protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.CompleteLocationInputForm); try { int locationId = Intent.GetIntExtra("LocationId", 0); var buttonSave = this.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.buttonSaveLocation); this.textViewLocationInfo = this.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.textViewLocationInfo); this.editTextLocationName = this.FindViewById <EditText>(Resource.Id.editTextLocationName); this.location = CentralStation.Instance.Ainject.ResolveType <ITimeTrackerWorkspace>().GetTrackLocations().FirstOrDefault(t => t.ID == locationId); this.BindLocation(location); buttonSave.Click += delegate { var backToMain = new Intent(this, typeof(MainActivity)); this.UpdateCurrentLocation(); this.StartActivity(backToMain); }; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(this.GetType().Name, ex.StackTrace); } }
static void IncrementPitStopCounts(TrackLocation[] lastTrackLocation, int[] carIdxPitStopCount, DataSample data) { var current = data.Telemetry.CarIdxTrackSurface; for (var i = 0; i < current.Length; i++) if (lastTrackLocation[i] != TrackLocation.InPitStall && current[i] == TrackLocation.InPitStall) carIdxPitStopCount[i] += 1; }
static void CaptureLastTrackLocations(TrackLocation[] lastTrackLocation, DataSample data) { var last = data.LastSample.Telemetry.CarIdxTrackSurface; for (var i = 0; i < last.Length; i++) if (last[i] != TrackLocation.NotInWorld) lastTrackLocation[i] = last[i]; }
private void BindLocation(TrackLocation location) { if (location != null) { this.textViewLocationInfo.Text = location.ToString(); this.editTextLocationName.Text = location.Name; } }
static void CapturePitStopCounts(TrackLocation[] lastTrackLocation, int[] carIdxPitStopCount, DataSample data) { if (data.LastSample == null) return; CaptureLastTrackLocations(lastTrackLocation, data); IncrementPitStopCounts(lastTrackLocation, carIdxPitStopCount, data); }
public Task <RequestResult> AddTrackLocation(TrackLocation trackLocation) { var builder = new UriBuilder(GlobalSettings.AuthenticationEndpoint); builder.Path = $"api/census/add/tracklocation"; var uri = builder.ToString(); return(_requestProvider.PostAsync <TrackLocation, RequestResult>(uri, trackLocation)); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the track location. /// </summary> /// <param name="trackLocation">The track location.</param> public void SetTrackLocation(TrackLocation trackLocation) { if (trackLocation == this.currentTrackLocation) { return; } this.WriteExitPerimeterEvent(this.currentTrackLocation); this.currentTrackLocation = trackLocation; this.WriteEnterPerimeterEvent(this.currentTrackLocation); }
private void WriteExitPerimeterEvent(TrackLocation exitTrackLocation) { if (exitTrackLocation == null) { return; } Log.Debug(this.GetType().Name, "Exit Perimeter"); var entry = new TrackLocationLogEntry { LogEntry = Constants.ExitPerimeter, TrackLocationId = exitTrackLocation.ID, LocationName = exitTrackLocation.LocationName }; entry.LogDateTime = (DateTime.Now); int response = this.timeTrackerWorkspace.SaveTrackLocationLogEntry(entry); }
private async Task <object> GetUserPlaying(User user) { var location = TrackLocation.Parse(user.last_playing); Track track = null; if (location.trackid != 0) { track = await _context.GetTrack(location.trackid); if (track?.IsVisibleToUser(user) != true) { track = null; } } return(new { location.listid, location.position, location.trackid, track = track == null ? null : TrackVM.FromTrack(track, _app) }); }
public void InjestPacket(Packet p) { //Coaching //In order for this to happen, a few things must happen... (i will make the asssumption that the packets are UP TO DATE!) //This has to be a motion packet (this contains the X,Y, and Z position) //We have to already have seen the previous motion packet (this is used to see direction) //We have to already have seen the previous lap packet (this is used to see what sector we are in) if (p.PacketType == PacketType.Motion && LastReceivedPackets.Motion != null && LastReceivedPackets.Lap != null) { //Set up the variables that we will use MotionPacket mp = (MotionPacket)p; TrackLocation my_loc = new TrackLocation() { PositionX = mp.FieldMotionData[mp.PlayerCarIndex].PositionX, PositionY = mp.FieldMotionData[mp.PlayerCarIndex].PositionY, PositionZ = mp.FieldMotionData[mp.PlayerCarIndex].PositionZ }; if (Calibrating == true) //This is a new instance and we have to wait until the user gets to within a certain distancce of ANY corner to know what corner he is on { //Find out what corner we are closest to byte nearest_corner = 0; float nearest_corner_distance = float.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < LoadedTrackData.Corners.Length; i++) //Loop through each corner, measure the distance, and if this one is closest save it { TrackLocation tl = LoadedTrackData.Corners[i]; if (tl.Sector == LastReceivedPackets.Lap.FieldLapData[LastReceivedPackets.Lap.PlayerCarIndex].Sector) //We will only evaluate corners that are in the current sector we are in. { float this_distance = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(my_loc, tl); if (this_distance < nearest_corner_distance) { nearest_corner_distance = this_distance; nearest_corner = (byte)(i + 1); //Plus one because we want the corner number, not the index of the corner. } } } //If the corner is within the threshold, mark this as an apex hit and mark the corner # we are on if (nearest_corner_distance <= ApexDistanceThreshold) { AtCorner = nearest_corner; AtCornerStage = CornerStage.Apex; Calibrating = false; //We are no longer calibrating //Invoke the events try { CornerChanged.Invoke(nearest_corner); } catch { } try { CornerStageChanged.Invoke(CornerStage.Apex); } catch { } } } else //We are no longer calibrating { if (AtCornerStage == CornerStage.Apex) //If the mode is currently "at apex", then wait until the user leaves the threshold and then mark it as "leaving" { //Measure the distance in between the car and that corner TrackLocationOptima at_corner = LoadedTrackData.Corners[AtCorner - 1]; float distance_to_corner = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(at_corner, my_loc); if (distance_to_corner > ApexDistanceThreshold) { AtCornerStage = CornerStage.Exit; try { CornerStageChanged.Invoke(CornerStage.Exit); } catch { } } else //If we are still inside the threshold, try to pinpoint if we are moving toward the apex or away from it. If we are move away from it (we have passed it), invoke the corner apex telemetry received received. { if (ApexTelemetryAlreadyBroadcastedForCurrentCorner == false) //We don't want to broadcast it twice, so we check to see if we already broadcasted it. { TrackLocation last_loc = new TrackLocation() { PositionX = LastReceivedPackets.Motion.FieldMotionData[LastReceivedPackets.Motion.PlayerCarIndex].PositionX, PositionY = LastReceivedPackets.Motion.FieldMotionData[LastReceivedPackets.Motion.PlayerCarIndex].PositionY, PositionZ = LastReceivedPackets.Motion.FieldMotionData[LastReceivedPackets.Motion.PlayerCarIndex].PositionZ }; float last_distance_to_corner = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(last_loc, at_corner); //If this distance is GREATER THAN the last distance, it means we are moving away from it (we passed it). So trigger the telemetry if (distance_to_corner >= last_distance_to_corner) { try { ApexTelemetryReceived.Invoke(LastReceivedPackets.Telemetry.FieldTelemetryData[LastReceivedPackets.Telemetry.PlayerCarIndex], at_corner); } catch { } ApexTelemetryAlreadyBroadcastedForCurrentCorner = true; //Flip this to true so we dont broadcast it again in this corner. This will be flipped back to false once we leave this corner. } } } } else if (AtCornerStage == CornerStage.Exit) //If We are in the corner exit: check if we are closer to the previous corner that we are exiting or the next corner. If we are closer to the next corner, flip it to entry for that corner. { //Get the previous corner index and the next corner index int Previous_Corner_Index = AtCorner - 1; int Next_Corner_Index; //This is a bit more complicated because if we are at the LAST corner of the lap, the next corner index would be 1! if (AtCorner == LoadedTrackData.Corners.Length) //If the current corner is the LAST corner in the track data location { Next_Corner_Index = 0; } else { Next_Corner_Index = Previous_Corner_Index + 1; } //Get the previous and next corners TrackLocation Previous_Corner = LoadedTrackData.Corners[Previous_Corner_Index]; //The current corner that we are exiting from (reduce by 1 for an index) TrackLocation Next_Corner = LoadedTrackData.Corners[Next_Corner_Index]; //The NEXT corner that we are now approaching. //Check which one we are closer to float distance_to_prev = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(Previous_Corner, my_loc); float distance_to_next = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(Next_Corner, my_loc); //If we are closer to next corner, flip it to that corner entry if (distance_to_next <= distance_to_prev) { AtCorner = (byte)(Next_Corner_Index + 1); //Flip the corner to the new corner AtCornerStage = CornerStage.Entry; //Set it to entry //Raise the events try { CornerChanged.Invoke((byte)(Next_Corner_Index + 1)); } catch { } try { CornerStageChanged.Invoke(CornerStage.Entry); } catch { } //Flip the Already broadccasted telemetry for this apex corner to false ApexTelemetryAlreadyBroadcastedForCurrentCorner = false; } } else if (AtCornerStage == CornerStage.Entry) //If we are at the corner entry stage, check to see if we are within the threshold to call it an apex hit { //Get this corner TrackLocation This_Corner = LoadedTrackData.Corners[AtCorner - 1]; //Measure the distance to that corner float distance_to_corner = ApexVisualToolkit.DistanceBetweenTwoPoints(This_Corner, my_loc); //If the distance is within the threshold, call it an apex hit if (distance_to_corner <= ApexDistanceThreshold) { AtCornerStage = CornerStage.Apex; //Raise the events try { CornerStageChanged.Invoke(CornerStage.Apex); } catch { } } } } } #region "Save this packet" if (p.PacketType == PacketType.CarStatus) { LastReceivedPackets.CarStatus = (CarStatusPacket)p; } else if (p.PacketType == PacketType.Lap) { LastReceivedPackets.Lap = (LapPacket)p; } else if (p.PacketType == PacketType.Motion) { LastReceivedPackets.Motion = (MotionPacket)p; } else if (p.PacketType == PacketType.CarTelemetry) { LastReceivedPackets.Telemetry = (TelemetryPacket)p; } #endregion }
private static void UpdateTrackLocation(Simulation sim, IEntitySessionResult result, TrackLocation newLocation) { if (newLocation == result.Entity.Car.Movement.TrackLocation) { return; } ((CarMovement)result.Entity.Car.Movement).TrackLocation = newLocation; if (newLocation == TrackLocation.OffTrack) { var ev = new SessionEvent(result.CurrentLap.ReplayPosition, "Off Track", result.Entity, sim.CameraManager.CurrentGroup, result.Session.Type, SessionEventType.OffTrack, result.CurrentLap.Number); lock (sim.SharedCollectionLock) { ((Session.Session)sim.Session).SessionEventsInt.Add(ev); } sim.Triggers.Push(new TriggerInfo { CarIdx = result.Entity.CarIdx, Type = EventType.OffTrack }); } else if (newLocation == TrackLocation.NotInWorld) { sim.Triggers.Push(new TriggerInfo { CarIdx = result.Entity.CarIdx, Type = EventType.NotInWorld }); } }
/// <summary> /// Toes the coordinate. /// </summary> /// <param name="location">The location.</param> /// <returns>Coordinates for the location</returns> public static Coordinate ToCoordinate(this TrackLocation location) { return(new Coordinate { Longitude = location.Longitude, Latitude = location.Latitude }); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the track location. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveTrackLocation(TrackLocation item) { return(this.database.SateEntity(item)); }