (series == null || series.TvDB_ID == null)

            // set series properties for episodes
            TraktEpisodeSync traktSync = new TraktEpisodeSync
                Password = TraktSettings.Password,
                UserName = TraktSettings.Username,
                SeriesID = series.TvDB_ID.ToString(),
                Year     = GetStartYear(series),
                Title    = series.SeriesName

            // get list of episodes for series
            List <TraktEpisodeSync.Episode> epList = new List <TraktEpisodeSync.Episode>();

            foreach (FileLocal file in episodes.Where(e => (e.AniDB_File != null && e.AniDB_File.AnimeSeries.TvDB_ID == series.TvDB_ID)))
                TraktEpisodeSync.Episode episode = new TraktEpisodeSync.Episode();

                // can have multiple episodes linked to a file?
                foreach (var ep in file.AnimeEpisodes)
                    string seriesid   = series.TvDB_ID.ToString();
                    int    seasonidx  = 0;
                    int    episodeidx = 0;

                    if (GetTVDBEpisodeInfo(ep, out seriesid, out seasonidx, out episodeidx))
                        episode.SeasonIndex  = seasonidx.ToString();
                        episode.EpisodeIndex = episodeidx.ToString();
                        TraktLogger.Info("Unable to find match for episode: '{0} | airDate: {1}'", ep.ToString(), ep.AniDB_Episode.AirDateAsDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            if (epList.Count == 0)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Unable to find any matching TVDb episodes for series '{0}', confirm Absolute Order and/or Episode Names and/or AirDates for episodes are correct on http://theTVDb.com and your database.", series.SeriesName);

            traktSync.EpisodeList = epList;
コード例 #8
        public bool Scrobble(string filename)

            if (!g_Player.IsTVRecording)

            // get recording details from tv database
            TvBusinessLayer layer     = new TvBusinessLayer();
            Recording       recording = layer.GetRecordingByFileName(filename);

            if (recording == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(recording.Title))
                TraktLogger.Warning("Unable to get recording details from database");

            // get year from title if available, some EPG entries contain this
            string title = null;
            string year  = null;

            BasicHandler.GetTitleAndYear(recording.Title, out title, out year);

            CurrentRecording = new VideoInfo
                Type         = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(recording.EpisodeNum) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(recording.SeriesNum) ? VideoType.Series : VideoType.Movie,
                Title        = title,
                Year         = year,
                SeasonIdx    = recording.SeriesNum,
                EpisodeIdx   = recording.EpisodeNum,
                IsScrobbling = true

            TraktLogger.Info("Current program details. Title='{0}', Year='{1}', Season='{2}', Episode='{3}', StartTime='{4}', Runtime='{5}'", CurrentRecording.Title, CurrentRecording.Year.ToLogString(), CurrentRecording.SeasonIdx.ToLogString(), CurrentRecording.EpisodeIdx.ToLogString(), CurrentRecording.StartTime == null ? "<empty>" : CurrentRecording.StartTime.ToString(), CurrentRecording.Runtime);

            if (CurrentRecording.Type == VideoType.Series)
                TraktLogger.Info("Detected tv show playing in TV Recordings. Title = '{0}'", CurrentRecording.ToString());
                TraktLogger.Info("Detected movie playing in TV Recordings. Title = '{0}'", CurrentRecording.ToString());


コード例 #9
        private static string ValidateLayoutType(string layout)
            switch (layout.ToLowerInvariant())
            case "list":

            case "smallicons":

            case "largeicons":

            case "filmstrip":

                TraktLogger.Warning("Invalid MediaPortal layout '{0}' defined in the skin settings", layout);
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an image FAST from file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filename"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Image LoadImage(string file)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(file) || !File.Exists(file))

            Image img = null;

                img = ImageFast.FromFile(file);
                // Most likely a Zero Byte file but not always
                TraktLogger.Warning("Fast loading of texture {0} failed - trying safe fallback now", file);
                try { img = Image.FromFile(file); } catch { }

コード例 #11
        public static void SetProperty(string property, string value, bool log)
            // prevent ugly display of property names
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                value = " ";

            GUIPropertyManager.SetProperty(property, value);

            if (log)
                if (GUIPropertyManager.Changed)
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Set property \"" + property + "\" to \"" + value + "\" successful");
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Set property \"" + property + "\" to \"" + value + "\" failed");
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sends a Thread message to select an item on a facade object. Will only send if itemid parameter is currently selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="self">the list object</param>
        /// <param name="windowId">the window id containing list control</param>
        /// <param name="index">the item id in list to check if selected</param>
        /// <param name="controlId">the id of the list control, defaults to 50</param>
        public static void UpdateItemIfSelected(this GUIListItem self, int windowId, int index, int controlId = 50)
            if (GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow != windowId)

                GUIListItem selectedItem = GUIControl.GetSelectedListItem(windowId, controlId);

                // only send message if the current item is selected
                if (selectedItem == self)
                    GUIWindowManager.SendThreadMessage(new GUIMessage(GUIMessage.MessageType.GUI_MSG_ITEM_SELECT, GUIWindowManager.ActiveWindow, 0, controlId, index, 0, null));
            catch (Exception)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Unable to update selected facade item, MediaPortal could not get a reference");
コード例 #13
        public static string Encrypt(this string plainText, string passPhrase)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plainText))

                byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
                using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
                    byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
                    using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
                        symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
                        using (ICryptoTransform encryptor = symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
                            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
                                using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
                                    cryptoStream.Write(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
                                    byte[] cipherTextBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Failed to encyrpt password!. Reason = '{0}'", ex.Message);
コード例 #14
        private TraktEpisodeScrobble CreateScrobbleData(FileLocal episode)
            string seriesid   = null;
            int    seasonidx  = 0;
            int    episodeidx = 0;

            if (episode.AnimeEpisodes == null || episode.AnimeEpisodes.Count == 0 || !GetTVDBEpisodeInfo(episode.AnimeEpisodes[0], out seriesid, out seasonidx, out episodeidx))
                TraktLogger.Warning("Unable to scrobble episodes, no AniDb/TVDb reference in database yet. Episode will be manually marked as seen on sync when available.");

            // create scrobble data
                TraktEpisodeScrobble scrobbleData = new TraktEpisodeScrobble
                    Title                = episode.AniDB_File.AnimeSeries.SeriesName,
                    Year                 = GetStartYear(episode.AniDB_File.AnimeSeries),
                    Season               = seasonidx.ToString(),
                    Episode              = episodeidx.ToString(),
                    SeriesID             = seriesid,
                    PluginVersion        = TraktSettings.Version,
                    MediaCenter          = "Mediaportal",
                    MediaCenterVersion   = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(),
                    MediaCenterBuildDate = String.Empty,
                    UserName             = TraktSettings.Username,
                    Password             = TraktSettings.Password

                TraktLogger.Error("Failed to create scrobble data for '{0}'", episode.ToString());
コード例 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Download an image if it does not exist locally
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">Online URL of image to download</param>
        /// <param name="localFile">Local filename to save image</param>
        /// <returns>true if image downloads successfully or loads from disk successfully</returns>
        public static bool DownloadImage(string url, string localFile)
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

            webClient.Headers.Add("user-agent", TraktSettings.UserAgent);

            // Ignore Image placeholders (series/movies with no artwork)
            // use skins default images instead
            if (url.Contains("poster-small") || url.Contains("fanart-summary"))
            if (url.Contains("poster-dark") || url.Contains("fanart-dark") || url.Contains("episode-dark"))

                if (!File.Exists(localFile))
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Downloading new image from: {0}", url);
                    webClient.DownloadFile(url, localFile);
            catch (Exception)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Image download failed from '{0}' to '{1}'", url, localFile);
                try { if (File.Exists(localFile))
                } catch { }
コード例 #16
        public static string Decrypt(this string cipherText, string passPhrase)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(cipherText))

                byte[] cipherTextBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
                using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
                    byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
                    using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
                        symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
                        using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
                            using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes))
                                using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
                                    byte[] plainTextBytes     = new byte[cipherTextBytes.Length];
                                    int    decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
                                    return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainTextBytes, 0, decryptedByteCount));
            catch (Exception ex)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Failed to decyrpt password!. Reason = '{0}'", ex.Message);
コード例 #17
        public static int LoadTranslations(string lang)
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
            Dictionary <string, string> TranslatedStrings = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            string langPath = string.Empty;

                langPath = Path.Combine(path, lang + ".xml");
            catch (Exception e)
                if (lang == "en")
                    return(0); // otherwise we are in an endless loop!
                if (e.GetType() == typeof(FileNotFoundException))
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Cannot find translation file {0}. Falling back to English", langPath);
                    TraktLogger.Error("Error in translation xml file: {0}. Falling back to English", lang);

            foreach (XmlNode stringEntry in doc.DocumentElement.ChildNodes)
                if (stringEntry.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                        string key = stringEntry.Attributes.GetNamedItem("name").Value;
                        if (!TranslatedStrings.ContainsKey(key))
                            TranslatedStrings.Add(key, stringEntry.InnerText.NormalizeTranslation());
                            TraktLogger.Error("Error in Translation Engine, the translation key '{0}' already exists.", key);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        TraktLogger.Error("Error in Translation Engine: {0}", ex.Message);

            Type TransType = typeof(Translation);

            FieldInfo[] fieldInfos = TransType.GetFields(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static);
            foreach (FieldInfo fi in fieldInfos)
                if (TranslatedStrings != null && TranslatedStrings.ContainsKey(fi.Name))
                    TransType.InvokeMember(fi.Name, BindingFlags.SetField, null, TransType, new object[] { TranslatedStrings[fi.Name] });
                    TraktLogger.Info("Translation not found for field: {0}. Using hard-coded English default.", fi.Name);
コード例 #18
        public void SyncProgress()
            if (!TraktSettings.SyncPlayback || SyncPlaybackInProgress)

            SyncPlaybackInProgress = true;

            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Starting Playback Sync");

            // get playback data from trakt
            string lastPausedAtMovie;
            var    playbackData = TraktCache.GetPausedMovies(out lastPausedAtMovie);

            if (playbackData == null)
                TraktLogger.Warning("Failed to get resume data from trakt.tv");
                SyncPlaybackInProgress = false;

            DateTime lastPausedItemProcessed;

            DateTime.TryParse(lastPausedAtMovie, out lastPausedItemProcessed);
            TraktLogger.Info("Found {0} movies on trakt.tv with resume data, processing paused movies after {1}", playbackData.Where(p => p.Type == "movie").Count(), lastPausedAtMovie);

            foreach (var item in playbackData.Where(p => p.Type == "movie"))
                DateTime itemPausedAt;
                if (DateTime.TryParse(item.PausedAt, out itemPausedAt))
                    // check if we need to process
                    if (itemPausedAt <= lastPausedItemProcessed)

                // get movie from local database if it exists
                var movie = GetMovies().FirstOrDefault(m => ((m.IMDBNumber == item.Movie.Ids.Imdb) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Movie.Ids.Imdb) ||
                                                             m.Title.ToLowerInvariant() == item.Movie.Title.ToLowerInvariant() && m.Year == item.Movie.Year));

                if (movie == null)

                // if the local playtime is not known then skip
                if (movie.Duration <= 0)
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Skipping item with invalid runtime in database, Title = '{0}', Year = '{1}', IMDb ID = '{2}'", item.Movie.Title, item.Movie.Year, item.Movie.Ids.Imdb);

                // update the stop time based on percentage watched
                // the video database stores duration in seconds (runtime in minutes if duration not available) and stopTime in secs
                var resumeData = Convert.ToInt32(movie.Duration * (item.Progress / 100.0)) - TraktSettings.SyncResumeDelta;
                if (resumeData < 0)
                    resumeData = 0;

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(movie.VideoFileName))
                    TraktLogger.Warning("Skipping item with invalid filename in database, Title = '{0}', Year = '{1}', IMDb ID = '{2}'", item.Movie.Title, item.Movie.Year, item.Movie.Ids.Imdb);

                // if we are syncing on plugin entry we could possibly still be sending paused data to trakt
                // after stopping video (stopping video == re-entry to plugin), prevent possibly reverting stale resumed data
                // we already have updated resume data when stopping video in real-time
                if (TraktSettings.SyncPlaybackOnEnterPlugin && LastMovie != null && LastMovie.VideoFileName == movie.VideoFileName)

                // check if movie is restricted
                if (TraktSettings.BlockedFilenames.Any(f => f == movie.VideoFileName) || TraktSettings.BlockedFolders.Any(f => f == Path.GetDirectoryName(movie.VideoFileName)))
                    TraktLogger.Info("Ignoring resume data sync for movie, filename/folder is ignored by user. Title = '{0}', Year = '{1}', IMDb ID = '{2}', Filename = '{3}'", item.Movie.Title, item.Movie.Year, item.Movie.Ids.Imdb, movie.VideoFileName);

                // Get FileId from filename
                int fileId = VideoDatabase.GetMovieId(movie.VideoFileName);

                // get current stop time for movie
                int currentResumeData = VideoDatabase.GetMovieStopTime(fileId);

                if (currentResumeData != resumeData)
                    // Note: will need to be a bit smarter for multi-part files (who the heck still does that!)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Setting resume time '{0}' for movie, Title = '{1}', Year = '{2}', IMDb ID = '{3}'", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, resumeData), item.Movie.Title, item.Movie.Year, item.Movie.Ids.Imdb);

                    VideoDatabase.SetMovieStopTime(fileId, resumeData);

            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Playback Sync Completed");
            SyncPlaybackInProgress = false;
コード例 #19
        public void SyncLibrary()
            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Starting Sync");

            if (TraktSettings.SyncLibrary)
                // get all movies
                ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();
                VideoDatabase.GetMovies(ref myvideos);

                List <IMDBMovie> MovieList = (from IMDBMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList();

                #region Remove Blocked Movies
                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => TraktSettings.BlockedFolders.Any(f => m.Path.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(f.ToLowerInvariant())));

                List <int> blockedMovieIds = new List <int>();
                foreach (string file in TraktSettings.BlockedFilenames)
                    int pathId  = 0;
                    int movieId = 0;

                    // get a list of ids for blocked filenames
                    // filename seems to always be empty for an IMDBMovie object!
                    if (VideoDatabase.GetFile(file, out pathId, out movieId, false) > 0)
                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => blockedMovieIds.Contains(m.ID));

                #region Skipped Movies Check
                // Remove Skipped Movies from previous Sync
                if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies != null)
                    // allow movies to re-sync again after 7-days in the case user has addressed issue ie. edited movie or added to themoviedb.org
                    if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch() > DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)))
                        if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Skipping {0} movies due to invalid data or movies don't exist on http://themoviedb.org. Next check will be {1}.", TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count, TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch().Add(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)));
                            foreach (var movie in TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies)
                                TraktLogger.Info("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                                MovieList.RemoveAll(m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID));
                        if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null)
                        TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync = DateTime.UtcNow.ToEpoch();

                #region Already Exists Movie Check
                // Remove Already-Exists Movies, these are typically movies that are using aka names and no IMDb/TMDb set
                // When we compare our local collection with trakt collection we have english only titles, so if no imdb/tmdb exists
                // we need to fallback to title matching. When we sync aka names are sometimes accepted if defined on themoviedb.org so we need to
                // do this to revent syncing these movies every sync interval.
                if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                    TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping {0} movies as they already exist in trakt library but failed local match previously.", TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count.ToString());
                    var movies = new List <TraktMovieSync.Movie>(TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies);
                    foreach (var movie in movies)
                        Predicate <IMDBMovie> criteria = m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID);
                        if (MovieList.Exists(criteria))
                            TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                            // remove as we have now removed from our local collection or updated movie signature
                            if (TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                                TraktLogger.Debug("Removing 'AlreadyExists' movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);

                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies available to sync in My Videos database", MovieList.Count.ToString());

                // get the movies that we have watched
                List <IMDBMovie> SeenList = MovieList.Where(m => m.Watched > 0).ToList();

                TraktLogger.Info("{0} watched movies available to sync in My Videos database", SeenList.Count.ToString());

                // get the movies that we have yet to watch
                TraktLogger.Info("Getting user {0}'s movies from trakt", TraktSettings.Username);
                IEnumerable <TraktLibraryMovies> traktMoviesAll = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetAllMoviesForUser(TraktSettings.Username);
                if (traktMoviesAll == null)
                    TraktLogger.Error("Error getting movies from trakt server, cancelling sync.");
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies in trakt library", traktMoviesAll.Count().ToString());

                #region Movies to Sync to Collection
                List <IMDBMovie>          moviesToSync            = new List <IMDBMovie>(MovieList);
                List <TraktLibraryMovies> NoLongerInOurCollection = new List <TraktLibraryMovies>();
                //Filter out a list of movies we have already sync'd in our collection
                foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll)
                    bool notInLocalCollection = true;
                    // if it is in both libraries
                    foreach (IMDBMovie libraryMovie in MovieList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                        // If the users IMDb Id is empty/invalid and we have matched one then set it
                        if (BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(tlm.IMDBID) && !BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(libraryMovie.IMDBNumber))
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' inserted IMDb Id '{1}'", libraryMovie.Title, tlm.IMDBID);
                            libraryMovie.IMDBNumber = tlm.IMDBID;
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);

                        // if it is watched in Trakt but not My Videos update
                        // skip if movie is watched but user wishes to have synced as unseen locally
                        if (tlm.Plays > 0 && !tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched == 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is watched on Trakt updating Database", libraryMovie.Title);
                            libraryMovie.Watched = 1;
                            if (libraryMovie.DateWatched == "0001-01-01 00:00:00")
                                libraryMovie.DateWatched = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);

                            if (libraryMovie.WatchedCount == 0)
                                VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedCount(libraryMovie.ID, tlm.Plays);
                                VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(libraryMovie.ID, true, 0);

                        // mark movies as unseen if watched locally
                        if (tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is unseen on Trakt, updating database", libraryMovie.Title);
                            libraryMovie.Watched = 0;
                            IMDBMovie details = libraryMovie;
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieInfoById(libraryMovie.ID, ref details);
                            VideoDatabase.SetMovieWatchedStatus(libraryMovie.ID, false, 0);

                        notInLocalCollection = false;

                        //filter out if its already in collection
                        if (tlm.InCollection)
                            moviesToSync.RemoveAll(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm));

                    if (notInLocalCollection && tlm.InCollection)

                #region Movies to Sync to Seen Collection
                // filter out a list of movies already marked as watched on trakt
                // also filter out movie marked as unseen so we dont reset the unseen cache online
                List <IMDBMovie> watchedMoviesToSync = new List <IMDBMovie>(SeenList);
                foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll.Where(t => t.Plays > 0 || t.UnSeen))
                    foreach (IMDBMovie watchedMovie in SeenList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                        //filter out

                #region Sync Collection to trakt
                //Send Library/Collection
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to Library", moviesToSync.Count.ToString());
                foreach (IMDBMovie m in moviesToSync)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt library, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber);

                if (moviesToSync.Count > 0)
                    TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(moviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.library);

                #region Sync Seen to trakt
                //Send Seen
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to SeenList", watchedMoviesToSync.Count.ToString());
                foreach (IMDBMovie m in watchedMoviesToSync)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt as seen, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber);

                if (watchedMoviesToSync.Count > 0)
                    TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(watchedMoviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.seen);

                #region Clean Library
                //Dont clean library if more than one movie plugin installed
                if (TraktSettings.KeepTraktLibraryClean && TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                    //Remove movies we no longer have in our local database from Trakt
                    foreach (var m in NoLongerInOurCollection)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Removing from Trakt Collection {0}", m.Title);

                    TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be removed from Trakt Collection", NoLongerInOurCollection.Count.ToString());

                    if (NoLongerInOurCollection.Count > 0)
                        if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                            TraktLogger.Warning("DISABLING CLEAN LIBRARY!!!, there are trakt library movies that can't be determined to be local in collection.");
                            TraktLogger.Warning("To fix this, check the 'already exist' entries in log, then check movies in local collection against this list and ensure IMDb id is set then run sync again.");
                            //Then remove from library
                            TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(BasicHandler.CreateMovieSyncData(NoLongerInOurCollection), TraktSyncModes.unlibrary);

            TraktLogger.Info("My Videos Sync Completed");
コード例 #20
        public void SyncLibrary()
            TraktLogger.Info("My Films Starting Sync");
            SyncInProgress = true;

            // get all movies
            ArrayList myvideos = new ArrayList();

            BaseMesFilms.GetMovies(ref myvideos);
            TraktLogger.Info("BaseMesFilms.GetMovies: returning " + myvideos.Count + " movies");

            List <MFMovie> MovieList = (from MFMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList();

            // Remove any blocked movies
            MovieList.RemoveAll(movie => TraktSettings.BlockedFolders.Any(f => movie.File.ToLowerInvariant().Contains(f.ToLowerInvariant())));
            MovieList.RemoveAll(movie => TraktSettings.BlockedFilenames.Contains(movie.File));

            #region Skipped Movies Check
            // Remove Skipped Movies from previous Sync
            if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies != null)
                // allow movies to re-sync again after 7-days in the case user has addressed issue ie. edited movie or added to themoviedb.org
                if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch() > DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)))
                    if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Skipping {0} movies due to invalid data or movies don't exist on http://themoviedb.org. Next check will be {1}.", TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies.Count, TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync.FromEpoch().Add(new TimeSpan(7, 0, 0, 0)));
                        foreach (var movie in TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                            MovieList.RemoveAll(m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID));
                    if (TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.Movies != null)
                    TraktSettings.SkippedMovies.LastSkippedSync = DateTime.UtcNow.ToEpoch();

            #region Already Exists Movie Check
            // Remove Already-Exists Movies, these are typically movies that are using aka names and no IMDb/TMDb set
            // When we compare our local collection with trakt collection we have english only titles, so if no imdb/tmdb exists
            // we need to fallback to title matching. When we sync aka names are sometimes accepted if defined on themoviedb.org so we need to
            // do this to revent syncing these movies every sync interval.
            if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping {0} movies as they already exist in trakt library but failed local match previously.", TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count.ToString());
                var movies = new List <TraktMovieSync.Movie>(TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies);
                foreach (var movie in movies)
                    Predicate <MFMovie> criteria = m => (m.Title == movie.Title) && (m.Year.ToString() == movie.Year) && (m.IMDBNumber == movie.IMDBID);
                    if (MovieList.Exists(criteria))
                        TraktLogger.Debug("Skipping movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);
                        // remove as we have now removed from our local collection or updated movie signature
                        if (TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                            TraktLogger.Debug("Removing 'AlreadyExists' movie, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}", movie.Title, movie.Year, movie.IMDBID);

            TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies available to sync in MyFilms database(s)", MovieList.Count.ToString());

            // get the movies that we have watched
            List <MFMovie> SeenList = MovieList.Where(m => m.Watched == true).ToList();

            TraktLogger.Info("{0} watched movies available to sync in MyFilms database(s)", SeenList.Count.ToString());

            // get the movies that we have yet to watch
            IEnumerable <TraktLibraryMovies> traktMoviesAll = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetAllMoviesForUser(TraktSettings.Username);
            if (traktMoviesAll == null)
                SyncInProgress = false;
                TraktLogger.Error("Error getting movies from trakt server, cancelling sync.");
            TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies in trakt library", traktMoviesAll.Count().ToString());

            #region Movies to Sync to Collection
            List <MFMovie>            moviesToSync            = new List <MFMovie>(MovieList);
            List <TraktLibraryMovies> NoLongerInOurCollection = new List <TraktLibraryMovies>();
            //Filter out a list of movies we have already sync'd in our collection
            foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll)
                bool notInLocalCollection = true;
                // if it is in both libraries
                foreach (MFMovie libraryMovie in MovieList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                    // If the users IMDb Id is empty/invalid and we have matched one then set it
                    if (BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(tlm.IMDBID) && !BasicHandler.IsValidImdb(libraryMovie.IMDBNumber))
                        TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' inserted IMDb Id '{1}'", libraryMovie.Title, tlm.IMDBID);
                        libraryMovie.IMDBNumber = tlm.IMDBID;
                        libraryMovie.Username   = TraktSettings.Username;

                    // If the users TMDb Id is empty/invalid and we have one then set it
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(libraryMovie.TMDBNumber) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tlm.TMDBID))
                        TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' inserted TMDb Id '{1}'", libraryMovie.Title, tlm.TMDBID);
                        libraryMovie.TMDBNumber = tlm.TMDBID;
                        libraryMovie.Username   = TraktSettings.Username;

                    // if it is watched in Trakt but not My Films update
                    // skip if movie is watched but user wishes to have synced as unseen locally
                    if (tlm.Plays > 0 && !tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched == false)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is watched on Trakt updating Database", libraryMovie.Title);
                        libraryMovie.Watched      = true;
                        libraryMovie.WatchedCount = tlm.Plays;
                        libraryMovie.Username     = TraktSettings.Username;

                    // mark movies as unseen if watched locally
                    if (tlm.UnSeen && libraryMovie.Watched == true)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Movie '{0}' is unseen on Trakt, updating database", libraryMovie.Title);
                        libraryMovie.Watched      = false;
                        libraryMovie.WatchedCount = tlm.Plays;
                        libraryMovie.Username     = TraktSettings.Username;

                    notInLocalCollection = false;

                    //filter out if its already in collection
                    if (tlm.InCollection)
                        moviesToSync.RemoveAll(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm));

                if (notInLocalCollection && tlm.InCollection)

            #region Movies to Sync to Seen Collection
            // filter out a list of movies already marked as watched on trakt
            // also filter out movie marked as unseen so we dont reset the unseen cache online
            List <MFMovie> watchedMoviesToSync = new List <MFMovie>(SeenList);
            foreach (TraktLibraryMovies tlm in traktMoviesAll.Where(t => t.Plays > 0 || t.UnSeen))
                foreach (MFMovie watchedMovie in SeenList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, tlm)))
                    //filter out

            #region Send Library/Collection
            TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to Library", moviesToSync.Count.ToString());
            foreach (MFMovie m in moviesToSync)
                TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt library, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}, TMDb: {3}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber, m.TMDBNumber);

            if (moviesToSync.Count > 0)
                TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(moviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.library);

            #region Send Seen
            TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be added to SeenList", watchedMoviesToSync.Count.ToString());
            foreach (MFMovie m in watchedMoviesToSync)
                TraktLogger.Info("Sending movie to trakt as seen, Title: {0}, Year: {1}, IMDb: {2}, TMDb: {3}", m.Title, m.Year.ToString(), m.IMDBNumber, m.TMDBNumber);

            if (watchedMoviesToSync.Count > 0)
                TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(CreateSyncData(watchedMoviesToSync), TraktSyncModes.seen);

            #region Ratings Sync
            // only sync ratings if we are using Advanced Ratings
            if (TraktSettings.SyncRatings)
                var traktRatedMovies = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetUserRatedMovies(TraktSettings.Username);
                if (traktRatedMovies == null)
                    TraktLogger.Error("Error getting rated movies from trakt server.");
                    TraktLogger.Info("{0} rated movies in trakt library", traktRatedMovies.Count().ToString());

                if (traktRatedMovies != null)
                    // get the movies that we have rated/unrated
                    var RatedList   = MovieList.Where(m => m.RatingUser > 0.0).ToList();
                    var UnRatedList = MovieList.Except(RatedList).ToList();
                    TraktLogger.Info("{0} rated movies available to sync in MyFilms database", RatedList.Count.ToString());

                    List <MFMovie> ratedMoviesToSync = new List <MFMovie>(RatedList);
                    foreach (var trm in traktRatedMovies)
                        foreach (var movie in UnRatedList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm)))
                            // update local collection rating
                            TraktLogger.Info("Inserting rating '{0}/10' for movie '{1} ({2})'", trm.RatingAdvanced, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                            movie.RatingUser = trm.RatingAdvanced;
                            movie.Username   = TraktSettings.Username;

                        foreach (var movie in RatedList.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm)))
                            // if rating is not synced, update local collection rating to get in sync
                            if ((int)movie.RatingUser != trm.RatingAdvanced)
                                TraktLogger.Info("Updating rating '{0}/10' for movie '{1} ({2})'", trm.RatingAdvanced, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                                movie.RatingUser = trm.RatingAdvanced;
                                movie.Username   = TraktSettings.Username;

                            // already rated on trakt, so remove from sync collection

                    TraktLogger.Info("{0} rated movies to sync to trakt", ratedMoviesToSync.Count);
                    if (ratedMoviesToSync.Count > 0)
                        ratedMoviesToSync.ForEach(a => TraktLogger.Info("Importing rating '{0}/10' for movie '{1} ({2})'", a.RatingUser, a.Title, a.Year));
                        TraktResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.RateMovies(CreateRatingMoviesData(ratedMoviesToSync));

            #region Clean Library
            //Dont clean library if more than one movie plugin installed
            if (TraktSettings.KeepTraktLibraryClean && TraktSettings.MoviePluginCount == 1)
                //Remove movies we no longer have in our local database from Trakt
                foreach (var m in NoLongerInOurCollection)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Removing from Trakt Collection {0}", m.Title);

                TraktLogger.Info("{0} movies need to be removed from Trakt Collection", NoLongerInOurCollection.Count.ToString());

                if (NoLongerInOurCollection.Count > 0)
                    if (TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies != null && TraktSettings.AlreadyExistMovies.Movies.Count > 0)
                        TraktLogger.Warning("DISABLING CLEAN LIBRARY!!!, there are trakt library movies that can't be determined to be local in collection.");
                        TraktLogger.Warning("To fix this, check the 'already exist' entries in log, then check movies in local collection against this list and ensure IMDb id is set then run sync again.");
                        //Then remove from library
                        TraktSyncResponse response = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.SyncMovieLibrary(BasicHandler.CreateMovieSyncData(NoLongerInOurCollection), TraktSyncModes.unlibrary);

            #region Trakt Category Tags
            List <MFMovie> movieListAll = (from MFMovie movie in myvideos select movie).ToList(); // Add tags also to blocked movies, as it is only local
            // get the movies that locally have trakt categories
            var categoryTraktList = movieListAll.Where(m => m.CategoryTrakt.Count > 0).ToList();

            if (TraktSettings.MyFilmsCategories)
                TraktLogger.Info("{0} trakt-categorized movies available in MyFilms database", categoryTraktList.Count.ToString());

                #region update watchlist tags
                IEnumerable <TraktWatchListMovie> traktWatchListMovies = null;
                string Watchlist = Translation.WatchList;
                TraktLogger.Info("Retrieving watchlist from trakt");
                traktWatchListMovies = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetWatchListMovies(TraktSettings.Username);

                if (traktWatchListMovies != null)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Retrieved {0} watchlist items from trakt", traktWatchListMovies.Count());

                    var cleanupList = movieListAll.Where(m => m.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Watchlist)).ToList();
                    foreach (var trm in traktWatchListMovies)
                        TraktLogger.Debug("Processing trakt watchlist movie - Title '{0}', Year '{1}' Imdb '{2}'", trm.Title ?? "null", trm.Year, trm.IMDBID ?? "null");
                        foreach (var movie in movieListAll.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm)))
                            if (!movie.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Watchlist))
                                TraktLogger.Info("Inserting trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Watchlist, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                                movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;
                    // remove tag from remaining films
                    foreach (var movie in cleanupList)
                        TraktLogger.Info("Removing trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Watchlist, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                        movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;

                #region update user list tags
                IEnumerable <TraktUserList> traktUserLists = null;
                string Userlist = Translation.List;
                TraktLogger.Info("Retrieving user lists from trakt");
                traktUserLists = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetUserLists(TraktSettings.Username);

                if (traktUserLists != null)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Retrieved {0} user lists from trakt", traktUserLists.Count());

                    foreach (TraktUserList traktUserList in traktUserLists)
                        TraktUserList traktUserListMovies = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetUserList(TraktSettings.Username, traktUserList.Slug);
                        if (traktUserListMovies == null)

                        string userListName = Userlist + ": " + traktUserList.Name;
                        var    cleanupList  = movieListAll.Where(m => m.CategoryTrakt.Contains(userListName)).ToList();
                        TraktLogger.Info("Processing trakt user list '{0}' as tag '{1}' with '{2}' items", traktUserList.Name, userListName, traktUserListMovies.Items.Count);

                        // process 'movies' only
                        foreach (var trm in traktUserListMovies.Items.Where(m => m.Type == "movie"))
                            TraktLogger.Debug("Processing trakt user list movie - Title '{0}', Year '{1}' ImdbId '{2}'", trm.Title ?? "null", trm.Year ?? "null", trm.ImdbId ?? "null");
                            foreach (var movie in movieListAll.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm.Movie)))
                                if (!movie.CategoryTrakt.Contains(userListName))
                                    // update local trakt category
                                    TraktLogger.Info("Inserting trakt user list '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", userListName, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                                    movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;

                        // remove tag from remaining films
                        foreach (var movie in cleanupList)
                            TraktLogger.Info("Removing trakt user list '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", userListName, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                            movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;

                #region update recommendation tags
                IEnumerable <TraktMovie> traktRecommendationMovies = null;
                string Recommendations = Translation.Recommendations;
                TraktLogger.Info("Retrieving recommendations from trakt");
                traktRecommendationMovies = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetRecommendedMovies();

                if (traktRecommendationMovies != null)
                    TraktLogger.Info("Retrieved {0} recommendations items from trakt", traktRecommendationMovies.Count());

                    var cleanupList = movieListAll.Where(m => m.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Recommendations)).ToList();
                    foreach (var trm in traktRecommendationMovies)
                        TraktLogger.Debug("Processing trakt recommendations movie - Title '{0}', Year '{1}' Imdb '{2}'", trm.Title ?? "null", trm.Year ?? "null", trm.IMDBID ?? "null");
                        foreach (var movie in movieListAll.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm)))
                            if (!movie.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Recommendations))
                                // update local trakt category
                                TraktLogger.Info("Inserting trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Recommendations, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                                movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;
                    // remove tag from remaining films
                    foreach (var movie in cleanupList)
                        // update local trakt category
                        TraktLogger.Info("Removing trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Recommendations, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                        movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;

                #region update trending tags

                /*IEnumerable<TraktTrendingMovie> traktTrendingMovies = null;
                 * string Trending = Translation.Trending;
                 * TraktLogger.Info("Retrieving trending movies from trakt");
                 * traktTrendingMovies = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetTrendingMovies();
                 * if (traktTrendingMovies != null)
                 * {
                 *  TraktLogger.Info("Retrieved {0} trending items from trakt", traktTrendingMovies.Count());
                 *  var cleanupList = movieListAll.Where(m => m.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Trending)).ToList();
                 *  foreach (var trm in traktTrendingMovies)
                 *  {
                 *      TraktLogger.Debug("Processing trakt user list movie trm.Title '{0}', trm.Year '{1}' trm.Imdb '{2}'", trm.Title ?? "null", trm.Year ?? "null", trm.Imdb ?? "null");
                 *      foreach (var movie in movieListAll.Where(m => MovieMatch(m, trm)))
                 *      {
                 *          if (!movie.CategoryTrakt.Contains(Trending))
                 *          {
                 *              // update local trakt category
                 *              TraktLogger.Info("Inserting trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Trending, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                 *              movie.CategoryTrakt.Add(Trending);
                 *              movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;
                 *              movie.Commit();
                 *          }
                 *          cleanupList.Remove(movie);
                 *      }
                 *  }
                 *  // remove tag from remaining films
                 *  foreach (var movie in cleanupList)
                 *  {
                 *      // update local trakt category
                 *      TraktLogger.Info("Removing trakt category '{0}' for movie '{1} ({2})'", Trending, movie.Title, movie.Year);
                 *      movie.CategoryTrakt.Remove(Trending);
                 *      movie.Username = TraktSettings.Username;
                 *      movie.Commit();
                 *  }
                 * }*/
                if (categoryTraktList.Count > 0)
                    TraktLogger.Info("clearing trakt-categorized movies from MyFilms database", categoryTraktList.Count.ToString());

                    foreach (var movie in categoryTraktList)


            SyncInProgress = false;
            TraktLogger.Info("My Films Sync Completed");