public void OnClickHome() { // Save toyx if toyxmanager exists GameObject toyxManagerGameObject = GameObject.Find("ToyxManager"); if (toyxManagerGameObject != null) { ToyxManager toyxManager = toyxManagerGameObject.GetComponent <ToyxManager>(); toyxManager.Save(null); } // Hide content pane contentPanel.SetActive(false); // Show spinner loadingBackground.SetActive(true); // Load level StartCoroutine(LoadGame("menu")); }
void Update() { //don't move if we are dead if (health <= 0.0f) { return; } #if UNITY_ANDROID if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { //save before quit if (toyxManager != null) { toyxManager.Save(null); } Application.LoadLevel("menu"); } #endif }
public override void OnInspectorGUI() { DrawDefaultInspector(); ToyxManager toyxManager = (ToyxManager)target; // Create session button if (GUILayout.Button("Create Session")) { toyxManager.CreateSession(null); } // Fetch if needed button if (GUILayout.Button("Fetch If Needed")) { toyxManager.FetchIfNeeded(null); } // Fetch button if (GUILayout.Button("Fetch")) { toyxManager.Fetch(null); } // Save button if (GUILayout.Button("Save")) { toyxManager.Save(null); } // SaveEventually button if (GUILayout.Button("Save Eventually")) { toyxManager.SaveEventually(); } // Show Console button if (showConsole) { if (GUILayout.Button("Hide Console")) { showConsole = false; } } else { if (GUILayout.Button("Show Console")) { showConsole = true; } } // Clear console if (GUILayout.Button("Clear Console")) { toyxManager.infoMessage = ""; } // Console if (showConsole && toyxManager.infoMessage != null) { GUILayout.Label(toyxManager.infoMessage); } }
void Update() { ApplyGravity(); //don't move if we are animating the Appear animation AnimatorStateInfo currentStateInfo = animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (currentStateInfo.IsName("Appear")) { return; } //also don't move if we are dead if (health <= 0.0f) { return; } //regenerate health health += Time.deltaTime * healthRegenerationRate; health = Mathf.Min(health, maxHealth); UpdateSmoothedMovementDirection(); // Calculate actual motion Vector3 movement = moveDirection * moveSpeed + new Vector3(0, verticalSpeed, 0); movement *= Time.deltaTime; // Move the controller CharacterController controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); collisionFlags = controller.Move(movement); // ANIMATION sector if (animator != null) { if (isMoving) { //avisar al animador animator.SetFloat("speed", 1.0f); } else { animator.SetFloat("speed", 0.0f); } } // ANIMATION sector // Set rotation to the move direction if (IsGrounded()) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(moveDirection); } else { Vector3 xzMove = movement; xzMove.y = 0; if (xzMove.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f) { transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(xzMove); } } //update life every frame because it changes constantly hud.SetLife((float)health / (float)maxHealth); if (AppearAudioSource.enabled && !AmbientAudioSource.enabled) { //when we start moving, enable ambient sound AmbientAudioSource.enabled = true; } #if UNITY_ANDROID if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { //save before quit if (toyxManager != null) { toyxManager.Save(null); } Application.LoadLevel("menu"); } #endif }