コード例 #1
        private async Task HandleStartPartition(int partition, PartitionState state, TopicOnOff startInfo)
            // Activate partition
            state.Active = true;
            state.StopAt = Offsets.Never;

            // Known offset => FetchRequest
            if (startInfo.Offset >= 0)
                state.NextOffset = startInfo.Offset;
                await Fetch(startInfo.Topic, partition, startInfo.Offset);
            // Restart from last known offset
            else if (startInfo.Offset == Offsets.Now)
                // last known offset was unknown => OffsetRequest
                if (state.NextOffset < 0)
                    await Offset(startInfo.Topic, partition, state.NextOffset);
                    await Fetch(startInfo.Topic, partition, state.NextOffset);
            // Unknown offset => OffsetRequest
                await Offset(startInfo.Topic, partition, startInfo.Offset);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the stop mark for a given topic. Depending on the value and the last seen
        /// offset we either disable the topic/partition now or mark it for later check.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicOnOff"></param>
        private void HandleStop(TopicOnOff topicOnOff)
            if (!_partitionsStates.ContainsKey(topicOnOff.Topic))
            foreach (
                var partition in
                topicOnOff.Partition == Partitions.All
                        ? _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic].Keys
                        : Enumerable.Repeat(topicOnOff.Partition, 1))
                if (!IsAssigned(topicOnOff.Topic, partition))
                    // Skip non assigned partitions in case of consumer group usage

                PartitionState state;
                    state = _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic][partition];
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Topic / partition was probably never started

                if (topicOnOff.Offset == Offsets.Now || (topicOnOff.Offset >= 0 && state.NextOffset > topicOnOff.Offset))
                    if (state.Postponed)
                        state.Postponed = false;
                        state.Active    = false;
                        state.StopAt = topicOnOff.Offset == Offsets.Now ? state.NextOffset - 1 : topicOnOff.Offset;
                        if (state.StopAt < 0)
                            state.StopAt = Offsets.Now;
                else if (topicOnOff.Offset < 0)
                    // nothing to do
                    state.StopAt = topicOnOff.Offset;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage beginning of fetch on given topic/partition.
        /// If the required offset is positive (i.e. client required a specific known offset
        /// to begin from) we issue a Fetch request. If the required offset is Earliest or Latest,
        /// we issue an Offset request to discover the offset values before beginning fetch requests.
        /// This method initializes the PartitionState associated to this topic / partition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicOnOff"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleStart(TopicOnOff topicOnOff)
            int[] partitions = null;
            if (topicOnOff.Partition >= 0)
                partitions    = _tmpPartitions;
                partitions[0] = topicOnOff.Partition;
                while (partitions == null)
                        partitions = await _cluster.RequireAllPartitionsForTopic(topicOnOff.Topic);
                        // Means the cluster is kind of dead, ignore and retry, there's not much else
                        // to do anyway since we won't be able to send more fetch requests until
                        // some node is available.
                        // TODO: be verbose?

            foreach (int partition in partitions)
                // Initialize PartitionState if needed
                Dictionary <int, PartitionState> states;
                if (!_partitionsStates.TryGetValue(topicOnOff.Topic, out states))
                    states = new Dictionary <int, PartitionState>();
                    _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic] = states;
                var state = new PartitionState
                    LastOffsetSeen     = Offsets.None,
                    NextOffsetExpected = topicOnOff.Offset,
                    Active             = true,
                    Postponed          = false
                states[partition] = state;

                // Known offset => FetchRequest
                if (topicOnOff.Offset >= 0)
                    await Fetch(topicOnOff.Topic, partition, topicOnOff.Offset);
                // Unknown offset => OffsetRequest
                    await Offset(topicOnOff.Topic, partition, topicOnOff.Offset);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Set the stop mark for a given topic. Depending on the value and the last seen
        /// offset we either disable the topic/partition now or mark it for later check.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicOnOff"></param>
        private void HandleStop(TopicOnOff topicOnOff)
            foreach (
                var partition in
                topicOnOff.Partition == Partitions.All
                        ? _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic].Keys
                        : Enumerable.Repeat(topicOnOff.Partition, 1))
                PartitionState state;
                    state = _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic][partition];
                catch (Exception exception)
                    // Topic / partition was probably not started

                if (topicOnOff.Offset == Offsets.Now ||
                    (topicOnOff.Offset >= 0 && state.LastOffsetSeen > topicOnOff.Offset))
                    state.Active    = false;
                    state.Postponed = false;

                if (topicOnOff.Offset < 0)

                state.StopAt = topicOnOff.Offset;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Manage beginning of fetch on given topic/partition.
        /// If the required offset is positive (i.e. client required a specific known offset
        /// to begin from) we issue a Fetch request. If the required offset is Earliest or Latest,
        /// we issue an Offset request to discover the offset values before beginning fetch requests.
        /// This method initializes the PartitionState associated to this topic / partition.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topicOnOff"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task HandleStart(TopicOnOff topicOnOff)
            int[] partitions = null;
            if (topicOnOff.Partition >= 0)
                partitions    = _tmpPartitions;
                partitions[0] = topicOnOff.Partition;
                if (_consumerGroup != null)
                    // (Re)start all assigned partitions
                    partitions = _partitionAssignments[topicOnOff.Topic].Select(po => po.Partition).ToArray();
                    while (partitions == null)
                            partitions = await _cluster.RequireAllPartitionsForTopic(topicOnOff.Topic);
                            // Means the cluster is kind of dead, ignore and retry, there's not much else
                            // to do anyway since we won't be able to send more fetch requests until
                            // some node is available.
                            // TODO: be verbose?

            foreach (int partition in partitions)
                // Initialize PartitionState if needed
                Dictionary <int, PartitionState> states;
                if (!_partitionsStates.TryGetValue(topicOnOff.Topic, out states))
                    states = new Dictionary <int, PartitionState>();
                    _partitionsStates[topicOnOff.Topic] = states;
                PartitionState state;
                if (!states.TryGetValue(partition, out state))
                    state = new PartitionState {
                        NextOffset = topicOnOff.Offset, Active = false, Postponed = false
                    states[partition] = state;

                // Already active partitions are not (re)started
                if (!state.Active)
                    await HandleStartPartition(partition, state, topicOnOff);
                else // But we change back their StopAt mark
                    state.StopAt = Offsets.Never;