コード例 #1
        private TotalSales GetTX()
            decimal salesTotal = 0;

            var ordersNY = (from oNY in _context.OrdenesTexas
                            join od in _context.DetalleOrden
                            on oNY.IdOrden equals od.IdOrden
                            where oNY.EstadoOrden == 4
                            select new
                IdOrden = oNY.IdOrden,
                EstadoOrden = oNY.EstadoOrden,
                PrecioVenta = od.PrecioVenta

            foreach (var orders in ordersNY)
                salesTotal += orders.PrecioVenta;

            TotalSales total = new TotalSales
                totalSales = salesTotal

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method checks if the value input for monthly sales is a valid number. If is is the number
        /// is converted to a dollar figure else a message is shown that the information
        /// is not valid and the field is cleared.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void TotalMonthlySalesTextBox_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double TotalSales;

            if (TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text != "")
                    TotalSales = Convert.ToDouble(TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text);
                    TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text = TotalSales.ToString("C2");
                catch (Exception exception)
                        TotalSales = double.Parse(TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text, NumberStyles.Currency);
                        TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text = TotalSales.ToString("C2");
                        MessageBox.Show("Invalid Data Entered", "Input Error");
                        TotalMonthlySalesTextBox.Text = "";
    static void Main()
        /* Create an object of class "TotalSales", providing "5" and "3" as parameters for the class's constructor. Using them
         * the constructor is creating an object, which private two-dimentional field "sales[]" would have 5 rows with 3 columns. */
        TotalSales salesTable = new TotalSales(5, 3);

        // Print a welcome message.
        Console.WriteLine("The app calculates total sales for 3 salespersons and 5 product types.\n"
                          + "In order to fill the resulting summary sales table, you need to provide a list of slips,\n"
                          + "where every slip contains: number of a salesperson, numeber of a product\n"
                          + "and total dollar value of the product sold that day by the salesperson.");

        // Declare a local variable "toContinue" to use it in while loop continuation test.
        bool toContinue = true;

        // While user answers "y" for the "ToContinue()" method's question.
        while (toContinue)
            Console.WriteLine("Entering data for the next slip.");
            Console.Write("Please enter a salesperson number: ");

            /* Create an object of class "Slip", providing "5" and "3" as parameters for the class's constructor. Using them
             * the constructor is creating a "slip" object which wouldn't allow to set product or salesperson greater than these values.
             * Notice that new object is created during every iteration of while loop.
             * Old objects are deleted from memory by the C# garbage collector.
             *  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/garbage-collection/ */
            Slip slip = new Slip(5, 3);
            // Write the next number of a salesperson to "SalesmanNumber" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.SalesmanNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Please enter a product number: ");
            // Write the next number of a product to "ProductNumber" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.ProductNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.Write("Please enter the total dollar value of the product sold that day: ");
            // Write the next dollar value to "DollarValue" - the property of "slip" object.
            slip.DollarValue = decimal.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            /* Call a "salesTable" class's method "AddSalesDataFromSlip()" providing a "slip" object as a parameter.
             * The method would add data stored in the object to a "sales" field stored in its class. */
            // Ask user whether he/she wants to enter data for the next slip.
            toContinue = ToContinue();

        Console.WriteLine("The total sales table:");
        // Call a "salesTable" class's method "PrintTotalSalesTable()" which prints a resulting table.
        Console.Write("Press any key to exit.");

        /* The method "ReadKey()" of class "Console" is similar to "ReadLine()" method, but reads not a string of characters,
         * followed by "Enter" key, but in contrast reads a single character pressed by a user.
         * It is useful when you need a console window to left opened after an application finishes its work. */
コード例 #4
        public TotalSales Get()

            switch (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("CITY"))
            case "NY":

            case "CA":

            case "TX":

                TotalSales total = new TotalSales();
                total.totalSales = -1;
コード例 #5
        public ActionResult Home()
            var currentstock = _productService.GetProducts();
            var paymenttypes = _paymentDetailService.GetPaymentTypes();
            var orders       = _orderService.GetOrders();

            List <TotalSales> totalSales = new List <TotalSales>();
            TotalSales        sale       = new TotalSales();

            foreach (var p in paymenttypes)
                sale = new TotalSales()
                    PaymentDesc = p.PaymtType, TotalAmount = _paymentDetailService.GetSalesByType(p.PaymtId)
            ViewData["canssold"]     = orders;
            ViewData["currentstock"] = currentstock;
            ViewData["totalsales"]   = totalSales;
コード例 #6
        public ActionResult Restock()
            var currentstock   = _productService.GetProducts();
            var stockToBeAdded = (from product in currentstock
                                  select new Product
                ProdId = product.ProdId,
                ProdQty = 5


            var paymenttypes = _paymentDetailService.GetPaymentTypes();

            List <TotalSales> totalSales = new List <TotalSales>();
            TotalSales        sale       = new TotalSales();

            foreach (var p in paymenttypes)
                sale = new TotalSales()
                    PaymentDesc = p.PaymtType, TotalAmount = _paymentDetailService.GetSalesByType(p.PaymtId)

            var newStock = _productService.GetProducts();
            var orders   = _orderService.GetOrders();

            ViewData["canssold"]     = orders;
            ViewData["currentstock"] = newStock;
            ViewData["totalsales"]   = totalSales;

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// reads in present sales report, if exists, then updates
        /// sales report dictionary values, adding previous total sales
        /// to total sales after each user transaction
        /// finally, writes new updated values to the sales report
        /// by overwriting existing data
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateSalesReport()
            if (File.Exists(_reportPath))
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(_reportPath))
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();

                        if (line.Contains("$"))
                            string[] totalLine = line.Split('$');
                            TotalSales += decimal.Parse(totalLine[1]);
                        else if (line != "")
                            string[] dictString  = line.Split('|');
                            string   itemName    = dictString[0];
                            int      lastQtySold = int.Parse(dictString[1]);

                            foreach (Item item in _itemList)
                                if (item.Name == itemName)
                                    _salesReport[itemName] = lastQtySold + item.QtySold;

                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_reportPath, false))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> entry in _salesReport)

                    sw.WriteLine($"**TOTAL SALES** {TotalSales.ToString("C")}");
                    TotalSales = 0;
                using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(_reportPath, false))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> line in _salesReport)
                        string key     = line.Key;
                        int    qtySold = 0;

                        foreach (Item item in _itemList)
                            if (item.Name == key)
                                qtySold = item.QtySold;

                        sw.WriteLine($"{line.Key}|{line.Value + qtySold}");

                    sw.WriteLine($"**TOTAL SALES** {TotalSales.ToString("C")}");