public TokenMarker(int id, Vector2 postion, TouchState state, MarkerType type) { this._id = id; this._position = postion; this._state = state; this._type = type; }
public void Touch(Point position) { if (!this.firstTouch.HasValue) { this.firstTouch = DateTime.Now; return; } else if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(this.firstTouch.Value).TotalMilliseconds < 100) { return; } this.Position = position; if (!this.IsActive) { this.Activate(); } if (this.TouchState != TouchState.Down) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Func<bool>(this.ReportDown)); this.TouchState = TouchState.Down; } else { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Func<bool>(this.ReportMove)); } }
internal Touch (TouchState state, Vector2 point, Vector2 surfacePoint, long index = 0, bool isVirtual = false) { this.State = state; this.Point = point; this.SurfacePoint = surfacePoint; this.Index = index; this.IsVirtual = isVirtual; }
/** * @brief タッチ情報オールリセット; * @note */ public static void resetAll() { mHitObject = null; mTouchState = TouchState.NON; mMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_START] = mTempMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_START] = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); mMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_END] = mTempMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_END] = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f); mScreenSlide = false; }
public void NoTouch() { this.firstTouch = null; if (TouchState == TouchState.Down) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Func<bool>(this.ReportUp)); } this.TouchState = TouchState.Up; }
public TouchInput(int id, Vector2 position, TouchState state) { this.Id = id; this.Position = position; this.State = state; //ClusterId is initially set to null and updated when first inseted //into a new Cluster this.ClusterId = null; }
List<TouchInfo> getList(TouchState key) { List<TouchInfo> result; if (!actionTask.TryGetValue(key, out result)) { result = new List<TouchInfo>(); actionTask.Add(key, result); } return result; }
public bool Init() { for (int i = 0; i < MaxTouchCount; ++i) TouchStates[i] = new TouchState(); if (!InitFilter()) return false; return true; }
public void Init(Touch touch) { this.fingerID = touch.fingerId; this.stateTime = touch.deltaTime; this.totalTime = touch.deltaTime; this.pos = touch.position; this.deltaPos = touch.deltaPosition; this.totalVec = touch.deltaPosition; this.state = TouchStateUtil.PhaseToState(touch.phase); }
private async Task SetBackgroundColorAsync(TouchEff sender, TouchState state, int duration) { var regularBackgroundColor = sender.RegularBackgroundColor; var pressedBackgroundColor = sender.PressedBackgroundColor; if (regularBackgroundColor == Color.Default && pressedBackgroundColor == Color.Default) { return; } var color = regularBackgroundColor; var easing = sender.RegularAnimationEasing; if (state == TouchState.Pressed) { color = pressedBackgroundColor; easing = sender.PressedAnimationEasing; } var control = sender.Control; if (duration <= 0) { control.BackgroundColor = color; return; } var animationCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); new Animation { { 0, 1, new Animation(v => control.BackgroundColor = new Color(v, control.BackgroundColor.G, control.BackgroundColor.B, control.BackgroundColor.A), control.BackgroundColor.R, color.R) }, { 0, 1, new Animation(v => control.BackgroundColor = new Color(control.BackgroundColor.R, v, control.BackgroundColor.B, control.BackgroundColor.A), control.BackgroundColor.G, color.G) }, { 0, 1, new Animation(v => control.BackgroundColor = new Color(control.BackgroundColor.R, control.BackgroundColor.G, v, control.BackgroundColor.A), control.BackgroundColor.B, color.B) }, { 0, 1, new Animation(v => control.BackgroundColor = new Color(control.BackgroundColor.R, control.BackgroundColor.G, control.BackgroundColor.B, v), control.BackgroundColor.A, color.A) }, }.Commit(sender.Control, ChangeBackgroundColorAnimationName, 16, (uint)duration, easing, (d, b) => animationCompletionSource.SetResult(true)); await animationCompletionSource.Task; }
private int GetTouchCount(TouchState _state) { int _count = -1; #if UNITY_EDITOR switch (_state) { case TouchState.None: case TouchState.TouchUp: if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) == true || Input.GetMouseButtonUp(1) == true) { _count = 0; } break; case TouchState.Touch: case TouchState.Touch_Long: case TouchState.TouchDrag_1Point: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) == true) { _count = 1; } break; case TouchState.TouchDrag_2Point: if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1) == true) { _count = 2; } break; } #elif UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID _count = Input.touchCount; #endif return(_count); //return 1; }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (Input.touches.Length > 0) { Touch touch = Input.touches[0]; Vector3 vector = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch.position); if (vector.x > 0f) { Debug.Log("Right touch"); _TouchState = TouchState.RightTouch; } if (vector.x < 0f) { //Do something if it's the left side Debug.Log("Left touch"); _TouchState = TouchState.LeftTouch; } } else { _TouchState = TouchState.NoTouch; } }
void CheckTouch() { nowTouchState = CheckTouchState(); if (nowTouchState != prevTouchState) { if (nowTouchState == GameManager.TouchState.None) { myHandle.setRotate(Handle.RotateDir.Stop); mySubmarine.setMove(Submarine.MoveDir.Stop); } else if (nowTouchState == GameManager.TouchState.Left) { myHandle.setRotate(Handle.RotateDir.Left); mySubmarine.setMove(Submarine.MoveDir.Left); } else { myHandle.setRotate(Handle.RotateDir.Right); mySubmarine.setMove(Submarine.MoveDir.Right); } prevTouchState = nowTouchState; } }
protected void MoveCameraByTouches(float timeStep) { const float touchSensitivity = 2f; var input = Input; for (uint i = 0, num = input.NumTouches; i < num; ++i) { TouchState state = input.GetTouch(i); if (state.Delta.X != 0 || state.Delta.Y != 0) { var camera = cameraNode.GetComponent <Camera>(); if (camera == null) { return; } yaw += touchSensitivity * camera.Fov / Graphics.Height * state.Delta.X; pitch += touchSensitivity * camera.Fov / Graphics.Height * state.Delta.Y; cameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(pitch, yaw, 0); } } }
private async Task SetScaleAsync(TouchEff sender, TouchState touchState, HoverState hoverState, int duration, Easing easing) { var regularScale = sender.RegularScale; var pressedScale = sender.PressedScale; var hoveredScale = sender.HoveredScale; if (Abs(regularScale - 1) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(pressedScale - 1) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(hoveredScale - 1) <= double.Epsilon) { return; } var scale = regularScale; if (touchState == TouchState.Pressed) { scale = pressedScale; } else if (hoverState == HoverState.Hovering) { scale = hoveredScale; } var control = sender.Control; var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); control.Animate($"{nameof(SetScaleAsync)}{control.Id}", v => { if (double.IsNaN(v)) { return; } control.Scale = v; }, control.Scale, scale, 16, (uint)Abs(duration), easing, (v, b) => tcs.SetResult(b)); await tcs.Task; }
public override void Initialise() { // Initialise victory state // ================ // Initialise Sprites m_background = new Sprite(TextureHandler.victoryBackground, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth / 2, Settings.m_screenHeight / 2), 0, Vector2.One); m_leaderboard = new Sprite(TextureHandler.victoryLeaderboard, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.25f + 20, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.25f), 0, new Vector2(1.5f, 1.5f)); m_goldTrophy = new Sprite(TextureHandler.victoryTrophyFirst, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.75f - 20, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.05f + 20), 0, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); m_silverTrophy = new Sprite(TextureHandler.victoryTrophySecond, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.65f - 25, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.25f - 40), 0, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); m_bronzeTrophy = new Sprite(TextureHandler.victoryTrophyThird, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.85f, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.35f), 0, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); // Set player podium textures to default cows m_playerFirst = new Sprite(TextureHandler.cow1, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.75f - 20, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.25f - 40), 180, new Vector2(0.75f, 0.75f)); if (Settings.m_numberOfPlayers > 1) { m_playerSecond = new Sprite(TextureHandler.cow2, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.65f - 25, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.35f), 180, new Vector2(0.75f, 0.75f)); } if (Settings.m_numberOfPlayers > 2) { m_playerThird = new Sprite(TextureHandler.cow3, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.85f, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.5f - 20), 180, new Vector2(0.75f, 0.75f)); } // // Initialise Buttons m_Race_Again_Button = new Button(TextureHandler.menuPlayAgainButton, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.25f, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.8f)); m_Main_Menu_Button = new Button(TextureHandler.menuMainMenuButton, new Vector2(Settings.m_screenWidth * 0.75f, Settings.m_screenHeight * 0.8f)); m_touchState = TouchState.IDLE; // Set initial next state m_nextState = GameState.MAIN_MENU; // Change execution state m_currentExecutionState = ExecutionState.RUNNING; }
public static TouchState getTouchState(int mouseButton = 0) { TouchState ret = TouchState.touchNone; if (Input.touchCount > 0) { Touch theTouch = Input.touches[0]; if (theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { ret = TouchState.touchBegin; } else if (theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended || theTouch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) { ret = TouchState.touchEnd; } else { ret = TouchState.touchMove; } } else { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(mouseButton)) { ret = TouchState.touchBegin; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(mouseButton)) { ret = TouchState.touchEnd; } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(mouseButton)) { ret = TouchState.touchMove; } } return(ret); }
void OnTouched(TouchMoveEventArgs eventArgs) { // Handle GridView scrolling if (Input.NumTouches == 1) { DragGrid(new Vector3(0, -eventArgs.DY * cameraMovementSpeed, 0)); //gridViewNode.Position += new Vector3(0 /*eventArgs.DX * cameraMovementSpeed*/, -eventArgs.DY * cameraMovementSpeed, 0); //System.Console.WriteLine("x: " + gridViewNode.Position.X + " y: " + gridViewNode.Position.Y); } // Handle panning and pinching else if (Input.NumTouches >= 2) { // Get Touchstates TouchState fingerOne = Input.GetTouch(0); TouchState fingerTwo = Input.GetTouch(1); // Pinching if (isPinching(ref fingerOne.Delta.X, ref fingerTwo.Delta.X, ref fingerOne.Delta.Y, ref fingerTwo.Delta.Y)) { // Get delta distance between both touches double oldDistance = GetDistance2D(fingerOne.LastPosition.X, fingerTwo.LastPosition.X, fingerOne.LastPosition.Y, fingerTwo.LastPosition.Y); double newDistance = GetDistance2D(fingerOne.Position.X, fingerTwo.Position.X, fingerOne.Position.Y, fingerTwo.Position.Y); double deltaDistance = oldDistance - newDistance; // Precision control if (Math.Abs(deltaDistance) > pinchPrecision) { float scale = (float)(newDistance / oldDistance); pinchZoom = (newDistance > oldDistance) ? scale : -scale; // Update camera offset cameraPositionOffset.Z += pinchZoom * zoomFactor; } } } }
private async Task SetTranslationAsync(TouchEff sender, TouchState touchState, HoverState hoverState, int duration, Easing easing) { var regularTranslationX = sender.RegularTranslationX; var pressedTranslationX = sender.PressedTranslationX; var hoveredTranslationX = sender.HoveredTranslationX; var regularTranslationY = sender.RegularTranslationY; var pressedTranslationY = sender.PressedTranslationY; var hoveredTranslationY = sender.HoveredTranslationY; if (Abs(regularTranslationX) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(pressedTranslationX) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(hoveredTranslationX) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(regularTranslationY) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(pressedTranslationY) <= double.Epsilon && Abs(hoveredTranslationY) <= double.Epsilon) { return; } var translationX = regularTranslationX; var translationY = regularTranslationY; if (touchState == TouchState.Pressed) { translationX = pressedTranslationX; translationY = pressedTranslationY; } else if (hoverState == HoverState.Hovering) { translationX = hoveredTranslationX; translationY = hoveredTranslationY; } await sender.Control.TranslateTo(translationX, translationY, (uint)Abs(duration), easing); }
// HandleInput - This will decide if this was as click or a swipe and // send a message to all prescribers static void HandleInput(TouchState state, ref Vector2 move) { if ((move.magnitude < minMovMagnitude) || (touchState == TouchState.Stationary)) { //Debug.Log( "CLICK" ); } else if (touchState == TouchState.Move) { move.Normalize(); // Left if (Mathf.Abs(move.x) > Mathf.Abs(move.y)) { if (move.x > 0.0f) { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: LEFT" ); } else { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: RIGHT" ); } } // Right else { if (move.y > 0.0f) { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: DOWN" ); } else { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: UP" ); } } } }
protected override void OnUpdate(float timeStep) { Input input = Input; if (character != null) { // Clear previous controls character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_FORWARD | Character.CTRL_BACK | Character.CTRL_LEFT | Character.CTRL_RIGHT | Character.CTRL_JUMP, false); // Update controls using touch utility class touch?.UpdateTouches(character.Controls); // Update controls using keys if (UI.FocusElement == null) { if (touch == null || !touch.UseGyroscope) { character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_FORWARD, input.GetKeyDown(Key.W)); character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_BACK, input.GetKeyDown(Key.S)); character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_LEFT, input.GetKeyDown(Key.A)); character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_RIGHT, input.GetKeyDown(Key.D)); character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_CROUCH, input.GetKeyDown(Key.Ctrl)); } character.Controls.Set(Character.CTRL_JUMP, input.GetKeyDown(Key.Space)); //character.Controls.Set(Character.CT, input.GetMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)); // Add character yaw & pitch from the mouse motion or touch input if (TouchEnabled) { for (uint i = 0; i < input.NumTouches; ++i) { TouchState state = input.GetTouch(i); if (state.TouchedElement == null) // Touch on empty space { Camera camera = CameraNode.GetComponent <Camera>(); if (camera == null) { return; } var graphics = Graphics; character.Controls.Yaw += TouchSensitivity * camera.Fov / graphics.Height * state.Delta.X; character.Controls.Pitch += TouchSensitivity * camera.Fov / graphics.Height * state.Delta.Y; } } } else { character.Controls.Yaw += (float)input.MouseMove.X * YawSensitivity; character.Controls.Pitch += (float)input.MouseMove.Y * YawSensitivity; } // Limit pitch character.Controls.Pitch = MathHelper.Clamp(character.Controls.Pitch, -80.0f, 80.0f); // Switch between 1st and 3rd person if (input.GetKeyPress(Key.F)) { firstPerson = !firstPerson; } // Turn on/off gyroscope on mobile platform if (touch != null && input.GetKeyPress(Key.G)) { touch.UseGyroscope = !touch.UseGyroscope; } //if (input.GetKeyPress(Key.F5)) //{ // var path = FileSystem.ProgramDir + "Data/Scenes"; // FileSystem.CreateDir(path); // scene.SaveXml(path+ "/CharacterDemo.xml", "\t"); //} // if (input.GetKeyPress(Key.F7)) //{ // var path = FileSystem.ProgramDir + "Data/Scenes"; // FileSystem.CreateDir(path); // scene.LoadXml(path + "/CharacterDemo.xml"); // Node characterNode = scene.GetChild("Jack", true); // if (characterNode != null) // { // character = characterNode.GetComponent<Character>(); // } // physicsWorld = scene.CreateComponent<PhysicsWorld>(); // physicsWorld.SubscribeToPhysicsPreStep(HandlePhysicsPreStep); //} } // Set rotation already here so that it's updated every rendering frame instead of every physics frame if (character != null) { character.Node.Rotation = Quaternion.FromAxisAngle(Vector3.UnitY, character.Controls.Yaw); } } }
private void UpdateDragState() { Vector2 tapDown; if( TapDown( out tapDown ) == false ) { touchState = TouchState.TapUp; SendTapUpMessage( MakeHitInputEvent() ); lastTouch = currTouch; } else if( (tapDown - currTouch.pos).magnitude > deadZone ) { currTouch.pos = tapDown; SendDragMessage( MakeInputEvent() ); // No raycast for drag lastTouch = currTouch; } }
/// <summary> /// <para>0x6A touch zapnuto \r\n /// 0x4A touch vypnuto</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="state"></param> public bool TouchSettings(TouchState state) { response = false; byte[] txBuff = new byte[] { 0xAA, 0xE0, 0x55, 0xAA, 0x5A, 0xA5, 0x00, 0x07, (byte)state, 0xCC, 0x33, 0xC3, 0x3C }; comLcdPri.Write(txBuff, 0, txBuff.Length); Thread.Sleep(20); return response; }
// only call by other script public void GetInputState() { Vector3 targetPos ; switch(mTouchState) { case TouchState.AFingerOneTap: targetPos = RayColliderByTapPos(InputStateClass.touchPointPos); if(targetPos != { // turn to the direction first SetPlayerToRun(targetPos-this.transform.position); // check the attack area colliderBaseScript.RayToAttackArea(); // Debug.Log(PlayerDataClass.playerAniCmdNext); // if there is no enemy in the area, then player start to run if(colliderBaseScript.mTarget == null) { if(moveBaseScript.curMovementState == PlayerMoveBase.PlayerMovementState.Run ||moveBaseScript.curMovementState == PlayerMoveBase.PlayerMovementState.Walk) { float dis = Vector3.Distance(targetPos,transform.position); if(dis < 4) { ChangeAnimationByActionCmd(PlayerDataClass.PlayerActionCommand.Player_Idel,true); } } else { ChangeAnimationByActionCmd(PlayerDataClass.PlayerActionCommand.Player_Run,true); } colliderBaseScript.mTarget = null; PlayerDataClass.AttackStart = false; } mTouchState = TouchState.None; } break; case TouchState.AFingerDoubleTap: targetPos = RayColliderByTapPos(InputStateClass.touchPointPos); SetPlayerToRun(targetPos-this.transform.position); ChangeAnimationByActionCmd(PlayerDataClass.PlayerActionCommand.Player_Jump,true); mTouchState = TouchState.None; break; case TouchState.AFingerSlash: targetPos = RayColliderByTapPos(InputStateClass.touchPointPos); SetPlayerToRun(targetPos-this.transform.position); ChangeAnimationByActionCmd(PlayerDataClass.PlayerActionCommand.Player_Rush,true); colliderBaseScript.turnOnCatchRay = true; colliderBaseScript.mCatchTarget = null; mTouchState = TouchState.None; break; case TouchState.TwoFingersDoubleTap: mTouchState = TouchState.None; break; case TouchState.TwoFingersSlash: mTouchState = TouchState.None; break; case TouchState.TwoFingersTap: mTouchState = TouchState.None; break; default: break; } }
internal void HandleTouch(TouchEff sender, TouchStatus status) { if (sender.IsDisabled) { return; } var canExecuteAction = sender.CanExecute; if (status != TouchStatus.Started || canExecuteAction) { if (!canExecuteAction) { status = TouchStatus.Canceled; } var state = status == TouchStatus.Started ? TouchState.Pressed : TouchState.Regular; if (status == TouchStatus.Started) { _animationProgress = 0; _animationState = state; } var isToggled = sender.IsToggled; if (isToggled.HasValue) { if (status != TouchStatus.Started) { _durationMultiplier = (_animationState == TouchState.Pressed && !isToggled.Value) || (_animationState == TouchState.Regular && isToggled.Value) ? 1 - _animationProgress : _animationProgress; sender.Status = status; sender.RaiseStatusChanged(); if (status == TouchStatus.Canceled) { sender.ForceUpdateState(false); return; } OnTapped(sender); sender.IsToggled = !isToggled; return; } state = isToggled.Value ? TouchState.Regular : TouchState.Pressed; if (status == TouchStatus.Canceled) { state = state == TouchState.Pressed ? TouchState.Regular : TouchState.Pressed; } } if (sender.State != state || status != TouchStatus.Canceled) { sender.State = state; sender.RaiseStateChanged(); } sender.Status = status; sender.RaiseStatusChanged(); } if (status == TouchStatus.Completed) { OnTapped(sender); } }
/// <summary>Updates the state of the input device</summary> /// <remarks> /// <para> /// If this method is called with no snapshots in the queue, it will take /// an immediate snapshot and make it the current state. This way, you /// can use the input devices without caring for the snapshot system if /// you wish. /// </para> /// <para> /// If this method is called while one or more snapshots are waiting in /// the queue, this method takes the next snapshot from the queue and makes /// it the current state. /// </para> /// </remarks> public override void Update() { TouchState previous = this.current; if (this.states.Count == 0) { this.current = buildState(); } else { this.current = this.states.Dequeue(); } GenerateEvents(ref previous, ref this.current); }
internal void SetState(TouchState newState) { this._state = newState; }
/** * @brief タッチイベント(離したとき); * @note */ public void OnMouseUp() { // タッチを離した時; // Debug.Log ("MouseUp X:"+Input.mousePosition.x+" Y:"+Input.mousePosition.y); mTempMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_END] = new Vector2 (Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); mTouchState = TouchState.SLIDE_END; }
/// <summary>Checks two touch states for changes an generates events</summary> /// <param name="previous">Previous touch state that will be compared</param> /// <param name="touchState">New touch state events will be generated for</param> protected void GenerateEvents(ref TouchState previous, ref TouchState touchState) { for (int index = 0; index < touchState.Touches.Count; ++index) { switch (touchState.Touches[index].State) { case TouchLocationState.Moved: { Moved(touchState.Touches[index].Id, touchState.Touches[index].Position); break; } case TouchLocationState.Pressed: { Pressed(touchState.Touches[index].Id, touchState.Touches[index].Position); break; } case TouchLocationState.Released: { Released(touchState.Touches[index].Id, touchState.Touches[index].Position); break; } } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public bool CancelTouch(TouchPoint touch, bool @return) { int fingerId = -1; foreach (var touchState in systemToInternalId) { if (touchState.Value.Id == touch.Id && touchState.Value.Phase != TouchPhase.Canceled) { fingerId = touchState.Key; break; } } if (fingerId > -1) { if (@return) { cancelTouch(touch.Id); systemToInternalId[fingerId] = new TouchState(beginTouch(touch.Position, touch.Tags, false).Id); } else { systemToInternalId[fingerId] = new TouchState(touch.Id, TouchPhase.Canceled); internalCancelTouch(touch.Id); } return true; } return false; }
/** * @brief タッチイベント(押したとき); * @note */ public void OnMouseDown() { // タッチをした時; // Debug.Log ("MouseDown X:"+Input.mousePosition.x+" Y:"+Input.mousePosition.y); mTempMousePos[(int)TouchState.SLIDE_START] = new Vector2 (Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); mTouchState = TouchState.SLIDE_START; }
/** * @brief 初期化; * @note */ void Start() { mMousePos = new Vector2[(int)TouchState.EVENT_CNT]; mTempMousePos = new Vector2[(int)TouchState.EVENT_CNT]; mTouchState = TouchState.NON; mScreenSlide = false; }
/** * @brief タッチステータスクリア; * @note */ private void resetTouchState() { mTouchState = TouchState.NON; }
internal void Update(TouchInput t) { this._id = t.Id; this._position = t.Position; this._state = t.State; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void ProcessInput(byte[] bytes) { switch ((EventType)bytes[0]) { case EventType.Keyboard: var type = (KeyboardEventType)bytes[1]; var repeat = bytes[2] == 1; var key = bytes[3]; var character = (char)bytes[4]; ProcessKeyEvent(type, repeat, key, character); break; case EventType.Mouse: var deltaX = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 1); var deltaY = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 3); var button = bytes[5]; ProcessMouseMoveEvent(deltaX, deltaY, button); break; case EventType.MouseWheel: var scrollX = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 1); var scrollY = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, 5); ProcessMouseWheelEvent(scrollX, scrollY); break; case EventType.Touch: { var length = bytes[1]; var index = 2; var touches = new TouchState[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { const int INPUTSYSTEM_ZERO_ID_GUARD = 128; //ID 0 is reserved by inputsystem int identifier = BitConverter.ToInt32(bytes, index) + INPUTSYSTEM_ZERO_ID_GUARD; index += 4; var phase = (UnityEngine.InputSystem.TouchPhase)bytes[index]; index += 1; var pageX = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, index); index += 2; var pageY = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, index); index += 2; var force = BitConverter.ToSingle(bytes, index); index += 4; touches[i] = new TouchState { touchId = identifier, phase = phase, position = new UnityEngine.Vector2Int(pageX, pageY), pressure = force }; } ProcessTouchMoveEvent(touches); if (Touch.activeTouches.Count > length) { ChangeEndStateUnusedTouches(touches); } } break; case EventType.ButtonClick: var elementId = BitConverter.ToInt16(bytes, 1); ProcessButtonClickEvent(elementId); break; case EventType.Gamepad: { GamepadEventType gamepadEventType = (GamepadEventType)bytes[1]; switch (gamepadEventType) { case GamepadEventType.ButtonDown: case GamepadEventType.ButtonUp: case GamepadEventType.ButtonPressed: { var buttonIndex = bytes[2]; var value = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 3); ProcessGamepadButtonEvent(gamepadEventType, (GamepadKeyCode)buttonIndex, value); } break; case GamepadEventType.Axis: { var buttonIndex = bytes[2]; var x = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 3); var y = BitConverter.ToDouble(bytes, 11); ProcessGamepadAxisEvent(x, y, (GamepadKeyCode)buttonIndex); } break; } InputSystem.QueueStateEvent(RemoteGamepad, m_gamepadState); } break; } }
private static void AddTouchToList(Touch t, TouchState state) { _touches[t.fingerId] = new TouchInput(t.fingerId, t.position, state); }
Task GetAnimationTask(TouchEffect sender, TouchState touchState, HoverState hoverState, double?durationMultiplier = null) { if (sender.Element == null) { return(Task.FromResult(false)); } var token = animationTokenSource.Token; var duration = sender.AnimationDuration; var easing = sender.AnimationEasing; if (touchState == TouchState.Pressed) { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.PressedAnimationDurationProperty)) { duration = sender.PressedAnimationDuration; } if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.PressedAnimationEasingProperty)) { easing = sender.PressedAnimationEasing; } } else if (hoverState == HoverState.Hovered) { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.HoveredAnimationDurationProperty)) { duration = sender.HoveredAnimationDuration; } if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.HoveredAnimationEasingProperty)) { easing = sender.HoveredAnimationEasing; } } else { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.NormalAnimationDurationProperty)) { duration = sender.NormalAnimationDuration; } if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.NormalAnimationEasingProperty)) { easing = sender.NormalAnimationEasing; } } if (durationMultiplier.HasValue) { duration = (int)durationMultiplier.Value * duration; } duration = Max(duration, 0); return(Task.WhenAll( animationTaskFactory?.Invoke(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing, token) ?? Task.FromResult(true), SetBackgroundImageAsync(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, token), SetBackgroundColor(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetOpacity(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetScale(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetTranslation(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetRotation(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetRotationX(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), SetRotationY(sender, touchState, hoverState, duration, easing), Task.Run(async() => { animationProgress = 0; animationState = touchState; for (var progress = animationProgressDelay; progress < duration; progress += animationProgressDelay) { await Task.Delay(animationProgressDelay).ConfigureAwait(false); if (token.IsCancellationRequested) { return; } animationProgress = (double)progress / duration; } animationProgress = 1; }))); }
private Nullable<TouchLocation> GetTouchSourceNextLocation(Nullable<TouchLocation> currentsource, TouchState touch) { if (!currentsource.HasValue) return null; foreach (TouchLocation nextsource in touch.TouchLocations) { if (currentsource.Value.Id == nextsource.Id) return nextsource; } return null; }
internal TouchEff(Func <TouchEff, TouchState, HoverState, int, CancellationToken, Task> animationTaskGetter) : this() => _visualManager.SetCustomAnimationTask(animationTaskGetter);
private unsafe void UpdateTouch(int touchIndex, int pointerIndex, TouchPhase phase, InputEventPtr eventPtr = default) { var position = m_CurrentPositions[pointerIndex]; var touch = new TouchState { phase = phase, position = position }; var time = eventPtr.valid ? eventPtr.time : InputState.currentTime; var oldTouchState = (TouchState *)((byte *)simulatedTouchscreen.currentStatePtr + simulatedTouchscreen.touches[touchIndex].stateBlock.byteOffset); if (phase == TouchPhase.Began) { touch.isPrimaryTouch = m_PrimaryTouchIndex < 0; touch.startTime = time; touch.startPosition = position; touch.touchId = ++m_LastTouchId; touch.tapCount = oldTouchState->tapCount; // Get reset automatically by Touchscreen. if (touch.isPrimaryTouch) { m_PrimaryTouchIndex = touchIndex; } } else { touch.touchId = oldTouchState->touchId; touch.isPrimaryTouch = m_PrimaryTouchIndex == touchIndex; = position - oldTouchState->position; touch.startPosition = oldTouchState->startPosition; touch.startTime = oldTouchState->startTime; touch.tapCount = oldTouchState->tapCount; if (phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { touch.isTap = time - oldTouchState->startTime <= Touchscreen.s_TapTime && (position - oldTouchState->startPosition).sqrMagnitude <= Touchscreen.s_TapRadiusSquared; if (touch.isTap) { ++touch.tapCount; } } } if (touch.isPrimaryTouch) { InputState.Change(simulatedTouchscreen.primaryTouch, touch, eventPtr: eventPtr); } InputState.Change(simulatedTouchscreen.touches[touchIndex], touch, eventPtr: eventPtr); if (phase.IsEndedOrCanceled()) { m_Touches[touchIndex] = null; if (m_PrimaryTouchIndex == touchIndex) { m_PrimaryTouchIndex = -1; } } }
internal TouchEff(Func <TouchEff, TouchState, HoverState, int, Easing, CancellationToken, Task> animationTaskGetter) : this()
/// <summary> /// Determines if input was a click or swipe and sends message to all prescribers. /// </summary> static void HandleInput(TouchState state, ref Vector2 move) { if ((move.magnitude < minMovMagnitude) || (touchState == TouchState.Stationary)) { //Debug.Log( "CLICK" ); } else if (touchState == TouchState.Move) { move.Normalize(); // Left if(Mathf.Abs(move.x) > Mathf.Abs (move.y)) { if(move.x > 0.0f) { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: LEFT" ); } else { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: RIGHT" ); } } // Right else { if(move.y > 0.0f) { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: DOWN" ); } else { //Debug.Log( "SWIPE: UP" ); } } } }
/// <summary>Builds a touch state from the current touches</summary> /// <returns>The currently mocked touches in a touch state</returns> private TouchState buildState() { var state = new TouchState(this.isAttached, this.touchCollection); TouchCollectionHelper.Clear(ref this.touchCollection); return state; }
static public void Update() { /* // TOUCHPAD INPUT if (Input.touchCount > 0) { switch(Input.GetTouch(0).phase) { case(TouchPhase.Began): touchState = TouchState.Down; // Get absolute location of touch moveAmount = Input.GetTouch(0).position; break; case(TouchPhase.Moved): touchState = TouchState.Move; break; case(TouchPhase.Stationary): touchState = TouchState.Stationary; break; case(TouchPhase.Ended): moveAmount -= Input.GetTouch(0).position; HandleInput(touchState, ref moveAmount); touchState = TouchState.Init; break; case(TouchPhase.Canceled): Debug.Log( "CANCELLED\n" ); touchState = TouchState.Init; break; } } */ // MOUSE INPUT if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { moveAmountMouse = Input.mousePosition; touchState = TouchState.Down; } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { moveAmountMouse -= Input.mousePosition; HandleInputMouse(ref moveAmountMouse); touchState = TouchState.Init; } }
private void UpdateDownState() { Vector2 tapDown; bool isDown = TapDown( out tapDown ); currTouch.time = Time.time; if( isDown ) { if ( ( tapDown - currTouch.pos ).magnitude > deadZone ) { touchState = TouchState.Dragging; lastTouch = currTouch; } } else { // tap up if( lastTouch.time != 0 && currTouch.time - lastTouch.time < doubleTapTimeDelta ) { SendDoubleTapMessage( MakeHitInputEvent() ); } else { SendSingleTapMessage( MakeHitInputEvent() ); } SendTapUpMessage( MakeHitInputEvent() ); lastTouch = currTouch; touchState = TouchState.TapUp; currTouch.pos =; SendTapMessage( MakeInputEvent() ); } }
protected override void OnUpdate(float timeStep) { base.OnUpdate(timeStep); var input = Application.Input; if ((input.GetMouseButtonDown(MouseButton.Left) || input.NumTouches == 1) && App.TouchedNode == null) { TouchState state = input.GetTouch(0); if (state.Pressure != 1.0) { return; } //App.RootNode.Rotate(new Quaternion(state.Delta.Y, -state.Delta.X, 0), TransformSpace.World); } else if (input.NumTouches == 2) { TouchState state1 = input.GetTouch(0); TouchState state2 = input.GetTouch(1); var distance1 = Distance(state1.Position, state2.Position); if (distance1 < 120f) { // doing a pan float factor = 0.005f; App.RootNode.Position += new Vector3(-state1.Delta.X * factor, -state1.Delta.Y * factor, 0); } else { var distance2 = Distance(state1.LastPosition, state2.LastPosition); var pos1 = new Vector3(state1.Position.X, state1.Position.Y, 0); var pos2 = new Vector3(state2.Position.X, state2.Position.Y, 0); var v = (pos1 + pos2) / 2; // doing a zoom Zoom((int)(distance1 - distance2), (int)v.X, (int)v.Y); //App.Camera.Zoom += (distance1 - distance2) * 0.01f; } } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.W) || input.GetKeyDown(Key.Up)) { Pan(PanDirection.Up); } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.S) || input.GetKeyDown(Key.Down)) { Pan(PanDirection.Down); } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.A) || input.GetKeyDown(Key.Left)) { Pan(PanDirection.Left); } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.D) || input.GetKeyDown(Key.Right)) { Pan(PanDirection.Right); } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.KP_Plus)) { Zoom(ZoomDirection.In); } if (input.GetKeyDown(Key.KP_Minus)) { Zoom(ZoomDirection.Out); } }
private void UpdateUpState() { // Clear touch of tap is up for too long if( currTouch.time != 0 && currTouch.time - lastTouch.time < doubleTapTimeDelta ) { EndTouchInput(); } Vector2 tapStart; if( TapStart( out tapStart ) ) { touchState = TouchState.TapDown; currTouch.pos = tapStart; currTouch.time = Time.time; StartTouchInput( tapStart ); SendTapDownMessage( MakeHitInputEvent() ); } }
public AnimationStartedEventArgs(TouchState touchState, HoverState hoverState, int duration) { State = touchState; HoverState = hoverState; Duration = duration; }
private void SetState(TouchState state) { _state = state; }
public TouchArgs(TouchState state, bool inside) { State = state; Inside = inside; }
/// <summary> /// Sets TouchInput State /// </summary> /// <param name="state">New TouchInput state</param> public void SetState(TouchState state) { this.State = state; }
// Jump State, basically the mouse code from Simple Player movement, // adapted for touch. void JumpState() { stateText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Jump"; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { Vector2 touch = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); touchPoints [1] = touch; state = TouchState.None; if (Vector2.Distance(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]) > jumpActivateDist) { player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement>().Leap(touchPoints [0], touchPoints [1]); } hideArc(); } else if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { Vector2 touch = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); touchPoints[1] = touch; if (Vector2.Distance(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]) > jumpActivateDist) { player.GetComponentInChildren <LaunchArcRenderer>().MakeArc(touchPoints); } else { hideArc(); } } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { Touch touch = Input.touches [i]; // If you make a second touch stop the Jump if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { state = TouchState.None; hideArc(); break; // Else if you end the Touch get the endpoint and make the leap } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { touchPoints [1] = touch.position; state = TouchState.None; if (Vector2.Distance(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]) > jumpActivateDist) { player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement>().Leap(touchPoints [0], touchPoints [1]); } hideArc(); break; // This is in case something goes wrong } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) { state = TouchState.None; hideArc(); break; } else { touchPoints[1] = touch.position; if (Vector2.Distance(touchPoints[0], touchPoints[1]) > jumpActivateDist) { player.GetComponentInChildren <LaunchArcRenderer>().MakeArc(touchPoints); } else { hideArc(); } } } if (Input.touchCount == 0) { hitText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "No hit"; stateText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "None"; hideArc(); state = TouchState.None; } #endif }
async Task SetBackgroundImageAsync(TouchEffect sender, TouchState touchState, HoverState hoverState, int duration, CancellationToken token) { var normalBackgroundImageSource = sender.NormalBackgroundImageSource; var pressedBackgroundImageSource = sender.PressedBackgroundImageSource; var hoveredBackgroundImageSource = sender.HoveredBackgroundImageSource; if (normalBackgroundImageSource == null && pressedBackgroundImageSource == null && hoveredBackgroundImageSource == null) { return; } var aspect = sender.BackgroundImageAspect; var source = normalBackgroundImageSource; if (touchState == TouchState.Pressed) { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.PressedBackgroundImageAspectProperty)) { aspect = sender.PressedBackgroundImageAspect; } source = pressedBackgroundImageSource; } else if (hoverState == HoverState.Hovered) { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.HoveredBackgroundImageAspectProperty)) { aspect = sender.HoveredBackgroundImageAspect; } if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.HoveredBackgroundImageSourceProperty)) { source = hoveredBackgroundImageSource; } } else { if (sender.Element.IsSet(TouchEffect.NormalBackgroundImageAspectProperty)) { aspect = sender.NormalBackgroundImageAspect; } } try { if (sender.ShouldSetImageOnAnimationEnd && duration > 0) { await Task.Delay(duration, token); } } catch (TaskCanceledException) { return; } if (sender.Element is Image image) { using (image.Batch()) { image.Aspect = aspect; image.Source = source; } } }
// Move state, seems to be working now. Most complex so far. Basically if you // start a second touch it will check and see if it the two are close enough to // start the camera state, if not it just lets the user interact with the UI // controlls. A lot of messing around in the Player's movement script, defenitely // should be reworked at some point. void MoveState() { stateText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "Move"; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetMouseButton(0)) { //Vector2 touch = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); var s = player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement>(); //Chase's new lines begin anim = player.GetComponent <Animator>(); grounded = true; anim.SetBool("Grounded", grounded); anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(s.xAxis * s.speed)); if ((s.xAxis * s.speed) < -0.1f) { //player.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (-2, 2, 1); player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true; } if ((s.xAxis * s.speed) > 0.1f) { //player.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (2, 2, 1); player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = false; } //Chase's new lines ens } else if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) { state = TouchState.None; touchPoints[1] = Input.mousePosition; float point_dif = (touchPoints[0].y - touchPoints[1].y); //take the differnce between the start point and our end point if (Mathf.Abs(point_dif) >= dragDistance) { Player the_player = player.GetComponent <Player>(); //Now it should be a swipe if (point_dif < 0) { the_player.stair_direction = 'u'; } else if (point_dif > 0) { the_player.stair_direction = 'd'; } } } else { state = TouchState.None; } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { Touch touch = Input.touches [i]; // Aforementioned check for camera state if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began && Input.touchCount == 2) { float diffx = Math.Abs(Input.touches [0].position.x - Input.touches [1].position.x); float diffy = Math.Abs(Input.touches [0].position.y - Input.touches [1].position.y); if (diffx < cameraActivateDist && diffy < cameraActivateDist) { state = TouchState.Camera; player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement> ().xAxis = 0f; touchPoints [0] = Input.touches [0].position; touchPoints [1] = Input.touches [1].position; break; } else { player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement> ().xAxis = 0f; } // Check if you are ending the last remaining touch. } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && Input.touchCount == 1) { state = TouchState.None; touchPoints[1] = touch.position; float point_dif = (touchPoints[0].y - touchPoints[1].y); //take the differnce between the start point and our end point if (Mathf.Abs(point_dif) >= dragDistance) { Player the_player = player.GetComponent <Player>(); //Now it should be a swipe if (point_dif < 0) { the_player.stair_direction = 'u'; } else if (point_dif > 0) { the_player.stair_direction = 'd'; } //The player will reset the stair_direction itself } break; // This bit moves the player on the horizontal axis while you are touching // the ui buttons that set the axis value. } else if ((touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved || touch.phase == TouchPhase.Stationary) && Input.touchCount == 1) { var s = player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement>(); player.GetComponent <Player>().stair_direction = 'n'; //Make sure the player doesn't think it needs to go in any sort of direction while moving //Chase's new lines begin anim = player.GetComponent <Animator>(); grounded = true; anim.SetBool("Grounded", grounded); anim.SetFloat("Speed", Mathf.Abs(s.xAxis * s.speed)); if ((s.xAxis * s.speed) < -0.1f) { //player.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (-2, 2, 1); player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = true; } if ((s.xAxis * s.speed) > 0.1f) { //player.transform.localScale = new Vector3 (2, 2, 1); player.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().flipX = false; } //Chase's new lines end //Need to store the point that we touched so I can make a comparison when we let go } } if (Input.touchCount == 0) { hitText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "No hit"; stateText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "None"; player.GetComponent <SimplePlayerMovement> ().xAxis = 0f; state = TouchState.None; } #endif }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------ // Desc: // ------------------------------------------------------------------ void ProcessTouch() { for (int i = 0; i < Input.touches.Length; ++i) { Touch touch = Input.touches[i]; if (touch.fingerId >= 10) { continue; } TouchState touchState = null; exUIElement hotElement = PickElement(touch.position); // if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) { if (hotElement != null) { exUIEvent e = new exUIEvent(); e.category = exUIEvent.Category.Touch; e.type = exUIEvent.Type.TouchDown; e.position = touch.position; = touch.deltaPosition; e.touchID = touch.fingerId; EventInfo info = new EventInfo(); info.primaryElement = hotElement; info.uiEvent = e; eventInfoList.Add(info); } // NOTE: it must be null SetTouchFocus(touch.fingerId, null); touchStateList[touch.fingerId].hotElement = hotElement; } else { // find the touch state touchState = touchStateList[touch.fingerId]; // set the last and current hot element exUIElement focusElement = null; exUIElement lastHotElement = null; if (touchState != null) { lastHotElement = touchState.hotElement; touchState.hotElement = hotElement; focusElement = touchState.focusElement; } if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended) { if (touchState != null) { if (focusElement != null) { exUIEvent e = new exUIEvent(); e.category = exUIEvent.Category.Touch; e.type = exUIEvent.Type.TouchUp; e.position = touch.position; = touch.deltaPosition; e.touchID = touch.fingerId; EventInfo info = new EventInfo(); info.primaryElement = focusElement; info.uiEvent = e; eventInfoList.Add(info); } } } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Canceled) { if (touchState != null) { SetTouchFocus(touch.fingerId, null); } } else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) { // process hover event if (lastHotElement != hotElement) { // add hover-in event if (hotElement != null) { exUIEvent e = new exUIEvent(); e.category = exUIEvent.Category.Touch; e.type = exUIEvent.Type.TouchEnter; e.position = touch.position; = touch.deltaPosition; e.touchID = touch.fingerId; EventInfo info = new EventInfo(); info.primaryElement = hotElement; info.uiEvent = e; eventInfoList.Add(info); } // add hover-out event if (lastHotElement != null) { exUIEvent e = new exUIEvent(); e.category = exUIEvent.Category.Touch; e.type = exUIEvent.Type.TouchExit; e.position = touch.position; = touch.deltaPosition; e.touchID = touch.fingerId; EventInfo info = new EventInfo(); info.primaryElement = lastHotElement; info.uiEvent = e; eventInfoList.Add(info); } } // if (hotElement != null || focusElement != null) { exUIEvent e = new exUIEvent(); e.category = exUIEvent.Category.Touch; e.type = exUIEvent.Type.TouchMove; e.position = touch.position; = touch.deltaPosition; e.touchID = touch.fingerId; EventInfo info = new EventInfo(); info.primaryElement = (focusElement != null) ? focusElement : hotElement; info.uiEvent = e; eventInfoList.Add(info); } } } } }
//Chase's new lines end // The None State function. Just looks for 'Began' phase touches and sets the // next state according to what was touched void NoneState() { stateText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "None"; #if UNITY_EDITOR if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector2 touch = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y); Vector3 v3 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(v3.x, v3.y),, 10f, touchInputMask); if (hit && hit.collider.tag == "JumpRegion") { hitText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = hit.collider.tag; state = TouchState.Jump; touchPoints[0] = touch; } else { state = TouchState.Move; touchPoints [0] = touch; hitText.GetComponent <Text> ().text = "No hit"; } } #endif #if UNITY_ANDROID // Basically the same for all of these, we need to loop through the touches for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; i++) { Touch touch = Input.touches[i]; //This is just raycasting Vector3 v3 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(touch.position); RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.Raycast(new Vector2(v3.x, v3.y),, 10f, touchInputMask); // If you start touching the player, go to Jump State while setting init point if (hit && touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began && hit.collider.tag == "JumpRegion" && Input.touchCount == 1) { hitText.GetComponent <Text>().text = hit.collider.tag; state = TouchState.Jump; touchPoints[0] = touch.position; break; } // If not hitting the player, go to Move State else if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began && Input.touchCount == 1) { state = TouchState.Move; touchPoints[0] = touch.position; hitText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "No hit"; break; } else { hitText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "No hit"; } } // Just in case, check for no touches if (Input.touchCount == 0) { hitText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "No hit"; stateText.GetComponent <Text>().text = "None"; } #endif }
public void Update(TouchState touch) { ScreenPosition = touch.ScreenPosition; Pressure = touch.Pressure; }
private Nullable<TouchLocation> FindInitialTouchSource(TouchSourceMovementType touchsourcetype, TouchState touch) { foreach (TouchLocation source in touch.TouchLocations) { if (source.SourceIsMouse || source.State != TouchLocationState.Pressed) continue; if (touchsourcetype == TouchSourceMovementType.Look && source.NormalizedX > 0.5f) continue; if (touchsourcetype == TouchSourceMovementType.Move && source.NormalizedX < 0.5f) continue; return source; } return null; }
public void RemoveAction(TouchState type, Action <IGestureInfo[]> action) { actions.Remove(type, action); }
internal FingerTouch(TouchInput t) { this._id = t.Id; this._position = t.Position; this._state = t.State; }