private void Cancelbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { phonewarninglabel.Hide(); CustomerFirstNameTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; CustomerMiddleNameTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; CustomerLastNameTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; HomePhoneTextbox1.BackColor = Color.White; CellPhoneTextbox1.BackColor = Color.White; AddressLine1TextBox.BackColor = Color.White; AddressLine2TextBox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleMakeTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleModelTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleYearTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleColorTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleVINTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleVINTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleCostTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; StateProvinceRegionTextBox.BackColor = Color.White; VehicleLocationTextbox.BackColor = Color.White; CityTextBox.BackColor = Color.White; warninglabel.Hide(); Main newmain = new Trading_Post.Main(); newmain.Show(); this.Close(); }
private void cancelchangesbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (marker == 1) { backagain(); marker = 0; } else { Main openmain = new Trading_Post.Main(); openmain.Show(); this.Close(); } }
private void confirmeditbtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (fnameprinttxtbox.Text != "" && mnameprinttxtbox.Text != "" && lnameprinttxtbox.Text != "" && statetxtbox.Text != "" && citytxtbox.Text != "" && maketxtbox.Text != "" && modeltxtbox.Text != "" && yeartxtbox.Text != "" && colortxtbox.Text != "" && colortxtbox.Text != "" && Vehicleloctxtbox.Text != "" && vehiclecostdatalabel.Text != "") { if (homephonetxtbox.Text != "" || textBox2.Text != "") { if (addressline1datatxtbox.Text != "" || addressline2datatxtbox.Text != "") { custcheck = 1; fname = fnameprinttxtbox.Text; mname = mnameprinttxtbox.Text; lname = lnameprinttxtbox.Text; homephone = homephonetxtbox.Text; cellphone = textBox2.Text; workphone = textBox3.Text; addressline1 = addressline1datatxtbox.Text; addressline2 = addressline2datatxtbox.Text; city = citytxtbox.Text; state = statetxtbox.Text; make = maketxtbox.Text; model = modeltxtbox.Text; year = yeartxtbox.Text; color = colortxtbox.Text; vin = VINtxtbox.Text; location = Vehicleloctxtbox.Text; cost = Decimal.Parse(vehiclecostdatalabel.Text); remainbalance = Decimal.Parse(remainbal.Text); CustomerConfirm custconf = new Trading_Post.CustomerConfirm(); custconf.Show(); const string message = "Is the customer information correct?"; const string caption = "Confirm Customer Information"; label11.Text = cost + " " + remainbalance; var result = MessageBox.Show(message, caption, MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { custcheck = 0; editfile(); Main openmain = new Trading_Post.Main(); openmain.Show(); custconf.Close(); this.Close(); } else { custconf.Close(); backagain(); } } } } else if (fnameprinttxtbox.Text == "") { fnameprinttxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; warninglabel.Show(); } if (mnameprinttxtbox.Text == "") { mnameprinttxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (lnameprinttxtbox.Text == "") { lnameprinttxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (homephonetxtbox.Text == "") { homephonetxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (textBox2.Text == "") { if (textBox3.Text == "") { textBox3.BackColor = Color.Yellow; textBox2.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } } if (addressline1datatxtbox.Text == "") { addressline1datatxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (addressline2datatxtbox.Text == "") { addressline2datatxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (citytxtbox.Text == "") { citytxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (statetxtbox.Text == "") { statetxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (maketxtbox.Text == "") { maketxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (modeltxtbox.Text == "") { modeltxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (yeartxtbox.Text == "") { yeartxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (colortxtbox.Text == "") { colortxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (VINtxtbox.Text == "") { VINtxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } if (Vehicleloctxtbox.Text == "") { Vehicleloctxtbox.BackColor = Color.Yellow; } }
private void editfile() { string selectedfile = Main.selectedfile; var plaintextbytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(selectedfile); var finishbytes = System.Convert.ToBase64String(plaintextbytes); File.Copy(@"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\" + finishbytes + @"\note.txt", @"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\note.txt"); string activeDir = @"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\" + finishbytes + @"\Data.txt"; File.Delete(activeDir); Directory.Delete(@"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\" + finishbytes, true); if (!File.Exists(activeDir)) { string activeDir1 = @"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\"; string custDir = fname + "," + mname + "," + lname; var plaintextbytes1 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(custDir); var finishbytes1 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(plaintextbytes1); //Create a new subfolder under the current active folder string newPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir1, finishbytes1); // Create the subfolder System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(newPath); // createsavefile(); string finalpath = System.IO.Path.Combine(activeDir1, finishbytes1); string path = finalpath + @"\" + "Data.txt"; if (!File.Exists(finalpath)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path)) { DateTime thisDay = DateTime.Today; DateTime thistime = DateTime.Now; if (billdate <= thisDay) { billdate = billdate.AddMonths(1); } var plaintextbytest1 = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(fname + "," + mname + "," + lname + "," + homephone + "," + cellphone + "," + workphone + "," + addressline1 + "," + addressline2 + "," + city + "," + state + "," + make + "," + model + "," + year + "," + color + "," + vin + "," + location + "," + cost + "," + originalcost + "," + taxtot + "," + taxtype + "," + taxrate + "," + newtotal + "," + billdate + "," + interestrate + "," + storagefee + "," + itemid); var finishbytes2 = System.Convert.ToBase64String(plaintextbytest1); sw.WriteLine(finishbytes2); string path2 = finalpath + @"\" + "note.txt"; File.Copy(@"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\note.txt", finalpath + @"\note.txt"); File.Delete(@"c:\LayawayData\CustomerInfo\note.txt"); using (StreamWriter aw = File.AppendText(path2)) { if (newtotal == 0) { aw.WriteLine(DateTime.Today.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "," + "Account Has Been Paid in Full." + "~"); } if (check == 1) { aw.WriteLine(DateTime.Today.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "," + "(note)" + "," + "Account is delinquent and moved to archives." + "~"); } else { aw.WriteLine(DateTime.Today.ToString("MM-dd-yyyy") + "," + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:mm:ss") + "," + cost + "," + "Payment" + "," + "-" + payment + "," + newtotal + "," + "~"); } } } } printPreviewDialog1.ShowDialog(); } Main openmain = new Trading_Post.Main(); openmain.Show(); }