///<summary></summary> public static void DrawString(TextFrame frameContainer, string text, MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Font font, RectangleF rectF, ParagraphAlignment alignment) { TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); Paragraph par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font.Clone(); par.Format.Alignment = alignment; par.AddText(text); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(rectF.Left / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(rectF.Top / 100); frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = Unit.FromInch(rectF.Right / 100f); // frameContainer.Width; Unit bottom = Unit.FromInch(rectF.Bottom / 100f); if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; //LineFormat lineformat=new LineFormat(); //lineformat.Width=1; //frame.LineFormat=lineformat; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); }
public static void DrawRectangle(TextFrame frameContainer, System.Drawing.Color color, float xPos, float yPos, float width, float height) { MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Color colorx = ConvertColor(color); TextFrame frameRect = new TextFrame(); frameRect.LineFormat.Color = colorx; frameRect.Height = Unit.FromInch(height / 100); frameRect.Width = Unit.FromInch(width / 100); TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); frame.Elements.Add(frameRect); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(xPos / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(yPos / 100); frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = frameContainer.Width; Unit bottom = Unit.FromInch((yPos + height) / 100); if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); }
///<summary></summary> public static void DrawBitmap(TextFrame frameContainer, System.Drawing.Bitmap bitmap, float xPos, float yPos) { string imageFileName = PrefC.GetRandomTempFile(".tmp"); bitmap.SetResolution(100, 100); //prevents framework from scaling it. bitmap.Save(imageFileName); TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); frame.AddImage(imageFileName); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(xPos / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(yPos / 100); frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = frameContainer.Width; Unit bottom = Unit.FromInch((yPos + (double)bitmap.Height) / 100); if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; //LineFormat lineformat=new LineFormat(); //lineformat.Width=1; //frame.LineFormat=lineformat; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); }
///<summary></summary> public static void DrawString(TextFrame frameContainer, string text, MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Font font, float xPos, float yPos) { TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); Paragraph par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font.Clone(); par.AddText(text); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(xPos / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(yPos / 100); frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = frameContainer.Width; FontStyle fontstyle = FontStyle.Regular; if (font.Bold) { fontstyle = FontStyle.Bold; } System.Drawing.Font fontSystem = new System.Drawing.Font(font.Name, (float)font.Size.Point, fontstyle); float fontH = fontSystem.Height; Unit bottom = Unit.FromInch((yPos + fontH) / 100); if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; //LineFormat lineformat=new LineFormat(); //lineformat.Width=1; //frame.LineFormat=lineformat; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); }
///<summary>Creates a somewhat smaller container at an absolute position on the page</summary> public static TextFrame CreateContainer(Section section, float xPos, float yPos, float width, float height) { TextFrame framebig = section.AddTextFrame(); framebig.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; framebig.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; framebig.MarginLeft = Unit.Zero; framebig.MarginTop = Unit.Zero; framebig.Top = TopPosition.Parse((yPos / 100).ToString() + " in"); framebig.Left = LeftPosition.Parse((xPos / 100).ToString() + " in"); framebig.Width = Unit.FromInch(width / 100); framebig.Height = Unit.FromInch(height / 100); return(framebig); }
/// <summary> /// Renders the dummy paragraph's space before and space after attributes. /// </summary> private void RenderParagraphDistances() { Unit spaceAfter = 0; Unit spaceBefore = 0; TopPosition top = (TopPosition)GetValueOrDefault("Top", new TopPosition()); if (top.ShapePosition == ShapePosition.Undefined) { spaceBefore = top.Position + (Unit)GetValueOrDefault("WrapFormat.DistanceTop", (Unit)0); } spaceAfter = (Unit)GetValueOrDefault("WrapFormat.DistanceBottom", (Unit)0); RenderUnit("sa", spaceAfter); RenderUnit("sb", spaceBefore); }
/// <summary> /// Renders (and calculates) the \shptop and \shpbottom controls in RTF. /// </summary> private void RenderTopBottom() { Unit height = GetShapeHeight(); Unit top = 0; Unit bottom = height; if (!RenderInParagraph()) { RelativeVertical relVert = (RelativeVertical)GetValueOrDefault("RelativeVertical", RelativeVertical.Paragraph); TopPosition topPos = (TopPosition)GetValueOrDefault("Top", new TopPosition()); //REM: Will not work like this in table cells. //=>The shape would have to be put in a paragraph there. Section sec = (Section)DocumentRelations.GetParentOfType(_shape, typeof(Section)); PageSetup pgStp = sec.PageSetup; Unit topMrg = (Unit)pgStp.GetValue("TopMargin", GV.ReadOnly); Unit btmMrg = (Unit)pgStp.GetValue("BottomMargin", GV.ReadOnly); Unit pgHeight = pgStp.PageHeight; Unit pgWidth = pgStp.PageWidth; if (topPos.ShapePosition == ShapePosition.Undefined) { top = topPos.Position; bottom = top + height; } else { switch (relVert) { case RelativeVertical.Line: AlignVertically(topPos.ShapePosition, height, out top, out bottom); break; case RelativeVertical.Margin: AlignVertically(topPos.ShapePosition, pgHeight.Point - topMrg.Point - btmMrg.Point, out top, out bottom); break; case RelativeVertical.Page: AlignVertically(topPos.ShapePosition, pgHeight, out top, out bottom); break; } } } RenderUnit("shptop", top); RenderUnit("shpbottom", bottom); }
///<summary>Draws a small simple table at a fixed location within a frame container. Not intended for tables with variable number of rows.</summary> public static Table DrawTable(TextFrame frameContainer, float xPos, float yPos, float height) { Table table = new Table(); TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); frame.Elements.Add(table); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(xPos / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(yPos / 100); frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = frameContainer.Width; Unit bottom = Unit.FromInch((yPos + height) / 100); if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); return(table); }
public string GetCondensedInformation() { string name, left, top, facing; name = BuildingID.ToString(); left = LeftPosition.ToString(); top = TopPosition.ToString(); switch (DirectionFacing) { case Enums.BuildingDirection.Down: facing = "down"; break; case Enums.BuildingDirection.Left: facing = "left"; break; case Enums.BuildingDirection.Up: facing = "up"; break; case Enums.BuildingDirection.Right: facing = "right"; break; default: facing = "???"; break; } return(string.Format("{0} -- position: (left: {1}, top: {2}) -- facing: {3}", name, left, top, facing)); }
///<Summary>Creates a container frame in a section. This allows other objects to be placed absolutely within a given area by adding more textframes within this one. This frame is full width and is automatically placed after previous elements.</Summary> public static TextFrame CreateContainer(Section section) { TextFrame framebig = section.AddTextFrame(); framebig.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Line; framebig.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; framebig.MarginLeft = Unit.Zero; framebig.MarginTop = Unit.Zero; framebig.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); framebig.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-US") { framebig.Width = Unit.FromInch(8.5); } //don't know about Canada else { framebig.Width = Unit.FromInch(8.3); } //LineFormat lineformat=new LineFormat(); //lineformat.Width=1; //framebig.LineFormat=lineformat; return(framebig); }
///<summary>Supply pd so that we know the paper size and margins.</summary> public static void CreateDocument(FormRpStatement sender, MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document doc, PrintDocument pd, Family fam, Patient pat, DataSet dataSet, Statement Stmt) { //doc= new MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Document();//don't do this or the reference to the original doc will be lost. doc.DefaultPageSetup.PageWidth = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Width / 100); doc.DefaultPageSetup.PageHeight = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.PaperSize.Height / 100); doc.DefaultPageSetup.TopMargin = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Top / 100); doc.DefaultPageSetup.LeftMargin = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Left / 100); doc.DefaultPageSetup.RightMargin = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Right / 100); doc.DefaultPageSetup.BottomMargin = Unit.FromInch((double)pd.DefaultPageSettings.Margins.Bottom / 100); MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Section section = doc.AddSection(); //so that Swiss will have different footer for each patient. string text; MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Font font; //GetPatGuar(PatNums[famIndex][0]); //Family fam=Patients.GetFamily(Stmt.PatNum); Patient PatGuar = fam.ListPats[0]; //.Copy(); //Patient pat=fam.GetPatient(Stmt.PatNum); DataTable tableMisc = dataSet.Tables["misc"]; //HEADING------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Heading Paragraph par = section.AddParagraph(); ParagraphFormat parformat = new ParagraphFormat(); parformat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; par.Format = parformat; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(14, true); text = "This statement was generated from the plug-in"; par.AddFormattedText(text, font); text = DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString(); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10); par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Account Number") + " "; if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.StatementAccountsUseChartNumber)) { text += PatGuar.ChartNumber; } else { text += PatGuar.PatNum; } par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); TextFrame frame; #endregion //Practice Address---------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Practice Address if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.StatementShowReturnAddress)) { font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10); frame = section.AddTextFrame(); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.MarginLeft = Unit.Zero; frame.MarginTop = Unit.Zero; frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0.5 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0.3 in"); frame.Width = Unit.FromInch(3); if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.EasyNoClinics) && Clinics.List.Length > 0 && //if using clinics Clinics.GetClinic(PatGuar.ClinicNum) != null) //and this patient assigned to a clinic { Clinic clinic = Clinics.GetClinic(PatGuar.ClinicNum); par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(clinic.Description); par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddText(clinic.Address); par.AddLineBreak(); if (clinic.Address2 != "") { par.AddText(clinic.Address2); par.AddLineBreak(); } if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CH")) //CH is for switzerland. eg de-CH { par.AddText(clinic.Zip + " " + clinic.City); } else { par.AddText(clinic.City + ", " + clinic.State + " " + clinic.Zip); } par.AddLineBreak(); text = clinic.Phone; if (text.Length == 10) { text = "(" + text.Substring(0, 3) + ")" + text.Substring(3, 3) + "-" + text.Substring(6); } par.AddText(text); par.AddLineBreak(); } else { par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeTitle)); par.AddLineBreak(); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-AU") //English (Australia) { Provider defaultProv = Providers.GetProv(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PracticeDefaultProv)); par.AddText("ABN: " + defaultProv.NationalProvID); par.AddLineBreak(); } par.AddText(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeAddress)); par.AddLineBreak(); if (PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeAddress2) != "") { par.AddText(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeAddress2)); par.AddLineBreak(); } if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CH")) //CH is for switzerland. eg de-CH { par.AddText(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeZip) + " " + PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeCity)); } else { par.AddText(PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeCity) + ", " + PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeST) + " " + PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticeZip)); } par.AddLineBreak(); text = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.PracticePhone); if (text.Length == 10) { text = "(" + text.Substring(0, 3) + ")" + text.Substring(3, 3) + "-" + text.Substring(6); } par.AddText(text); par.AddLineBreak(); } } #endregion //AMOUNT ENCLOSED------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #region Amount Enclosed Table table; Column col; Row row; Cell cell; frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 450, 110, 330, 29); if (!Stmt.HidePayment) { table = MigraDocHelper.DrawTable(frame, 0, 0, 29); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); row = table.AddRow(); row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; row.Borders.Color = Colors.Black; row.Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray; row.TopPadding = Unit.FromInch(0); row.BottomPadding = Unit.FromInch(0); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(8, true); cell = row.Cells[0]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Amount Due"), font); cell = row.Cells[1]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Date Due"), font); cell = row.Cells[2]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Amount Enclosed"), font); row = table.AddRow(); row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; row.Borders.Left.Color = Colors.Gray; row.Borders.Bottom.Color = Colors.Gray; row.Borders.Right.Color = Colors.Gray; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9); double balTotal = PatGuar.BalTotal; if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BalancesDontSubtractIns)) //this is typical { balTotal -= PatGuar.InsEst; } for (int m = 0; m < tableMisc.Rows.Count; m++) { if (tableMisc.Rows[m]["descript"].ToString() == "payPlanDue") { balTotal += PIn.Double(tableMisc.Rows[m]["value"].ToString()); //payPlanDue;//PatGuar.PayPlanDue; } } text = balTotal.ToString("F"); cell = row.Cells[0]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); if (PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.StatementsCalcDueDate) == -1) { text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Upon Receipt"); } else { text = DateTime.Today.AddDays(PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.StatementsCalcDueDate)).ToShortDateString(); } cell = row.Cells[1]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); } #endregion //Credit Card Info-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Credit Card Info if (!Stmt.HidePayment) { if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.StatementShowCreditCard)) { float yPos = 60; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(7, true); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "CREDIT CARD TYPE"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); float rowHeight = 26; System.Drawing.Font wfont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 7, FontStyle.Bold); System.Drawing.Image img = new Bitmap(500, 30); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img); //just to measure strings MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "#"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "3 DIGIT CSV"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "EXPIRES"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "AMOUNT APPROVED"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "NAME"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos += rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "SIGNATURE"); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 0, yPos); MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.Black, g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g), 326, yPos + wfont.GetHeight(g)); yPos -= rowHeight; text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "(As it appears on card)"); wfont = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 5); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(5); MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, text, font, 625 - g.MeasureString(text, wfont).Width / 2 + 5, yPos + 13); g.Dispose(); img = null; } } #endregion //Patient's Billing Address--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Patient Billing Address font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(11); frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 62.5f + 12.5f, 225 + 1, 300, 200); par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; if (Stmt.SinglePatient) { par.AddText(fam.GetNameInFamFL(Stmt.PatNum)); } else { par.AddText(PatGuar.GetNameFLFormal()); } par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddText(PatGuar.Address); par.AddLineBreak(); if (PatGuar.Address2 != "") { par.AddText(PatGuar.Address2); par.AddLineBreak(); } if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CH")) //CH is for switzerland. eg de-CH { par.AddText(PatGuar.Zip + " " + PatGuar.City); } else { par.AddText(PatGuar.City + ", " + PatGuar.State + " " + PatGuar.Zip); } //perforated line------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //yPos=350;//3.62 inches from top, 1/3 page down frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 0, 350, 850, 30); if (!Stmt.HidePayment) { MigraDocHelper.DrawLine(frame, System.Drawing.Color.LightGray, 0, 0, 850, 0); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THE UPPER PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT"); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(6, true, System.Drawing.Color.Gray); par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(text); } #endregion //Australian Provider Legend #region Australian Provider Legend int legendOffset = 0; if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-AU") //English (Australia) { Providers.RefreshCache(); legendOffset = 25 + 15 * (1 + ProviderC.List.Length); MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, legendOffset); frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 45, 390, 250, legendOffset); par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(8, true); par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddText("PROVIDERS:"); par = frame.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(8, false); for (int i = 0; i < ProviderC.List.Length; i++) //All non-hidden providers are added to the legend. { Provider prov = ProviderC.List[i]; string suffix = ""; if (prov.Suffix.Trim() != "") { suffix = ", " + prov.Suffix.Trim(); } par.AddText(prov.Abbr + " - " + prov.FName + " " + prov.LName + suffix + " - " + prov.MedicaidID); par.AddLineBreak(); } par.AddLineBreak(); } #endregion //Aging----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Aging MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 275); frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 55, 390 + legendOffset, 250, 29); if (!Stmt.HidePayment) { table = MigraDocHelper.DrawTable(frame, 0, 0, 29); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); col = table.AddColumn(Unit.FromInch(1.1)); row = table.AddRow(); row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; row.Borders.Color = Colors.Black; row.Shading.Color = Colors.LightGray; row.TopPadding = Unit.FromInch(0); row.BottomPadding = Unit.FromInch(0); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(8, true); cell = row.Cells[0]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "0-30"), font); cell = row.Cells[1]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "31-60"), font); cell = row.Cells[2]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "61-90"), font); cell = row.Cells[3]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "over 90"), font); row = table.AddRow(); row.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; row.Borders.Left.Color = Colors.Gray; row.Borders.Bottom.Color = Colors.Gray; row.Borders.Right.Color = Colors.Gray; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9); text = PatGuar.Bal_0_30.ToString("F"); cell = row.Cells[0]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); text = PatGuar.Bal_31_60.ToString("F"); cell = row.Cells[1]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); text = PatGuar.Bal_61_90.ToString("F"); cell = row.Cells[2]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); text = PatGuar.BalOver90.ToString("F"); cell = row.Cells[3]; par = cell.AddParagraph(); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); } #endregion //Floating Balance, Ins info------------------------------------------------------------------- #region FloatingBalance frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 460, 380 + legendOffset, 250, 200); //table=MigraDocHelper.DrawTable(frame,0,0,90); par = frame.AddParagraph(); parformat = new ParagraphFormat(); parformat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right; par.Format = parformat; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, false); MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Font fontBold = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true); if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BalancesDontSubtractIns)) { text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Balance:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); //par.AddLineBreak(); //text = Lan.g(this, "Ins Pending:"); //par.AddFormattedText(text, font); //par.AddLineBreak(); //text = Lan.g(this, "After Ins:"); //par.AddFormattedText(text, font); //par.AddLineBreak(); } else //this is more common { if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.FuchsOptionsOn)) { text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Balance:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "-Ins Estimate:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "=Owed Now:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); par.AddLineBreak(); } else { text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Total:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "-Ins Estimate:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "=Balance:"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); par.AddLineBreak(); } } frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section, 730, 380 + legendOffset, 100, 200); //table=MigraDocHelper.DrawTable(frame,0,0,90); par = frame.AddParagraph(); parformat = new ParagraphFormat(); parformat.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Left; par.Format = parformat; font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, false); //numbers: if (PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.BalancesDontSubtractIns)) { text = PatGuar.BalTotal.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); //par.AddLineBreak(); //text = PatGuar.InsEst.ToString("c"); //par.AddFormattedText(text, font); //par.AddLineBreak(); //text = (PatGuar.BalTotal - PatGuar.InsEst).ToString("c"); //par.AddFormattedText(text, font); //par.AddLineBreak(); } else //more common { if (Stmt.SinglePatient) { double patInsEst = 0; for (int m = 0; m < tableMisc.Rows.Count; m++) { if (tableMisc.Rows[m]["descript"].ToString() == "patInsEst") { patInsEst = PIn.Double(tableMisc.Rows[m]["value"].ToString()); } } double patBal = pat.EstBalance - patInsEst; text = pat.EstBalance.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = patInsEst.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = patBal.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); } else { text = PatGuar.BalTotal.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = PatGuar.InsEst.ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, font); par.AddLineBreak(); text = (PatGuar.BalTotal - PatGuar.InsEst).ToString("c"); par.AddFormattedText(text, fontBold); par.AddLineBreak(); } } MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 80); #endregion FloatingBalance //Bold note------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Bold note if (Stmt.NoteBold != "") { MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 7); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true, System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed); par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(Stmt.NoteBold); MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 8); } #endregion Bold note //Payment plan grid definition--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region PayPlan grid definition ODGridColumn gcol; ODGridRow grow; ODGrid gridPP = new ODGrid(); //this.Controls.Add(gridPP); gridPP.BeginUpdate(); gridPP.Columns.Clear(); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Date"), 73); gridPP.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Description"), 270); gridPP.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Charges"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPP.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Credits"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPP.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Balance"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPP.Columns.Add(gcol); gridPP.Width = gridPP.WidthAllColumns + 20; gridPP.EndUpdate(); #endregion PayPlan grid definition //Payment plan grid. There will be only one, if any----------------------------------------------------------------- #region PayPlan grid DataTable tablePP = dataSet.Tables["payplan"]; ODGridCell gcell; if (tablePP.Rows.Count > 0) { //MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section,5); par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true); par.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Center; //par.Format.SpaceBefore=Unit.FromInch(.05); //par.Format.SpaceAfter=Unit.FromInch(.05); par.AddText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Payment Plans")); MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 2); gridPP.BeginUpdate(); gridPP.Rows.Clear(); for (int p = 0; p < tablePP.Rows.Count; p++) { grow = new ODGridRow(); grow.Cells.Add(tablePP.Rows[p]["date"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tablePP.Rows[p]["description"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tablePP.Rows[p]["charges"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tablePP.Rows[p]["credits"].ToString()); gcell = new ODGridCell(tablePP.Rows[p]["balance"].ToString()); if (p == tablePP.Rows.Count - 1) { gcell.Bold = YN.Yes; } else if (tablePP.Rows[p + 1]["balance"].ToString() == "") //if next row balance is blank. { gcell.Bold = YN.Yes; } grow.Cells.Add(gcell); gridPP.Rows.Add(grow); } gridPP.EndUpdate(); MigraDocHelper.DrawGrid(section, gridPP); MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 2); par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true); par.Format.Alignment = ParagraphAlignment.Right; par.Format.RightIndent = Unit.FromInch(0.25); double payPlanDue = 0; for (int m = 0; m < tableMisc.Rows.Count; m++) { if (tableMisc.Rows[m]["descript"].ToString() == "payPlanDue") { payPlanDue = PIn.Double(tableMisc.Rows[m]["value"].ToString()); } } par.AddText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Payment Plan Amount Due: ") + payPlanDue.ToString("c")); //PatGuar.PayPlanDue.ToString("c")); MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 10); } #endregion PayPlan grid //Body Table definition-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Body Table definition ODGrid gridPat = new ODGrid(); //this.Controls.Add(gridPat); gridPat.BeginUpdate(); gridPat.Columns.Clear(); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Date"), 73); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Patient"), 100); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); //prov gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Code"), 45); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Tooth"), 42); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Description"), 270); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Charges"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Credits"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gcol = new ODGridColumn(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Balance"), 60, HorizontalAlignment.Right); gridPat.Columns.Add(gcol); gridPat.Width = gridPat.WidthAllColumns + 20; gridPat.EndUpdate(); #endregion Body Table definition //Loop through each table. Could be one intermingled, or one for each patient----------------------------------------- DataTable tableAccount; string tablename; long patnum; for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Tables.Count; i++) { tableAccount = dataSet.Tables[i]; tablename = tableAccount.TableName; if (!tablename.StartsWith("account")) { continue; } par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true); par.Format.SpaceBefore = Unit.FromInch(.05); par.Format.SpaceAfter = Unit.FromInch(.05); patnum = 0; if (tablename != "account") //account123 etc. { patnum = PIn.Long(tablename.Substring(7)); } if (patnum != 0) { par.AddText(fam.GetNameInFamFLnoPref(patnum)); } //if(FamilyStatementDataList[famIndex].PatAboutList[i].ApptDescript!=""){ // par=section.AddParagraph(); // par.Format.Font=MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9);//same as body font // par.AddText(FamilyStatementDataList[famIndex].PatAboutList[i].ApptDescript); //} gridPat.BeginUpdate(); gridPat.Rows.Clear(); //lineData=FamilyStatementDataList[famIndex].PatDataList[i].PatData; for (int p = 0; p < tableAccount.Rows.Count; p++) { grow = new ODGridRow(); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["date"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["patient"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["ProcCode"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["tth"].ToString()); if (CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name == "en-AU") //English (Australia) { if (tableAccount.Rows[p]["prov"].ToString().Trim() != "") { grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["prov"].ToString() + " - " + tableAccount.Rows[p]["description"].ToString()); } else //No provider on this account row item, so don't put the extra leading characters. { grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["description"].ToString()); } } else //Assume English (United States) { grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["description"].ToString()); } grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["charges"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["credits"].ToString()); grow.Cells.Add(tableAccount.Rows[p]["balance"].ToString()); gridPat.Rows.Add(grow); } gridPat.EndUpdate(); MigraDocHelper.DrawGrid(section, gridPat); //Total frame = MigraDocHelper.CreateContainer(section); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9, true); float totalPos = ((float)(doc.DefaultPageSetup.PageWidth.Inch //-doc.DefaultPageSetup.LeftMargin.Inch //-doc.DefaultPageSetup.RightMargin.Inch) ) * 100f) / 2f + (float)gridPat.WidthAllColumns / 2f + 7; RectangleF rectF = new RectangleF(0, 0, totalPos, 16); if (patnum != 0) { MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame, " ", //I decided this was unnecessary: //dataSet.Tables["patient"].Rows[fam.GetIndex(patnum)]["balance"].ToString(), font, rectF, ParagraphAlignment.Right); //MigraDocHelper.DrawString(frame,FamilyStatementDataList[famIndex].PatAboutList[i].Balance.ToString("F"),font,rectF, // ParagraphAlignment.Right); } } gridPat.Dispose(); //Future appointments--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Future appointments font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9); DataTable tableAppt = dataSet.Tables["appts"]; if (tableAppt.Rows.Count > 0) { par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(Lan.g("FormRpStatement", "Scheduled Appointments:")); } for (int i = 0; i < tableAppt.Rows.Count; i++) { par.AddLineBreak(); par.AddText(tableAppt.Rows[i]["descript"].ToString()); } if (tableAppt.Rows.Count > 0) { MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 10); } #endregion Future appointments //Note------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(9); par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(Stmt.Note); //bold note if (Stmt.NoteBold != "") { MigraDocHelper.InsertSpacer(section, 10); font = MigraDocHelper.CreateFont(10, true, System.Drawing.Color.DarkRed); par = section.AddParagraph(); par.Format.Font = font; par.AddText(Stmt.NoteBold); } //return doc; }
///<summary>Only supports horizontal and vertical lines. Assumes single width, no dashes.</summary> public static void DrawLine(TextFrame frameContainer, System.Drawing.Color color, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) { MigraDoc.DocumentObjectModel.Color colorx = ConvertColor(color); TextFrame frameRect = new TextFrame(); TextFrame frame = new TextFrame(); //nearly as big as frameContainer. Its margins will position the line. frameRect.LineFormat.Color = colorx; if (x1 == x2) //vertical { frameRect.Width = Unit.FromPoint(.01); frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(x1 / 100); if (y2 > y1) //draw down { frameRect.Height = Unit.FromInch((y2 - y1) / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(y1 / 100); } else //draw up { frameRect.Height = Unit.FromInch((y1 - y2) / 100); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(y2 / 100); } } else if (y1 == y2) //horizontal { frameRect.Height = Unit.FromPoint(.01); frame.MarginTop = Unit.FromInch(y1 / 100); if (x2 > x1) //right { frameRect.Width = Unit.FromInch((x2 - x1) / 100); frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(x1 / 100); } else //draw left { frameRect.Width = Unit.FromInch((x1 - x2) / 100); frame.MarginLeft = Unit.FromInch(x2 / 100); } } else { return; //diagonal lines not supported. } frame.Elements.Add(frameRect); frame.RelativeVertical = RelativeVertical.Page; frame.RelativeHorizontal = RelativeHorizontal.Page; frame.Top = TopPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Left = LeftPosition.Parse("0 in"); frame.Width = frameContainer.Width; Unit bottom = Unit.Zero; if (y1 > y2) { bottom = Unit.FromInch(y1 / 100); } else { bottom = Unit.FromInch(y2 / 100); } if (frameContainer.Height < bottom) { frameContainer.Height = bottom; } frame.Height = frameContainer.Height; frameContainer.Elements.Add(frame); }
private void SetPdfSharpProperty <T>(T parent, JProperty property) { var info = parent.GetType().GetProperty(property.Name) ?? throw new NotSupportedException($"Invalid property: {property.Name}"); if (property.Value.Type == JTokenType.Object) { var value = info.GetValue(parent); var genericSubMethod = _setPropertyMethod.MakeGenericMethod(value.GetType()); foreach (var subProperty in ((JObject)property.Value).Properties()) { genericSubMethod.Invoke(this, new[] { value, subProperty }); } } else if (info.PropertyType.IsEnum) { info.SetValue(parent, Enum.Parse(info.PropertyType, (string)property.Value)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(Unit)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, Unit>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, Unit>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, Unit>)del; genericDel(parent, Unit.Parse((string)property.Value)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, string>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, string>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, string>)del; genericDel(parent, (string)property.Value); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, bool>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, bool>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, bool>)del; genericDel(parent, (bool)property.Value); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(Color)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, Color>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, Color>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, Color>)del; genericDel(parent, Color.Parse((string)property.Value)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(TopPosition)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, TopPosition>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, TopPosition>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, TopPosition>)del; genericDel(parent, TopPosition.Parse((string)property.Value)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(LeftPosition)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, LeftPosition>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, LeftPosition>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, LeftPosition>)del; genericDel(parent, LeftPosition.Parse((string)property.Value)); } else if (info.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { var key = Tuple.Create(property.Name, typeof(T)); if (!_dictionary.TryGetValue(key, out var del)) { var newDel = (Action <T, int>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Action <T, int>), info.GetSetMethod()); _dictionary.Add(key, newDel); del = newDel; } var genericDel = (Action <T, int>)del; genericDel(parent, (int)property.Value); } else { throw new NotSupportedException($"Unknown property type: {info.PropertyType}"); } }