/// <summary> /// Stops this instance of Krento and dispose Krento context. /// </summary> internal void Stop() { TraceDebug.Trace("Stop Krento"); if (context != null) { try { if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Dispose(); splashScreen = null; } context.StopServer(); context.UnloadKrentoPlugins(); context.UnloadKrentoToys(); context.UnloadKrentoDocklets(); context.UnloadRingImage(); context.Dispose(); context = null; } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace("Exception in Startup.Stop: " + ex.Message); context = null; } } }
internal void UnloadAll() { try { SaveAll(); } catch (Exception ex) { //do not raise an exception here because Krento wants to shutdown TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } UnloadMouseHook(); UnloadKeyboardHook(); context.FreeAllResources(); }
private void Load() { try { iniFile = new MemIniFile(FileName); try { iniFile.Load(); LoadIniFileData(); } finally { iniFile.Dispose(); iniFile = null; } LoadLogo(logoFile); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Stops this instance of Krento and dispose Krento context. /// </summary> internal void Stop() { TraceDebug.Trace("Stop Krento"); if (context != null) { try { context.StopServer(); context.UnloadKrentoPlugins(); context.UnloadKrentoToys(); context.UnloadKrentoDocklets(); context.UnloadRingImage(); context.Dispose(); context = null; } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace("Exception in Startup.Stop: " + ex.Message); context = null; } } CentralPoint.Shutdown(); }
internal static void UnhandledException(Exception ex) { if (!busyException) { try { busyException = true; #if !DEBUG try { #endif InteropHelper.OutputDebugString(ex.Message); BroadcastShutdownMessage(); string message = string.Empty; ErrorHandleDialog ehd = new ErrorHandleDialog(); try { if (ex is HookException) { ehd.ErrorText.Text = SR.KrentoHookMissing; } else { while (ex.InnerException != null) { message = message + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine; ex = ex.InnerException; } message = message + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine; StackTrace st = new StackTrace(ex); message = message + "Call stack:"; ehd.ErrorText.Text = message + Environment.NewLine + st.ToString(); InteropHelper.OutputDebugString(ehd.ErrorText.Text); } DialogResult ok = DialogResult.Cancel; ThreadWindows threadWindows; threadWindows = DisableTaskWindows(); try { ok = ehd.ShowDialog(MainForm); } finally { EnableTaskWindows(threadWindows); } if (ok == DialogResult.OK) { #if DEBUG if (Debugger.IsAttached) { throw ex; } else { Killer.KillSelf(); } #else Killer.KillSelf(); #endif } else { #if DEBUG if (Debugger.IsAttached) { throw ex; } else { Killer.KillSelf(); } #else Application.Restart(); Killer.KillSelf(); #endif } } finally { ehd.Dispose(); } #if !DEBUG } catch { //Exception happens in exception handler //Can't do anything now TraceDebug.Trace(ex.Message); MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); Killer.KillSelf(); } } #endif }
private static void HandleApplicationException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { TraceDebug.Trace("DEBUG: Application thread exception"); UnhandledException(e.Exception); }
private static void HandleDomainException(object sender, UnhandledExceptionEventArgs e) { TraceDebug.Trace("DEBUG: Current Domain unhandled exception"); UnhandledException((Exception)e.ExceptionObject); }
internal void Start() { string ApplicationPrefix = GlobalConfig.ProductName.ToUpperInvariant(); TraceDebug.Trace("Start {0}", GlobalConfig.ProductName); #if PORTABLE Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_PORTABLE", GlobalConfig.MainFolder, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_DRIVE", GlobalConfig.ApplicationDrive, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); #endif Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable(ApplicationPrefix + "_DATA", GlobalConfig.MainFolder, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); messageID = NativeMethods.RegisterWindowMessage("KrentoStop"); //Do not localize!!! NativeMethods.AddRemoveMessageFilter(messageID, ChangeWindowMessageFilterFlags.Add); PrepareStandardProperties(); showSplashScreen = true; ApplyGUILanguage(); GlobalSettings.LoadGlobalSettings(); GlobalSettings.ManagerLeft = Settings.Default.ManagerLeft; GlobalSettings.ManagerTop = Settings.Default.ManagerTop; #region Parse command line foreach (string param in args) { if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/low")) { GlobalConfig.LowMemory = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/ns")) { showSplashScreen = false; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/nd")) { KrentoContext.SkipDocklets = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/nt")) { KrentoContext.SkipToys = true; } if (TextHelper.SameText(param, @"/desktop")) { KrentoContext.CreateDesktopCircle = true; } if (param.IndexOf(@".circle", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > 0) { KrentoContext.CircleParameter = param; } if (FileOperations.IsKrentoPackage(param)) { KrentoContext.PackageParameter = param; } } #endregion this.context = new KrentoContext(); #region FirstRun if (NativeMethods.GlobalCheckAtom("krento_first_run")) { KrentoContext.FirstRun = true; NativeMethods.GlobalKillAtom("krento_first_run"); } #if PORTABLE string firstRunFile = Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.ApplicationFolder, "first.run"); if (NativeMethods.FileExists(firstRunFile)) { KrentoContext.FirstRun = true; NativeMethods.FileDelete(firstRunFile); } #endif if (KrentoContext.FirstRun) { GlobalSettings.SaveGlobalSettings(); } #endregion #region First Instance if (context.FirstInstance) { if ((showSplashScreen) && GlobalSettings.ShowSplashScreen) { splashScreen = new SplashScreen(); } else { splashScreen = null; } this.mainForm = new MainForm(context); mainForm.Text = GlobalConfig.ProductName; InteropHelper.MainWindow = mainForm.Handle; if (showSplashScreen) { if (splashScreen != null) { mainForm.SplashScreen = splashScreen; } } if (NativeMethods.StartEngineEx(mainForm.Handle)) { if (GlobalSettings.ActivateServer) { if (NetworkOperations.PortAvailable(GlobalSettings.PortNumber)) { context.StartServer(); } } appContext = new ApplicationContext(); //Load plugins. If the instance is the first instance and //engine is activated, then plugins are loaded try { context.LoadKrentoPlugins(); } catch (Exception) { //do not stop on wrong plugins TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading Krento plugin"); } try { context.LoadKrentoToys(); } catch (Exception) { //do not stop on wrong plugins TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading Krento toy"); } try { context.LoadKrentoDocklets(); } catch { //do not stop on wrong docklet TraceDebug.Trace("Exception on loading docklet"); } NativeThemeManager.MakeSound("#110"); Application.Run(appContext); } } #endregion }
internal void InstallKrentoPart(string fileName) { string destination = null; bool compressed = false; bool loadNewToy = false; bool loadNewDocklet = false; bool reloadStones = false; string mainFolderName = null; string ext = Path.GetExtension(fileName); if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".toy")) { destination = GlobalConfig.ToysFolder; compressed = true; loadNewToy = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kmenu")) { destination = GlobalConfig.MenusFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kskin")) { destination = GlobalConfig.SkinsFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".stone")) { destination = GlobalConfig.StoneClasses; compressed = true; reloadStones = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".lng")) { destination = GlobalConfig.LanguagesFolder; compressed = false; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".kadd")) { destination = GlobalConfig.AddInRootFolder; compressed = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".docklet")) { destination = GlobalConfig.DockletsFolder; compressed = true; loadNewDocklet = true; } else if (TextHelper.SameText(ext, ".circle")) { destination = GlobalConfig.RollingStonesFolder; compressed = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(destination)) { return; } if (!compressed) { string destinationName = Path.Combine(destination, Path.GetFileName(fileName)); try { FileOperations.CopyFile(fileName, destinationName); if (TextHelper.SameText(destination, GlobalConfig.RollingStonesFolder)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(destinationName)) { Manager.HistoryAdd(destinationName); } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } else { try { destination = Path.Combine(destination, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName)); if (!Directory.Exists(destination)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(destination); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } NativeMethods.ExtractArchive(fileName, destination); FileOperations.CopyFile(fileName, Path.Combine(GlobalConfig.DownloadsFolder, Path.GetFileName(fileName))); if (reloadStones) { try { string newStonePath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newStonePath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newStonePath = destination; } Language.Merge(Path.Combine(newStonePath, GlobalSettings.Language + ".lng")); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } //Loading of the new stone must be AFTER merging of the language Manager.LoadStoneClasses(); } else if (loadNewToy) { try { string newToyPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newToyPath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newToyPath = destination; } context.LoadKrentoToys(newToyPath); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } else if (loadNewDocklet) { try { string newDockletPath; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mainFolderName)) { newDockletPath = Path.Combine(destination, mainFolderName); } else { newDockletPath = destination; } context.LoadKrentoDocklets(newDockletPath); } catch (Exception ex) { //Toy load error happens TraceDebug.Trace(ex); } } } }
internal void PrepareKeyboardHook() { KeyModifiers mod = KeyModifiers.None; try { if (hotKeys != null) { hotKeys.Dispose(); hotKeys = null; } if (ringKeys != null) { ringKeys.Dispose(); ringKeys = null; } if (GlobalSettings.UseKeyboardActivation) { try { if ((GlobalSettings.Modifiers & Keys.LWin) != 0) { mod |= KeyModifiers.Windows; } if ((GlobalSettings.Modifiers & Keys.Shift) != 0) { mod |= KeyModifiers.Shift; } if ((GlobalSettings.Modifiers & Keys.Alt) != 0) { mod |= KeyModifiers.Alt; } if ((GlobalSettings.Modifiers & Keys.Control) != 0) { mod |= KeyModifiers.Control; } hotKeys = new Hotkeys(mod, GlobalSettings.Shortcut, this); } catch (ArgumentException) { hotKeys = null; RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(SR.HotkeyCollision(HotKeyMessage), SR.KrentoShortName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } if (GlobalSettings.CircleSelector) { try { ringKeys = new Hotkeys(KeyModifiers.Windows, Keys.N, this); } catch { ringKeys = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace("PrepareKeyboardHook: ", ex); throw; } }
public void ActivateEngine() { TraceDebug.Trace("Activate Engine"); bool doCheck = GlobalSettings.CheckUpdate; bool disableCheck = false; Visible = false; NativeMethods.ShowWindow(this.Handle, 0); NativeMethods.RemoveSystemMenu(this.Handle); #region First Instance Execution if (context.FirstInstance) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalSettings.IconName)) { Icon customIcon = null; if (FileOperations.FileExists(GlobalSettings.IconName)) { Icon loadIcon = new Icon(FileOperations.StripFileName(GlobalSettings.IconName)); try { customIcon = (Icon)loadIcon.Clone(); } finally { loadIcon.Dispose(); loadIcon = null; } notifyIcon.Icon = customIcon; //this.Icon = customIcon; } } if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Show(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(GlobalSettings.GlyphName)) { if (FileOperations.FileExists(GlobalSettings.GlyphName)) { Bitmap tmp = FastBitmap.FromFile(GlobalSettings.GlyphName); notifier.Glyph = BitmapPainter.ResizeBitmap(tmp, notifier.GlyphSize, notifier.GlyphSize, true); } } if (notifier.Glyph == null) { notifier.Glyph = NativeThemeManager.Load("BigKrento.png"); } context.Manager.SetHookMessage(context); ReloadAll(); PreparePulsar(); context.Manager.Rotate(0); if (!GlobalSettings.ShowManagerButtons) { context.Manager.DrawText(SR.KrentoWelcome); } context.Manager.Update(); context.Manager.Visible = false; notifyIcon.Visible = GlobalSettings.ShowTrayIcon; if (splashScreen != null) { if (KrentoContext.FirstRun) { splashScreen.Hide(); NativeMethods.PostMessage(InteropHelper.MainWindow, NativeMethods.CM_SPLASHCLOSE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } else { splashScreen.Close(200); } } systemReady = true; string keyMessage = HotKeyMessage; notifier.Caption = SR.KrentoWelcome; if (GlobalSettings.MouseHook == MouseHookButton.None) { notifier.Text = SR.WelcomeMessage(keyMessage, "", ""); } else { string mouseText = ""; switch (GlobalSettings.MouseHook) { case MouseHookButton.Wheel: mouseText = MouseKeyMessage + SR.MouseWheelButton; break; case MouseHookButton.XButton1: mouseText = MouseKeyMessage + SR.MouseXButton1; break; case MouseHookButton.XButton2: mouseText = MouseKeyMessage + SR.MouseXButton2; break; default: mouseText = ""; break; } notifier.Text = SR.WelcomeMessage(keyMessage, SR.OrClick, mouseText); } //Only show popup window when asked if (GlobalSettings.ShowPopupAlerts) { if (GlobalConfig.LowMemory) { notifyIcon.BalloonTipTitle = notifier.Caption; notifyIcon.BalloonTipText = notifier.Text; notifyIcon.BalloonTipIcon = ToolTipIcon.Info; notifyIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000); } else { notifier.Show(); } } Manager.ClearUnusedMemory(); #region manage autoupdate DateTime lastCheck = Settings.Default.LastCheck; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - lastCheck; if (ts.Days >= 7) { Settings.Default.LastCheck = DateTime.Now; Settings.Default.Save(); if (Settings.Default.AskForCheck) { UpdateDialog upd = new UpdateDialog(); try { upd.ShowDialog(); doCheck = (upd.DialogResult == DialogResult.OK); disableCheck = (upd.btnDisable.Checked); if (disableCheck) { GlobalSettings.CheckUpdate = doCheck; Settings.Default.AskForCheck = false; Settings.Default.Save(); } } finally { upd.Dispose(); } } if ((GlobalSettings.CheckUpdate) && (doCheck)) { checker.CheckNewVersion(); } } #endregion if (GlobalSettings.StartVisible || KrentoContext.FirstRun) { InteropHelper.ShowDesktop(); if (!Manager.Visible) { if (KrentoContext.FirstRun) { Manager.ShowAndExecute(Manager.SimulateWheelRotation); } else { ChangeVisibility(); } } } } #endregion else { systemReady = false; context.FirstInstance = false; } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) { try { if (wasException) { base.WndProc(ref m); return; } if (!systemReady) { if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.CM_STARTENGINE) { ActivateEngine(); return; } if ((m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_CLOSE) || (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_QUIT) || (m.Msg == NativeMethods.WM_QUERYENDSESSION)) { UnloadAll(); } base.WndProc(ref m); return; } else //do it only if the system is ready { if (context.Dispatch(ref m)) { return; } int code = m.Msg; switch (code) { case NativeMethods.WM_ACTIVATEAPP: // The WParam value identifies what is occurring. bool appActive = (((int)m.WParam != 0)); { if (GlobalSettings.HideOnClick) { if (!appActive) { if (Manager.Visible && (!Manager.Fading)) { if (!context.HookActive) { ChangeVisibility(); } } } } } break; case NativeMethods.WM_CLOSE: case NativeMethods.WM_QUIT: this.UnloadAll(); break; case NativeMethods.WM_QUERYENDSESSION: this.UnloadAll(); break; case NativeMethods.CM_CHECKUPDATE: ShowNewVersion(); break; case NativeMethods.WM_POWERBROADCAST: if (m.WParam == (IntPtr)NativeMethods.PBT_APMRESUMEAUTOMATIC) { context.HidePulsar(); if (Settings.Default.ShowPulsar) { Pulsar.RestoreAlpha(); Pulsar.Alpha = 60; context.ShowPulsar(); Pulsar.DeactivatePulsar(); } } break; case NativeMethods.CM_RBUTTONDOWN: { if (GlobalSettings.UseMouseActivation) { if (GlobalSettings.UseRightClick) { TraceDebug.Trace("CM_RBUTTONDOWN"); if (!trackRightDown) { trackRightDown = true; if (!context.Manager.Visible) { timerIntercept.Enabled = true; } } } } break; } case NativeMethods.CM_RBUTTONUP: { if (GlobalSettings.UseMouseActivation) { if (GlobalSettings.UseRightClick) { TraceDebug.Trace("CM_RBUTTONUP"); timerIntercept.Enabled = false; if (trackRightDown) { trackRightDown = false; if (!trackRightUp) { trackRightUp = true; MouseHook.PauseIntercept(); VirtualMouse.RightClick(); } else { trackRightUp = false; MouseHook.ResumeIntercept(); } } } } break; } case NativeMethods.CM_MBUTTONUP: case NativeMethods.CM_XBUTTONUP: if (GlobalSettings.UseMouseActivation) { int xButton = (int)m.WParam; MouseHookButton hookButton = MouseHookButton.None; if (m.Msg == NativeMethods.CM_MBUTTONUP) { hookButton = MouseHookButton.Wheel; } else { switch (xButton) { case NativeMethods.XBUTTON1: hookButton = MouseHookButton.XButton1; break; case NativeMethods.XBUTTON2: hookButton = MouseHookButton.XButton2; break; default: hookButton = MouseHookButton.None; break; } } if (GlobalSettings.MouseHook != hookButton) { return; } Keys modifiers = (Keys)m.LParam; if (GlobalSettings.MouseModifiers != modifiers) { return; } ActivateUsingMouse(true); } return; case NativeMethods.CM_DESKTOPCLICK: if (GlobalSettings.UseMouseActivation) { if (Manager != null) { if (context.HookActive) { return; } if (GlobalSettings.DesktopClick) { ActivateUsingMouse(true); } } } return; case NativeMethods.WM_HOTKEY: if (NativeMethods.IsMetroActive()) { return; } if (GlobalSettings.UseKeyboardActivation) { if (Manager != null) { if (context.HookActive) { return; } if (GlobalSettings.CircleSelector) { if (ringKeys != null) { if (((int)m.WParam) == (ringKeys.Id)) { Manager.SwitchRing(); } } } if (hotKeys != null) { if (((int)m.WParam) == (hotKeys.Id)) { if (Manager.Visible) { if (NativeMethods.GetForegroundWindow() != Manager.Handle) { Manager.Visible = false; Manager.Rotate(0); ChangeVisibility(); return; } } ChangeVisibility(); } } } } return; case NativeMethods.CM_SPLASHCLOSE: if (splashScreen != null) { splashScreen.Dispose(); splashScreen = null; } break; default: break; } base.WndProc(ref m); } } catch (Exception ex) { TraceDebug.Trace(ex); if (!wasException) { wasException = true; throw new KrentoEngineException("Krento Engine Error: ", ex); } } }
private void ExecuteAsync() { Version clientVersion; try { AssemblyName krentoName = new AssemblyName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().FullName); if (krentoName != null) { clientVersion = krentoName.Version; } else { clientVersion = new Version(Application.ProductVersion); } } catch { clientVersion = new Version("3.0"); TraceDebug.Trace("Error in getting the Krento assembly version. By default assume 3.0"); } Version serverVersion = null; #if DEBUG string configFile = "http://localhost:8080"; #else string configFile = Settings.Default.Website; #endif if (!configFile.EndsWith("/", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { configFile = configFile + "/"; } configFile = configFile + "app_version.xml"; XmlTextReader reader = null; try { try { // provide the XmlTextReader with the URL of // our xml document string xmlURL = configFile; reader = new XmlTextReader(xmlURL); // simply (and easily) skip the junk at the beginning reader.MoveToContent(); // internal - as the XmlTextReader moves only // forward, we save current xml element name // in elementName variable. When we parse a // text node, we refer to elementName to check // what was the node name string elementName = ""; // we check if the xml starts with a proper // "ourfancyapp" element node if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) && (reader.Name == "krento")) { while (reader.Read()) { // when we find an element node, // we remember its name if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { elementName = reader.Name; } else { // for text nodes... if ((reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text) && (reader.HasValue)) { // we check what the name of the node was switch (elementName) { case "version": // thats why we keep the version info // in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx format // the Version class does the // parsing for us serverVersion = new Version(reader.Value); break; case "url": url = reader.Value; break; } } } } } } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } } } catch { serverVersion = null; } if (serverVersion != null) { version = serverVersion.ToString(); if (clientVersion < serverVersion) { NativeMethods.PostMessage(InteropHelper.MainWindow, NativeMethods.CM_CHECKUPDATE, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero); } } }