コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - Quaternion
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">Quaternion notification</param>
        private void ChrQuaternionHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.QuaternionNotification notification)
            Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported Quaternion: {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}   {4}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.a, notification.Body.b, notification.Body.c, notification.Body.d));

                // we switch a and b here to match WPF quaternion's orientation. Maybe there is a proper transformation to do it, but this seems to work as well.
                Quaternion aq = new Quaternion(notification.Body.b, notification.Body.a, notification.Body.c, notification.Body.d); // X, Y, Z, W components in WPF correspond to a, b, c, d in CH UM6 and Wikipedia

                // have to turn it still around the Y axis (facing East):
                Vector3D axis = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);
                aq = aq * new Quaternion(axis, 180);

                libguiwpf.OrientationData attitudeData = new libguiwpf.OrientationData() { timestamp = notification.Body.LastUpdate, attitudeQuaternion = aq };

            catch (Exception exc)
                Tracer.Trace("ChrQuaternionHandler() - " + exc);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - ProcAccel
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notification">ProcAccel notification</param>
 private void ChrProcAccelHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.ProcAccelNotification notification)
     Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported ProcAccel: {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.xAccel, notification.Body.yAccel, notification.Body.zAccel));
コード例 #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - ProcMag
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="notification">ProcMag notification</param>
 private void ChrProcMagHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.ProcMagNotification notification)
     Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported ProcMag: {0}   {1}   {2}   {3}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.x, notification.Body.y, notification.Body.z));
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle CH Robotics UM6 Orientation Sensor Notification - Euler
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notification">Euler notification</param>
        private void ChrEulerHandler(chrum6orientationsensor.EulerNotification notification)
            Tracer.Trace(string.Format("the UM6 Sensor reported Euler: {0}  PHI={1}   THETA={2}   PSI={3}", notification.Body.LastUpdate, notification.Body.phi, notification.Body.theta, notification.Body.psi));

                // mag heading is reported as a ahort within +-16200 range
                double magHeading = Direction.to180(notification.Body.psi * CHR_EILER_YAW_FACTOR); // convert to degrees and ensure that it is within +- 180 degrees.

                DirectionData newDir = new DirectionData() { TimeStamp = DateTime.Now.Ticks, heading = magHeading };

                DirectionData curDir = MostRecentDirection;

                if (curDir == null || Math.Abs(newDir.heading - curDir.heading) > 0.9d) // only react on significant changes in direction
                    MostRecentDirection = newDir;  //.Clone()

                    if (_mapperVicinity.robotDirection.bearing.HasValue)
                        _currentGoalBearing = (double)_mapperVicinity.robotDirection.bearing;

                    if (_mapperVicinity.turnState != null && !_mapperVicinity.turnState.hasFinished)
                        _mapperVicinity.turnState.directionCurrent = new Direction() { heading = newDir.heading, TimeStamp = newDir.TimeStamp };

                    // update mapper with Direction data:
                    _mapperVicinity.robotDirection = new Direction() { TimeStamp = newDir.TimeStamp, heading = newDir.heading, bearing = _currentGoalBearing };

                    // update mapper with Odometry data:

                    // update GUI (compass control):

                    //if (!_doUnitTest)
                    //    Decide(SensorEventSource.Compass, null);
            catch (Exception exc)
                Tracer.Trace("ChrEulerHandler() - " + exc);