public async Task IsCommand(string person) { //SocketGuildUser discordUser = null; SocketGuildUser discordUser = Context.Guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(item => (item.Nickname == null) ? item.Username.ToLower().Contains(person.ToLower()) : item.Nickname.ToLower().Contains(person.ToLower())); //if(discordUser == null) //{ // discordUser = Context.Guild.Users.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Username.Equals(person, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); //} //TownUser user = Database.Users.FindOne(item => item.Name == person); TownUser user = Database.Users.FindById(discordUser.Id); if (user == null) { Random random = new Random(); await ReplyAsync(string.Format(UnknownReplies[random.Next(UnknownReplies.Length)], (discordUser.Nickname == null) ? discordUser.Username : discordUser.Nickname, Context.User.Mention)); return; } if (user.Description == null) { await ReplyAsync("I've met them, they didn't tell me much about themselves though."); return; } await ReplyAsync((discordUser.Nickname == null)?discordUser.Username + " is " + user.Description : discordUser.Nickname + " is " + user.Description); }
public async Task Link(IUser user, int altaId) { TownUser entry = Database.GetUser(user); await Link(user, entry, altaId); await ReplyAsync("Done!"); }
async Task Link(IUser discordUser, TownUser user, int id) { if (user.AltaInfo == null) { user.AltaInfo = new UserAltaInfo(); } if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier == id) { await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + "Already connected!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)discordUser); return; } if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier != 0) { await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Discord from {user.AltaInfo.Username}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); user.AltaInfo.Unlink(); Database.Users.Update(user); } if (Database.Users.Exists(x => x.AltaInfo != null && x.AltaInfo.Identifier == id && x.UserId != discordUser.Id)) { var oldUsers = Database.Users.Find(x => x.AltaInfo.Identifier == id && x.UserId != discordUser.Id); foreach (var x in oldUsers) { var olddiscorduser = Context.Client.GetUser(x.UserId); await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Alta account from {olddiscorduser.Mention}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); x.AltaInfo.Unlink(); Database.Users.Update(x); } } user.AltaInfo.Identifier = id; Database.Users.Update(user); await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Successfully linked to your Alta account! Hey there {user.AltaInfo.Username}!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)discordUser); }
void FixUser(TownUser user) { if (user.AltaInfo != null) { user.AltaId = user.AltaInfo.Identifier; user.SupporterExpiry = user.AltaInfo.SupporterExpiry; user.SupporterExpiryDay = user.SupporterExpiry?.Date; } }
public async Task WhoReverse(IUser user) { TownUser entry = Database.GetUser(user); if (entry.AltaInfo != null) { await ReplyAsync(entry.Name + " is " + entry.AltaInfo.Username); } else { await ReplyAsync(entry.Name + " hasnt linked their alta account"); } }
public async Task IsLinked() { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); if (user.AltaInfo == null || user.AltaInfo.Identifier == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "You have not linked to an Alta account! To link, visit the 'Account Settings' page in the launcher."); } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Your account is currently linkedto " + user.AltaInfo.Username + "!"); } }
public async Task Who(string username) { TownUser entry = Database.Users.FindOne(item => item.AltaInfo != null && string.Compare(item.AltaInfo.Username, username, true) == 0); if (entry != null) { await ReplyAsync(username + " is " + entry.Name); } else { await ReplyAsync("Couldn't find " + username); } }
public async Task UserList() { if (Context.Guild == null) { return; } if (!(Context.User as IGuildUser).RoleIds.Contains <ulong>(334935631149137920)) { return; } await ReplyAsync("Starting..."); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result .Append("ID") .Append(',') .Append("Username") .Append(',') .Append("Nickname") .Append(',') .Append("Joined") .Append(',') .Append("Last Message") .Append(',') .Append("Score") .Append('\n'); foreach (IGuildUser user in (Context.Guild as SocketGuild).Users) { TownUser townUser = Database.GetUser(user); result .Append(user.Id) .Append(',') .Append(user.Username.Replace(',', '_')) .Append(',') .Append(user.Nickname?.Replace(',', '_')) .Append(',') .Append(townUser.InitialJoin.ToString("dd-MM-yy")) .Append(',') .Append(townUser.Scoring?.LastMessage.ToString("dd-MM-yy")) .Append('\n'); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText("D:/Output/Join Dates.txt", result.ToString()); await ReplyAsync("I'm done now :)"); }
public async Task ListExtra() { foreach (SocketGuildUser user in Context.Guild.GetRole(547202953505800233).Members) { TownUser entry = Database.GetUser(user); if (entry.AltaInfo == null || !entry.AltaInfo.IsSupporter) { await ReplyAsync(user.Username + " " + (entry.AltaInfo == null)); } } await ReplyAsync("Done!"); }
public async Task Set([Remainder] string description) { if (description.Length > 120) { await ReplyAsync("Limit of 120 characters"); return; } TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); user.Description = description; Database.Users.Update(user); }
public async Task PlayTime2(IUser userArg) { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(userArg); if (user == null || user.AltaInfo == null || user.AltaInfo.Identifier == 0) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "You have not linked to an Alta account! To link, visit the 'Account Settings' page in the launcher."); } else { var stats = await AltaAPI.ApiClient.UserClient.GetUserStatisticsAsync(user.AltaInfo.Identifier); await ReplyAsync("Play time: " + stats.PlayTime.TotalHours.ToString("0.00") + " hours"); } }
public async Task GetTalems() { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); if (user.AltaInfo == null || user.AltaInfo.Identifier == 0) { await ReplyAsync("You have not linked your alta account. Go to the launcher to link your account"); } else { var account = await AltaApi.ApiClient.ShopClient.Account.GetShopAccountInfo(); await ReplyAsync($"You have {account.ShardBalance} Talems"); } }
public async Task Update(SocketUser user) { TownUser entry = Database.GetUser(user); if (entry.AltaInfo != null) { await AccountService.UpdateAsync(entry, (SocketGuildUser)user); await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"{entry.AltaInfo.Username}'s account info has been updated!"); } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + user.Username + " have not linked to an Alta account!"); } }
public async Task Who(string username) { var userId = await AltaApi.ApiClient.UserClient.GetUserInfoAsync(username); TownUser entry = Database.Users.FindByIndex(userId.Identifier, "alta_id-index", "AltaId"); if (entry != null) { await ReplyAsync(username + " is " + entry.Name); } else { await ReplyAsync("Couldn't find " + username); } }
public async Task Update() { TownUser entry = Database.GetUser(Context.User); if (entry.AltaInfo != null) { await AccountService.UpdateAsync(entry, (SocketGuildUser)Context.User); await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Hey {entry.AltaInfo.Username}, your account info has been updated!"); } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "You have not linked to an Alta account! To link, visit the 'Account Settings' page in the launcher."); } }
public async Task AccountInfoFull() { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); if (user.AltaInfo == null || user.AltaInfo.Identifier == 0) { await ReplyAsync("You have not linked your alta account. Go to the launcher to link your account"); } else { var account = await AltaApi.ApiClient.ShopClient.Account.GetShopAccountInfo(user.AltaInfo.Identifier); var stats = await AltaApi.ApiClient.UserClient.GetUserStatisticsAsync(user.AltaInfo.Identifier); await ReplyAsync($"In Game Username: {user.AltaInfo.Username}\nTalems: {account.ShardBalance}\nSupporter: {account.MemberStatus.IsSupporter}\nSupporter End: {account.MemberStatus.MemberEndDate}\nPlay Time: {stats.PlayTime.TotalHours:0.0} hours\nCreated Account: {stats.SignupTime.ToShortDateString()} ({(DateTime.UtcNow - stats.SignupTime).TotalDays:0} days ago) "); } }
Task Handle(SocketMessage message) { TownUser user = database.GetUser(message.Author); if (user.Scoring == null) { user.Scoring = new UserScoring(); } UserScoring scoring = user.Scoring; DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow; if ((now - scoring.LastMessage).TotalMinutes > 1) { if (scoring.UsedHourPoints > 0) { if ((now - scoring.UsedFirstHourPoint).TotalHours > 1) { scoring.UsedHourPoints = 0; } } if (scoring.UsedHourPoints < 20) { if (scoring.UsedHourPoints == 0) { scoring.UsedFirstHourPoint = now; } scoring.UsedHourPoints++; scoring.Score += 10; scoring.LastMessage = now; } } return Task.CompletedTask; }
public TownUser GetUser(IUser user) { TownUser result = Users.FindOne(x => x.UserId == user.Id); if (result == null) { result = new TownUser() { UserId = user.Id, Name = user.Username }; Users.Insert(result); } else if (result.Name != user.Username) { result.Name = user.Username; Users.Update(result); } return(result); }
public async Task IsCommand(string person) { TownUser user = Database.Users.FindOne(item => item.Name == person); if (user == null) { Random random = new Random(); await ReplyAsync(string.Format(UnknownReplies[random.Next(UnknownReplies.Length)], person, Context.User.Mention)); return; } if (user.Description == null) { await ReplyAsync("I've met them, they didn't tell me much about themselves though."); return; } await ReplyAsync(person + " is " + user.Description); }
public TownUser GetUser(IUser user) { TownUser result = Users.FindOne(x => x.UserId == user.Id); bool isChanged = false; if (result == null) { result = new TownUser() { UserId = user.Id, Name = user.Username }; Users.Insert(result); } else if (result.Name != user.Username) { result.Name = user.Username; isChanged = true; } if (result.InitialJoin == default(DateTime) && user is IGuildUser guildUser && guildUser.JoinedAt.HasValue) { result.InitialJoin = guildUser.JoinedAt.Value.UtcDateTime; isChanged = true; } if (isChanged) { Users.Update(result); } return(result); }
void Migrate() { string target = "AltaLink.txt"; FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo($"./{target}"); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("Can't find AltaLinks"); return; } Console.WriteLine("Migrating with AltaLinks"); using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader($"./{target}")) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim(); string[] split = line.Split(' '); if (split.Length == 3) { ulong discord = ulong.Parse(split[0]); string name = split[1]; if (!int.TryParse(split[2], out int id)) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to parse id for " + line); continue; } TownUser user = Database.Users.FindOne(item => item.UserId == discord); if (user == null) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find user " + discord + " for " + name); continue; } if (user.AltaInfo != null) { //Console.WriteLine("Already processed " + line); continue; } Console.WriteLine("Connecting " + user.Name + " to " + name); user.AltaInfo = new UserAltaInfo() { Identifier = id, Username = name }; Database.Users.Update(user); UpdateAsync(user, null).Wait(); } else { Console.WriteLine("Length not 3 " + line); } } } }
public async Task Verify([Remainder] string encoded) { JwtSecurityToken token; Claim userData; Claim altaId; TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); try { token = new JwtSecurityToken(encoded); userData = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Type == "user_data"); altaId = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Type == "UserId"); } catch { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } if (userData == null || altaId == null) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } else { try { VerifyData result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VerifyData>(userData.Value); string test = result.discord.ToLower(); string expected = Context.User.Username.ToLower() + "#" + Context.User.Discriminator; string alternate = Context.User.Username.ToLower() + " #" + Context.User.Discriminator; if (test != expected.ToLower() && test != alternate.ToLower()) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Make sure you correctly entered your account info! You entered: " + result.discord + ". Expected: " + expected); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } int id = int.Parse(altaId.Value); bool isValid = await AltaApi.ApiClient.ServicesClient.IsValidShortLivedIdentityTokenAsync(token); if (isValid) { await Link(Context.User, user, id); if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier == id) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Already connected!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)Context.User); return; } if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier != 0) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Discord from {user.AltaInfo.Username}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); user.AltaInfo.Unlink(); } if (Database.Users.Exists(x => x.AltaInfo != null && x.AltaInfo.Identifier == id && x.UserId != Context.User.Id)) { var oldUsers = Database.Users.Find(x => x.AltaInfo.Identifier == id && x.UserId != Context.User.Id); foreach (var x in oldUsers) { var olddiscorduser = Context.Client.GetUser(x.UserId); await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Alta account from {olddiscorduser.Mention}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); x.AltaInfo.Unlink(); } } user.AltaInfo.Identifier = id; await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)Context.User); await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Successfully linked to your Alta account! Hey there {user.AltaInfo.Username}!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid token! Try creating a new one!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token : " + e.Message); } } }
public async Task AmI() { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); await ReplyAsync(user.Name + " is " + (user.Description ?? "... You?")); }
public async Task Joined() { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); await ReplyAsync($"{Context.User.Mention} joined on {user.InitialJoin.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy")}"); }
public async Task Verify([Remainder] string encoded) { JwtSecurityToken token; Claim userData; Claim altaId; TownUser user = Database.GetUser(Context.User); try { token = new JwtSecurityToken(encoded); userData = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Type == "user_data"); altaId = token.Claims.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Type == "UserId"); } catch { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } if (userData == null || altaId == null) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } else { try { VerifyData result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VerifyData>(userData.Value); string test = result.discord.ToLower(); string expected = Context.User.Username.ToLower() + "#" + Context.User.Discriminator; string alternate = Context.User.Username.ToLower() + " #" + Context.User.Discriminator; if (test != expected.ToLower() && test != alternate.ToLower()) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Make sure you correctly entered your account info! You entered: " + result.discord + ". Expected: " + expected); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); return; } int id = int.Parse(altaId.Value); bool isValid = await AltaApi.ApiClient.ServicesClient.IsValidShortLivedIdentityTokenAsync(token); if (isValid) { await Link(Context.User, user, id, encoded); } else { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid token! Try creating a new one!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); } } catch (Exception e) { await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + "Invalid verification token : " + e.Message); } } }
async Task Link(IUser discordUser, TownUser user, int altaId, string linkToken) { if (user.AltaInfo == null) { user.AltaInfo = new UserAltaInfo(); } if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier == altaId) { await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + "Already connected!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)discordUser); return; } if (user.AltaInfo.Identifier != 0) { await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Discord from {user.AltaInfo.Username}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); user.Unlink(); Database.Users.Update(user); } TownUser existing = Database.Users.FindByIndex(altaId, "alta_id-index", "AltaId"); if (existing != null && existing.UserId != discordUser.Id) { var olddiscorduser = Context.Client.GetUser(existing.UserId); await ReplyAsync(discordUser.Mention + ", " + $"Unlinking your Alta account from {olddiscorduser?.Mention}..."); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); existing.Unlink(); Database.Users.Update(existing); } var userInfo = await AltaApi.ApiClient.UserClient.GetUserInfoAsync(altaId); user.AltaId = altaId; user.AltaInfo.Identifier = altaId; user.AltaInfo.Username = userInfo.Username; Database.Users.Update(user); try { if (linkToken != null) { await AltaApi.ApiClient.Account.LinkDiscordAccount(linkToken, discordUser.Id); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Failed linking to discord in the ATT Database"); } await ReplyAsync(Context.User.Mention + ", " + $"Successfully linked to your Alta account! Hey there {user.AltaInfo.Username}!"); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); //await AccountService.UpdateAsync(user, (SocketGuildUser)discordUser); }
public async Task Joined(IUser discordUser) { TownUser user = Database.GetUser(discordUser); await ReplyAsync($"{discordUser.Username} joined on {user.InitialJoin.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy")}"); }
public async Task UpdateAsync(TownUser townUser, SocketGuildUser user) { if (guild == null) { guild = Client.GetGuild(Database.Guilds.FindOne(item => true).GuildId); } try { UserInfo userInfo = await AltaApi.ApiClient.UserClient.GetUserInfoAsync(townUser.AltaInfo.Identifier); MembershipStatusResponse result = await AltaApi.ApiClient.UserClient.GetMembershipStatus(townUser.AltaInfo.Identifier); if (userInfo == null) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find userinfo for " + townUser.Name); return; } if (townUser.AltaInfo != null && townUser.AltaInfo.IsSupporter) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find membership status for " + townUser.Name); return; } townUser.AltaInfo.SupporterExpiry = result.ExpiryTime ?? DateTime.MinValue; townUser.AltaInfo.IsSupporter = result.IsMember; townUser.AltaInfo.Username = userInfo.Username; Console.WriteLine("JUST UPDATED: " + userInfo.Username); if (user == null) { user = guild.GetUser(townUser.UserId); } if (user == null) { Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find Discord user for " + townUser.Name + " " + townUser.UserId); return; } if (supporterRole == null) { supporterRole = guild.GetRole(547202953505800233); supporterChannel = guild.GetTextChannel(547204432144891907); generalChannel = guild.GetChannel(334933825383563266) as SocketTextChannel; } if (townUser.AltaInfo.IsSupporter) { if (user.Roles == null || !user.Roles.Contains(supporterRole)) { try { await user.AddRoleAsync(supporterRole); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("Error adding role"); Console.WriteLine(user); Console.WriteLine(supporterRole); } if (user.Roles != null) { await supporterChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Mention} joined. Thanks for the support!"); await generalChannel.SendMessageAsync($"{user.Mention} became a supporter! Thanks for the support!\nIf you'd like to find out more about supporting, visit"); } } } else if (user.Roles != null && user.Roles.Contains(supporterRole)) { Console.WriteLine("UNSUPPORT : " + user.Username); await user.SendMessageAsync("Oh no! You've lost your supporter role! It's been great having you with us in #supporter-chat. If you didn't mean to unsupport, check the Support page in your launcher ( or ) to be sure your payment didn't fail. If you think this was a mistake, be sure to contact Joel, and he'll help you out!"); await user.RemoveRoleAsync(supporterRole); } Database.Users.Update(townUser); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error updating " + townUser.Name); Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }