コード例 #1
    void Start()

        //  Create credential and instantiate service
        Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

        _tradeoffAnalytics = new TradeoffAnalytics(credentials);

コード例 #2
        public override IEnumerator RunTest()

                VcapCredentials vcapCredentials = new VcapCredentials();
                fsData          data            = null;

                //  Get credentials from a credential file defined in environmental variables in the VCAP_SERVICES format.
                //  See https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/doc/common/getting-started-variables.html.
                var environmentalVariable = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VCAP_SERVICES");
                var fileContent           = File.ReadAllText(environmentalVariable);

                //  Add in a parent object because Unity does not like to deserialize root level collection types.
                fileContent = Utility.AddTopLevelObjectToJson(fileContent, "VCAP_SERVICES");

                //  Convert json to fsResult
                fsResult r = fsJsonParser.Parse(fileContent, out data);
                if (!r.Succeeded)
                    throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

                //  Convert fsResult to VcapCredentials
                object obj = vcapCredentials;
                r = _serializer.TryDeserialize(data, obj.GetType(), ref obj);
                if (!r.Succeeded)
                    throw new WatsonException(r.FormattedMessages);

                //  Set credentials from imported credntials
                Credential credential = vcapCredentials.VCAP_SERVICES["tradeoff_analytics"][TestCredentialIndex].Credentials;
                _username = credential.Username.ToString();
                _password = credential.Password.ToString();
                _url      = credential.Url.ToString();
                Log.Debug("TestTradeoffAnalytics.RunTest()", "Failed to get credentials from VCAP_SERVICES file. Please configure credentials to run this test. For more information, see: https://github.com/watson-developer-cloud/unity-sdk/#authentication");

            //  Create credential and instantiate service
            Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_username, _password, _url);

            //  Or authenticate using token
            //Credentials credentials = new Credentials(_url)
            //    AuthenticationToken = _token

            _tradeoffAnalytics = new TradeoffAnalytics(credentials);

            Problem problemToSolve = new Problem();

            problemToSolve.subject = "Test Subject";

            List <Column> listColumn  = new List <Column>();
            Column        columnPrice = new Column();

            columnPrice.description = "Price Column to minimize";
            columnPrice.range       = new ValueRange();
            ((ValueRange)columnPrice.range).high = 600;
            ((ValueRange)columnPrice.range).low  = 0;
            columnPrice.type         = "numeric";
            columnPrice.key          = "price";
            columnPrice.full_name    = "Price";
            columnPrice.goal         = "min";
            columnPrice.is_objective = true;
            columnPrice.format       = "$####0.00";

            Column columnWeight = new Column();

            columnWeight.description  = "Weight Column to minimize";
            columnWeight.type         = "numeric";
            columnWeight.key          = "weight";
            columnWeight.full_name    = "Weight";
            columnWeight.goal         = "min";
            columnWeight.is_objective = true;
            columnWeight.format       = "####0 g";

            Column columnBrandName = new Column();

            columnBrandName.description  = "All Brand Names";
            columnBrandName.type         = "categorical";
            columnBrandName.key          = "brand";
            columnBrandName.full_name    = "Brand";
            columnBrandName.goal         = "max";
            columnBrandName.is_objective = true;
            columnBrandName.preference   = new string[] { "Samsung", "Apple", "HTC" };
            columnBrandName.range        = new CategoricalRange();
            ((CategoricalRange)columnBrandName.range).keys = new string[] { "Samsung", "Apple", "HTC" };

            //            listColumn.Add(columnBrandName);

            problemToSolve.columns = listColumn.ToArray();

            List <Option> listOption = new List <Option>();

            Option option1 = new Option();

            option1.key    = "1";
            option1.name   = "Samsung Galaxy S4";
            option1.values = new TestDataValue();
            (option1.values as TestDataValue).weight = 130;
            (option1.values as TestDataValue).brand  = "Samsung";
            (option1.values as TestDataValue).price  = 249;

            Option option2 = new Option();

            option2.key    = "2";
            option2.name   = "Apple iPhone 5";
            option2.values = new TestDataValue();
            (option2.values as TestDataValue).weight = 112;
            (option2.values as TestDataValue).brand  = "Apple";
            (option2.values as TestDataValue).price  = 599;

            Option option3 = new Option();

            option3.key    = "3";
            option3.name   = "HTC One";
            option3.values = new TestDataValue();
            (option3.values as TestDataValue).weight = 143;
            (option3.values as TestDataValue).brand  = "HTC";
            (option3.values as TestDataValue).price  = 299;

            problemToSolve.options = listOption.ToArray();

            _tradeoffAnalytics.GetDilemma(OnGetDilemma, OnFail, problemToSolve, false);
            while (!_GetDillemaTested)
                yield return(null);

            Log.Debug("ExampleTradeoffAnalyitics.RunTest()", "Tradeoff analytics examples complete.");

            yield break;