コード例 #1
    string GetPacket(TrackerPacket point, int isResend)
        decimal Alarm = 0;

        point.GetInput("ALARM", out Alarm);
        int timestamp, packettimestamp, servertimestamp;

        packettimestamp = point.m_Time;
        DateTime dt = CTime.GetTime(Convert.ToInt64(packettimestamp));

        servertimestamp = Convert.ToInt32(DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1)).TotalSeconds);
        if (isResend > 0)
            timestamp = servertimestamp;
            timestamp = packettimestamp;

        string str = "{\"deviceId\": \"" + m_Tracker.m_IMEI + "\", " +
                     "\"latitude\": \"" + point.m_fLat + "\", " +
                     "\"longitude\": \"" + point.m_fLng + "\", " +
                     "\"timeStamp\": \"" + timestamp + "\", " +
                     "\"speed\": \"" + CObject.Float2XML(point.m_Speed / 3.6) + "\", " +
                     "\"sos\": \"" + ((Alarm != 0) ? "True": "False") + "\", " +
                     "\"altitude\": \"" + point.m_Alt + "\", " +
                     "\"vehicleNo\": \"" + m_Tracker.m_strName + "\", " +
                     "\"isValid\": \"" + (point.IsFixed(false) ? "True" : "False") + "\", " +
                     "\"packetTimeStamp\": \"" + packettimestamp + "\"," +
                     "\"serverTimeStamp\": \"" + servertimestamp + "\"" +

コード例 #2
    public bool PushPacketWithID(TrackerPacket packet)
            CTracker tracker = ConfigMgr.inst().GetTrackerByID((int)packet.m_ID);
            if (tracker != null)
                if (packet.IsValid())
                    lock (m_Queue)

                    if (packet.IsFixed(true))
        catch (Exception ex)
            m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.ERROR, 0, "PushPacket:" + ex.ToString());
コード例 #3
    string GetPacket(TrackerPacket point)
        decimal Alarm = 0;

        point.GetInput("ALARM", out Alarm);

        string str = "{\"deviceId\": \"" + m_Tracker.m_IMEI + "\", " +
                     "\"latitude\": \"" + point.m_fLat + "\", " +
                     "\"longitude\": \"" + point.m_fLng + "\", " +
                     "\"timeStamp\": \"" + point.m_Time + "\", " +
                     "\"speed\": \"" + CObject.Float2XML(point.m_Speed / 3.6) + "\", " +
                     "\"sos\": \"" + ((Alarm != 0) ? "True": "False") + "\", " +
                     "\"altitude\": \"" + point.m_Alt + "\", " +
                     "\"vehicleNo\": \"" + m_Tracker.m_strName + "\", " +
                     "\"isValid\": \"" + (point.IsFixed(false) ? "True" : "False") + "\"}";

コード例 #4
    // У$DIMTS,null,null,null,357852031069696,DL1PC4716,31.12.2013,06:54:11,28.5271550,null,77.2807010,null,12.5,1,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null#Ф
    string GetPacket(TrackerPacket point)
        DateTime dt = CTime.GetTime(point.m_Time);
        decimal  odo = 0, pwr = 0, acc = 0;

        point.GetInput("ODO", out odo);
        point.GetInput("ACC", out acc);
        point.GetInput("PWR", out pwr);

        string res = "$DIMTS,null,null,null";

        res += "," + m_Tracker.m_IMEI;
        res += "," + m_Tracker.m_strName;
        res += "," + dt.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy");
        res += "," + dt.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
        res += "," + CObject.Float2XML(Math.Abs(point.m_fLat));
        res += "," + ((point.m_fLat >= 0) ? "N" : "S");
        res += "," + CObject.Float2XML(Math.Abs(point.m_fLng));
        res += "," + ((point.m_fLng >= 0) ? "E" : "W");
        res += "," + point.m_Speed;
        res += "," + (point.IsFixed(false) ? "1" : "0");
        res += "," + point.m_SatteliteCount;
        res += ",null";// + 1; //DOP
        res += "," + point.m_Direction;
        res += "," + point.m_Alt;
        res += ",null";               // + 0;
        res += "," + Math.Round(odo); //ODO
        res += ",null";               //IGN
        res += ",null";               // + CObject.Float2XML((double)acc / 1000.0); //Batt
        res += ",null";               // + CObject.Float2XML((double)pwr / 1000.0); //POWER
        res += ",null";               // + "00000000"; //Digitalinputvalues
        res += ",null";               //NetworkOperatorName
        res += ",null";               // + 15; //GSMStrength
        res += ",null";               // + 0; //CellID
        res += ",null";               // + 0; //LAC
        res += ",null";               // + 1; //SeqNo
        res += ",null";               // + 0; //AvgSpd
        res += ",null";               // + 0; //MinSpd
        res += "#";

        m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.INFO, 0, res);

コード例 #5
ファイル: Dingtek.cs プロジェクト: anismagdouli19/Geoloc
    byte[] GetPacket(TrackerPacket point)
        int i = 0;

        byte[] buf = new byte[45 + 20];
        for (int j = 0; j < buf.Length; j++)
            buf[j] = 0;

        buf[i++] = 0x29;
        buf[i++] = 0x29;
        buf[i++] = 0x80;
        i       += 2; // length

        uint imei = (uint)(m_Tracker.m_IMEI - 14100000000);

        for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            buf[i + 3 - k] = (byte)(imei % 100);
            if (k != 2)
                buf[i + 3 - k] |= 0x80;
            imei = imei / 100;
        i += 4;

        DateTime dt = CTime.GetTime(point.m_Time + 3600 * 2);

        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Year - 2000, 1)[0];
        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Month, 1)[0];
        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Day, 1)[0];
        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Hour, 1)[0];
        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Minute, 1)[0];
        buf[i++] = BCDConverter.GetBytes(dt.Second, 1)[0];

        GetCoord(point.m_fLat).CopyTo(buf, i); i += 4;
        GetCoord(point.m_fLng).CopyTo(buf, i); i += 4;

        BCDConverter.GetBytes(point.m_Speed, 2).CopyTo(buf, i); i     += 2;
        BCDConverter.GetBytes(point.m_Direction, 2).CopyTo(buf, i); i += 2;

        decimal odo = 0, ignition = 0, oilcut = 0, pwr = 12000;
        decimal din1 = 0, din2 = 0, din3 = 0, din4 = 0;

        point.GetInput("DIN6", out ignition);
        point.GetInput("DIN7", out oilcut);
        point.GetInput("PWR", out pwr);
        point.GetInput("ODO", out odo);
        point.GetInput("DIN1", out din1);
        point.GetInput("DIN2", out din2);
        point.GetInput("DIN3", out din3);
        point.GetInput("DIN4", out din4);

        BIConverter.GetBytes((int)odo).CopyTo(buf, i);
        buf[i++] = (byte)(((pwr == 0) ? 16 : (pwr > 3000) ? 24 : 8) + ((point.IsFixed(false) ? 224 : 0)));
        i       += 3;

        buf[i++] = (byte)(1 +
                          ((oilcut > 0) ? 0 : 4) +
                          ((din1 > 0) ? 0 : 8) +
                          ((din2 > 0) ? 0 : 16) +
                          ((din3 > 0) ? 0 : 32) +
                          ((din4 > 0) ? 0 : 64) +
                          ((ignition > 0) ? 0 : 128)); //ign, pwr, oil cut
        buf[i++] = 0xFC;                               //alarms
        buf[i++] = 0x36;                               // 32;//tcp
        buf[i++] = 0x00;

        buf[i++] = 0x00;
        buf[i++] = 0x78;
        buf[i++] = 0x00;
        buf[i++] = 0x00;
        buf[i++] = 0x00;
        buf[i++] = 0x00;
        buf[i++] = 0x3C;
        buf[i++] = 0x00;

        decimal fuel = 0;

        if (point.GetInput("FUEL", out fuel))
            string data = fuel.ToString("000.00").Replace(",", ".");
            BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(data.Length + 2)).CopyTo(buf, i); i += 2;
            BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)0x0023).CopyTo(buf, i); i            += 2;
            Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(data).CopyTo(buf, i);
            i += data.Length;
        if (point.GetInput("AIN5", out fuel))
            BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)4).CopyTo(buf, i); i      += 2;
            BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)0x002D).CopyTo(buf, i); i += 2;
            BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)fuel).CopyTo(buf, i); i   += 2;

        BIConverter.GetBytes((ushort)(i - 3)).CopyTo(buf, 3);
        buf[i++] = GetCRC(buf, 0, i);
        buf[i++] = 0x0D;

        byte[] res = new byte[i];

        string str = "<<";

        for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
            res[j] = buf[j];
            str   += " " + buf[j].ToString("X2");
        m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.INFO, 0, str);

コード例 #6
    void FlushData(object obj)    //записываем данные в базу данных
        if (m_bFlushing)
        m_bFlushing = true;

        //записать в базу все точки
        lock (m_Queue)
            if (m_Queue.Count > 100000)
                m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.ERROR, 0, "Points queue purged");

        using (CDatabase db = Configuration.inst().GetDB())
            if (!db.IsConnected())
                m_bFlushing = false;
                m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.ERROR, 0, "Cant connect to db");

            if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
                    using (MySqlCommand cmdUpdate = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE curpos SET Time=?Time, Lat=?Lat, Lng=?Lng, Status=?Status, Speed=?Speed, Alt=?Alt, IO=?IO, GSMInfo=?GSMInfo WHERE TrackerID = ?ID AND Time <= ?Time", db.connection))
                        using (MySqlCommand cmdUpdate1 = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE lastpoint SET Time=?Time, Lat=?Lat, Lng=?Lng, Status=?Status, Speed=?Speed, Alt=?Alt, IO=?IO, GSMInfo=?GSMInfo WHERE TrackerID = ?ID AND Time <= ?Time", db.connection))
                            using (MySqlCommand cmdInsert = new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO points(TrackerID, Time, Lat, Lng, Status, Speed, Alt, IO, GSMInfo,ForwardTime,ReceivedTime) VALUES(?ID, ?Time, ?Lat, ?Lng, ?Status, ?Speed, ?Alt, ?IO, ?GSMInfo,0," + CTime.GetTime(DateTime.UtcNow) + ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE TrackerID=TrackerID", db.connection))
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?ID", MySqlDbType.Int32);     cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?ID", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Time", MySqlDbType.Int32);   cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Time", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Lat", MySqlDbType.Float);    cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Lat", MySqlDbType.Float);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Lng", MySqlDbType.Float);    cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Lng", MySqlDbType.Float);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Alt", MySqlDbType.Int32);    cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Alt", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Speed", MySqlDbType.Int32);  cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Speed", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?Status", MySqlDbType.Int32); cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?Status", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?IO", MySqlDbType.Blob);      cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?IO", MySqlDbType.Blob);
                                cmdUpdate.Parameters.Add("?GSMInfo", MySqlDbType.UInt64); cmdInsert.Parameters.Add("?GSMInfo", MySqlDbType.UInt64);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?ID", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Time", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Lat", MySqlDbType.Float);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Lng", MySqlDbType.Float);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Alt", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Speed", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?Status", MySqlDbType.Int32);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?IO", MySqlDbType.Blob);
                                cmdUpdate1.Parameters.Add("?GSMInfo", MySqlDbType.UInt64);

                                using (MySqlTransaction trans = db.connection.BeginTransaction())
                                    while (true)
                                        lock (m_Queue)
                                            if (m_Queue.Count > 0)
                                                TrackerPacket point = m_Queue.Dequeue();
                                                if (point.IsFixed(true) && !point.Write2DB(cmdUpdate))
                                                if (!point.Write2DB(cmdInsert))
                                                if (!point.Write2DB(cmdUpdate1))
                catch (Exception e)
                    m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.ERROR, 0, "Points " + e.ToString());
            //online режим
                using (MySqlTransaction trans = db.connection.BeginTransaction())
                    using (MySqlCommand cmd1 = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE curpos SET online = 0", db.connection))

                    using (MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand("UPDATE curpos SET online = 1 WHERE TrackerID = ?ID", db.connection))
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("?ID", MySqlDbType.Int32);

                        lock (m_SessionTrackers)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, long> value in m_SessionTrackers)
                                cmd.Parameters["?ID"].Value = value.Value;
            catch (Exception e)
                m_Logger.Push(LogLevel.ERROR, 0, "Events " + e.ToString());
        m_bFlushing = false;