public bool AddIntervene(DBModel.tmo_intervene model) { if (model == null) { return(false); } model.input_time = DateTime.Now; List <tmo_intervene> list = new List <tmo_intervene>(); List <string> users = StringPlus.GetStrArray(model.user_id, ","); List <string> address = StringPlus.GetStrArray(model.inte_addr, ","); if (users.Count > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < users.Count; i++) { tmo_intervene newmodel = TmoShare.DeepCopy <tmo_intervene>(model); newmodel.inte_id = TmoShare.GetGuidString(); newmodel.user_id = users[i]; newmodel.inte_addr = address[i]; list.Add(newmodel); } } else { list.Add(model); } var dics = ModelConvertHelper <tmo_intervene> .ConvertModelToDictionaries(list); return(MySQLHelper.AddDatas("tmo_intervene", dics)); }
public bool AddOpinion(string userID, string title, string content) { StringBuilder sbSql = new StringBuilder(); sbSql.Append("insert into tmo_advising_clients("); sbSql.Append("advise_id,user_id,advise_title,advise_content,answer_state,ask_time,is_del,input_time)"); sbSql.Append(" values ( '"); sbSql.Append(TmoShare.GetGuidString() + "','" + userID + "','" + title + "','" + content + "','2','" + DateTime.Now + "','1','" + DateTime.Now + "')"); int num = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(sbSql.ToString()); return(num > 0 ? true : false); }
protected override bool BeforeSubmitData(Dictionary <string, object> dicData) { DateTime inte_plantime = DateTime.Now; if (!chkNow.Checked) { inte_plantime = dteIntePlantime.DateTime.Date.Add(teIntePlantime.Time.TimeOfDay); } if (inte_plantime < DateTime.Now) { inte_plantime = DateTime.Now; } dicData.Add("inte_plantime", inte_plantime); dicData.Add("inte_status", 1); dicData.Add("doc_id", TmoComm.login_docInfo.doc_id); if (DbOperaType == DBOperateType.Add) { int rgval = int.Parse(rgSaveLib.EditValue.ToString()); if (rgval != 0 && _inte_type != 1) //需要保存到库 { Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dic.Add("intelb_id", Tmo_FakeEntityClient.Instance.GetNextID("tmo_intervenelib", "intelb_id")); dic.Add("intelb_title", inte_title.Text); dic.Add("intelb_content", inte_content.Text); dic.Add("intelb_type", lbType.EditValue); dic.Add("doc_id", TmoComm.login_docInfo.doc_id); dic.Add("is_public", rgval - 1); Tmo_FakeEntityClient.Instance.SubmitData(DBOperateType.Add, "tmo_intervenelib", "intelb_id", null, dic); } var model = ModelConvertHelper <tmo_intervene> .ConvertToOneModel(dicData); model.inte_id = TmoShare.GetGuidString(); model.user_id = user_id.Tag.ToString(); model.inte_type = _inte_type; bool suc = TmoServiceClient.InvokeServerMethodT <bool>(funCode.AddIntervene, model); if (suc) { this.ParentForm.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } else { DXMessageBox.ShowError("新建干预失败,请稍后再试!", this); } return(false); } return(true); }
public bool Add(DBModel.tmo_push_list model) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.Append("insert into tmo_push_list("); strSql.Append("push_id,user_code,push_type,push_address,content_type,content_title,content_value,content_url,push_status,push_count,push_time,doc_code,remark,input_time)"); strSql.Append(" values ("); strSql.Append("@push_id,@user_code,@push_type,@push_address,@content_type,@content_title,@content_value,@content_url,@push_status,@push_count,@push_time,@doc_code,@remark,@input_time)"); MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("@push_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new MySqlParameter("@user_code", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new MySqlParameter("@push_type", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new MySqlParameter("@push_address", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@content_type", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new MySqlParameter("@content_title", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new MySqlParameter("@content_value", MySqlDbType.Text), new MySqlParameter("@content_url", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 200), new MySqlParameter("@push_status", MySqlDbType.Int32, 2), new MySqlParameter("@push_count", MySqlDbType.Int32, 10), new MySqlParameter("@push_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("@doc_code", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new MySqlParameter("@remark", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new MySqlParameter("@input_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime) }; parameters[0].Value = TmoShare.GetGuidString(); parameters[1].Value = model.user_code; parameters[2].Value = model.push_type; parameters[3].Value = model.push_address; parameters[4].Value = model.content_type; parameters[5].Value = model.content_title; parameters[6].Value = model.content_value; parameters[7].Value = model.content_url; parameters[8].Value = model.push_status; parameters[9].Value = model.push_count; parameters[10].Value = model.push_time; parameters[11].Value = model.doc_code; parameters[12].Value = model.remark; parameters[13].Value = TmoShare.DateTimeNow; int rows = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(strSql.ToString(), parameters); if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public bool Delete(string pushID, int trySendTimes, bool isTrue) { try { //查询次数 object pushCountobj = MySQLHelper.GetSingle("select push_count from tmo_push_list where push_id='" + pushID + "'"); int pushCount = 1; if (pushCountobj != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pushCountobj.ToString())) { pushCount = Convert.ToInt32(pushCountobj); } pushCount++; //每次自动加1 List <string> sqlList = new List <string>(); //成功删除数据,失败更新数据 string receiveSql = "UPDATE tmo_push_list SET push_count=" + pushCount + ",push_time='" + TmoShare.DateTimeNow + "' WHERE push_id='" + pushID + "'"; if (isTrue || pushCount >= trySendTimes) { string historySql = @"INSERT INTO tmo_push_history SELECT '" + TmoShare.GetGuidString() + "',user_code,push_type,push_address,content_type,content_title,content_value,content_url,{0}," + pushCount + ",'" + TmoShare.DateTimeNow + @"',doc_code,remark,input_time FROM tmo_push_list WHERE push_id = '" + pushID + "'"; historySql = isTrue ? string.Format(historySql, 1) : string.Format(historySql, 2); sqlList.Add(historySql); receiveSql = string.Format("delete from tmo_push_list where push_id='{0}'", pushID); } sqlList.Add(receiveSql); int rows = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSqlTran(sqlList); //将数据移动到历史表中 if (rows > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch { return(false); } }
public bool SaveActionPlan(string userid, int user_times, string content, byte[] pdfbytes) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(userid) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(content)) { return(false); } Dictionary <string, object> dicContent = TmoShare.GetValueFromJson <Dictionary <string, object> >(content); DateTime apstartdate = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime apenddate = DateTime.MinValue; if (dicContent.ContainsKey("0_3")) { apstartdate = (DateTime)dicContent["0_3"]; } if (dicContent.ContainsKey("0_4")) { apenddate = (DateTime)dicContent["0_4"]; } Dictionary <string, string> dicData = new Dictionary <string, string>(); dicData.Add("userid", userid); dicData.Add("usertimes", user_times.ToString()); bool update = MySQLHelper.Exists("tmo_actionplan", dicData); if (apstartdate != DateTime.MinValue) { dicData.Add("apstartdate", apstartdate.ToFormatDateStr()); } if (apenddate != DateTime.MinValue) { dicData.Add("apenddate", apenddate.ToFormatDateStr()); } if (dicContent.ContainsKey("aclb_id")) { dicData.Add("aplib", dicContent["aclb_id"].ToString()); } string apid = string.Empty; if (!update) { apid = TmoShare.GetGuidString(); dicData.Add("apid", apid); } else { apid = MySQLHelper.GetSingle("select apid from tmo_actionplan where userid='" + userid + "' and usertimes=" + user_times).ToString(); } dicData.Add("content", content); if (pdfbytes != null) { string acpath = ConfigHelper.GetConfigString("acPath"); string pdfpath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, userid + "_" + user_times + ".pdf"); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(acpath)) { pdfpath = Path.Combine(acpath, userid + "_" + user_times + ".pdf"); } try { if (File.Exists(pdfpath)) { File.Delete(pdfpath); } File.WriteAllBytes(pdfpath, pdfbytes); } catch { if (!Debugger.IsAttached) { return(false); } } dicData.Add("pdfpath", pdfpath.Replace('\\', '|')); } bool suc = false; if (update) { suc = MySQLHelper.UpdateData("tmo_actionplan", "apid", apid, dicData); } else { suc = MySQLHelper.AddData("tmo_actionplan", dicData); } if (suc && pdfbytes != null) { string updateSql = "update tmo_userstatus set questionnare_status=4,actionplan_time='{2}' where user_id='{0}' and usertimes='{1}'"; suc = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(string.Format(updateSql, userid, user_times, DateTime.Now)) > 0; } return(suc); }
public string PushAddWeiXinAnswer(string strxml) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strxml)) { DataSet ds = TmoShare.getDataSetFromXML(strxml); if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count < 0 || ds.Tables[0] == null || ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 0) { return("error"); } else { DataRow row = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]; string awm_id = row["awm_id"].ToString(); if (awm_id == "1") { #region 是否为第一次回复 string sqlUpdate = "update tmo_weixin_content set is_answer=1,is_look=1 where wm_id='" + row["wm_id"].ToString() + "'"; int num1 = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(sqlUpdate); if (num1 <= 0) { return("error"); } string sql = "insert into tmo_weixin_answer (awm_id,wm_id,answer_code,token_open_id,input_time,content,is_del,r_mark)" + "VALUES(?awm_id,?wm_id,?answer_code,?token_open_id,?input_time,?content,?is_del,?r_mark)"; MySqlParameter[] parameters = { new MySqlParameter("?awm_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 30), new MySqlParameter("?wm_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new MySqlParameter("?answer_code", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 5000), new MySqlParameter("?token_open_id", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new MySqlParameter("?input_time", MySqlDbType.DateTime), new MySqlParameter("?content", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 100), new MySqlParameter("?is_del", MySqlDbType.Int32, 11), new MySqlParameter("?r_mark", MySqlDbType.VarChar, 500) }; parameters[0].Value = TmoShare.GetGuidString(); parameters[1].Value = row["wm_id"].ToString(); parameters[2].Value = row["answer_code"].ToString(); parameters[3].Value = row["token_open_id"].ToString(); parameters[4].Value = System.DateTime.Now; parameters[5].Value = row["content"].ToString(); parameters[6].Value = 1; parameters[7].Value = row["r_mark"].ToString(); int num = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(sql, parameters); if (num > 0) { return("success"); } else { return("error"); } #endregion } else { string sql = "insert into tmo_weixin_answer (awm_id,wm_id,answer_code,token_open_id,input_time,content,is_del,r_mark)" + "VALUES('" + TmoShare.GetGuidString() + "','" + row["wm_id"].ToString() + "','" + row["answer_code"].ToString() + "','" + row["token_open_id"].ToString() + "','" + System.DateTime.Now + "','" + row["content"].ToString() + "',1,'" + row["r_mark"].ToString() + "')"; int num1 = MySQLHelper.ExecuteSql(sql); if (num1 > 0) { return("success"); } else { return("error"); } } } } else { return("error"); } }