コード例 #1
        internal void AdicionaVariavel(string name)
            TradeSystem ts = tsC.tradeSystem;

            ts.vm.GetVariavel(name, "", 0, 0, 0);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TradePrices.cs プロジェクト: noHero123/ScrollsPost
        public TradePrices(ScrollsPost.Mod mod, TradeSystem trade)
            this.mod = mod;
            this.trade = trade;

            new Thread(new ThreadStart(CheckData)).Start();
コード例 #3
        public virtual void UpdateValuesFromUI()
            if (selectedTS < 0)
            TradeSystem ts = holder.GetTS(selectedTS);

            ts.name             = frmPrincipal.Text("txtNameTs");
            ts.condicaoEntradaC = frmPrincipal.Text("txtCondEntrC");
            //ts.condicaoEntradaC.descricao = frmPrincipal.txtCondEntrCDesc.Text;

            ts.condicaoSaidaC = frmPrincipal.Text("txtCondSaidaC");
            //ts.condicaoSaidaC.descricao = frmPrincipal.txtCondSaidaCDesc.Text;

            ts.condicaoEntradaV = frmPrincipal.Text("txtCondEntrV");
            // ts.condicaoEntradaV.descricao = frmPrincipal.txtCondEntrVDesc.Text;

            ts.condicaoSaidaV = frmPrincipal.Text("txtCondSaidaV");
            //ts.condicaoSaidaV.descricao = frmPrincipal.txtCondSaidaVDesc.Text;

            ts.stopMovelC   = frmPrincipal.Text("txtStopMovelCompra");
            ts.stopMovelV   = frmPrincipal.Text("txtStopMovelVenda");
            ts.stopInicialC = frmPrincipal.Text("txtStopInicialCompra");
            ts.stopInicialV = frmPrincipal.Text("txtStopInicialVenda");

コード例 #4
ファイル: Clarify.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
 private void DescreveFormulas(RichTextBox txt, TradeSystem ts, Config config)
     if (config.flagCompra)
         AddTitle(txt, "CONDIÇÕES COMPRA");
         AddText(txt, "Cond.Entrada", ClarificaFormula(ts.condicaoEntradaC));
         AddText(txt, "Cond.Saida", ClarificaFormula(ts.condicaoSaidaC));
         AddText(txt, "Target Saida", ClarificaFormula(ts.targetSaida));
         AddText(txt, "Sizing Compra", ClarificaFormula(ts.sizingCompra));
         AddText(txt, "Stop Inicial Compra", ClarificaFormula(ts.stopInicialC));
         if (ts.usaStopMovel)
             AddText(txt, "Stop Movel Compra", ClarificaFormula(ts.stopMovelC));
     if (config.flagVenda)
         AddTitle(txt, "CONDIÇÕES VENDA");
         AddText(txt, "Cond.Entrada", ClarificaFormula(ts.condicaoEntradaV));
         AddText(txt, "Cond.Saida", ClarificaFormula(ts.condicaoSaidaV));
         AddText(txt, "Target Saida", ClarificaFormula(ts.targetSaida));
         AddText(txt, "Sizing Venda", ClarificaFormula(ts.sizingCompra));
         AddText(txt, "Stop Inicial Venda", ClarificaFormula(ts.stopInicialV));
         if (ts.usaStopMovel)
             AddText(txt, "Stop Movel Venda", ClarificaFormula(ts.stopMovelC));
コード例 #5
ファイル: Node.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public bool VerificaCondicao(ativos.Candle candle, TradeSystem ts)
            bool ret       = true;
            bool firstLoop = true;

            foreach (ICondicao cond in condicoes)
                bool b = cond.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts);
                if (firstLoop)
                    ret       = b;
                    firstLoop = false;
                if (nodeType == ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.AND || nodeType == ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.NOT)
                    ret = ret && b;
                if (nodeType == ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.OR)
                    ret = ret || b;

            if (nodeType == ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.NOT)
                ret = !ret;

コード例 #6
        public Carteira SingleRunValidaSolution(string name = "Single Run Validate")
            TradeSystem ts       = solutionToTest.tradeSystem;
            int         loops    = configController.config.CountValidationLoops;
            Carteira    carteira = null;
            Estatistica stat     = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < loops; i++)
                carteira = configController.RunSingle(loopCount, ts, name, backend.Consts.TIPO_CARGA_ATIVOS.VALIDA_CANDIDATO);
                if (stat != null)
                    stat = carteira.estatistica;
            CandidatoManager cm = CandidatoManager.LoadSaved(configController.config.tipoPeriodo);

            cm.AddTradeSystem(ts, stat, configController.config.tipoPeriodo);
コード例 #7
        public override void PrepareSolution(GPSolution solution)
            TradeSystem ts = new TradeSystem(config);

            ts.name = solution.name;
            foreach (string var in listVariaveis)
                if (config.IsGPVarDefined(var))
                    ts.vm.SetVariavel(var, config.GetGPVarValue(var));
                    ts.vm.SetVariavel(var, solution.GetValueAsNumber(var));
            ts.targetSaida = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_TARGET_SAIDA);
            if (config.flagCompra)
                ts.condicaoEntradaC = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_ENTRADA_C);
                ts.condicaoSaidaC   = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_SAIDA_C);
                ts.stopMovelC       = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_STOP_MOVEL_C);
                ts.stopInicialC     = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_STOP_INICIAL_C);
                ts.sizingCompra     = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_SIZING_C);
            if (config.flagVenda)
                ts.condicaoEntradaV = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_ENTRADA_V);
                ts.condicaoSaidaV   = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_SAIDA_V);
                ts.stopMovelV       = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_STOP_MOVEL_V);
                ts.stopInicialV     = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_COND_STOP_INICIAL_V);
                ts.sizingVenda      = solution.GetValueAsString(PROP_SIZING_V);
            solution.SetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TRADESYSTEM, ts);
コード例 #8
        public override void RunSolution(GPSolution solution)
            TradeSystem ts = solution.GetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TRADESYSTEM) as TradeSystem;

            ts.name = solution.name;
            Carteira carteira = gpController.RunBackTester(ts, solution.name);

            carteira.monteCarlo.properties = solution;

            float dif = carteira.GetCapital() - carteira.capitalInicial;

            if (dif > 0)
                float?vExist = solution.GetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TOTAL_PROFIT) as float?;
                float v      = vExist == null ? 0 : (float)vExist;
                v += dif;
                solution.SetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TOTAL_PROFIT, v);
                float?vExist = solution.GetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TOTAL_LOSS) as float?;
                float v      = vExist == null ? 0 : (float)vExist;
                v += dif;
                solution.SetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_TOTAL_LOSS, v);

            solution.SetPropriedade(ConstsComuns.OBJ_ITERATIONS, solution.iterations);
            solution.fitnessResult = carteira.monteCarlo.CalcFitness();
コード例 #9
 internal bool Run(TradeSystem ts)
     contaTestes = 0;
     facade.LoadAtivos(config, 0, config.tipoPeriodo, Consts.TIPO_CARGA_ATIVOS.GERA_CANDIDATOS);
     return(facade.Run(this, config, ts) != null);
コード例 #10
 public Stop(TradeSystem tradeSystem, int sentido, float stopInicial)
     this.tradeSystem = tradeSystem;
     this.sentido     = sentido;
     stopAtual        = 0;
     this.stopInicial = stopInicial;
     stopAtual        = stopInicial;
コード例 #11
        internal void AdicionaTS()
            TradeSystem ts = new TradeSystem(configController.config);

            ts.name = "TradeSystem Novo..." + holder.Count;
            selectedTS = holder.Count - 1;
コード例 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the TradeSystemChromosome class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tradeSystem">The trade system the chromosome represents.</param>
        /// <param name="indicatorHelper">The indicator helper for randomizing the chromosome.</param>
        /// <param name="size">Chromosome size.</param>
        public TradeSystemChromosome(TradeSystem tradeSystem, IndicatorHelper indicatorHelper, int size)
            TradeSystem temp = new TradeSystem();

            temp.BuyCondition    = new TradeCondition();
            this.size            = size;
            this.ChromosomeValue = temp;
            this.indicatorHelper = indicatorHelper;
コード例 #13
 public int AddTradeSystem(TradeSystem ts, Estatistica stat, Consts.PERIODO_ACAO periodo)
     if (!RankingContains(ts, stat.capitalFinal))
         ranking.Add(new CandidatoData(ts, stat, stat.capitalFinal));
コード例 #14
ファイル: TradeWindow.cs プロジェクト: corhal/StarDestroyer
	public void UpdateWindowInfo () {
		TradeSystem player = null;
		GameObject[] objects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag ("Player");
		foreach (var obj in objects) {
			if (obj.GetComponent<TradeSystem> () != null) {
				player = obj.GetComponent<TradeSystem> ();
		InfoLabel.text = "Cargo: " + player.TotalCurrentWeight + "/" + player.TotalMaxWeight + "    $" + player.Money;
コード例 #15
        private bool RankingContains(TradeSystem ts, float finalScore)
            if (ranking.FirstOrDefault(x => x.tradeSystem == ts) != null)

            //se tem a mesma posição então eu desconsidero.  É variação do mesmo TS.
            return(ranking.FirstOrDefault(x => x.finalScore == finalScore) != null);
コード例 #16
 public int GetRanking(TradeSystem ts)
     for (int i = 0; i < ranking.Count; i++)
         if (ranking[i].tradeSystem == ts)
コード例 #17
 private void btnRodaSingle_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (cbTradeSystem.SelectedIndex >= 0)
         TradeSystem ts = tsController.GetTS(cbTradeSystem.SelectedItem.ToString());
         if (txtVarsDebug.Text != "")
         configController.RunSingle(0, ts, "Roda Single", backend.Consts.TIPO_CARGA_ATIVOS.GERA_CANDIDATOS);
コード例 #18
        public BackTester(FacadeBacktester facade, Periodo periodoInicial, Config config, TradeSystem tradeSystem)
            this.facade         = facade;
            this.ativoManager   = facade.dh;
            this.ativos         = facade.dh.GetAtivos();
            this.config         = config;
            this.tradeSystem    = tradeSystem;
            this.periodoInicial = periodoInicial;
            // monteCarlo = new List<MonteCarlo>();

            Init(new MonteCarlo("single"));
コード例 #19
    void CreateTradePost()
        CargoModule cargoModule = gameObject.AddComponent <CargoModule> ();

        cargoModule.InitialMaxWeight = 9000;

        gameObject.AddComponent <CargoSystem> ();
        TradeSystem tradeSystem = gameObject.AddComponent <TradeSystem> ();

        tradeSystem.InitialMoney = 900000;
        gameObject.AddComponent <SystemManager> ();
コード例 #20
        private void Analyze_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TradeSystem analyze     = new TradeSystem(condition);
            TradeHelper newAnalysis = new TradeHelper(analyze);

            newAnalysis.RunBacktest(testData, TDD);
            List <DateTime> results = newAnalysis.occuranceCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < results.Count; i++)
                this.ResultsBox.AppendText(results[i].ToString() + "\n");
コード例 #21
        private void UpdateList()
            TradeSystem ts = tsC.tradeSystem;

            if (ts != null)
                foreach (Variavel v in ts.vm.variaveis)
                    frmPrincipal.AddItem("listTSVars", v);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Condicao.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public virtual bool VerificaCondicao(Candle candle, TradeSystem ts)
            //Se cond1 e cond2 forem null é porque é uma condição pai, logo não há o que verificar (apenas os filhos)
            if ((cond1 == null) && (cond2 == null))

            float c1 = candle.GetValor(ts.vm.ReplaceVariavel(cond1));
            float c2 = candle.GetValor(ts.vm.ReplaceVariavel(cond2));

            return(VerificaCondicao(c1, c2));
コード例 #23
ファイル: Clarify.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
 private void DescreveCaracteristicas(RichTextBox txt, TradeSystem ts)
     AddTitle(txt, "CARACTERÍSTICAS");
     txt.SelectionBullet = true;
     AddText(txt, ts.usaMultiplasEntradas ? "Usa Múltiplas Entradas" : "Não usa Múltiplas Entradas");
     AddText(txt, ts.usaStopMovel ? "Usa Stop Móvel" : "Não Usa Stop Móvel");
     AddText(txt, "Risco por trade", Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.riscoTrade) + "%");
     AddText(txt, "Risco Global", Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.riscoGlobal) + "%");
     AddText(txt, "Gap Stop Inicial", Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.stopGapPerc) + "%");
     AddText(txt, "% capital máximo por trade", Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.percTrade) + "%");
     AddText(txt, "Capital máximo por trade", "$ " + Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.maxCapitalTrade));
     AddText(txt, "Stop Mensal", Utils.FormatCurrency(ts.stopMensal) + "%");
     txt.SelectionBullet = false;
コード例 #24
ファイル: Testes.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public void TestValidaCandidato()
            MockReferView    rv = new MockReferView();
            ConfigController configController = new ConfigController(rv);

            GeneticProgrammingController gpc = new GeneticProgrammingController(rv, configController);

            gpc.gpRunner.gpConfig.poolSize = 2;

            gpc.solutionToTest             = new GPSolutionProxy();
            gpc.solutionToTest.tradeSystem = new TradeSystem(configController.config);
            Carteira carteira = gpc.SingleRunValidaSolution("teste Validation");

            Assert.IsTrue(carteira.estatistica.capitalFinal != carteira.estatistica.capitalInicial);

            Assert.IsTrue(carteira.posicoesAbertas.Count == 0);
            Assert.IsTrue(carteira.posicoesFechadas.Count > 0);

            Assert.IsTrue(configController.facadeValidation.dh.ativos.Count > 0);

            //adicionar o resultado da carteira em algum objeto persistido, ordenando pelo resultado final
            CandidatoManager cm  = CandidatoManager.LoadSaved(configController.config.tipoPeriodo);
            CandidatoManager cm2 = CandidatoManager.LoadSaved(configController.config.tipoPeriodo);

            Assert.IsTrue(cm == cm2);

            Estatistica stat = new Estatistica(10000);

            CandidatoManager cmTest = new CandidatoManager();
            TradeSystem      ts1    = new TradeSystem(configController.config);
            TradeSystem      ts2    = new TradeSystem(configController.config);
            TradeSystem      ts3    = new TradeSystem(configController.config);

            stat.capitalFinal = 1000;
            cmTest.AddTradeSystem(ts1, stat, configController.config.tipoPeriodo);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts1) == 0);
            stat.capitalFinal = 2000;
            cmTest.AddTradeSystem(ts2, stat, configController.config.tipoPeriodo);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts1) == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts2) == 0);
            stat.capitalFinal = 3000;
            cmTest.AddTradeSystem(ts3, stat, configController.config.tipoPeriodo);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts1) == 2);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts2) == 1);
            Assert.IsTrue(cmTest.GetRanking(ts3) == 0);
コード例 #25
 internal Carteira RunSingle(int loop, TradeSystem ts, string name, Consts.TIPO_CARGA_ATIVOS tipoCarga)
     if (tipoCarga == Consts.TIPO_CARGA_ATIVOS.VALIDA_CANDIDATO)
         //valido com todos os papeis disponíveis
         config.qtdPercPapeis = 100;
         facadeValidation.LoadAtivos(config, loop, config.tipoPeriodo, tipoCarga);
         return(facadeValidation.RunValidation(this, config, ts, name));
         facade.LoadAtivos(config, loop, config.tipoPeriodo, tipoCarga);
         return(facade.RunSingle(name, this, config, ts));
コード例 #26
ファイル: Testes.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public void TestTradeSystem()
            facade = new FacadeBacktester();
            Config      config      = new Config();
            TradeSystem tradeSystem = new TradeSystem(config);
            MonteCarlo  mc          = new MonteCarlo("teste");

            float    valorInicial = 100000;
            Carteira carteira     = new Carteira(facade, valorInicial, config, tradeSystem, mc);

            config.custoOperacao = 20f;

            tradeSystem.condicaoEntradaC = "GREATER(MME(C,9),MME(C,3))";
            tradeSystem.condicaoSaidaC   = "LOWER(MME(C,9),MME(C,3))";
            tradeSystem.condicaoEntradaV = "LOWER(MME(C,9),MME(C,3))";

            Periodo periodo = new Periodo("01-01-2017");
            Ativo   ativo   = new Ativo(facade, "TESTE", 100);
            Candle  candle  = new Candle(periodo, ativo);

            ativo.firstCandle = candle;
            candle.SetValor("MME(C,9)", 10);
            candle.SetValor("MME(C,3)", 5);
            candle.SetValor("SUBTRACT(L,MULTIPLY(STD(C,10),2))", 2);
            candle.SetValor("H", 10);
            candle.SetValor(tradeSystem.stopInicialC, 5);

            Formula formulaGreater = facade.formulaManager.GetFormula(tradeSystem.condicaoEntradaC);
            float   value          = formulaGreater.Calc(candle);

            Assert.IsTrue(value > 0, value + "<=0");

            Formula formulaLower = facade.formulaManager.GetFormula(tradeSystem.condicaoEntradaV);

            value = formulaLower.Calc(candle);
            Assert.IsTrue(value == 0, value + ">0");

            float result = tradeSystem.checaCondicaoEntrada(candle, config);

            Assert.IsTrue(result > 0, "result:" + result);

            candle.SetValor("MME(C,9)", 2);
            candle.SetValor("C", 2);

            result = tradeSystem.checaCondicaoEntrada(candle, config);
            Assert.IsTrue(result == 0, "result:" + result);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Testes.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public void TestCondicaoComplexa()
            facade.LoadAtivo("PETR4", 100, Consts.PERIODO_ACAO.DIARIO, "dados/petr4-diario.js");
            Ativo ativo = facade.GetAtivo("PETR4");

            Config      config = new Config();
            TradeSystem ts     = new TradeSystem(config);

             * Exemplos:
             * C>O
             * !C>O
             * C>O||C<REF(C,1)
             * (C>O||C<REF(C,1))&&RSI(C,9)>7

            string strFormulaA = "MME(C,9)";
            string strFormulaB = "MMS(C,9)";
            string strFormulaC = "MMS(C,3)";

            ICondicao      cond1  = new CondicaoComplexa(config, strFormulaA + ">" + strFormulaB);
            FormulaManager fm     = facade.formulaManager;
            Candle         candle = ativo.firstCandle;

            candle.SetValor(strFormulaA, 10);
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaB, 20);
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaC, 5);
            Assert.IsFalse(cond1.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaA, 30);
            Assert.IsTrue(cond1.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));

            ICondicao cond2 = new CondicaoComplexa(config, strFormulaA + ">" + strFormulaB + "&&" + strFormulaB + ">" + strFormulaC);

            Assert.IsTrue(cond2.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaC, 30);
            Assert.IsFalse(cond2.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaC, 5);
            Assert.IsTrue(cond2.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            candle.SetValor(strFormulaA, 10);
            Assert.IsFalse(cond2.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
コード例 #28
ファイル: Clarify.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public void Describe(RichTextBox txt, CandidatoData candidatoData, Config config)
            txt.Text = "";
            TradeSystem ts = candidatoData.tradeSystem;

            AddTitle(txt, ts.name);
            Clarify clarify = new Clarify();

            DescreveCaracteristicas(txt, ts);
            DescreveFormulas(txt, ts, config);

            AddTitle(txt, "ESTATÍSTICAS");
            Estatistica stat = candidatoData.estatistica;

            AddText(txt, "Max.Capital", Utils.FormatCurrency(stat.maxCapital));
            AddText(txt, "Min.Capital", Utils.FormatCurrency(stat.minCapital));
            txt.SelectionIndent += 10;
            if (config.flagCompra)
                AddTitle(txt, "Ponta Comprada");
                SubDado dado = stat.geral.getCompras();
                DescreveDado(txt, dado);
            if (config.flagVenda)
                AddTitle(txt, "Ponta Vendida");
                SubDado dado = stat.geral.getVendas();
                DescreveDado(txt, dado);
            txt.SelectionIndent -= 10;

            AddTitle(txt, "MENSAGENS");
            foreach (string msg in candidatoData.tradeSystem.mensagens)
                AddText(txt, msg);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Testes.cs プロジェクト: cristianoferr/BackTester
        public void TestNode()
            facade.LoadAtivo("PETR4", 100, Consts.PERIODO_ACAO.DIARIO, "dados/petr4-diario.js");
            Ativo ativo = facade.GetAtivo("PETR4");

            Config      config = new Config();
            TradeSystem ts     = new TradeSystem(config);
            Candle      candle = ativo.firstCandle;

            candle.SetValor("A", 10);
            candle.SetValor("B", 20);
            candle.SetValor("C", 10);

            Condicao cond1 = new Condicao(config, "A>B");
            Condicao cond2 = new Condicao(config, "B>C");

            Node nodeOR  = new Node(ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.OR);
            Node nodeAND = new Node(ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.AND);
            Node nodeNOT = new Node(ConstsComuns.BOOLEAN_TYPE.NOT);


            Assert.IsFalse(nodeOR.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsFalse(nodeAND.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsTrue(nodeNOT.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            candle.SetValor("A", 30);
            Assert.IsTrue(nodeOR.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsTrue(nodeAND.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsFalse(nodeNOT.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));

            candle.SetValor("A", 10);
            Assert.IsTrue(nodeOR.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsFalse(nodeAND.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
            Assert.IsTrue(nodeNOT.VerificaCondicao(candle, ts));
コード例 #30
    void Awake()
        systems          = GetComponentsInChildren <ShipSystem> ();
        autoWeaponSystem = GetComponentInChildren <AutoWeaponSystem> ();
        flightSystem     = GetComponentInChildren <FlightSystem> ();
        detectionSystem  = GetComponentInChildren <DetectionSystem> ();
        cargoSystem      = GetComponentInChildren <CargoSystem> ();
        tradeSystem      = GetComponentInChildren <TradeSystem> ();
        if (flightSystem != null)
            flightSystem.MyBody = GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();            // Ужас!

        if (detectionSystem != null && autoWeaponSystem != null)
        if (tradeSystem != null && cargoSystem != null)
コード例 #31
        //int candleWidth

        private void DrawCandle(Operacao oper, TradeSystem tradeSystem, Candle candle, bool atual)
            float cw  = candleWidth() * 0.8f;
            float x   = GetWidthForPeriodo(contaPers) - cw / 2;
            float dif = Math.Abs(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.OPEN) - candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.CLOSE));
            float y   = GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.OPEN));
            float w   = cw;
            float h   = GetHeightValueAbs(dif);
            Color cor = atual ? Color.Green : Color.White;

            if (candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.OPEN) < candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.CLOSE))
                cor = atual ? Color.Red : Color.Black;
                y  -= h;
            float vlrStop = oper.stop.CalcStop(candle);

            DrawLine(x, GetYPosition(vlrStop), x + cw, GetYPosition(vlrStop), Color.Red);

            float vlrTarget = oper.CalcAlvo(candle);

            DrawLine(x, GetYPosition(vlrTarget), x + cw, GetYPosition(vlrTarget), Color.Green);

            RectangleShape corpo = new RectangleShape((int)x, (int)y, (int)w, (int)h);

            corpo.FillColor   = cor;
            corpo.FillStyle   = FillStyle.Solid;
            corpo.BorderColor = Color.Black;
            corpo.Parent = canvas;

            DrawLine(x + cw / 2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.LOW)), x + cw / 2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.HIGH)), Color.Black);
            //DrawLine(x-cw/2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.LOW)), x + cw/2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.LOW)), Color.Blue);
            //DrawLine(x - cw / 2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.HIGH)), x + cw / 2, GetYPosition(candle.GetValor(FormulaManager.HIGH)), Color.Blue);
コード例 #32
        public override void AfterInvoke (InvocationInfo info, ref object returnValue)
        //public override bool BeforeInvoke(InvocationInfo info, out object returnValue)
            if (info.target is ChatUI && info.targetMethod.Equals("AdjustToResolution"))//get style
                this.chatLogStyle = new GUIStyle((GUIStyle)chatMsgStylefield.GetValue(info.target));

                this.chatButtonSkin = (GUISkin)chatButtonSkinfield.GetValue(info.target);


            if (info.target is Store && info.targetMethod.Equals("Start"))//update rects in store
                this.menueheight = (float)Screen.width / 25.6f;
                selfsearchstring = "";
                this.store = (Store)info.target;
                this.sellFrame = (CardListPopup)typeof(Store).GetField("sellFrame", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(info.target);
                Rect sellrect = new Rect((float)Screen.width * 0.01f, (float)Screen.height * 0.18f, (float)Screen.height * 0.5f, (float)Screen.height * 0.7f);
                Rect searchFieldRect = new Rect(-10, -10, 1, 1);

                float BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA = (float)Screen.height * 0.047f;
                float num = 0.005f * (float)Screen.width;
                Vector4 margins = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f + BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA);
                float num2 = BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA - 0.01f * (float)Screen.height;
                float num3 = num2 * 1.28f;

                Rect outerRect = new Rect((Rect)outerRectfield.GetValue(sellFrame));
                Rect innerBGRect = new Rect((Rect)innerBGRectfield.GetValue(sellFrame));
                Rect innerRect = new Rect((Rect)innerRectfield.GetValue(sellFrame));
                innerBGRect.height = innerBGRect.height + num3;
                innerRect.height = innerRect.height + num3;
                searchFieldRectfield.SetValue(sellFrame, searchFieldRect);
                innerBGRectfield.SetValue(sellFrame, innerBGRect);
                innerRectfield.SetValue(sellFrame, innerRect);
                this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                this.p1rectsearchmenu = new Rect(outerRect.x, sellrect.y + sellrect.height + num, (float)Screen.width / 2, this.menueheight);
                this.p1searchrect = new Rect(p1rectsearchmenu.x + num+2, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, sellrect.width / 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1growthrect = new Rect(p1searchrect.x + p1searchrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1orderrect = new Rect(p1growthrect.x + p1growthrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1energyrect = new Rect(p1orderrect.x + p1orderrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1decayrect = new Rect(p1energyrect.x + p1energyrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1commonrect = new Rect(p1decayrect.x + p1decayrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1uncommonrect = new Rect(p1commonrect.x + p1commonrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1rarerect = new Rect(p1uncommonrect.x + p1uncommonrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1mt3rect = new Rect(p1rarerect.x + p1rarerect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1clearrect = new Rect(p1mt3rect.x + p1mt3rect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1rectsearchmenu.width = p1clearrect.x + p1clearrect.width + num +2 - p1rectsearchmenu.x;



            if (info.target is Store && info.targetMethod.Equals("handleMessage"))// update orginal cards!

                Message msg = (Message)info.arguments[0];
                if (msg is LibraryViewMessage)
                    if (!(((LibraryViewMessage)msg).profileId==123))
                        this.selfsearchstring = "";
                        p1growthbool = true;
                        p1orderbool = true;
                        p1energybool = true;
                        p1decaybool = true;
                        p1commonbool = true;
                        p1uncommonbool = true;
                        p1rarebool = true;
                        p1mt3bool = false;

            if (info.target is Store && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI"))//draw menu
                float offset = 0f;
                if (sellFrame != null)
                    float offX = (float)offxInfo.GetValue(sellFrame);
                    offset = offX;
                if (true)
                    GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
                    GUI.skin = this.chatButtonSkin;
                    GUI.Box(this.p1rectsearchmenu, string.Empty);

                    Color dblack = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.2f);
                    GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.6f);
                    GUI.skin = this.chatButtonSkin;
                    GUI.Box(this.p1searchrect, string.Empty);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    string selfcopy = this.selfsearchstring;
                    this.selfsearchstring = GUI.TextField(this.p1searchrect, this.selfsearchstring, this.chatLogStyle);
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1growthbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1growthclick = GUI.Button(p1growthrect, growthres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1orderbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1orderclick = GUI.Button(p1orderrect, orderres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1energybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1energyclick = GUI.Button(p1energyrect, energyres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1decaybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1decayclick = GUI.Button(p1decayrect, decayres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1commonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.gray;
                    bool p1commonclick = GUI.Button(p1commonrect, "C");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1uncommonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    bool p1uncommonclick = GUI.Button(p1uncommonrect, "U");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1rarebool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow;
                    bool p1rareclick = GUI.Button(p1rarerect, "R");
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1mt3bool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1mt3click = GUI.Button(p1mt3rect, ">3");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
                    bool p1closeclick = GUI.Button(p1clearrect, "X");

                    if (p1growthclick) { p1growthbool = !p1growthbool; };
                    if (p1orderclick) { p1orderbool = !p1orderbool; }
                    if (p1energyclick) { p1energybool = !p1energybool; };
                    if (p1decayclick) { p1decaybool = !p1decaybool; }
                    if (p1commonclick) { p1commonbool = !p1commonbool; };
                    if (p1uncommonclick) { p1uncommonbool = !p1uncommonbool; }
                    if (p1rareclick) { p1rarebool = !p1rarebool; };
                    if (p1mt3click) { p1mt3bool = !p1mt3bool; }
                    if (p1closeclick)
                        this.selfsearchstring = "";
                        this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        p1growthbool = true;
                        p1orderbool = true;
                        p1energybool = true;
                        p1decaybool = true;
                        p1commonbool = true;
                        p1uncommonbool = true;
                        p1rarebool = true;
                        p1mt3bool = false;

                    //clear p1moddedlist only if necessary
                    if (selfcopy != this.selfsearchstring || p1closeclick || (p1growthclick && p1growthbool) || (p1orderclick && p1orderbool) || (p1energyclick && p1energybool) || (p1decayclick && p1decaybool) || (p1commonclick && p1commonbool) || (p1uncommonclick && p1uncommonbool) || (p1rareclick && p1rarebool) || p1mt3click)
                        //Console.WriteLine("delete dings####");
                        string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                        if (p1decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                        if (p1energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                        if (p1growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                        if (p1orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };
                        int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                        if (p1rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                        if (p1uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                        if (p1commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };
                        if (this.p1mt3bool)
                        this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        if (this.selfsearchstring != "")
                            this.p1cf = CardFilter.from(this.selfsearchstring);


                        if (selfcopy != this.selfsearchstring)
                            this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                            if (this.selfsearchstring != "")
                                this.p1cf = CardFilter.from(this.selfsearchstring);

                        if (p1growthclick || p1orderclick || p1energyclick || p1decayclick)
                            string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                            if (p1decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                            if (p1energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                            if (p1growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                            if (p1orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };

                        if (p1commonclick || p1uncommonclick || p1rareclick)

                            int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                            if (p1rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                            if (p1uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                            if (p1commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };


            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("Init"))//update rects
                Rect searchFieldRect= new Rect(-10,-10,1,1);
                //Console.WriteLine("INIT ");
                this.menueheight = (float)Screen.width / 25.6f;
                Rect outerArea1 = (Rect)outerArea1field.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect outerArea2 = (Rect)outerArea2field.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect innerArea = (Rect)innerAreafield.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect rectInvP1 = (Rect)rectInvP1field.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect rectOfferP1 = (Rect)rectOfferP1field.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect rectInvP2 = (Rect)rectInvP2field.GetValue(info.target);
                Rect rectOfferP2 = (Rect)rectOfferP2field.GetValue(info.target);
                outerArea1.height = outerArea1.height - this.menueheight;
                outerArea2.height = outerArea2.height - this.menueheight;
                innerArea.height = innerArea.height - this.menueheight;
                rectInvP1.height = rectInvP1.height - this.menueheight;
                rectOfferP1.height = rectOfferP1.height - this.menueheight;
                rectInvP2.height = rectInvP2.height - this.menueheight;
                rectOfferP2.height = rectOfferP2.height - this.menueheight;
                this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                this.p2cf = CardFilter.from("");

                outerArea1field.SetValue(info.target, outerArea1);
                outerArea2field.SetValue(info.target, outerArea2);
                innerAreafield.SetValue(info.target, innerArea);
                rectInvP1field.SetValue(info.target, rectInvP1);
                rectOfferP1field.SetValue(info.target, rectOfferP1);
                rectInvP2field.SetValue(info.target, rectInvP2);
                rectOfferP2field.SetValue(info.target, rectOfferP2);

                CardListPopup clInventoryP1 = (CardListPopup)clInventoryP1field.GetValue(info.target);
                CardListPopup clOfferP1 = (CardListPopup)clOfferP1field.GetValue(info.target);
                CardListPopup clInventoryP2 = (CardListPopup)clInventoryP2field.GetValue(info.target);
                CardListPopup clOfferP2 = (CardListPopup)clOfferP2field.GetValue(info.target);
                float BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA = (float)Screen.height * 0.047f;
                float num = 0.005f * (float)Screen.width;
                Vector4 margins = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f + BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA);
                float num2 = BOTTOM_MARGIN_EXTRA - 0.01f * (float)Screen.height;

                //update clinventoryp1 (same calculation of the rect like in CardListPopup.Init(...))
                Rect outerRect = rectInvP1;
                Rect innerBGRect = new Rect(outerRect.x + margins.x, outerRect.y + margins.y, outerRect.width - (margins.x + margins.z), outerRect.height - (margins.y + margins.w));
                Rect innerRect = new Rect(innerBGRect.x + num, innerBGRect.y + num, innerBGRect.width - 2f * num, innerBGRect.height - 2f * num);
                Rect buttonLeftRect = new Rect(innerRect.x + innerRect.width * 0.03f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);
                Rect buttonRightRect = new Rect(innerRect.xMax - innerRect.width * 0.48f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);

                outerRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, outerRect);
                innerBGRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, innerBGRect);
                innerRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, innerRect);
                buttonLeftRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, buttonLeftRect);
                buttonRightRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, buttonRightRect);
                searchFieldRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP1, searchFieldRect);

                //update clinventoryp2
                outerRect = rectInvP2;
                innerBGRect = new Rect(outerRect.x + margins.x, outerRect.y + margins.y, outerRect.width - (margins.x + margins.z), outerRect.height - (margins.y + margins.w));
                innerRect = new Rect(innerBGRect.x + num, innerBGRect.y + num, innerBGRect.width - 2f * num, innerBGRect.height - 2f * num);
                buttonLeftRect = new Rect(innerRect.x + innerRect.width * 0.03f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);
                buttonRightRect = new Rect(innerRect.xMax - innerRect.width * 0.48f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);

                outerRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, outerRect);
                innerBGRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, innerBGRect);
                innerRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, innerRect);
                buttonLeftRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, buttonLeftRect);
                buttonRightRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, buttonRightRect);
                searchFieldRectfield.SetValue(clInventoryP2, searchFieldRect);

                //update clOfferP1
                outerRect = rectOfferP1;
                innerBGRect = new Rect(outerRect.x + margins.x, outerRect.y + margins.y, outerRect.width - (margins.x + margins.z), outerRect.height - (margins.y + margins.w));
                innerRect = new Rect(innerBGRect.x + num, innerBGRect.y + num, innerBGRect.width - 2f * num, innerBGRect.height - 2f * num);
                buttonLeftRect = new Rect(innerRect.x + innerRect.width * 0.03f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);
                buttonRightRect = new Rect(innerRect.xMax - innerRect.width * 0.48f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);

                outerRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, outerRect);
                innerBGRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, innerBGRect);
                innerRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, innerRect);
                buttonLeftRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, buttonLeftRect);
                buttonRightRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, buttonRightRect);
                searchFieldRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP1, searchFieldRect);

                //update clOfferP2
                outerRect = rectOfferP2;
                innerBGRect = new Rect(outerRect.x + margins.x, outerRect.y + margins.y, outerRect.width - (margins.x + margins.z), outerRect.height - (margins.y + margins.w));
                innerRect = new Rect(innerBGRect.x + num, innerBGRect.y + num, innerBGRect.width - 2f * num, innerBGRect.height - 2f * num);
                buttonLeftRect = new Rect(innerRect.x + innerRect.width * 0.03f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);
                buttonRightRect = new Rect(innerRect.xMax - innerRect.width * 0.48f, innerBGRect.yMax + num2 * 0.28f, innerRect.width * 0.45f, num2);

                outerRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, outerRect);
                innerBGRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, innerBGRect);
                innerRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, innerRect);
                buttonLeftRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, buttonLeftRect);
                buttonRightRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, buttonRightRect);
                searchFieldRectfield.SetValue(clOfferP2, searchFieldRect);

                this.p1rectsearchmenu = new Rect(outerArea1.x, outerArea1.y + outerArea1.height, outerArea1.width, this.menueheight);
                this.p2rectsearchmenu = new Rect(outerArea2.x, outerArea2.y + outerArea2.height, outerArea2.width, this.menueheight);

                this.p1searchrect = new Rect(p1rectsearchmenu.x + 5*num, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num+2, outerArea1.width/3, p1rectsearchmenu.height -  2f*num-4);
                this.p2searchrect = new Rect(p2rectsearchmenu.x + 5*num, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num+2, outerArea2.width / 3, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f*num-4);

                this.outerFrame1 = new ScrollsFrame(this.p1rectsearchmenu).AddNinePatch(ScrollsFrame.Border.DARK_CURVED, NinePatch.Patches.TOP | NinePatch.Patches.TOP_RIGHT | NinePatch.Patches.CENTER | NinePatch.Patches.RIGHT | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM_RIGHT).AddNinePatch(ScrollsFrame.Border.DARK_SHARP, NinePatch.Patches.TOP_LEFT | NinePatch.Patches.LEFT | NinePatch.Patches.CENTER | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM_LEFT);
                this.outerFrame2 = new ScrollsFrame(this.p2rectsearchmenu).AddNinePatch(ScrollsFrame.Border.DARK_CURVED, NinePatch.Patches.TOP_LEFT | NinePatch.Patches.TOP | NinePatch.Patches.LEFT | NinePatch.Patches.CENTER | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM_LEFT | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM).AddNinePatch(ScrollsFrame.Border.DARK_SHARP, NinePatch.Patches.TOP_RIGHT | NinePatch.Patches.CENTER | NinePatch.Patches.RIGHT | NinePatch.Patches.BOTTOM_RIGHT);

                this.p1growthrect = new Rect(p1searchrect.x + p1searchrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1orderrect = new Rect(p1growthrect.x + p1growthrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1energyrect = new Rect(p1orderrect.x + p1orderrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1decayrect = new Rect(p1energyrect.x + p1energyrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1commonrect = new Rect(p1decayrect.x + p1decayrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1uncommonrect = new Rect(p1commonrect.x + p1commonrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1rarerect = new Rect(p1uncommonrect.x + p1uncommonrect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1mt3rect = new Rect(p1rarerect.x + p1rarerect.width + 3, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p1clearrect = new Rect(p1rectsearchmenu.x + p1rectsearchmenu.width - p1rectsearchmenu.height-num, p1rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p1rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);

                this.p2growthrect = new Rect(p2searchrect.x + p2searchrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2orderrect = new Rect(p2growthrect.x + p2growthrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2energyrect = new Rect(p2orderrect.x + p2orderrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2decayrect = new Rect(p2energyrect.x + p2energyrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2commonrect = new Rect(p2decayrect.x + p2decayrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2uncommonrect = new Rect(p2commonrect.x + p2commonrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2rarerect = new Rect(p2uncommonrect.x + p2uncommonrect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2mt3rect = new Rect(p2rarerect.x + p2rarerect.width + 3, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);
                this.p2clearrect = new Rect(p2rectsearchmenu.x + p2rectsearchmenu.width - p2rectsearchmenu.height-num, p2rectsearchmenu.y + num + 2, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4, p2rectsearchmenu.height - 2f * num - 4);


            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("OnGUI"))//draw menu
                //int state = (int)typeof(TradeSystem).GetField("state", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(info.target);
                if (trading)
                    Color dblack = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.2f);
                    GUI.color = new Color(1f, 1f, 1f, 0.6f);
                    GUI.skin = this.chatButtonSkin;
                    GUI.Box(this.p1searchrect, string.Empty);
                    GUI.Box(this.p2searchrect, string.Empty);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    string selfcopy = this.selfsearchstring;
                    string oppocopy = this.opposearchstring;
                    this.selfsearchstring = GUI.TextField(this.p1searchrect, this.selfsearchstring, this.chatLogStyle);
                    this.opposearchstring = GUI.TextField(this.p2searchrect, this.opposearchstring, this.chatLogStyle);

                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1growthbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1growthclick = GUI.Button(p1growthrect, growthres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1orderbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1orderclick = GUI.Button(p1orderrect, orderres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1energybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1energyclick = GUI.Button(p1energyrect, energyres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1decaybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1decayclick = GUI.Button(p1decayrect, decayres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1commonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.gray;
                    bool p1commonclick = GUI.Button(p1commonrect,"C");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1uncommonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    bool p1uncommonclick = GUI.Button(p1uncommonrect, "U");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1rarebool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow;
                    bool p1rareclick = GUI.Button(p1rarerect, "R");
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p1mt3bool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p1mt3click = GUI.Button(p1mt3rect, ">3");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
                    bool p1closeclick = GUI.Button(p1clearrect, "X");

                    if (p1growthclick) { p1growthbool = !p1growthbool; };
                    if (p1orderclick) { p1orderbool = !p1orderbool; }
                    if (p1energyclick) { p1energybool = !p1energybool; };
                    if (p1decayclick) { p1decaybool = !p1decaybool; }
                    if (p1commonclick) { p1commonbool = !p1commonbool; };
                    if (p1uncommonclick) { p1uncommonbool = !p1uncommonbool; }
                    if (p1rareclick) { p1rarebool = !p1rarebool; };
                    if (p1mt3click) { p1mt3bool = !p1mt3bool; }
                    if (p1closeclick) 
                        this.selfsearchstring = "";
                        this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        p1growthbool = true;
                        p1orderbool = true;
                        p1energybool = true;
                        p1decaybool = true;
                        p1commonbool = true;
                        p1uncommonbool = true;
                        p1rarebool = true;
                        p1mt3bool = false;

                    //clear p1moddedlist only if necessary
                    if (selfcopy != this.selfsearchstring || p1closeclick || (p1growthclick && p1growthbool) || (p1orderclick && p1orderbool) || (p1energyclick && p1energybool) || (p1decayclick && p1decaybool) || (p1commonclick && p1commonbool) || (p1uncommonclick && p1uncommonbool) || (p1rareclick && p1rarebool) || p1mt3click)
                        //Console.WriteLine("delete dings####");
                        string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                        if (p1decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                        if (p1energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                        if (p1growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                        if (p1orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };
                        int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                        if (p1rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                        if (p1uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                        if (p1commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };
                        if (this.p1mt3bool)
                        this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        if (this.selfsearchstring != "")
                            this.p1cf = CardFilter.from(this.selfsearchstring);


                        if (selfcopy != this.selfsearchstring )
                            this.p1cf = CardFilter.from("");
                            if (this.selfsearchstring != "")
                                this.p1cf = CardFilter.from(this.selfsearchstring);

                        if (p1growthclick || p1orderclick || p1energyclick || p1decayclick )
                            string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                            if (p1decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                            if (p1energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                            if (p1growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                            if (p1orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };

                        if (p1commonclick || p1uncommonclick || p1rareclick)

                            int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                            if (p1rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                            if (p1uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                            if (p1commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };

                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2growthbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p2growthclick = GUI.Button(p2growthrect, growthres );
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2orderbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p2orderclick = GUI.Button(p2orderrect, orderres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2energybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p2energyclick = GUI.Button(p2energyrect, energyres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2decaybool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p2decayclick = GUI.Button(p2decayrect, decayres);
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2commonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.gray;
                    bool p2commonclick = GUI.Button(p2commonrect, "C");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2uncommonbool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    bool p2uncommonclick = GUI.Button(p2uncommonrect, "U");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2rarebool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.yellow;
                    bool p2rareclick = GUI.Button(p2rarerect, "R");
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.white;
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    if (!p2mt3bool) { GUI.color = dblack; }
                    bool p2mt3click = GUI.Button(p2mt3rect, ">3");
                    GUI.color = Color.white;
                    GUI.contentColor = Color.red;
                    bool p2closeclick = GUI.Button(p2clearrect, "X");

                    if (p2growthclick) { p2growthbool = !p2growthbool; };
                    if (p2orderclick) { p2orderbool = !p2orderbool; }
                    if (p2energyclick) { p2energybool = !p2energybool; };
                    if (p2decayclick) { p2decaybool = !p2decaybool; }
                    if (p2commonclick) { p2commonbool = !p2commonbool; };
                    if (p2uncommonclick) { p2uncommonbool = !p2uncommonbool; }
                    if (p2rareclick) { p2rarebool = !p2rarebool; };
                    if (p2mt3click) { p2mt3bool = !p2mt3bool; }
                    if (p2closeclick)
                        this.opposearchstring = "";
                        this.p2cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        p2growthbool = true;
                        p2orderbool = true;
                        p2energybool = true;
                        p2decaybool = true;
                        p2commonbool = true;
                        p2uncommonbool = true;
                        p2rarebool = true;
                        p2mt3bool = false;

                    //clear p1moddedlist only if necessary
                    if (oppocopy != this.opposearchstring || p2closeclick || (p2growthclick && p2growthbool) || (p2orderclick && p2orderbool) || (p2energyclick && p2energybool) || (p2decayclick && p2decaybool) || (p2commonclick && p2commonbool) || (p2uncommonclick && p2uncommonbool) || (p2rareclick && p2rarebool) || p2mt3click)
                        //Console.WriteLine("delete dings####");

                        string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                        if (p2decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                        if (p2energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                        if (p2growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                        if (p2orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };
                        int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                        if (p2rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                        if (p2uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                        if (p2commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };

                        this.p2cf = CardFilter.from("");
                        if (this.opposearchstring != "")
                            this.p2cf = CardFilter.from(this.opposearchstring);
                        if (this.p2mt3bool)



                        if (oppocopy != this.opposearchstring)
                            this.p2cf = CardFilter.from("");
                            if (this.opposearchstring != "")
                                this.p2cf = CardFilter.from(this.opposearchstring);

                        if (p2growthclick || p2orderclick || p2energyclick || p2decayclick)
                            string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                            if (p2decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                            if (p2energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                            if (p2growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                            if (p2orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };

                        if (p2commonclick || p2uncommonclick || p2rareclick)

                            int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                            if (p2rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                            if (p2uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                            if (p2commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };


                    if (oppocopy != this.opposearchstring || p2growthclick || p2orderclick || p2energyclick || p2decayclick || p2commonclick || p2uncommonclick || p2rareclick || p2mt3click || p2closeclick)

                        string[] res = { "", "", "", "" };
                        if (p2decaybool) { res[0] = "decay"; };
                        if (p2energybool) { res[1] = "energy"; };
                        if (p2growthbool) { res[2] = "growth"; };
                        if (p2orderbool) { res[3] = "order"; };
                        int[] rare = { -1, -1, -1 };
                        if (p2rarebool) { rare[2] = 2; };
                        if (p2uncommonbool) { rare[1] = 1; };
                        if (p2commonbool) { rare[0] = 0; };

                        if (this.opposearchstring != "")
                        if (this.p2mt3bool)



            if (info.target is Lobby && info.targetMethod.Equals("Start"))
                if (lby == null)
                    lby = (Lobby)info.target;
                    lbyinfo = info;
                    this.p1cards = (List<Card>)cardsPlayer1field.GetValue(lbyinfo.target);
                    this.p2cards = (List<Card>)cardsPlayer2field.GetValue(lbyinfo.target);
                    anzupdates = 0;
                    this.searchedself = false;
                    this.searchedoppo = false;



            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("SetTradeRoomName"))
                this.traderoomname = (string)info.arguments[0];


            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("StartTrade"))
                if (ts == null)
                    trading = true;
                    ts = (TradeSystem)info.target;
                    this.orginalp1name = (string)info.arguments[2];
                    this.orginalp2name = (string)info.arguments[3];
                    this.orginalint = (int)info.arguments[4];
                    this.selfsearchstring = "";
                    this.opposearchstring = "";



            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("UpdateView"))
                if ((Boolean)info.arguments[0] == false && this.anzupdates<=1)

                    //foreach (Card c in this.orgicardsPlayer1) { Console.WriteLine(c.getName()); };
                    //foreach (Card c in this.orgicardsPlayer2) { Console.WriteLine(c.getName()); };

                    //Rect outerArea1 = (Rect)typeof(Lobby).GetField("outerArea1", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(lbyinfo.target);

                    //Console.WriteLine("outer area" + outerArea1.height);

                    if (anzupdates == 1) // only show at the second time (first time you get own cards, second time you get opponent cards)
                //collect tradeview changes:
                if ((Boolean)info.arguments[0] == true)
                    this.player1 = (TradeInfo)info.arguments[1];
                    this.player2 = (TradeInfo)info.arguments[2];

            if (info.target is TradeSystem && info.targetMethod.Equals("CloseTrade"))
                ts = null;
                lby = null;
                player1 = new TradeInfo();
                player2 = new TradeInfo();
                trading = false;
                this.traderoomname = "";

