コード例 #1
        void SiteRDEControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            var site = DataContext as RDESiteViewModel;

            if (site != null)
                if (_currentSite != null)
                    // although the database actions are registered for new/modified traits, we need to keep track of them so we can
                    // redisplay them as the user flips around the different sites.
                    _currentSite.Traits = _traits.GetModel();
                _traits.BindModel(site.Traits, site);
                _currentSite = site;

                // There is a datacontext change cascade problem here.
                // When the RDE frame advances/retreats its first changes the data context on the various RDE Panels (this one included)
                // but our downstream dependents have yet to have their datacontexts changed (e.g. the position control, and it's descendants
                // still point to the old site). This means when we clear the control (several lines down), it was actually clearing the old site as well as the control
                // text boxes. So the datacontext for the position control is explicitly set here so that it is correctly bound to the new site
                // when it is cleared.
                // NOTE: have tried dispatching the call (kind of like invokeLater) and it didn't work.

                ctlPosition.DataContext = site;
                if (!site.Latitude.HasValue || !site.Longitude.HasValue || (site.Latitude.Value == 0 && site.Longitude.Value == 0))
コード例 #2
        void MaterialRDEControl_DataContextChanged(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            var mat = DataContext as RDEMaterialViewModel;

            if (mat != null)
                this.IsEnabled = true;
                if (_currentMaterial != null)
                    // although the database actions are registered for new/modified traits, we need to keep track of them so we can
                    // redisplay them as the user flips around the different material.
                    _currentMaterial.Traits     = _traits.GetModel();
                    _currentMaterial.Multimedia = _multimedia.GetModel();
                _traits.BindModel(mat.Traits, mat);
                _currentMaterial = mat;
                _multimedia.BindModel(mat.Multimedia, mat);

                grpSubParts.Items = _currentMaterial.SubParts;
                _subpartsFull.SetModel(_currentMaterial, _currentMaterial.SubParts);
                _associates.SetModel(_currentMaterial, _currentMaterial.Associates);
                this.IsEnabled = false;