private void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_allowFeatureUsageLogging) { ExceptionlessClient.Default.SubmitFeatureUsage(Constants.FeatureUsages.SettingsSaved); } if (tabControl.SelectedTab == tabGeneral) { GeneralUtils.SaveGeneralSettings(_loadedSettings, CreateGeneralStruct()); if (checkGeneralStartWithWindows.Checked) { // Add the value in the registry so that the application runs at startup rkStartup.SetValue(REGISTRY_MONITOR, Application.ExecutablePath); } else { // Remove the value from the registry so that the application doesn't start rkStartup.DeleteValue(REGISTRY_MONITOR, false); } } else { if (tabControl.SelectedTab == tabEnvironments) { EnvironmentUtils.SaveCurrentEnvironment(_loadedSettings, lstEnvAllEnvironments, CreateEnvironmentStruct()); } else if (tabControl.SelectedTab == tabTools) { ToolsUtils.SaveCurrentTool(_loadedSettings, lstToolAllTools, CreateToolStruct()); } } }
private void loadMenuData() { _dataList.Items.Clear(); for (int index = 0; index < GlobalConfig.SystemMenus.Count; index++) { ServiceItem menu = GlobalConfig.SystemMenus[index]; ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(); item.Tag = menu; for (int inx = 0; inx < _item.ServiceItemAttrs.Count; inx++) { ServiceItemAttribute attr = _item.ServiceItemAttrs[inx]; if (inx == 0) { item.Text = ToolsUtils.GetObjectPropertyValue <ServiceItem>(menu, attr.KName); continue; } item.SubItems.Add(ToolsUtils.GetObjectPropertyValue <ServiceItem>(menu, attr.KName)); } //item.SubItems.Add(menu.Url); //item.SubItems.Add(menu.PUrlId); //item.SubItems.Add(menu.UrlId); //item.SubItems.Add(menu.ImageName); //item.SubItems.Add(menu.Inx.ToString()); //item.SubItems.Add((menu.IsVirtual == 0? "否":"是")); //item.SubItems.Add(menu.CmdString); _dataList.Items.Add(item); } }
private bool excuteDelete(ServiceItem deleProtocol, ServiceItem srvItem) { HsApply applyLogin = new HsApply(GlobalConfig.getUrlHead(), deleProtocol.CmdString); applyLogin.InvokeType = deleProtocol.getHttpType(OpertorType.Delete); for (int index = 0; index < deleProtocol.ServiceItemAttrs.Count; index++) { ServiceItemAttribute attr = deleProtocol.ServiceItemAttrs[index]; if (attr.KName == "PreApi") { continue; } HsParam param1 = attr.buildParam(applyLogin.InvokeType); param1.ParamValue = ToolsUtils.GetObjectPropertyValue <ServiceItem>(srvItem, attr.KName); applyLogin.addParam(param1); } HsResultData resultDat = applyLogin.excuteCommand(); //GlobalConfig.SystemProtocols.Clear(); if (resultDat.ErrorId == 200) { return(true); } //MessageBox.Show(resultDat.ErrorInfo); return(false); }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (ToolsUtils.CheckIsOverGui()) { return; } _prevDrawPosition = new IntVector2((int)Input.mousePosition.x, (int)Input.mousePosition.y); _isDrawing = true; } if (Input.GetMouseButton(0) && _isDrawing) { IntVector2 currentDrawPosition = new IntVector2((int)Input.mousePosition.x, (int)Input.mousePosition.y); currentDrawPosition.FixMousePositionForEditor(_textureSize); if (currentDrawPosition == _prevDrawPosition) { DrawDot(_prevDrawPosition); } else { DrawLine(_prevDrawPosition, currentDrawPosition); _prevDrawPosition = currentDrawPosition; } } if (Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0) && _isDrawing) { _isDrawing = false; } }
public object getInputValue(string kname) { for (int index = 0; index < this.Controls.Count; index++) { Control ctrl = this.Controls[index]; if (ctrl.Tag == null) { continue; } ServiceItemAttribute attr = ctrl.Tag as ServiceItemAttribute; if (attr.KName == kname) { if (ctrl is TextBox) { return(((TextBox)ctrl).Text); } else if (ctrl is RadioButton) { RadioButton rbt = (RadioButton)ctrl; if (rbt.Checked) { return(rbt.Text == "是" ? 1 : 0); } continue; } else if (ctrl is ComboBox) { ComboBox rbt = (ComboBox)ctrl; object selObj = rbt.SelectedItem; if (selObj == null) { return(null); } return(ToolsUtils.getObjectId(selObj)); } } } return(null); }
private void initCtrl() { int labWidth = 100; int ctrlHeight = 20; int xSep = 40; int rowSep = 25; for (int index = 0; index < SrvItem.ServiceItemAttrs.Count; index++) { ServiceItemAttribute attr = SrvItem.ServiceItemAttrs[index]; Label lab = new Label(); lab.Text = attr.KAlias; lab.Font = new System.Drawing.Font("宋体", 12); lab.Location = new Point(xSep, index * (rowSep + 20)); lab.Size = new Size(labWidth, ctrlHeight); this.Controls.Add(lab); if (attr.SelObjects == null || attr.SelObjects == "") { TextBox box = new TextBox(); box.Name = attr.KName; box.Font = new Font("宋体", 10); box.Location = new Point(xSep + labWidth + xSep, index * (rowSep + 20)); box.Size = new Size(150, ctrlHeight); if (OperType == OpertorType.Modi) { box.Text = ToolsUtils.GetObjectPropertyValue <ServiceItem>(SrvItem, attr.KName); } this.Controls.Add(box); box.Tag = attr; } else { string selString = attr.SelObjects.ToString(); if (selString.Contains("{") && selString.Contains("}")) { selString = selString.Replace("{", ""); selString = selString.Replace("}", ""); RadioButton rbtn1 = new RadioButton(); rbtn1.Text = selString.Split(':')[0].ToString(); rbtn1.Font = new Font("宋体", 10); rbtn1.Location = new Point(lab.Location.X + lab.Width + xSep, index * (rowSep + 20)); rbtn1.Size = new Size(50, ctrlHeight); rbtn1.Tag = attr; this.Controls.Add(rbtn1); RadioButton rbtn2 = new RadioButton(); rbtn2.Text = selString.Split(':')[1].ToString(); rbtn2.Font = new Font("宋体", 10); rbtn2.Location = new Point(rbtn1.Location.X + rbtn1.Width + 5, index * (rowSep + 20)); rbtn2.Size = new Size(50, ctrlHeight); this.Controls.Add(rbtn2); } else if (selString.Contains("$")) { ComboBox cbBox = new ComboBox(); cbBox.Name = attr.KName; cbBox.Font = new Font("宋体", 10); cbBox.Location = new Point(xSep + labWidth + xSep, index * (rowSep + 20)); cbBox.Size = new Size(150, ctrlHeight); cbBox.Tag = attr; string AttrName = selString.Replace("$", ""); cbBox.DataSource = ToolsUtils.GetStaticAttribute(AttrName); this.Controls.Add(cbBox); if (OperType == OpertorType.Modi) { string code = ToolsUtils.GetObjectPropertyValue <ServiceItem>(SrvItem, attr.KName); for (int inx = 0; inx < ((List <object>)cbBox.DataSource).Count; inx++) { object itemObj = ((List <object>)cbBox.DataSource)[inx]; string itemCode = ToolsUtils.getObjectId(itemObj); if (code == itemCode) { cbBox.SelectedIndex = inx; } } } } } } }