コード例 #1
        //Used to update the length visualisation and displys the bounding circle (using length as the radius)
        private void updateViews(TouchDevice callee)
            // just want to know how WPF handles multi touches and events simulatenously(Observation: This states it is executed by Main: that means other threads just add the event to Main thread's queue :) )
            //Console.WriteLine("Calling Thread: " + Thread.CurrentThread + " Is background Thread? : " + Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground);
            //update the booleans if there are no blobs/tags
            if (noOfBlobs == 0)
                blobDetected = false;
                blobDetected = true;
            if (noOfTags == 0)
                tagDetected = false;
                tagDetected = true;

            Double distance = 0;

            //Drag the length displayer closer to the calling canvas's point
            lengthDisplayer.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, (Double)callee.GetCenterPosition(this).X + 200);
            lengthDisplayer.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, (Double)callee.GetCenterPosition(this).Y + 10);

            //update length
            if (blobDetected)
                TouchDevice blob = blobTouchDevices.FirstOrDefault();
                //Console.WriteLine( "Blob List SIze" + blobTouchDevices.Count + "  TAG List Size : " + tagTouchDevices.Count);
                if (noOfBlobs == 1 && noOfTags == 1)
                    distance             = getDistance(blobTouchDevices[0].GetCenterPosition(this), tagTouchDevices[0].GetCenterPosition(this));
                    lengthDisplayer.Text = "Blob to Tag Distance: " + distance;
                    if (!blob.Equals(callee))
                        displayBoundingEllipse(distance, blob.GetCenterPosition(this));
                else if (noOfBlobs == 2)
                    distance             = getDistance(blobTouchDevices[0].GetCenterPosition(this), blobTouchDevices[1].GetCenterPosition(this));
                    lengthDisplayer.Text = "Blobs Distance: " + distance;
                    displayBoundingEllipse(distance, blobTouchDevices[0].GetCenterPosition(this));
            else if (tagDetected)
            {//no blobs detected
                if (noOfTags == 2)
                    distance             = getDistance(tagTouchDevices[0].GetCenterPosition(this), tagTouchDevices[1].GetCenterPosition(this));
                    lengthDisplayer.Text = "Tags Distance: " + distance;

                    TouchDevice bigTag;
                    //We are not interested in the moving part's tag. As we use the bigger tag for updating center of the bounding circle
                    if (tagTouchDevices[0] != callee)
                        bigTag = tagTouchDevices[0];
                        bigTag = tagTouchDevices[1];
                    displayBoundingEllipse(distance, bigTag.GetCenterPosition(this));
                lengthDisplayer.Text = "Input not supported.\n OR \nToo few/many inputs. ";