コード例 #1
 public OpenLoopMotionGuidanceStrategy(TrajectoryQueue queue, Communicator.Communicator com, int timeCycle)
     communicator  = com;
     commandsQueue = queue;
     Ts            = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(timeCycle);
     internalState = ModuleState.Inactive;
コード例 #2
        public PDMotionGuidanceStrategy(TrajectoryQueue queue, Communicator.Communicator com, double timeCycle, WorldModel worldModel)
            communicator          = com;
            commandsQueue         = queue;
            Ts                    = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(timeCycle);
            internalState         = ModuleState.Inactive;
            WM                    = worldModel;
            puckNominalTrajectory = WM.GetPuckTrajectory();
            Kp                    = 0.5;
            //Kp = 0.8;
            Ki = 22.125;
            //Ki = 10;
            double T = Ts.TotalSeconds;

            a = (2 * Ki + T * Kp) / 2;
            b = (2 * Ki - T * Kp) / 2;
コード例 #3
        public LowLevelLayer(Communicator.Communicator com, WorldModel worldModel, double timeStep, short degrees)
            internalState = ModuleState.Inactive;
            communicator  = com;
            WM            = worldModel;
            DOF           = degrees;
            Ts            = timeStep;
            mLogger       = Logger.Logger.Instance;
            planTime      = new Stopwatch();
            Hashtable consts = WM.GetConstants();

            maxTime       = (double)consts["MoveInterval"];
            commandsQueue = new TrajectoryQueue(DOF, new double[2] {
                -1000, 0
            bounderyConditions = new PointParams();

            //motionGuidanceStrategy = new OpenLoopMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts);
            motionGuidanceStrategy     = new PDMotionGuidanceStrategy(commandsQueue, com, Ts, WM);
            actionPlanningStrategy     = new SimpleLinesActionPlanningStrategy(WM);
            trajectoryPlanningStrategy = new PolynomialTrajectoryPlanningStrategy(Ts, maxTime);

            // dummy planning to warm up the containers
            #region Warmup

             * PointParams init = new PointParams();
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * init.T = DateTime.Now;
             * //init.T = 0;
             * PointParams final = new PointParams();
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.AddParameters(new Point(0, 0));
             * final.T = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.2);
             * state = WM.GetPhysicalState();
             * actionPlanningStrategy.ActionPlanning(AHEntities.Action.DEFENSE_ATTACK, true);
             * trajectoryPlanningStrategy.TrajectoryPlanning(init, final);
            #endregion Warmup
コード例 #4
        public override SenseEventType Estimate(double agentX, double agentY, double agentVx, double agentVy,
                                                double puckX, double puckY, double puckVx, double puckVy, double PuckR,
                                                double oppX, double oppY, double oppVx, double oppVy, WorldModel worldModel)
            Dictionary <string, double> oldState = worldModel.GetPhysicalState();

            SenseEventType event2return = SenseEventType.NoEvent;

            Point puckPold = new Point(oldState["PuckX"], oldState["PuckY"]);
            Point puckPnew = new Point(puckX, puckY);
            Point puckVold = new Point(oldState["PuckVx"], oldState["PuckVy"]);
            Point puckVnew = new Point(puckVx, puckVy);

            Point oppPold   = new Point(oldState["OpponentX"], oldState["OpponentY"]);
            Point oppPnew   = new Point(oppX, oppY);
            Point agentPold = new Point(oldState["AgentX"], oldState["AgentY"]);
            Point agentPnew = new Point(agentX, agentY);

            worldModel.UpdatePhysicalState(agentX, agentY, agentVx, agentVy, puckX, puckY, puckVx, puckVy, PuckR,
                                           oppX, oppY, oppVx, oppVy);

            if (VelocityChanged(puckVold, puckVnew))
                if ((puckPold.Dist(agentPold) < 80 + eps) || (puckPnew.Dist(agentPnew) < 80 + eps))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.AgentCollision;       // agent gave a hit
                else if ((puckPold.Dist(oppPold) < 80 + eps) || (puckPnew.Dist(oppPnew) < 80 + eps))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.OpponentCollision;      // player gave a hit
                else if (Math.Sign(puckVold.Y) == -Math.Sign(puckVnew.Y)) // Vy_old == -Vy_new
                    if (IsZero(puckVnew.X))                               // puck is stuck on a line (bouncing from side to side)
                        if (puckPnew.X < -eps)
                            event2return = SenseEventType.StuckAgent;   // stuck on the agent's side
                            event2return = SenseEventType.StuckPlayer;  // stuck on the player's side
                        event2return = SenseEventType.yWall;            // hit one of the side walls
                else if ((IsZero(puckVnew.X)) && (IsZero(puckVnew.Y)))  // stuck (standing still) somewhere
                    if (puckPnew.X < -eps)
                        event2return = SenseEventType.StuckAgent;       // standing still on the agent's side
                        event2return = SenseEventType.StuckPlayer;      // stading still on the player's side
                else if (Math.Sign(puckVold.X) != Math.Sign(puckVnew.X))
                    event2return = SenseEventType.xWall;                // hit one of the back/front walls
                    event2return = SenseEventType.Disturbance;
                event2return = SenseEventType.NoEvent;

            TrajectoryQueue puckTrajectory = EstimateLineCrossing.EstimatePuckTrajectory(puckPnew, puckVnew, (double)global["PuckRadius"],
                                                                                         (int)global["Tablewidth"], (int)global["Tableheight"], (double)global["TimeStep"], (double)global["TimeScale"]);

