コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// track查询
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventId"></param>
        /// <param name="eventGroupId"></param>
        /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TrackCyclingResponse> GetTrackCycling(int eventId, int eventGroupId, string keyValue)
            List <TrackCyclingResponse> list = new List <TrackCyclingResponse>();

            StringBuilder join = new StringBuilder();

            var sql = $@" SELECT * FROM t_event_cycling_match
                            WHERE eventid = {eventId} and eventGroupId = {eventGroupId}

            if (keyValue.IsNotEmpty())
                var key = $"%{keyValue}%";

                sql = $@" select t.id,t.eventId,t.eventGroupId,t.progroupNum,t.congroupNum,t.roomId,t.refereeId
                        SELECT a.*,c.code as proCode,'' as conCode, d.completename as proCName,'' as conCName from t_event_cycling_match a
                        LEFT JOIN t_event_player_signup b on a.progroupNum = b.groupnum
                        LEFT JOIN t_member c on b.memberId = c.id
                        LEFT JOIN t_member_player d on d.memberId = c.id 
                        where a.eventId = {eventId} and a.eventGroupId = {eventGroupId}
                        SELECT a.*,'' as proCode, c.code as conCode,'' as proCName, d.completename as conCName from t_event_cycling_match a
                        LEFT JOIN t_event_player_signup b on a.congroupNum = b.groupnum
                        LEFT JOIN t_member c on b.memberId = c.id
                        LEFT JOIN t_member_player d on d.memberId = c.id 
                        where a.eventId = {eventId} and a.eventGroupId = {eventGroupId}
                        ) t 
                        where t.proCode like '{key}' or t.conCode like '{key}' or t.proCName like '{key}' or t.conCName like '{key}'
                        ORDER BY t.id

            List <t_event_cycling_match> matchs = _dbContext.Query <t_event_cycling_match>(sql).ToList();

            var teams = _dbContext.Select <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>(c => c.eventId == eventId && c.eventGroupId == eventGroupId).ToList();
            var players = _dbContext.Select <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>(c => c.eventId == eventId && c.eventGroupId == eventGroupId).ToList();

            foreach (var li in matchs)
                TrackCyclingResponse obj = new TrackCyclingResponse()
                    id           = li.id,
                    eventId      = li.eventId,
                    eventGroupId = li.eventGroupId
                    congroupNum        = li.congroupNum,
                    cyclingDetailId    = li.cyclingDetailId,
                    cyclingMatchStatus = li.cyclingMatchStatus
                    isBye       = li.isBye,
                    progroupNum = li.progroupNum,
                    refereeId   = (int)li.refereeId,
                    roomId      = (int)li.roomId

                var q1 = from t in teams
                         where (t.groupNum == li.progroupNum || t.groupNum == li.congroupNum) && t.eventId == eventId && t.eventGroupId == eventGroupId && t.cyclingMatchId == li.id
                         select t;
                List <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult> curTeams = q1.Cast <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>().ToList <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>();
                List <TrackCyclingTeamResponse>         teamResp = new List <TrackCyclingTeamResponse>();
                foreach (var ct in curTeams)
                    TrackCyclingTeamResponse ttp = new TrackCyclingTeamResponse()
                        id             = ct.id,
                        cyclingMatchId = ct.cyclingMatchId
                        eventGroupId = ct.eventGroupId,
                        eventId      = ct.eventId,
                        groupNum     = ct.groupNum,
                        isWin        = ct.isWin
                        totalScore = ct.totalScore,
                        winType    = ct.winType

                    var q2 = from pp in players
                             where pp.eventId == eventId && pp.eventGroupId == eventGroupId && pp.cyclingMatchId == li.id && pp.groupNum == ct.groupNum
                             select pp;
                    List <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult> curPlayers = q2.Cast <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>().ToList <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>();
                    List <TrackCyclingPlayerResponse>         arrPlayers = new List <TrackCyclingPlayerResponse>();
                    foreach (var pl in curPlayers)
                        var objp = new TrackCyclingPlayerResponse()
                            id             = pl.id, cyclingMatchId = pl.cyclingMatchId
                            , eventGroupId = pl.eventGroupId, eventId = pl.eventId, groupNum = pl.groupNum
                            , playerId     = pl.playerId, ranking = pl.ranking, refereeId = pl.refereeId, score = pl.score
                    ttp.players = arrPlayers;
                obj.teams = teamResp;


コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 当前轮次的track
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="eventId"></param>
        /// <param name="eventGroupId"></param>
        /// <param name="keyValue"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <TrackCyclingResponse> GetTrackCyclingCur(int eventId, int eventGroupId, string keyValue)
            List <TrackCyclingResponse> list = new List <TrackCyclingResponse>();

            StringBuilder join = new StringBuilder();
            //if (request.KeyValue.IsNotEmpty())
            //    request.KeyValue = $"%{request.KeyValue}%";
            //    join.Append(" and (b.code like @KeyValue or b.completename like @KeyValue or a.groupnum like @KeyValue)");
            var sql = $@" SELECT * FROM t_event_cycling_match
                          WHERE cyclingDetailId IN (SELECT id FROM t_event_cycling_detail
                          WHERE eventId = {eventId}  AND eventGroupId = {eventGroupId} AND cyclingraceId = (
                            SELECT id FROM t_event_cycling
                                WHERE eventId = {eventId} AND eventGroupId = {eventGroupId} AND cyclingRaceStatus = 2
            List <t_event_cycling_match> matchs = _dbContext.Query <t_event_cycling_match>(sql).ToList();

            var teams = _dbContext.Select <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>(c => c.eventId == eventId && c.eventGroupId == eventGroupId).ToList();
            var players = _dbContext.Select <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>(c => c.eventId == eventId && c.eventGroupId == eventGroupId).ToList();

            foreach (var li in matchs)
                TrackCyclingResponse obj = new TrackCyclingResponse()
                    id           = li.id,
                    eventId      = li.eventId,
                    eventGroupId = li.eventGroupId
                    congroupNum        = li.congroupNum,
                    cyclingDetailId    = li.cyclingDetailId,
                    cyclingMatchStatus = li.cyclingMatchStatus
                    isBye       = li.isBye,
                    progroupNum = li.progroupNum,
                    refereeId   = (int)li.refereeId,
                    roomId      = (int)li.roomId

                var q1 = from t in teams
                         where (t.groupNum == li.progroupNum || t.groupNum == li.congroupNum) && t.eventId == eventId && t.eventGroupId == eventGroupId && t.cyclingMatchId == li.id
                         select t;
                List <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult> curTeams = q1.Cast <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>().ToList <t_event_cycling_match_teamresult>();
                List <TrackCyclingTeamResponse>         teamResp = new List <TrackCyclingTeamResponse>();
                foreach (var ct in curTeams)
                    TrackCyclingTeamResponse ttp = new TrackCyclingTeamResponse()
                        id             = ct.id, cyclingMatchId = ct.cyclingMatchId
                        , eventGroupId = ct.eventGroupId, eventId = ct.eventId, groupNum = ct.groupNum, isWin = ct.isWin
                        , totalScore   = ct.totalScore, winType = ct.winType

                    var q2 = from pp in players
                             where pp.eventId == eventId && pp.eventGroupId == eventGroupId && pp.cyclingMatchId == li.id && pp.groupNum == ct.groupNum
                             select pp;
                    List <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult> curPlayers = q2.Cast <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>().ToList <t_event_cycling_match_playerresult>();
                    List <TrackCyclingPlayerResponse>         arrPlayers = new List <TrackCyclingPlayerResponse>();
                    foreach (var pl in curPlayers)
                        var objp = new TrackCyclingPlayerResponse()
                            id             = pl.id,
                            cyclingMatchId = pl.cyclingMatchId
                            eventGroupId = pl.eventGroupId,
                            eventId      = pl.eventId,
                            groupNum     = pl.groupNum
                            playerId  = pl.playerId,
                            ranking   = pl.ranking,
                            refereeId = pl.refereeId,
                            score     = pl.score
                    ttp.players = arrPlayers;
                obj.teams = teamResp;

