コード例 #1
        public static Composite ElementalCombat()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.Burst && Me.CurrentTarget.IsBoss(),
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         Spell.Cast("Elemental Mastery"),
                                         Spell.Cast("Ascendance", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.CachedGetAuraTimeLeft("Flame Shock") > 18 && Me.CachedHasAura("Elemental Mastery")),
                                         Spell.Cast("Fire Elemental Totem", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.TimeToDeath() > (TalentManager.HasGlyph("Fire Elemental Totem") ? 30 : 60)),
                                         Spell.Cast("Earth Elemental Totem", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.TimeToDeath() > 60 && Spell.GetSpellCooldown("Fire Elemental Totem").TotalSeconds > 61),
                                         Spell.Cast("Stormlash Totem", ret => PartyBuff.WeHaveBloodlust))),

                       Spell.Cast("Thunderstorm", ret => Me.ManaPercent < 60 && TalentManager.HasGlyph("Thunderstorm")),

                       new Decorator(ret => Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTargetFacing(10).Count() >= 4,

                       Spell.Cast("Spiritwalker's Grace", ret => Me.IsMoving && !SpellManager.Spells["Lava Burst"].Cooldown),
                       Spell.Cast("Flame Shock", on => FlameShockTar, ret => FlameShockTar.CachedHasAuraDown("Flame Shock", 1, true, 3)),
                       Spell.Cast("Lava Burst"),
                       Spell.Cast("Elemental Blast"),
                       Spell.Cast("Earth Shock", ret => Me.CachedHasAura("Lightning Shield", Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTargetFacing(10).Count() > 2 ? 7 : 6)),
                       Spell.Cast("Searing Totem", ret => !Totems.ExistInRange(Me.CurrentTarget.Location, WoWTotem.Searing)),
                       Spell.Cast(Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTargetFacing(10).Count() > 1 ? "Chain Lightning" : "Lightning Bolt")));
コード例 #2
    void Awake()
        Instance = this;

        Totems.Add(ServerPlayerId, new List <Totem>());
        Totems.Add(ClientPlayerId, new List <Totem>());
コード例 #3
        public void RemoveSummonedEntourage()
            if (Minions != null)
                foreach (var minion in Minions.Where(minion => minion != null))

            if (Totems != null)
                foreach (var totem in Totems.Where(totem => totem != null))
コード例 #4
ファイル: ConditionMatchers.cs プロジェクト: ManuelOTuga/PoE
 protected override IEnumerable <MatcherData> CreateCollection() =>
 new ConditionMatcherCollection(_modifierBuilder)
     // actions
     // - generic
     { "on ({ActionMatchers})", Reference.AsAction.On() },
     { "if you've ({ActionMatchers}) recently", Reference.AsAction.Recently },
     { "if you haven't ({ActionMatchers}) recently", Not(Reference.AsAction.Recently) },
         "when you ({ActionMatchers}) a rare or unique enemy",
         And(Reference.AsAction.Against(Enemy).On(), Enemy.IsRareOrUnique)
     // - kill
     { "on ({KeywordMatchers}) kill", Kill.On(Reference.AsKeyword) },
     { "when you kill an enemy,", Kill.Against(Enemy).On() },
         "if you've killed a maimed enemy recently",
         And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Buff.Maim.IsOn(Enemy))
         "if you've killed a bleeding enemy recently",
         And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Ailment.Bleed.IsOn(Enemy))
         "if you've killed a cursed enemy recently",
         And(Kill.Against(Enemy).Recently, Buffs(target: Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).Any())
         "if you or your totems have killed recently",
         Or(Kill.Recently, Kill.By(Entity.Totem).Recently)
     { "if you or your totems kill an enemy", Or(Kill.On(), Kill.By(Entity.Totem).On()) },
     // - block
     { "when they block", Block.On() },
     { "when you block", Block.On() },
         "if you've blocked a hit from a unique enemy recently",
         And(Block.Against(Enemy).Recently, Enemy.IsUnique)
     // - hit
     { "(from|with) hits", Hit.On() },
     { "hits deal", Hit.On() },
     { "when you are hit", Hit.Taken.On() },
     { "if you've been hit recently", Hit.Taken.Recently },
     { "if you haven't been hit recently", Not(Hit.Taken.Recently) },
     { "if you were damaged by a hit recently", Hit.Taken.Recently },
     { "if you've taken no damage from hits recently", Not(Hit.Taken.Recently) },
     // - other
     { "if you've taken a savage hit recently", Action.SavageHit.Taken.Recently },
     { "when you deal a critical strike", CriticalStrike.On() },
     { "if you've crit in the past # seconds", CriticalStrike.InPastXSeconds(Value) },
     { "if you've shattered an enemy recently", Action.Shatter.Against(Enemy).Recently },
     { "when you stun an enemy", Effect.Stun.On() },
     { "after spending # mana", Action.SpendMana(Value).On() },
     { "if you have consumed a corpse recently", Action.ConsumeCorpse.Recently },
     { "when you gain a ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.GainAction.On() },
     // damage
     // - by item tag
     { "with weapons", Damage.With(Tags.Weapon) },
     { "weapon", Damage.With(Tags.Weapon) },
     { "with bows", Damage.With(Tags.Bow) },
     { "bow", Damage.With(Tags.Bow) },
     { "with swords", Damage.With(Tags.Sword) },
     { "with claws", Damage.With(Tags.Claw) },
     { "claw", Damage.With(Tags.Claw) },
     { "with daggers", Damage.With(Tags.Dagger) },
     { "with wands", Damage.With(Tags.Wand) },
     { "wand", Damage.With(Tags.Wand) },
     { "with axes", Damage.With(Tags.Axe) },
     { "with staves", Damage.With(Tags.Staff) },
     { "with maces", Or(Damage.With(Tags.Mace), Damage.With(Tags.Sceptre)) },
     { "with one handed weapons", Damage.With(Tags.OneHandWeapon) },
         "with one handed melee weapons",
         And(Damage.With(Tags.OneHandWeapon), Not(Damage.With(Tags.Ranged)))
     { "with two handed weapons", Damage.With(Tags.TwoHandWeapon) },
         "with two handed melee weapons",
         And(Damage.With(Tags.TwoHandWeapon), Not(Damage.With(Tags.Ranged)))
     // - by item slot
     { "with the main-hand weapon", Damage.With(ItemSlot.MainHand) },
     { "with main hand", Damage.With(ItemSlot.MainHand) },
     { "with off hand", Damage.With(ItemSlot.OffHand) },
     // - by source
     { "attacks have", Damage.With(Source.Attack) },
     { "with attacks", Damage.With(Source.Attack) },
     { "from damage over time", Damage.With(Source.DamageOverTime) },
     // - by ailment
     { "with ({AilmentMatchers})", Damage.With(Reference.AsAilment) },
     { "with ailments", Ailment.All.Any(Damage.With) },
     // action and damage combinations
     // - by item tag
     { "if you get a critical strike with a bow", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Bow)) },
     { "if you get a critical strike with a staff", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Staff)) },
     { "critical strikes with daggers have a", And(CriticalStrike.On(), Damage.With(Tags.Dagger)) },
     // - by item slot
     // - by source
     { "for each enemy hit by your attacks", And(Hit.Against(Enemy).On(), Damage.With(Source.Attack)) },
     // - by ailment
     { "with hits and ailments", Or(Hit.On(), Ailment.All.Any(Damage.With)) },
         "poison you inflict with critical strikes deals",
         And(Damage.With(Ailment.Poison), CriticalStrike.On())
     // equipment
     { "while unarmed", Not(MainHand.HasItem) },
     { "while wielding a staff", MainHand.Has(Tags.Staff) },
     { "while wielding a dagger", MainHand.Has(Tags.Dagger) },
     { "while wielding a bow", MainHand.Has(Tags.Bow) },
     { "while wielding a sword", MainHand.Has(Tags.Sword) },
     { "while wielding a claw", MainHand.Has(Tags.Claw) },
     { "while wielding an axe", MainHand.Has(Tags.Axe) },
     { "while wielding a mace", Or(MainHand.Has(Tags.Mace), MainHand.Has(Tags.Sceptre)) },
     { "while wielding a melee weapon", And(MainHand.Has(Tags.Weapon), Not(MainHand.Has(Tags.Ranged))) },
     { "while wielding a one handed weapon", MainHand.Has(Tags.OneHandWeapon) },
     { "while wielding a two handed weapon", MainHand.Has(Tags.TwoHandWeapon) },
     { "while dual wielding", OffHand.Has(Tags.Weapon) },
     { "while holding a shield", OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield) },
     { "while dual wielding or holding a shield", Or(OffHand.Has(Tags.Weapon), OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield)) },
     { "with shields", OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield) },
     { "from equipped shield", And(Condition.BaseValueComesFrom(OffHand), OffHand.Has(Tags.Shield)) },
     { "with # corrupted items equipped", Equipment.Count(e => e.IsCorrupted) >= Value },
     // stats
     // - pool
     { "when on low life", Life.IsLow },
     { "when not on low life", Not(Life.IsLow) },
     { "while no mana is reserved", Mana.Reservation.Value == 0 },
     { "while energy shield is full", EnergyShield.IsFull },
     { "while on full energy shield", EnergyShield.IsFull },
     { "while not on full energy shield", Not(EnergyShield.IsFull) },
     { "if energy shield recharge has started recently", EnergyShield.Recharge.StartedRecently },
     // - charges
     { "while you have no ({ChargeTypeMatchers})", Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Value == 0 },
         "while (at maximum|on full) ({ChargeTypeMatchers})",
         Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Value == Reference.AsChargeType.Amount.Maximum.Value
     // - flags
     { "while you have ({FlagMatchers})", Reference.AsFlagStat.IsSet },
     { "during onslaught", Flag.Onslaught.IsSet },
     { "while phasing", Flag.Phasing.IsSet },
     // - other
     { "if you have # primordial jewels,", Stat.PrimordialJewelsSocketed.Value >= Value },
     // - on enemy
     { "(against enemies )?that are on low life", Enemy.Stat(Life).IsLow },
     { "(against enemies )?that are on full life", Enemy.Stat(Life).IsFull },
     { "against rare and unique enemies", Enemy.IsRareOrUnique },
     // buffs
     { "while you have fortify", Buff.Fortify.IsOn(Self) },
     { "if you've taunted an enemy recently", Buff.Taunt.Action.Recently },
     { "enemies you taunt( deal| take)?", And(For(Enemy), Buff.Taunt.IsOn(Enemy)) },
     { "enemies you curse (take|have)", And(For(Enemy), Buffs(Self, Enemy).With(Keyword.Curse).Any()) },
     { "(against|from) blinded enemies", Buff.Blind.IsOn(Enemy) },
     { "from taunted enemies", Buff.Taunt.IsOn(Enemy) },
         "you and allies affected by your auras have",
         Or(For(Entity.ModifierSource), And(For(Ally), Buffs(target: Ally).With(Keyword.Aura).Any()))
         "you and allies deal while affected by auras you cast",
         Or(For(Entity.ModifierSource), And(For(Ally), Buffs(target: Ally).With(Keyword.Aura).Any()))
     // buff and damage combinations
         "bleeding you inflict on maimed enemies deals",
         And(Damage.With(Ailment.Bleed), Buff.Maim.IsOn(Enemy))
     // ailments
     { "while ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Self) },
     { "(against|from) ({AilmentMatchers}) enemies", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Enemy) },
         "against frozen, shocked or ignited enemies",
         Or(Ailment.Freeze.IsOn(Enemy), Ailment.Shock.IsOn(Enemy), Ailment.Ignite.IsOn(Enemy))
     { "enemies which are ({AilmentMatchers})", Reference.AsAilment.IsOn(Enemy) },
         "against enemies( that are)? affected by elemental ailments",
         Ailment.Elemental.Any(a => a.IsOn(Enemy))
         "against enemies( that are)? affected by no elemental ailments",
         Not(Ailment.Elemental.Any(a => a.IsOn(Enemy)))
     // ground effects
     { "while on consecrated ground", Ground.Consecrated.IsOn(Self) },
     // other effects
     { "against burning enemies", Fire.DamageOverTimeIsOn(Enemy) },
     // skills
     // - by keyword
     { "vaal( skill)?", With(Skills[Keyword.Vaal]) },
     { "({KeywordMatchers})", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) },
         "({KeywordMatchers}) and ({KeywordMatchers})",
         Or(With(Skills[References[0].AsKeyword]), With(Skills[References[1].AsKeyword]))
     { "(with|of|for|from) ({KeywordMatchers})( skills)?", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) },
     { "({KeywordMatchers}) skills (have|deal)", With(Skills[Reference.AsKeyword]) },
     // - by damage type
     { "with ({DamageTypeMatchers}) skills", With(Skills[Reference.AsDamageType]) },
     // - by item slot
     { "skills (in|from) your ({ItemSlotMatchers})(can have| have)?", With(Skills[Reference.AsItemSlot]) },
     // - by single skill
     { "({SkillMatchers})('|s)?( fires| has a| have a| has| deals| gain)?", With(Reference.AsSkill) },
     { "(dealt by) ({SkillMatchers})", With(Reference.AsSkill) },
     // - cast recently/in past x seconds
     { "if you've cast a spell recently", Skills[Keyword.Spell].Cast.Recently },
     { "if you've attacked recently", Skills[Keyword.Attack].Cast.Recently },
     { "if you've used a movement skill recently", Skills[Keyword.Movement].Cast.Recently },
     { "if you've used a warcry recently", Skills[Keyword.Warcry].Cast.Recently },
         "if you've used a ({DamageTypeMatchers}) skill in the past # seconds",
     // skill and action combinations
         "projectiles have against targets they pierce",
         And(Projectile.Pierce.On(), With(Skills[Keyword.Projectile]))
     // traps and mines
     { "with traps", With(Traps) },
     { "with mines", With(Mines) },
     { "traps and mines (deal|have a)", Or(With(Traps), With(Mines)) },
     { "from traps and mines", Or(With(Traps), With(Mines)) },
     { "for throwing traps", With(Traps) },
     { "if you detonated mines recently", Skill.DetonateMines.Cast.Recently },
     { "if you've placed a mine or thrown a trap recently", Or(Traps.Cast.Recently, Mines.Cast.Recently) },
     // totems
     { "totems", For(Entity.Totem) },
     { "totems (fire|gain|have)", With(Totems) },
     { "(spells cast|attacks used|skills used) by totems (have a|have)", With(Totems) },
     { "of totem skills that cast an aura", With(Skills[Keyword.Totem, Keyword.Aura]) },
     { "while you have a totem", Totems.Any(s => s.HasInstance) },
     { "if you've summoned a totem recently", Totems.Cast.Recently },
     { "when you place a totem", Totems.Cast.On() },
     // minions
     { "minions", For(Entity.Minion) },
     { "minions (deal|have|gain)", For(Entity.Minion) },
     { "you and your minions have", For(Entity.Minion, Entity.ModifierSource) },
     { "golem", For(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem)) },
     { "golems have", For(Entity.Minion.With(Keyword.Golem)) },
     { "spectres have", For(Entity.Minion.From(Skill.RaiseSpectre)) },
         // Technically this would be separate for each minion summoned by that skill, but DPS will
         // only be calculated for a single minion anyway.
         "golems summoned in the past # seconds deal",
         With(Golems.Where(s => s.Cast.InPastXSeconds(Value)))
     { "if you Summoned a golem in the past # seconds", Golems.Cast.InPastXSeconds(Value) },
     // flasks
     { "while using a flask", Flask.IsAnyActive },
     { "during any flask effect", Flask.IsAnyActive },
     // other
     { "while leeching", Condition.WhileLeeching },
     { "(you )?gain", Condition.True },     // may be left over at the end, does nothing
     // unique
         "when your trap is triggered by an enemy",
         Condition.Unique("When your Trap is triggered by an Enemy")
         "when your mine is detonated targeting an enemy",
         Condition.Unique("When your Mine is detonated targeting an Enemy")
         "if you've killed an enemy affected by your damage over time recently",
         Condition.Unique("Have you recently killed an Enemy affected by your Damage over Time?")
コード例 #5
        public static Composite EnhancementCombat()
            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       //new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.PvPRot,
                       //              EnhancementShamanPvP.CreateESPvPCombat),

                       Spell.Cast("Healing Stream Totem", ret => Me.HealthPercent < 80 && !Totems.Exist(WoWTotemType.Water)),
                       Spell.Cast("Healing Tide Totem", ret => HealerManager.GetCountWithHealth(55) > 6 && !Totems.Exist(WoWTotemType.Water)),

                       new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.Burst,
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         Spell.Cast("Stormlash Totem", ret => !Me.HasAura("Stormlash Totem")),
                                         Spell.Cast("Elemental Mastery"),
                                         Spell.Cast("Fire Elemental Totem"),
                                         Spell.Cast("Feral Spirit"),
                                         Spell.Cast("Ascendance", ret => !Me.HasAura("Ascendance")))),

                       //new Decorator(ret => Unit.UnfriendlyUnits(10).Count() >= 3,
                       //            CreateAoe()),

                       Spell.Cast("Searing Totem", ret => Me.GotTarget && Me.CurrentTarget.SpellDistance() < Totems.GetTotemRange(WoWTotem.Searing) - 2f && !Totems.Exist(WoWTotemType.Fire)),

                       Spell.Cast("Unleash Elements", ret => SpellManager.HasSpell("Unleashed Fury")),

                       Spell.Cast("Elemental Blast", ret => Me.HasAura("Maelstrom Weapon", 1)),

                       new Decorator(ret => Me.HasAura("Maelstrom Weapon", 5),
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         Spell.Cast("Chain Lightning", ret => Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTarget(10f).Count() >= 2),
                                         Spell.Cast("Lightning Bolt"))),

                       new Decorator(ret => (Me.HasAura("Ascendance") && !WoWSpell.FromId(115356).Cooldown),
                                     new Action(ret => Lua.DoString("RunMacroText('/cast Stormblast')"))),

                       Spell.Cast("Flame Shock", ret => Me.CachedHasAura("Unleash Flame") && !Me.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Flame Shock")),
                       Spell.Cast("Lava Lash"),
                       Spell.Cast("Flame Shock", ret => (Me.CachedHasAura("Unleash Flame") && Me.CurrentTarget.CachedGetAuraTimeLeft("Flame Shock") < 10) || !Me.CurrentTarget.HasMyAura("Flame Shock")),

                       Spell.Cast("Unleash Elements"),
                       new Decorator(ret => Me.HasAura("Maelstrom Weapon", 3) && !Me.HasAura("Ascendance"),
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         Spell.Cast("Chain Lightning", ret => Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTarget(10f).Count() >= 2),
                                         Spell.Cast("Lightning Bolt"))),
                       // need to make it at <2
                       Spell.Cast("Ancestral Swiftness", ret => !Me.HasAura("Maelstrom Weapon")),
                       Spell.Cast("Lighting Bolt", ret => Me.HasAura("Ancestral Swiftness")),
                       Spell.Cast("Earth Shock"),

                       Spell.Cast("Earth Elemental Totem", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.IsBoss && SpellManager.Spells["Fire Elemental Totem"].CooldownTimeLeft.Seconds >= 50)));

            //need more gear
            //new Decorator(ret => Me.HasAura("Maelstrom Weapon", 1) && !Me.HasAura("Ascendance"),
            //    new PrioritySelector(
            //        Spell.Cast("Chain Lightning", ret => Unit.UnfriendlyUnitsNearTarget(10f).Count() >= 2),
            //        Spell.Cast("Lightning Bolt")
            //        )
            //    )
            //    );
コード例 #6
        public static Composite RestorationCombat()
            HealerManager.NeedHealTargeting = true;
            //var cancelHeal = Math.Max(95, Math.Max(AvehealingWave(), Math.Max(AvegreaterhealingWave(), AvehealingSurge())));//95,93,55,25
            var cancelHeal = Math.Max(95, Math.Max(93, Math.Max(55, 25)));//95,93,55,25

            return(new PrioritySelector(
                       //new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.PvPRot,
                       //    RestorationShamanPvP.CreateRSPvPCombat),
                       new Decorator(ret => (Me.Combat || healtarget.Combat /*|| healtarget.GetPredictedHealthPercent() <= 99*/) && !Me.Mounted,
                                     new PrioritySelector(
                                         new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.Dispell,
                                         new Throttle(1, 1,
                                                      new PrioritySelector(
                                                          Spell.Cast("Earth Shield",
                                                                     on => GetBestEarthShieldTargetInstance(),
                                                                     ret => !GetBestEarthShieldTargetInstance().CachedHasAura("Earth Shield")))),
                                         Spell.Cast("Spirit Link Totem",
                                                    on => healtarget,
                                                    ret => HealerManager.Instance.TargetList.Count(p => p.GetPredictedHealthPercent() < 40 && p.Distance <= Totems.GetTotemRange(WoWTotem.SpiritLink)) >= 3 && AdvancedAI.Burst),
                                         new Decorator(ret => healtarget.HealthPercent < 25,
                                                       new Sequence(
                                                           Spell.Cast("Ancestral Swiftness"),
                                                           Spell.Cast("Greater Healing Wave",
                                                                      on => healtarget))),
                                         Spell.Cast("Healing Tide Totem",
                                                    ret => Me.Combat && HealerManager.Instance.TargetList.Count(p => p.GetPredictedHealthPercent() < 60 && p.Distance <= Totems.GetTotemRange(WoWTotem.HealingTide)) >= (Me.GroupInfo.IsInRaid ? 3 : 2) && AdvancedAI.Burst),
                                         Spell.Cast("Healing Stream Totem",
                                                    ret => Me.Combat && !Totems.Exist(WoWTotemType.Water) && HealerManager.Instance.TargetList.Any(p => p.GetPredictedHealthPercent() < 95 && p.Distance <= Totems.GetTotemRange(WoWTotem.HealingTide))),
                                         Spell.Cast("Mana Tide Totem",
                                                    ret => !Totems.Exist(WoWTotemType.Water) && Me.ManaPercent < 80),
                                         Spell.Cast("Elemental Blast",
                                                    on => BoltTar()),
                                         //ret => SpellManager.HasSpell("Elemental Blast"),
                                         //cancel => healtarget.HealthPercent < 40),
                                         Spell.Cast("Greater Healing Wave",
                                                    on => healtarget,
                                                    //ret => AvegreaterhealingWave() < Deficit(),//55
                                                    ret => healtarget.HealthPercent <55,
                                                                                     cancel => healtarget.HealthPercent> cancelHeal),
                                         Spell.Cast("Healing Wave",
                                                    on => healtarget,
                                                    //ret => AvehealingWave() < Deficit(),//93
                                                    ret => healtarget.HealthPercent <93,
                                                                                     cancel => healtarget.HealthPercent> cancelHeal),
                                         Spell.Cast("Healing Surge",
                                                    on => healtarget,
                                                    //ret => AvehealingSurge() < Deficit(),//25
                                                    ret => healtarget.HealthPercent <25,
                                                                                     cancel => healtarget.HealthPercent> cancelHeal),
                                                    ret => HealerManager.Instance.TargetList.Count(p => p.GetPredictedHealthPercent() < 50) >= 4 && !Me.CachedHasAura("Ascendance") && AdvancedAI.Burst),
                                         new Decorator(ret => AdvancedAI.InterruptsEnabled,
                                         Spell.Cast("Lightning Bolt",
                                                    on => BoltTar(),
                                                    ret => TalentManager.HasGlyph("Telluric Currents"),
                                                    cancel => healtarget.HealthPercent < 70)))));
コード例 #7
ファイル: rotation.cs プロジェクト: KyberShot/Rotations
        public override void Initialize()
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("Kyber Destruction Warlock - v 1.0", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("These macros can be used for manual control:", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("Recommended talents: 3203012", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx SaveCovenant", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles using Covenant abilities on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx SaveCooldowns", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles the use of big cooldowns on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/xxxxx AOE", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Toggles AOE mode on/off.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage(" ");
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("--Replace xxxxx with first 5 letters of your addon, lowercase.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("This rotation will use Havoc on your focus target, so please make a macro to set focus quickly.", Color.Blue);
            Aimsharp.PrintMessage("/focus [@mouseover,nodead,exists]; [@target,exists]", Color.Blue);

            Aimsharp.Latency    = 50;
            Aimsharp.QuickDelay = 125;
            Aimsharp.SlowDelay  = 250;

            foreach (string Spell in SpellsList)

            foreach (string Spell in CovenantAbilities)

            foreach (string Spell in Racials)

            foreach (string Buff in GeneralBuffs)

            foreach (string Buff in BuffsList)

            foreach (string Buff in BloodlustEffects)

            foreach (string Debuff in DebuffsList)

            foreach (string Debuff in GeneralDebuffs)

            foreach (string Totem in TotemsList)

            Items.Add(GetString("Potion name:"));

            Macros.Add("DPS Pot", "/use " + GetString("Potion name:"));
            Macros.Add("havoc focus", "/cast [@focus] Havoc");
            Macros.Add("cata cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Cataclysm");
            Macros.Add("rof cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Rain of Fire");
            Macros.Add("inf cursor", "/cast [@cursor] Summon Infernal");
            Macros.Add("TopTrink", "/use 13");
            Macros.Add("BotTrink", "/use 14");

            foreach (string MacroCommand in MacroCommands)

            CustomFunctions.Add("GetCovenant", "local spell = 0 local i = 1 while true do local spellName, spellSub = GetSpellBookItemName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL) if not spellName then do break end end if spellName == 'Decimating Bolt' then spell = 4 elseif spellName == 'Soul Rot' then spell = 3 elseif spellName == 'Impending Catastrophe' then spell = 2 elseif spellName == 'Scouring Tithe' then spell = 1 end i = i + 1 end return spell");
            CustomFunctions.Add("GetLegendarySpellID", "local power = 0 for i=1,15,1 do local xcs = ItemLocation:CreateFromEquipmentSlot(i) if(C_Item.DoesItemExist(xcs)) then if(C_LegendaryCrafting.IsRuneforgeLegendary(xcs)) then local id = C_LegendaryCrafting.GetRuneforgeLegendaryComponentInfo(xcs)[\"powerID\"] power = C_LegendaryCrafting.GetRuneforgePowerInfo(id)[\"descriptionSpellID\"] end end end return power");