コード例 #1
        public async Task <TourPackageBookEnquiryVM> GetTourPackageEnquiriesPagedAsync(int pageno, int pagesize, string searchterm)
            TourPackageBookEnquiryVM model = new TourPackageBookEnquiryVM();
            var parStart = new SqlParameter("@Start", (pageno - 1) * pagesize);
            var parEnd   = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", pagesize);

            var parSearchTerm = new SqlParameter("@SearchTerm", DBNull.Value);

            if (!(searchterm == null || searchterm == ""))
                parSearchTerm.Value = searchterm;
            // setting stored procedure OUTPUT value
            // This return total number of rows, and avoid two database call for data and total number of rows
            var spOutput = new SqlParameter
                ParameterName = "@TotalCount",
                SqlDbType     = System.Data.SqlDbType.BigInt,
                Direction     = System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output

            model.Enquiries = await db.Database.SqlQuery <TourPackageBookEnquiry>("udspTourPackageEnquiriesPaged @Start, @PageSize,@SearchTerm, @TotalCount out",
                                                                                  parStart, parEnd, parSearchTerm, spOutput).ToListAsync();

            model.TotalRecords = int.Parse(spOutput.Value.ToString());
コード例 #2
 public ActionResult Enquiries(int PageNo = 1, int PageSize = 10, string SearchTerm = "")
         string query = "PageNo=" + PageNo + "&PageSize=" + PageSize + "&SearchTerm=" + SearchTerm;
         TourPackageBookEnquiryAPIVM apiModel = objAPI.GetRecordByQueryString <TourPackageBookEnquiryAPIVM>("client", "enquiries", query);
         TourPackageBookEnquiryVM    model    = new TourPackageBookEnquiryVM();
         model.Enquiries  = apiModel.Enquiries;
         model.PagingInfo = new PagingInfo {
             CurrentPage = PageNo, ItemsPerPage = PageSize, TotalItems = apiModel.TotalRecords
         if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
             return(PartialView("_pvEnquiryList", model));
     catch (AuthorizationException)
         TempData["ErrMsg"] = "Your Login Session has expired. Please Login Again";
         return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { Area = "" }));