コード例 #1
        public void MakeTorrentFromFile(string fullPath)
            FileInfo myFile   = new FileInfo(fullPath);
            long     filesize = myFile.Length;


            int pathNameSize = fullPath.LastIndexOf(@"\");
            int fileNameSize = fullPath.Length - pathNameSize;

            string fileName       = fullPath.Substring(pathNameSize + 1, fileNameSize - 1);
            string fullPathToSave = parent.folderToSave + "/" + fileName;

            TorrentDictionary mainDict  = new TorrentDictionary();
            TorrentDictionary infoDict  = new TorrentDictionary();
            TorrentString     torr_name = new TorrentString
                Value = fileName
            TorrentNumber torr_length = new TorrentNumber
                Value = filesize
            TorrentNumber torr_piece_size = new TorrentNumber
                Value = this.currentPieceSize
            TorrentString torr_encode = new TorrentString
                Value = "UTF-8"
            TorrentString torr_pieces = new TorrentString
                Value = sha1_full.ToString()
            TorrentString torr_createdBy = new TorrentString
                Value = "Criado por TorrentBuild Simplificado."

            infoDict.Add("length", torr_length);
            infoDict.Add("name", torr_name);
            infoDict.Add("pieces", torr_pieces);
            infoDict.Add("piece length", torr_piece_size);
            mainDict.Add("created by", torr_createdBy);
            mainDict.Add("encoding", torr_encode);
            mainDict.Add("info", infoDict);

            using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fullPathToSave + ".torrent", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                byte[] bencodedDict = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(mainDict.BEncoded);
                fs.Write(bencodedDict, 0, bencodedDict.Length);
コード例 #2
        public void MakeTorrentFromFolder(string fullPath)
            string[] pathArray          = Directory.GetFiles(fullPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
            string[] relative_pathArray = new string[pathArray.Length];

            int pathNameSize = fullPath.LastIndexOf(@"\");
            int fileNameSize = fullPath.Length - pathNameSize;

            string fileName       = fullPath.Substring(pathNameSize + 1, fileNameSize - 1);
            string fullPathToSave = parent.folderToSave + @"\" + fileName;

            TorrentDictionary mainDict = new TorrentDictionary();
            TorrentDictionary infoDict = new TorrentDictionary();

            ArrayList   fileArrayList = new ArrayList();
            TorrentList torr_fileList = new TorrentList();

            for (int i = 0; i < pathArray.Length; i++)
                FileInfo myFile   = new FileInfo(pathArray[i]);
                long     filesize = myFile.Length;

                relative_pathArray[i] = pathArray[i].Substring(fullPath.Length + 1);

                string[]      path_splitted = relative_pathArray[i].Split('\\');
                TorrentNumber torr_filesize = new TorrentNumber {
                    Value = filesize

                ArrayList pathArrayList = new ArrayList();

                TorrentDictionary itemDict = new TorrentDictionary();

                foreach (string path_chunk in path_splitted)
                    TorrentString path_chunkString = new TorrentString {
                        Value = path_chunk

                TorrentList torr_pathList = new TorrentList {
                    Value = pathArrayList

                itemDict.Add("length", torr_filesize);
                itemDict.Add("path", torr_pathList);

                if (i == pathArray.Length - 1)
                    MakeContinuousHash(pathArray[i], true);
                    MakeContinuousHash(pathArray[i], false);

            torr_fileList.Value = fileArrayList;
            infoDict.Add("files", torr_fileList);

            TorrentString torr_pieces = new TorrentString {
                Value = sha1_full.ToString()

            infoDict.Add("pieces", torr_pieces);

            TorrentNumber torr_pieceLength = new TorrentNumber {
                Value = this.currentPieceSize

            infoDict.Add("piece length", torr_pieceLength);

            TorrentString torr_name = new TorrentString {
                Value = fileName

            infoDict.Add("name", torr_name);

            TorrentString torr_createdBy = new TorrentString {
                Value = "Criado por TorrentBuild Simplificado."

            mainDict.Add("created by", torr_createdBy);

            TorrentString torr_encode = new TorrentString {
                Value = "UTF-8"

            mainDict.Add("encoding", torr_encode);

            mainDict.Add("info", infoDict);

            using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fullPathToSave + ".torrent", FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                byte[] bencodedDict = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(mainDict.BEncoded);
                fs.Write(bencodedDict, 0, bencodedDict.Length);
コード例 #3
 private void SaveSettings_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.AnnounceURL.Text = Strings.Trim(this.AnnounceURL.Text);
     TorrentString str = new TorrentString();
     TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number11 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number9 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number7 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number8 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number12 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number6 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number5 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary();
     TorrentNumber number14 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number13 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentNumber number4 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentList list = new TorrentList();
     TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentNumber number10 = new TorrentNumber();
     list.Value = BlackListedFiles;
     number14.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(GenerateVerbose));
     number13.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(UseWSAConfig));
     number4.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(DelayMessages));
     dictionary.Add("verbose", number14);
     dictionary.Add("usewsa", number13);
     dictionary.Add("delay", number4);
     str.Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text;
     number3.Value = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text);
     number5.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.MakeSeparateTorrents.Checked));
     number11.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeSHA1.Checked));
     number9.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeMD5.Checked));
     number7.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeCRC32.Checked));
     number8.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeED2K.Checked));
     number12.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.IncludeTiger.Checked));
     number6.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.MakeExternals.Checked));
     number.Value = (long) -(Convert.ToInt32(this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked));
     str2.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text);
     number10.Value = (long)-(Convert.ToInt32(this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked));
     TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary();
     TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber();
     TorrentList list2 = new TorrentList {
         Value = new ArrayList()
     if (list.BEncoded != list2.BEncoded)
         dictionary2.Add("blacklist", list);
         number2.Value = 0L;
         number2.Value = -1L;
     if (MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers.BEncoded != list2.BEncoded)
         dictionary2.Add("multitracker", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers);
     dictionary2.Add("usemultitracker", number10);
     dictionary2.Add("blankblacklist", number2);
     dictionary2.Add("advanced", dictionary);
     dictionary2.Add("tracker", str);
     dictionary2.Add("piecesize", number3);
     dictionary2.Add("sha1", number11);
     dictionary2.Add("md5", number9);
     dictionary2.Add("crc", number7);
     dictionary2.Add("ed2k", number8);
     dictionary2.Add("tiger", number12);
     dictionary2.Add("externals", number6);
     dictionary2.Add("autopiece", number);
     dictionary2.Add("folder", number5);
     dictionary2.Add("comment", str2);
     int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile();
     if (File.Exists(LocalPath + "tgen.configure"))
         FileSystem.Kill(LocalPath + "tgen.configure");
     FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, LocalPath + "tgen.configure", OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1);
     FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary2.BEncoded, -1L, false);
     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber });
コード例 #4
 public void MakeOneTorrentFromFolder()
     long num = 0;
     long num6 = 0;
     long num8 = 0;
     long num9 = 0;
     long num12 = 0;
     string[] strArray = Directory.GetFiles(this.FileNameToMake.Text, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
     if (Strings.Right(this.FileNameToMake.Text, 1) != @"\")
         this.FileNameToMake.Text = this.FileNameToMake.Text + @"\";
     TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary();
     TorrentList list = new TorrentList();
     ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
     this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum = strArray.GetLength(0) * CountMultiplier;
     foreach (string str10 in strArray)
         if (this.IsFileCleared(str10))
             FileStream stream;
             byte[] hash;
             IEnumerator enumerator = null;
             TorrentDictionary dictionary3 = new TorrentDictionary();
             TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber();
             TorrentList list3 = new TorrentList();
             ArrayList list4 = new ArrayList();
             TorrentString str11 = new TorrentString();
             number2.Value = FileSystem.FileLen(str10);
             num12 += FileSystem.FileLen(str10);
             if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked)
                 num += number2.Value;
             Array array = Strings.Right(str10, Strings.Len(str10) - Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text)).Split(new char[] { '\\' });
                 enumerator = array.GetEnumerator();
                 while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                     string str13 = Conversions.ToString(enumerator.Current);
                     if (str13 != "")
                         TorrentString str14 = new TorrentString {
                             Value = str13
                 if (enumerator is IDisposable)
                     (enumerator as IDisposable).Dispose();
             list3.Value = list4;
             dictionary3.Add("length", number2);
             dictionary3.Add("path", list3);
             StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
             HashChanger changer = new HashChanger();
             if (number2.Value < 0x100000000L)
                 if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked)
                     string str16 = "";
                     this.TigerHash = new ThexThreaded();
                     TorrentString str15 = new TorrentString();
                     hash = this.TigerHash.GetTTH_Value(str10);
                     int index = 0;
                     foreach (byte num13 in hash)
                         str16 = str16 + Encoding.Default.GetString(hash, index, 1);
                     str15.Value = str16;
                     str16 = "";
                     hash = null;
                     dictionary3.Add("tiger", str15);
             if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
                 TorrentString str17 = new TorrentString();
                 stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                 hash = this.sha1.Hash;
                 changer.bytehash = this.sha1.Hash;
                 str17.Value = changer.rawhash;
                 builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
                 hash = null;
                 dictionary3.Add("sha1", str17);
             if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
                 TorrentString str19 = new TorrentString();
                 stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                 builder = new StringBuilder();
                 foreach (byte num13 in this.md5.Hash)
                     builder.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", num13);
                 str19.Value = builder.ToString();
                 builder.Remove(0, builder.Length);
                 hash = null;
                 dictionary3.Add("md5sum", str19);
             if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
                 TorrentString str20 = new TorrentString();
                 CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
                 int num15 = 0;
                 stream = new FileStream(str10, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                 Stream stream2 = stream;
                 stream = (FileStream) stream2;
                 num15 = crc.GetCrc32(ref stream2);
                 str20.Value = string.Format("{0:X8}", num15);
                 dictionary3.Add("crc32", str20);
             if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
                 string str21 = "";
                 string str22 = "";
                 TorrentString str23 = new TorrentString();
                 this.GetED2KHash(str10, ref str22, ref str21);
                 str23.Value = str21;
                 dictionary3.Add("ed2k", str23);
             this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum -= CountMultiplier;
     if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked)
         num9 = this.getautopiecesize(num);
         num9 = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text);
     list.Value = list2;
     TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber {
         Value = num9
     dictionary2.Add("files", list);
     dictionary2.Add("piece length", number);
     long upperBound = strArray.GetUpperBound(0);
     long num2 = 0L;
     long num3 = 0L;
     byte[] buffer = new byte[((int) num9) + 1];
     byte[] bytes = new byte[0x15];
     while (true)
         if (this.IsFileCleared(strArray[(int) num2]))
             this.FileHandling = File.Open(strArray[(int) num2], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
             if (GenerateVerbose)
                 Interaction.MsgBox("Current File: " + strArray[(int) num2] + "\n File offset for Piece 0 of this file: " + Conversions.ToString(num3), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null);
         num2 += 1L;
     this.TorrentProgress.Value = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((double) num3) / ((double) num12)) * 100.0));
     byte[] buffer4 = new byte[((int) (num9 - 1L)) + 1];
     num6 = this.FileHandling.Read(buffer4, (int) num8, (int) (num9 - num8));
     num8 += num6;
     if (!((num2 <= upperBound) & (num8 < num9)))
         string str3 = "";
         byte[] buffer5 = new byte[((int) (num8 - 1L)) + 1];
         long num27 = num8 - 1L;
         for (long i = 0L; i <= num27; i += 1L)
             buffer5[(int) i] = buffer4[(int) i];
         buffer4 = null;
         bytes = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer5);
         int num17 = 0;
             str3 = str3 + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, num17, 1);
         while (num17 <= 0x13);
         bytes = null;
         num3 += num8;
         num8 = 0L;
         if (num3 >= num12)
             if (GenerateVerbose)
                 Interaction.MsgBox("Size of files hashed: " + Conversions.ToString(num3) + " Size of files compared: " + Conversions.ToString(num12) + "\nNow Generating .torrent file", MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null);
             this.TorrentProgress.Value = 100;
             string path = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1) + ".torrent";
             TorrentString str9 = new TorrentString {
                 Value = str3
             dictionary2.Add("pieces", str9);
             int num5 = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1).LastIndexOf(@"\");
             int num4 = Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - num5;
             string str8 = Strings.Right(Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1), num4 - 2);
             TorrentString str7 = new TorrentString {
                 Value = str8
             TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary();
             TorrentString str4 = new TorrentString();
             dictionary2.Add("name", str7);
             str4.Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text;
             if (UseWSAConfig)
                 ArrayList returnarray = new ArrayList();
                 TorrentList list6 = new TorrentList();
                 int webSeedData = TorrentGenFamily.GetWebSeedData(returnarray);
                 list6.Value = returnarray;
                 if (webSeedData >= 1)
                     dictionary.Add("httpseeds", list6);
             TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString {
                 Value = "Torrent Generated by VB.Net TorrentGen - Written by DWKnight"
             dictionary.Add("created by", str2);
             TorrentString str = new TorrentString();
             if (Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text) != "")
                 str.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text);
                 dictionary.Add("comment", str);
             if (this.AnnounceURL.Text != "")
                 dictionary.Add("announce", str4);
             if (this.PrivateTorrent.Checked)
                 TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber {
                     Value = 1L
                 dictionary2["private"] = number3;
             dictionary.Add("info", dictionary2);
             TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString {
                 Value = "UTF8"
             dictionary.Add("encoding", str5);
             if (this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked)
                 dictionary.Add("announce-list", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers);
             if (File.Exists(path))
             int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, path, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1);
             FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary.BEncoded, -1L, false);
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber });
             if (this.MakeExternals.Checked)
                 string str26 = "";
                 string str28 = "";
                 string str29 = "";
                 string str30 = "";
                 string str32 = "";
                 string str34 = "";
                 IEnumerator enumerator2 = null;
                 string expression = Strings.Left(this.FileNameToMake.Text, Strings.Len(this.FileNameToMake.Text) - 1);
                 string str27 = expression + ".md5";
                 string str31 = expression + ".sha1";
                 string str25 = expression + ".ed2k";
                 string str33 = expression + ".tiger";
                 string[] strArray2 = Strings.Split(expression, @"\", -1, CompareMethod.Binary);
                 strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)] = Strings.Replace(strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)], " ", ".", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary);
                 strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)] = Strings.Replace(strArray2[strArray2.GetUpperBound(0)], "_", ".", 1, -1, CompareMethod.Binary);
                 foreach (string str35 in strArray2)
                     str29 = str29 + @"\" + str35;
                 str29 = Strings.Mid(str29, 2, Strings.Len(str29) - 1) + ".sfv";
                 LinkGeneration generation = new LinkGeneration();
                 HashChanger changer2 = new HashChanger();
                     enumerator2 = list2.GetEnumerator();
                     while (enumerator2.MoveNext())
                         IEnumerator enumerator3 = null;
                         TorrentDictionary current = (TorrentDictionary) enumerator2.Current;
                         generation = new LinkGeneration();
                         TorrentString str36 = new TorrentString();
                             enumerator3 = ((IEnumerable) NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["path"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)).GetEnumerator();
                             while (enumerator3.MoveNext())
                                 TorrentString str37 = (TorrentString) enumerator3.Current;
                                 str36 = str37;
                             if (enumerator3 is IDisposable)
                                 (enumerator3 as IDisposable).Dispose();
                         if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
                             TorrentString str38 = new TorrentString();
                             str38 = (TorrentString) current["md5sum"];
                             str28 = str28 + str36.Value + " " + str38.Value + "\r\n";
                         if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
                             changer2 = new HashChanger {
                                 rawhash = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["sha1"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null))
                             str32 = str32 + str36.Value + " " + changer2.hexhash + "\r\n";
                         if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked && current.Contains("tiger"))
                             changer2 = new HashChanger {
                                 rawhash = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["tiger"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null))
                             str34 = str34 + str36.Value + " " + changer2.base32 + "\r\n";
                         if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
                             str30 = Conversions.ToString(Operators.AddObject(Operators.AddObject(Operators.AddObject(str30 + str36.Value + " ", NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["crc32"], null, "value", new object[0], null, null, null)), '\r'), '\n'));
                         if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
                             generation.ED2KRaw = Conversions.ToString(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["ed2k"], null, "Value", new object[0], null, null, null));
                             generation.FileSize = Conversions.ToLong(NewLateBinding.LateGet(current["length"], null, "Value", new object[0], null, null, null));
                             generation.FileName = str36.Value;
                             str26 = str26 + generation.ClassicED2KLink + "\r\n";
                             str26 = str26 + str36.Value + " " + generation.ED2KHex + "\r\n";
                     if (enumerator2 is IDisposable)
                         (enumerator2 as IDisposable).Dispose();
                 if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
                     if (File.Exists(str27))
                     int num19 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
                     FileSystem.FileOpen(num19, str27, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
                     FileSystem.Print(num19, new object[] { str28 });
                     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num19 });
                 if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked)
                     if (File.Exists(str33))
                     int num20 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
                     FileSystem.FileOpen(num20, str33, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
                     FileSystem.Print(num20, new object[] { str34 });
                     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num20 });
                 if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
                     if (File.Exists(str31))
                     int num21 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
                     FileSystem.FileOpen(num21, str31, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
                     FileSystem.Print(num21, new object[] { str32 });
                     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num21 });
                 if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
                     if (File.Exists(str25))
                     int num22 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
                     FileSystem.FileOpen(num22, str25, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
                     FileSystem.Print(num22, new object[] { str26 });
                     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num22 });
                 if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
                     if (File.Exists(str29))
                     int num23 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
                     FileSystem.FileOpen(num23, str29, OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
                     FileSystem.Print(num23, new object[] { str30 });
                     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num23 });
         goto Label_062B;
     num2 += 1L;
     while (true)
         if (num2 > strArray.GetUpperBound(0))
             goto Label_0668;
         if (this.IsFileCleared(strArray[(int) num2]))
         num2 += 1L;
     this.FileHandling = File.Open(strArray[(int) num2], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
     if (GenerateVerbose)
         Interaction.MsgBox("Current File: " + strArray[(int) num2] + "\n File offset for Piece 0 of this file: " + Conversions.ToString(num3), MsgBoxStyle.OkOnly, null);
     goto Label_0668;
コード例 #5
 public void MakeTorrentFromFile(string NameOfFile)
     FileStream stream;
     string str6 = "";
     string hexhash = "";
     string str13 = "";
     string str14 = "";
     long filesize = FileSystem.FileLen(NameOfFile);
     TorrentString str10 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentString str7 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentString str5 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentString str4 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentString str12 = new TorrentString();
     StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     HashChanger changer = new HashChanger();
     this.OptionalHashProgress.Maximum = CountMultiplier;
     this.OptionalHashProgress.Value = 0;
     if (filesize < 0x100000000L)
         if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked)
             this.TigerHash = new ThexThreaded();
             changer = new HashChanger {
                 bytehash = this.TigerHash.GetTTH_Value(NameOfFile)
             str12.Value = changer.rawhash;
             str13 = changer.base32;
     if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
         changer = new HashChanger();
         stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
         changer.bytehash = this.sha1.Hash;
         str10.Value = changer.rawhash;
         hexhash = changer.hexhash;
     if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
         changer = new HashChanger();
         stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
         changer.bytehash = this.md5.Hash;
         str7.Value = changer.hexhash;
     if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
         CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
         int num7 = 0;
         stream = new FileStream(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
         Stream stream2 = stream;
         stream = (FileStream) stream2;
         num7 = crc.GetCrc32(ref stream2);
         str4.Value = string.Format("{0:X8}", num7);
     if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
         string str3 = "";
         this.GetED2KHash(NameOfFile, ref str6, ref str3);
         str5.Value = str3;
     this.FileHandling = File.Open(NameOfFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
     byte[] bytes = new byte[0x15];
     if (this.AutomaticPieceSize.Checked)
         this.piecesizetouse = this.getautopiecesize(filesize);
         this.piecesizetouse = Conversions.ToInteger(this.PieceSize.Text);
     long num3 = 0L;
     this.FileHandling.Seek(0L, SeekOrigin.Begin);
     while (num3 < filesize)
         this.TorrentProgress.Value = (int) Math.Round((double) ((((double) num3) / ((double) filesize)) * 100.0));
         byte[] array = new byte[((int) this.piecesizetouse) + 1];
         long num5 = this.FileHandling.Read(array, 0, (int) this.piecesizetouse);
         byte[] buffer = new byte[((int) (num5 - 1L)) + 1];
         long num16 = num5 - 1L;
         for (long i = 0L; i <= num16; i += 1L)
             buffer[(int) i] = array[(int) i];
         bytes = this.sha1.ComputeHash(buffer);
         int index = 0;
             str14 = str14 + Encoding.Default.GetString(bytes, index, 1);
         while (index <= 0x13);
         num3 += this.piecesizetouse;
         buffer = null;
         array = null;
     this.TorrentProgress.Value = 100;
     TorrentString str20 = new TorrentString();
     int length = NameOfFile.LastIndexOf(@"\");
     int num = Strings.Len(NameOfFile) - length;
     string str8 = Strings.Right(NameOfFile, num - 1);
     string str9 = Strings.Left(NameOfFile, length);
     TorrentString str19 = new TorrentString {
         Value = str8
     TorrentString str17 = new TorrentString();
     TorrentNumber number = new TorrentNumber {
         Value = filesize
     TorrentNumber number2 = new TorrentNumber {
         Value = this.piecesizetouse
     str20.Value = str14;
     str17.Value = "UTF8";
     TorrentDictionary dictionary2 = new TorrentDictionary();
     TorrentDictionary dictionary = new TorrentDictionary();
     TorrentString str16 = new TorrentString {
         Value = this.AnnounceURL.Text
     dictionary.Add("length", number);
     dictionary.Add("name", str19);
     dictionary.Add("pieces", str20);
     dictionary.Add("piece length", number2);
     if (this.MultiTrackerEnabled.Checked)
         dictionary2.Add("announce-list", MultiTrackerGenerator.MultiTrackerTiers);
     if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
         dictionary.Add("sha1", str10);
     if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
         dictionary.Add("md5sum", str7);
     if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
         dictionary.Add("crc32", str4);
     if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
         dictionary.Add("ed2k", str5);
     if (this.IncludeTiger.Checked)
         dictionary.Add("tiger", str12);
     if (UseWSAConfig)
         ArrayList returnarray = new ArrayList();
         TorrentList list2 = new TorrentList();
         int webSeedData = TorrentGenFamily.GetWebSeedData(returnarray);
         list2.Value = returnarray;
         if (webSeedData >= 1)
             dictionary2.Add("httpseeds", list2);
     TorrentString str2 = new TorrentString {
         Value = "Torrent Generated by VB.Net TorrentGen - Written by DWKnight"
     dictionary2.Add("created by", str2);
     TorrentString str = new TorrentString();
     if (Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text) != "")
         str.Value = Strings.Trim(this.TorrentComment.Text);
         dictionary2.Add("comment", str);
     if (this.PrivateTorrent.Checked)
         TorrentNumber number3 = new TorrentNumber {
             Value = 1L
         dictionary["private"] = number3;
     dictionary2.Add("info", dictionary);
     if (this.AnnounceURL.Text != "")
         dictionary2.Add("announce", str16);
     dictionary2.Add("encoding", str17);
     int fileNumber = FileSystem.FreeFile();
     string fileName = NameOfFile + ".torrent";
     FileSystem.FileOpen(fileNumber, fileName, OpenMode.Binary, OpenAccess.ReadWrite, OpenShare.LockReadWrite, -1);
     FileSystem.FilePut(fileNumber, dictionary2.BEncoded, -1L, false);
     FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { fileNumber });
     bytes = null;
     if (this.MakeExternals.Checked)
         if (this.IncludeSHA1.Checked)
             int num11 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(num11, NameOfFile + ".sha1", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num11, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + hexhash });
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num11 });
         if ((filesize <= 0x118940000L) && this.IncludeTiger.Checked)
             int num12 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(num12, NameOfFile + ".tiger", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num12, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str13 });
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num12 });
         if (this.IncludeMD5.Checked)
             int num13 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(num13, NameOfFile + ".md5", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num13, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str7.Value });
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num13 });
         if (this.IncludeCRC32.Checked)
             int num14 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(num14, NameOfFile + ".sfv", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num14, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + str4.Value });
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num14 });
         if (this.IncludeED2K.Checked)
             LinkGeneration generation = new LinkGeneration {
                 FileName = str19.Value,
                 FileSize = number.Value,
                 ED2KHex = str6
             int num15 = FileSystem.FreeFile();
             FileSystem.FileOpen(num15, NameOfFile + ".ed2k", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Default, OpenShare.Default, -1);
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num15, new object[] { generation.ClassicED2KLink });
             FileSystem.PrintLine(num15, new object[] { str19.Value + " " + generation.ED2KHex + "\r\n" });
             FileSystem.FileClose(new int[] { num15 });