public async void TestPostTodoToDb() { ToDoDbContext _context; DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options; TestServer _server; HttpClient _client; _server = new TestServer(new WebHostBuilder() .UseStartup <Startup>()); _client = _server.CreateClient(); using (_context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { List <ToDo> testTodos = GetTodosObjects(); // Arrange TaskManagerController taskManagerController = new TaskManagerController(_context); // Act var result = taskManagerController.Post(testTodos[0]); //var response = await _client.PostAsync("", HttpResponseMessage(StatusCodeResult)) // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); } }
public async void CanReadAToDoList() { DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { ToDoList list = new ToDoList { ID = 1, Name = "test list", IsDone = true }; ToDoListController tdlc = new ToDoListController(context); await tdlc.Create(list); var findList = await tdlc.GetById(list.ID); var result = (ObjectResult)findList.Result; var readList = (ToDoList)result.Value; Assert.Equal(list.Name, readList.Name); } }
public async void ToDoListUpdateTest() { DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("todoListUpdate") .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { //CREATE //Arrange ToDoList myList = new ToDoList(); myList.Name = "new list"; context.ToDoList.Add(myList); context.SaveChanges(); //READ var list = await context.ToDoList.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == myList.Name); list.Name = "another name"; context.Update(list); context.SaveChanges(); var newList = await context.ToDoList.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == myList.Name); Assert.Equal("another name", newList.Name); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { var todoIdStr = Request.QueryString["Id"]; var todoId = Convert.ToInt32(todoIdStr); if (!IsPostBack) { var connStr = ConfigurationManager .ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString; using (var db = new ToDoDbContext(connStr)) { var todo = db.ToDoItems.Single(a => a.Id == todoId); ToDoId.Value = todo.Id.ToString(); ToDoText.Value = todo.Item; Completed.Checked = todo.Completed; Session["Hello"] = "World"; Helpers.LogWebDiagnostic("ToDos", "WebForms", "Checking on Edit Load method", new Dictionary <string, object> { { "Watch", "This" } }); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).Build(); // Set up the databases for the sample if needed. var env = host.Services.GetService <IWebHostEnvironment>(); if (env.EnvironmentName == "Development") { using (var db = new ToDoDbContext(new TenantInfo { ConnectionString = "Data Source=Data/ToDoList.db" })) { db.Database.MigrateAsync().Wait(); } using (var db = new ToDoDbContext(new TenantInfo { ConnectionString = "Data Source=Data/Initech_ToDoList.db" })) { db.Database.MigrateAsync().Wait(); } } host.Run(); }
public void Test_Delete(ToDoDbContext context) { var entry = AddEntry(DateTime.Now); var result = _todoController.DeleteToDoItem(entry.Id); Assert.Equals(result.Value.Title, entry.Title); }
private void CheckForExpirations(object state) { using (var scope = _serviceScopeFactory.CreateScope()) { _dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService <ToDoDbContext>(); DateTime today = DateTime.Today; //loop through to do lists and check if their reminder date expired _dbContext.ToDoLists .ToList() .ForEach(list => { if (list.IsReminded && list.EndDate.HasValue && today > list.EndDate.Value) { _logger.LogInformation($"ReminderService -> Found expired list with title '{list.Title}'"); SendEmail($"{_options.LinkToExpiredList}/{list.Id}", list.Owner); list.IsReminded = false; } }); _dbContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public HomeController(IMapper mapper, IUnitOfWork unitOfWork, IToDoRepository repository, ToDoDbContext context) { this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork; this.repository = repository; this.context = context; this.mapper = mapper; }
public async Task <List <ToDo> > GetAllToDos() { using (var toDoDbContext = new ToDoDbContext()) { return(await toDoDbContext.ToDos.ToListAsync()); } }
public TestDataSeeder(ToDoDbContext context) { _context = context; _context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); _context.Database.EnsureCreated(); }
public IActionResult Post([FromBody] SignIn s) { // เช็ค userid, password var db = new ToDoDbContext(); var u = db.User.Find(s.UserId); string p = Convert.ToBase64String(KeyDerivation.Pbkdf2(password: s.Password, salt: Convert.FromBase64String(u.Salt), prf: KeyDerivationPrf.HMACSHA1, iterationCount: 10000, numBytesRequested: 256 / 8)); if (u.Password != p) { throw new Exception("รหัสผ่านไม่ถูกต้อง"); } // สร้าง token var d = new SecurityTokenDescriptor(); d.Subject = new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] { new Claim(ClaimTypes.Name, u.Id), new Claim(ClaimTypes.Role, "user") }); d.NotBefore = DateTime.UtcNow; d.Expires = DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(3); d.IssuedAt = DateTime.UtcNow; d.Issuer = "ocsc"; d.Audience = "public"; d.SigningCredentials = new SigningCredentials(new SymmetricSecurityKey(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("1234567812345678")), SecurityAlgorithms.HmacSha256Signature); var h = new JwtSecurityTokenHandler(); var token = h.CreateToken(d); string t = h.WriteToken(token); return(Ok(new { token = t })); }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ToDoDbContext context) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); DbSeeder.Migrate(context); } #pragma warning disable 618 Mapper.Initialize(cfg => #pragma warning restore 618 { cfg.CreateMap <ToDo, ToDoDto>().ForMember(dest => dest.ToDoPriority, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.ToDoPriority.Name)) .ForMember(dest => dest.Status, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.Status.ToString())) .ForMember(dest => dest.ToDoTime, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.ToDoTime.ToString("dd MMM yy HH:mm"))) .ForMember(dest => dest.CreatedAt, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.CreatedAt.ToString("dd MMM yy HH:mm"))); cfg.CreateMap <AddNewToDoCommand, ToDo>().ForMember(dest => dest.ToDoTime, opt => opt.MapFrom(src => src.ConvertTime())) .ForMember(dest => dest.CreatedAt, opt => opt.MapFrom( src => DateTime.Now)) .ForMember(dest => dest.Status, opt => opt.MapFrom( src => ToDoStatus.Open)); }); app.UseMvc(); //app.Run(async (context) => //{ // await context.Response.WriteAsync("Hello World!"); //}); }
public IActionResult Get(uint id) { var db = new ToDoDbContext(); var a = db.Activity.Find(id); return(Ok(a)); }
public IActionResult Get() { var db = new ToDoDbContext(); var activities = db.Activity.Select(s => s); return(Ok(activities)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var db = new ToDoDbContext(); var task = db.Task.First(); Console.WriteLine(task.Description); }
public async Task <ToDo> GetToDoById(int id) { using (var toDoDbContext = new ToDoDbContext()) { return(await toDoDbContext.ToDos.FindAsync(id)); } }
public async void ListNumber() { //database set up DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { // Arrange await context.TodoLists.AddRangeAsync( new TodoList() { Name = "Get Milk", }, new TodoList() { Name = "Throw Away Milk", } ); await context.SaveChangesAsync(); To_ListController controller = new To_ListController(context); // Act OkObjectResult result = controller.Getall() as OkObjectResult; DbSet <TodoList> lists = result.Value as DbSet <TodoList>; // Assert. Counts how many list number do you have Assert.Equal(2, await lists.CountAsync()); } }// End of List number
public async Task <ToDo> GetToDoByName(string name) { using (var toDoDbContext = new ToDoDbContext()) { return(await toDoDbContext.ToDos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Name.ToLower() == name.ToLower())); } }
protected override void ConfigureWebHost(IWebHostBuilder builder) { builder.ConfigureServices(services => { // Remove the app's ApplicationDbContext registration. ServiceDescriptor descriptor = services.SingleOrDefault(d => d.ServiceType == typeof(DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext>)); if (descriptor != null) { services.Remove(descriptor); } // Add ApplicationDbContext using an in-memory database for testing. services.AddDbContext <ToDoDbContext>(options => { options.UseSqlite("Data Source=ToDoTest.db"); }); ServiceProvider sp = services.BuildServiceProvider(); using (IServiceScope scope = sp.CreateScope()) { IServiceProvider scopedServices = scope.ServiceProvider; ToDoDbContext db = scopedServices.GetRequiredService <ToDoDbContext>(); db.Database.EnsureDeleted(); db.Database.Migrate(); db.LoadFixtures(); } }); }
private Task GetTaskById(int id) { var todoContext = new ToDoDbContext(); //create instance dbcontext var isExist = todoContext.Task.Find(id); //find list task by id return((Task)isExist); //return the result }
public GetToDoTest(InfraFixture infraFixture) { _httpClient = infraFixture.InfraInstance.HttpClient; var scope = infraFixture.InfraInstance.ServiceProvider.CreateScope(); _dbContext = scope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ToDoDbContext>(); }
public Task GetTaskByTitle(string title) { var todoContext = new ToDoDbContext(); //create instance dbcontext var isExist = todoContext.Task.Where(x => x.Title.ToLower() == title); //find list task by title return(isExist.FirstOrDefault()); //return the result }
public Item Update(Item item) { using var todoDbContext = new ToDoDbContext(); todoDbContext.Items.Update(item); todoDbContext.SaveChanges(); return(item); }
public List <Task> GetIncomingTask(string status) { var temp = new List <Task>(); //create instance list task var todoContext = new ToDoDbContext(); //create instance dbcontext var allTask = todoContext.Task.ToList(); //get all task from db if (status.ToLower() == "currentweek") //check if status { var todaydate = DateTime.Now; //get date today var thisWeekStart = todaydate.AddDays(-(int)todaydate.DayOfWeek); //get start week date var thisWeekEnd = thisWeekStart.AddDays(7).AddSeconds(-1); //get latest week date temp = allTask.Where(x => x.ExpireDate > thisWeekStart && x.ExpireDate < thisWeekEnd).ToList(); //filter alltask where expiredate in current week } else if (status.ToLower() == "nextday") { var todaydate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString(); //get next day temp = allTask.Where(x => x.ExpireDate.ToShortDateString().Equals(todaydate)).ToList(); //filter alltask where expired date is next day } else if (status.ToLower() == "today") { var todaydate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); //get next day temp = allTask.Where(x => x.ExpireDate.ToShortDateString().Equals(todaydate)).ToList(); //filter alltask where expired date is to day } return(temp); }
public void CanDeleteAToDoList() { DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()) .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { ToDoList list = new ToDoList { ID = 1, Name = "test list", IsDone = true }; ToDoListController tdlc = new ToDoListController(context); var result = tdlc.Create(list).Result; var results = context.ToDoLists.Where(i => i.Name == "test list"); Assert.Equal(1, results.Count()); var remove = tdlc.Delete(list.ID); Assert.True(remove.IsCompletedSuccessfully); } }
public IActionResult Edit(Task edittedTask) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { using (var db = new ToDoDbContext()) { var entityToEdit = db.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == edittedTask.Id); entityToEdit.Title = edittedTask.Title; entityToEdit.Comments = edittedTask.Comments; db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ViewData["Error"] = "Leaving empty title or comment is not allowed!"; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(edittedTask.Title)) { ViewData["TitleError"] = "bg-danger"; } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(edittedTask.Comments)) { ViewData["CommentsError"] = "bg-danger"; } return(View()); } }
public async void ToDoDeleteTest() { DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("todoDelete") .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { //CREATE //Arrange ToDo taskOne = new ToDo(); taskOne.Name = "Finish homework"; taskOne.Completed = false; context.ToDos.Add(taskOne); context.SaveChanges(); //READ var myTask = await context.ToDos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == taskOne.Name); context.ToDos.Remove(myTask); context.SaveChanges(); var deletedTask = await context.ToDos.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == myTask.Name); Assert.True(deletedTask == null); } }
public ActionResult <IEnumerable <string> > Get() { using (var db = new ToDoDbContext()) { } return(new string[] { "value1", "value2" }); }
public async void ToDoListDeleteTest() { DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase("todoListDelete") .Options; using (ToDoDbContext context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { //CREATE //Arrange ToDoList myList = new ToDoList(); myList.Name = "new list"; context.ToDoList.Add(myList); context.SaveChanges(); //READ var list = await context.ToDoList.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == myList.Name); context.ToDoList.Remove(list); context.SaveChanges(); var deletedList = await context.ToDoList.FirstOrDefaultAsync(t => t.Name == myList.Name); Assert.True(deletedList == null); } }
public void TestGettingAllTodosInDb() { ToDoDbContext _context; DbContextOptions <ToDoDbContext> options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <ToDoDbContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(Guid.NewGuid().ToString()).Options; using (_context = new ToDoDbContext(options)) { List <ToDo> testTodos = GetTodosObjects(); // Adding two objects into the context to check if both are stored in database foreach (ToDo x in testTodos) { _context.ToDos.AddAsync(x); } _context.SaveChangesAsync(); // Arrange TaskManagerController taskManagerController = new TaskManagerController(_context); // Act IEnumerable <ToDo> result = taskManagerController.Get(); List <ToDo> resultList = result.ToList(); // Assert Assert.Equal(testTodos.Count, resultList.Count); } }