コード例 #1
        //Select a sample from a range of images and organise it into and array
        public RangeType[][] Sample(IList <IImageRaster <IRaster4DInteger, RangeType> > images, IImageRaster <IRaster4DInteger, bool> mask)
            List <int> selected_indexes = mask.GetElementIndexesWithValue(true);

            if (this.random)
            int sample_size = count;

            if (!this.fixed_count)
                sample_size = (int)(selected_indexes.Count * fraction);

            RangeType[][] sample = new RangeType[this.count][];
            for (int sample_index = 0; sample_index < this.count; sample_index++)
                sample[sample_index] = new RangeType[images.Count];
                for (int feature_index = 0; feature_index < images.Count; feature_index++)
                    int sample_value_index = selected_indexes[(int)((selected_indexes.Count / ((double)sample_size)) * sample_index)];
                    sample_value_index = ToolsMath.Clamp(sample_value_index, 0, selected_indexes.Count - 1);
                    sample[sample_index][feature_index] = images[feature_index].GetElementValue(sample_value_index);
コード例 #2
        public Bitmap Render(IImageSpace3D <float, float> source_image)
            Bitmap destination_image = new Bitmap(resolution_x, resolution_y);

            float[] coordinates_y = ToolsCollection.Copy(render_origen);
            for (int index_y = 0; index_y < resolution_x; index_y++)
                ToolsMathCollection.AddRBA <float>(algebra, coordinates_y, render_stride_y, coordinates_y);

                float[] coordinates_x = ToolsCollection.Copy(coordinates_y);
                for (int index_x = 0; index_x < resolution_y; index_x++)
                    float[] coordinates_z = ToolsCollection.Copy(coordinates_x);
                    float   max_value     = source_image.GetLocationValue(coordinates_z);
                    ToolsMathCollection.AddRBA(algebra, coordinates_z, render_stride_z, coordinates_z);

                    for (int index_z = 1; index_z < resolution_z; index_z++)
                        float value = source_image.GetLocationValue(coordinates_z);
                        if (this.comparer.Compare(max_value, value) == -1)
                            max_value = value;
                        ToolsMathCollection.AddRBA(algebra, coordinates_z, render_stride_z, coordinates_z);
                    destination_image.SetPixel(index_x, index_y, this.converter.Compute(max_value));

                    ToolsMathCollection.AddRBA(algebra, coordinates_x, render_stride_x, coordinates_x);
コード例 #3
        public static Tuple <double, double> TestStatic(IList <IList <double> > samples)
            int sample_size = samples[0].Count;

            foreach (IList <double> sample in samples)
                if (sample.Count != sample_size)
                    throw new Exception("samples must be of equal size");

            // Larsen Marx 4Th editiopn P779
            double         sample_count     = samples.Count;
            double         total_count      = ToolsCollection.CountElements(samples);
            double         total_mean       = ToolsMathStatistics.MeanAll(samples);
            double         sum_squared_all  = ToolsMathStatistics.SumSquaredAll(samples);
            IList <double> sample_sums      = ToolsMathCollection.Sums0(samples);
            IList <double> measurement_sums = ToolsMathCollection.Sums1(samples);

            // compute C
            double c = ToolsMath.Sqr(total_mean * total_count) / (sample_size * sample_count);

            double sstot = sum_squared_all - c;

            double ssb = 0;

            for (int measurement_index = 0; measurement_index < sample_size; measurement_index++)
                ssb += ToolsMath.Sqr(measurement_sums[measurement_index]) / sample_count;
            ssb -= c;

            double sstr = 0.0;

            for (int sample_index = 0; sample_index < samples.Count; sample_index++)
                sstr += ToolsMath.Sqr(sample_sums[sample_index]) / sample_size;
            sstr -= c;

            double sse = sstot - ssb - sstr;

            double degrees_of_freedom_0_samples      = (sample_count - 1.0);
            double degrees_of_freedom_0_measurements = (sample_size - 1.0);
            double degrees_of_freedom_1 = degrees_of_freedom_0_samples * degrees_of_freedom_0_measurements;

            //F-Transform samples
            double f_statistic_samples = (sstr / degrees_of_freedom_0_samples) / (sse / degrees_of_freedom_1);

            //F-Transform measurements
            double f_statistic_measurements = (ssb / degrees_of_freedom_0_measurements) / (sse / degrees_of_freedom_1);

            return(new Tuple <double, double>(
                       FisherSnedecor.CDF(degrees_of_freedom_0_samples, degrees_of_freedom_1, f_statistic_samples),
                       FisherSnedecor.CDF(degrees_of_freedom_0_measurements, degrees_of_freedom_1, f_statistic_measurements)));
コード例 #4
        public double GetAUC(LabelType label_value)
            int label_index = this.Model.DataContext.GetLabelDescriptor(0).GetValueIndex(label_value);

            double[] label_scores  = new double[label_values.Length];
            double[] second_scores = new double[label_values.Length];
            bool[]   labels        = new bool[label_values.Length];
            for (int index = 0; index < label_values.Length; index++)
                label_scores[index] = likelihoods[index][label_index];
                labels[index]       = (this.Model.DataContext.GetLabelDescriptor(0).GetValueIndex(label_values[index]) == label_index);
                List <int> ordering_indexes = ToolsMathCollection.Ordering(likelihoods[index]);
                if (ordering_indexes[0] == label_index)
                    second_scores[index] = likelihoods[index][label_index];
                    second_scores[index] = likelihoods[index][ordering_indexes[0]];

            double[] scores = ToolsMathCollection.DivideList(label_scores, second_scores);
            return(ToolsMathStatistics.ComputeROCAUCTrapeziod(labels, scores));
コード例 #5
        public Bitmap Render(IImageSpace3D <float, float> source_image)
            float [,] image = new float [this.resolution[0], this.resolution[1]];

            Parallel.For(0, this.resolution[1], index_y =>
                float[] coordinates_y = ToolsMathCollection.AddMultiple <float>(algebra, coordinates_origen, render_stride_y, index_y);
                for (int index_x = 0; index_x < this.resolution[0]; index_x++)
                    float[] coordinates_x   = ToolsMathCollection.AddMultiple <float>(algebra, coordinates_y, render_stride_x, index_x);
                    image[index_x, index_y] = Projection(coordinates_x, this.render_stride_z, this.resolution[2], source_image);

            //for (int index_y = 0; index_y < this.resolution[1]; index_y++)
            //    float[] coordinates_y = ToolsMathArray.AddMultiple<float>(algebra, coordinates_origen, render_stride_y, index_y);
            //    for (int index_x = 0; index_x < this.resolution[0]; index_x++)
            //    {
            //        float[] coordinates_x = ToolsMathArray.AddMultiple<float>(algebra, coordinates_y, render_stride_x, index_x);

            //        float value = Projection(coordinates_x, this.render_stride_z, this.resolution[2], source_image);
            //        destination_image.SetPixel(index_x, index_y, this.converter.Compute(value));
            //    }

コード例 #6
ファイル: TestFriedman.cs プロジェクト: kozzion/KozzionCSharp
        public static double TestStatic(IList <IList <double> > samples)
            int sample_size = samples[0].Count;

            foreach (IList <double> sample in samples)
                if (sample.Count != sample_size)
                    throw new Exception("samples must be of equal size");

            double[,] measurement_ranks = ToolsMathStatistics.Ranks1(samples);
            double[] rank_sums = ToolsMathCollection.Sums0(measurement_ranks);

            double chi_square_statistic_part = 0.0;

            for (int treatment_index = 0; treatment_index < rank_sums.Length; treatment_index++)
                chi_square_statistic_part += ToolsMath.Sqr(rank_sums[treatment_index]);
            double treatment_count = samples.Count;
            double block_count     = sample_size;

            double chi_square_statistic = ((12.0 / (block_count * treatment_count * (treatment_count + 1.0))) * chi_square_statistic_part) - (3 * block_count * (treatment_count + 1.0));

            return(ChiSquared.CDF(rank_sums.Length, chi_square_statistic));
コード例 #7
 public DomainType[] Minimize(DomainType[] initial_state)
     DomainType[,] population = new DomainType[PopulationCount, initial_state.Length];
     float[] fitness_values = new float[PopulationCount];
     for (int iteration_index = 0; iteration_index < IterationCount; iteration_index++)
         d_mutator.Repopulate(null, null, null, null);
コード例 #8
ファイル: DataSet.cs プロジェクト: kozzion/KozzionCSharp
        public Tuple <IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType>, IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType> > Split(double fraction)
            List <int> instances = new List <int>(ToolsMathSeries.RangeInt32(InstanceCount));

            int        set_0_size = (int)(instances.Count * fraction);
            List <int> selected_instance_indexes_0       = ToolsCollection.Crop(instances, 0, set_0_size);
            List <int> selected_instance_indexes_1       = ToolsCollection.Crop(instances, set_0_size, instances.Count);
            IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType> data_set_0 = SelectInstances(selected_instance_indexes_0);
            IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType> data_set_1 = SelectInstances(selected_instance_indexes_1);

            return(new Tuple <IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType>, IDataSet <FeatureType, LabelType> >(data_set_0, data_set_1));
コード例 #9
        public double Evaluate(ITemplateModelDiscrete <DomainType, LabelType> template, IDataSet <DomainType, LabelType> data_set, ISet <int> feature_set)
            IDataSet <DomainType, LabelType> selected_data_set = data_set.SelectFeatures(new List <int>(feature_set));

            double[] scores = new double[this.FoldCount];
            Parallel.For(0, this.FoldCount, fold_index =>
                Tuple <IDataSet <DomainType, LabelType>, IDataSet <DomainType, LabelType> > split = selected_data_set.Split(this.TrainingSetFraction);
                ReportDiscrete <DomainType, LabelType> report = template.GenerateAndTestDiscrete(split.Item1, split.Item2);
                scores[fold_index] = report.CorrectLabelRate;
            return(ToolsMathCollection.Sum(scores) / ((double)this.FoldCount));
コード例 #10
 protected override float Projection(float[] origen, float[] stride_size, int stride_count, IImageSpace3D <float, float> source_image)
     float[] coordinates = ToolsCollection.Copy(origen);
     for (int index_z = 0; index_z < stride_count; index_z++)
         float value = source_image.GetLocationValue(coordinates);
         if (this.comparer.Compare(value, min_value) == 1)
         ToolsMathCollection.AddRBA(algebra, coordinates, stride_size, coordinates);
コード例 #11
        public static double TestStatic(IList <double> sample_0, IList <double> sample_1)
            if (sample_0.Count != sample_1.Count)
                throw new Exception("Samples not of equal size");
            double[] difference         = ToolsMathCollection.SubtractElements(sample_0, sample_1);
            double   mean_difference    = ToolsMathStatistics.Mean(difference);
            double   variance           = ToolsMathStatistics.Variance(difference);
            double   t_statistic        = mean_difference / (Math.Sqrt(variance) / Math.Sqrt(sample_0.Count));
            double   degrees_of_freedom = (sample_0.Count - 1);

            StudentT distribution = new StudentT(0.1, 1.0, degrees_of_freedom);

コード例 #12
        private void InitMembers(double [] factors)
            Debug.Assert(factors.Length == 4);
            argb_integer_weigths = new int[4];
            argb_integer_temp    = new int[4];

            //reduced so it will not go out of uint32 range
            double sum = ToolsMathCollection.Sum(factors);

            double multiplier = (int.MaxValue) / (sum * 255);

            for (int index = 0; index < factors.Length; index++)
                argb_integer_weigths[index] = (ushort)Math.Floor(factors[index] * multiplier);
            argb_integer_divisor = ToolsMathCollectionInteger.Sum(argb_integer_weigths);
コード例 #13
        public static double TestStatic(IList <IList <double> > samples)
            double total_size            = 0.0f;
            double squared_rank_mean_sum = 0.0f;

            double[][] rank_samples = ToolsMathStatistics.ConvertToAccendingRanks(samples);

            foreach (double[] sample in rank_samples)
                total_size += sample.Length;
                double sum = ToolsMathCollection.Sum(sample);

                squared_rank_mean_sum += (sum * sum) / ((double)sample.Length);

            double statistic = (12.0 * squared_rank_mean_sum) / (total_size * (total_size + 1)) - 3 * (total_size + 1);

            return(1 - ChiSquared.CDF(samples.Count - 1, statistic));
コード例 #14
        public static void PlotHistogram(string file_path, double[] values, int bincount, double lower_quantile, double upper_quantile)
            double lowerbound = ToolsMathStatistics.QuantileSorted(values, lower_quantile);
            double upperbound = ToolsMathStatistics.QuantileSorted(values, upper_quantile);

            double[] selected_values = ToolsMathCollection.Select(values, lowerbound, upperbound);
            double   stride          = (upperbound - lowerbound) / bincount;

            double[] bin_limits = new double[bincount - 1];
            bin_limits[0] = lowerbound + stride;
            for (int bin_limit_index = 1; bin_limit_index < bin_limits.Length; bin_limit_index++)
                bin_limits[bin_limit_index] = bin_limits[bin_limit_index - 1] + stride;

            PlotModel model = new HistrogramPlot(selected_values, bin_limits).PlotModel;

            WriteToFile(file_path, model, 800, 800);
コード例 #15
        public static double TestStatic(IList <IList <double> > samples, IList <double> limits)
            // Create to blocks according to limits
            double[,] table = new double[samples.Count, limits.Count + 1];
            for (int index_0 = 0; index_0 < samples.Count; index_0++)
                for (int index_1 = 0; index_1 < samples[index_0].Count; index_1++)
                    double value = samples[index_0][index_1];

                    //for any of the other bins
                    int limit_index = 0;
                    while ((limit_index < limits.Count) && (limits[limit_index] <= value))
                    table[index_0, limit_index]++;

            // Compute test for independance
            double[] sums_0 = ToolsMathCollection.Sums0(table);
            double[] sums_1 = ToolsMathCollection.Sums1(table);
            double   total  = ToolsMathCollection.Sum(sums_0);

            double chi_square_statistic = 0;

            for (int index_0 = 0; index_0 < sums_0.Length; index_0++)
                for (int index_1 = 0; index_1 < sums_1.Length; index_1++)
                    double expectation = (sums_0[index_0] * sums_1[index_1]) / total;
                    chi_square_statistic += (ToolsMath.Sqr(table[index_0, index_1] - expectation) / expectation);
            double degrees_of_freedom = (sums_0.Length - 1) * (sums_1.Length - 1);

            return(ChiSquared.CDF(degrees_of_freedom, chi_square_statistic));
コード例 #16
        public RangeType Compute(DomainType domain_value_0)
            int index = -1;

            if (ResultIncludesThreshold)
                index = ToolsMathCollection.FirstEqualOrLargerIndex(this.thresholds, domain_value_0);
                index = ToolsMathCollection.FirstLargerIndex(this.thresholds, domain_value_0);

            if (index == -1)
                return(values[values.Length - 1]);
コード例 #17
        // based on first bigger than second means positive
        public static double ComputeRankSumStatistic(IList <double> sample_0, IList <double> sample_1)
            // compute ranks
            DictionaryCount <double> counts = new DictionaryCount <double>();

            foreach (double item in sample_0)

            foreach (double item in sample_1)
            Dictionary <double, double> ranks = new Dictionary <double, double>();
            List <double> keys = new List <double>(counts.Keys);

            double rank = 1;

            foreach (double key in keys)
                int count = counts[key];
                ranks[key] = (rank + rank + count - 1) / 2.0;
                rank      += count;

            List <double> rank_list = new List <double>();

            foreach (double item in sample_0)

コード例 #18
        // based on first bigger than second means positive
        public static double ComputeSingedRankPairedStatistic(IList <double> sample_0, IList <double> sample_1)
            double[] absolute_difference = ToolsMathCollection.AbsoluteDifference(sample_0, sample_1);

            // compute ranks
            DictionaryCount <double> counts = new DictionaryCount <double>();

            foreach (double item in absolute_difference)

            Dictionary <double, double> ranks = new Dictionary <double, double>();
            List <double> keys = new List <double>(counts.Keys);

            double rank = 1;

            foreach (double key in keys)
                int count = counts[key];
                ranks[key] = (rank + rank + count - 1) / 2.0;
                rank      += count;

            double statistic = 0;

            for (int index = 0; index < sample_0.Count; index++)
                if (sample_1[index] < sample_0[index])
                    statistic += ranks[absolute_difference[index]];
コード例 #19
 public override int GetHashCode()
     return(ToolsMathCollection.Sum(new AlgebraIntegerInt32(), size));