コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returned tasks completes once channel state has become different from
        /// given lastObservedState.
        /// If deadline is reached or and error occurs, returned task is cancelled.
        /// </summary>
        public Task WaitForStateChangedAsync(ChannelState lastObservedState, DateTime?deadline = null)
            Preconditions.CheckArgument(lastObservedState != ChannelState.FatalFailure,
                                        "FatalFailure is a terminal state. No further state changes can occur.");
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <object>();
            var deadlineTimespec = deadline.HasValue ? Timespec.FromDateTime(deadline.Value) : Timespec.InfFuture;
            var handler          = new BatchCompletionDelegate((success, ctx) =>
                if (success)

            handle.WatchConnectivityState(lastObservedState, deadlineTimespec, environment.CompletionQueue, environment.CompletionRegistry, handler);
コード例 #2
ファイル: FileUtilities.Unix.cs プロジェクト: edgarrs/BuildXL
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void SetFileTimestamps(string path, FileTimestamps timestamps, bool followSymlink)
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.CreationTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.AccessTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.LastWriteTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.LastChangeTime >= UnixEpoch);

                Timestamps buffer = new Timestamps();
                buffer.CreationTime     = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.CreationTime);
                buffer.ModificationTime = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.LastWriteTime);
                buffer.AcessTime        = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.AccessTime);
                buffer.ChangeTime       = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.LastChangeTime);

                int result = SetTimeStampsForFilePath(path, followSymlink, &buffer);
                if (result != 0)
                    throw new BuildXLException("Failed to open a file to set its timestamps - error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
コード例 #3
ファイル: TimespecTest.cs プロジェクト: xiexiemanyou/grpc
        public void ToDateTime_OutOfDateTimeRange()
            // we can only get out of range on 64-bit, on 32 bit the max
            // timestamp is ~ Jan 19 2038, which is far within range of DateTime
            // same case for min value.
            if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
                // DateTime range goes up to year 9999, 20000 years from now should
                // be out of range.
                long seconds = 20000L * 365L * 24L * 3600L;

                var timespec = new Timespec(new IntPtr(seconds), 0);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(Timespec.InfFuture, timespec);
                Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.MaxValue, timespec.ToDateTime());

                Assert.AreEqual(DateTime.MinValue, new Timespec(new IntPtr(-seconds), 0).ToDateTime());
                Console.WriteLine("Test cannot be run on this platform, skipping the test");
コード例 #4
        public void FromDateTime()
            Assert.AreEqual(new Timespec(0, 0),
                            Timespec.FromDateTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc)));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Timespec(10, 5000),
                            Timespec.FromDateTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 10, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddTicks(50)));

            Assert.AreEqual(new Timespec(1437452508, 0),
                            Timespec.FromDateTime(new DateTime(2015, 7, 21, 4, 21, 48, DateTimeKind.Utc)));

            // before epoch
            Assert.AreEqual(new Timespec(-5, 1000),
                            Timespec.FromDateTime(new DateTime(1969, 12, 31, 23, 59, 55, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddTicks(10)));

            // infinity
            Assert.AreEqual(Timespec.InfFuture, Timespec.FromDateTime(DateTime.MaxValue));
            Assert.AreEqual(Timespec.InfPast, Timespec.FromDateTime(DateTime.MinValue));

            // illegal inputs
                          () => Timespec.FromDateTime(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Unspecified)));
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returned tasks completes once channel state has become different from
        /// given lastObservedState (<c>true</c> is returned) or if the wait has timed out (<c>false</c> is returned).
        /// </summary>
        public Task <bool> TryWaitForStateChangedAsync(ChannelState lastObservedState, DateTime?deadline = null)
            GrpcPreconditions.CheckArgument(lastObservedState != ChannelState.Shutdown,
                                            "Shutdown is a terminal state. No further state changes can occur.");
            var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
            var deadlineTimespec = deadline.HasValue ? Timespec.FromDateTime(deadline.Value) : Timespec.InfFuture;

            lock (myLock)
                if (handle.IsClosed)
                    // If channel has been already shutdown and handle was disposed, we would end up with
                    // an abandoned completion added to the completion registry. Instead, we make sure we fail early.
                    throw new ObjectDisposedException(nameof(handle), "Channel handle has already been disposed.");
                    // pass "tcs" as "state" for WatchConnectivityStateHandler.
                    handle.WatchConnectivityState(lastObservedState, deadlineTimespec, completionQueue, WatchConnectivityStateHandler, tcs);
コード例 #6
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void SetFileTimestamps(string path, FileTimestamps timestamps, bool followSymlink)
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.CreationTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.AccessTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.LastWriteTime >= UnixEpoch);
            Contract.Requires(timestamps.LastChangeTime >= UnixEpoch);

            var statBuffer = new StatBuffer();

                Timespec creationTime         = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.CreationTime);
                Timespec lastAccessTime       = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.AccessTime);
                Timespec lastModificationTime = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.LastWriteTime);
                Timespec lastStatusChangeTime = Timespec.CreateFromUtcDateTime(timestamps.LastChangeTime);

                statBuffer.TimeCreation     = creationTime.Tv_sec;
                statBuffer.TimeNSecCreation = creationTime.Tv_nsec;

                statBuffer.TimeLastAccess     = lastAccessTime.Tv_sec;
                statBuffer.TimeNSecLastAccess = lastAccessTime.Tv_nsec;

                statBuffer.TimeLastModification     = lastModificationTime.Tv_sec;
                statBuffer.TimeNSecLastModification = lastModificationTime.Tv_nsec;

                statBuffer.TimeLastStatusChange     = lastStatusChangeTime.Tv_sec;
                statBuffer.TimeNSecLastStatusChange = lastStatusChangeTime.Tv_nsec;

                int result = SetTimeStampsForFilePath(path, followSymlink, statBuffer);

                if (result != 0)
                    throw new BuildXLException("Failed to open a file to set its timestamps - error: " + Marshal.GetLastWin32Error());
コード例 #7
 public ItimerSpec(Timespec Interval = default, Timespec Value = default)
     this.Interval = Interval;
     this.Value    = Value;
コード例 #8
ファイル: timestruct.cs プロジェクト: zjmit/go2cs
 // TimespecToNsec converts a Timespec value into a number of
 // nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
 public static long TimespecToNsec(Timespec ts)
     return(int64(ts.Sec) * 1e9F + int64(ts.Nsec));
コード例 #9
                private void _read()
                    _type   = ((BtrfsStream.Attribute)m_io.ReadU2le());
                    _length = m_io.ReadU2le();
                    switch (Type)
                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Ctransid: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Size: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.CloneUuid: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Uuid(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.FileOffset: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Otime: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Timespec(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Uid: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Atime: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Timespec(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Ctime: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Timespec(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Uuid: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Uuid(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.CloneLen: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.XattrName: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new String(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.CloneCtransid: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Mode: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Mtime: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new Timespec(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.PathLink: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new String(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Rdev: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.PathTo: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new String(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Path: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new String(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.CloneOffset: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.Gid: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadU8le();

                    case BtrfsStream.Attribute.ClonePath: {
                        __raw_value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
                        var io___raw_value = new KaitaiStream(__raw_value);
                        _value = new String(io___raw_value, this, m_root);

                    default: {
                        _value = m_io.ReadBytes(Length);
コード例 #10
 public Stat_t(ulong Ino = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Dev = default, ushort Mode = default, ushort Padding1 = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, uint Rdev = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, uint Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, int Lspare = default, long Qspare1 = default, long Qspare2 = default)
     this.Ino      = Ino;
     this.Nlink    = Nlink;
     this.Dev      = Dev;
     this.Mode     = Mode;
     this.Padding1 = Padding1;
     this.Uid      = Uid;
     this.Gid      = Gid;
     this.Rdev     = Rdev;
     this.Atim     = Atim;
     this.Mtim     = Mtim;
     this.Ctim     = Ctim;
     this.Size     = Size;
     this.Blocks   = Blocks;
     this.Blksize  = Blksize;
     this.Flags    = Flags;
     this.Gen      = Gen;
     this.Lspare   = Lspare;
     this.Qspare1  = Qspare1;
     this.Qspare2  = Qspare2;
コード例 #11
 public Stat_t(uint Mode = default, int Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int Rdev = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, int Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, Timespec _ = default)
     this.Mode    = Mode;
     this.Dev     = Dev;
     this.Ino     = Ino;
     this.Nlink   = Nlink;
     this.Uid     = Uid;
     this.Gid     = Gid;
     this.Rdev    = Rdev;
     this.Atim    = Atim;
     this.Mtim    = Mtim;
     this.Ctim    = Ctim;
     this.Size    = Size;
     this.Blocks  = Blocks;
     this.Blksize = Blksize;
     this.Flags   = Flags;
     this.Gen     = Gen;
     this._       = _;
コード例 #12
 public Stat_t(int Dev = default, ushort Mode = default, ushort Nlink = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int Rdev = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, Timespec Btim = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, int Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, int Lspare = default, array <long> Qspare = default)
     this.Dev     = Dev;
     this.Mode    = Mode;
     this.Nlink   = Nlink;
     this.Ino     = Ino;
     this.Uid     = Uid;
     this.Gid     = Gid;
     this.Rdev    = Rdev;
     this.Atim    = Atim;
     this.Mtim    = Mtim;
     this.Ctim    = Ctim;
     this.Btim    = Btim;
     this.Size    = Size;
     this.Blocks  = Blocks;
     this.Blksize = Blksize;
     this.Flags   = Flags;
     this.Gen     = Gen;
     this.Lspare  = Lspare;
     this.Qspare  = Qspare;
コード例 #13
		public static bool TryCopy (IntPtr source, out Timespec destination)
			return ToTimespec (source, out destination) == 0;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Interop.cs プロジェクト: hugener/Pi
 public static extern int Nanosleep(ref Timespec req, ref Timespec rem);
コード例 #15
		public static bool TryCopy (ref Timespec source, IntPtr destination)
			return FromTimespec (ref source, destination) == 0;
コード例 #16
		public static int nanosleep (ref Timespec req, ref Timespec rem)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
コード例 #17
ファイル: timestruct.cs プロジェクト: zjmit/go2cs
 // TimespecToNsec converts a Timespec value into a number of
 // nanoseconds since the Unix epoch.
 public static long TimespecToNsec(Timespec ts)
コード例 #18
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Mode = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, ulong Rdev = default, ulong X__pad1 = default, long Size = default, int Blksize = default, int X__pad2 = default, long Blocks = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, array <int> X__glibc_reserved = default)
     this.Dev               = Dev;
     this.Ino               = Ino;
     this.Mode              = Mode;
     this.Nlink             = Nlink;
     this.Uid               = Uid;
     this.Gid               = Gid;
     this.Rdev              = Rdev;
     this.X__pad1           = X__pad1;
     this.Size              = Size;
     this.Blksize           = Blksize;
     this.X__pad2           = X__pad2;
     this.Blocks            = Blocks;
     this.Atim              = Atim;
     this.Mtim              = Mtim;
     this.Ctim              = Ctim;
     this.X__glibc_reserved = X__glibc_reserved;
コード例 #19
 public Stat_t(uint Mode = default, int Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int Rdev = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, uint Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_0 = default, Timespec X__st_birthtim = default)
     this.Mode           = Mode;
     this.Dev            = Dev;
     this.Ino            = Ino;
     this.Nlink          = Nlink;
     this.Uid            = Uid;
     this.Gid            = Gid;
     this.Rdev           = Rdev;
     this.Atim           = Atim;
     this.Mtim           = Mtim;
     this.Ctim           = Ctim;
     this.Size           = Size;
     this.Blocks         = Blocks;
     this.Blksize        = Blksize;
     this.Flags          = Flags;
     this.Gen            = Gen;
     this.Pad_cgo_0      = Pad_cgo_0;
     this.X__st_birthtim = X__st_birthtim;
コード例 #20
		private static extern int FromTimespec (ref Timespec source, IntPtr destination);
コード例 #21
ファイル: timestruct.cs プロジェクト: zjmit/go2cs
 // TimeToTimespec converts t into a Timespec.
 // On some 32-bit systems the range of valid Timespec values are smaller
 // than that of time.Time values.  So if t is out of the valid range of
 // Timespec, it returns a zero Timespec and ERANGE.
 public static (Timespec, error) TimeToTimespec(time.Time t)
     Timespec _p0 = default;
     error    _p0 = default !;
コード例 #22
		private static extern int ToTimespec (IntPtr source, out Timespec destination);
コード例 #23
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Mode = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, ulong Rdev = default, long Size = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, int Blksize = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_0 = default, long Blocks = default, array <sbyte> Fstype = default)
     this.Dev       = Dev;
     this.Ino       = Ino;
     this.Mode      = Mode;
     this.Nlink     = Nlink;
     this.Uid       = Uid;
     this.Gid       = Gid;
     this.Rdev      = Rdev;
     this.Size      = Size;
     this.Atim      = Atim;
     this.Mtim      = Mtim;
     this.Ctim      = Ctim;
     this.Blksize   = Blksize;
     this.Pad_cgo_0 = Pad_cgo_0;
     this.Blocks    = Blocks;
     this.Fstype    = Fstype;
コード例 #24
 public Stat_t(uint Dev = default, array <uint> Pad1 = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Mode = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, uint Rdev = default, array <uint> Pad2 = default, long Size = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, uint Blksize = default, uint Pad4 = default, long Blocks = default)
     this.Dev     = Dev;
     this.Pad1    = Pad1;
     this.Ino     = Ino;
     this.Mode    = Mode;
     this.Nlink   = Nlink;
     this.Uid     = Uid;
     this.Gid     = Gid;
     this.Rdev    = Rdev;
     this.Pad2    = Pad2;
     this.Size    = Size;
     this.Atim    = Atim;
     this.Mtim    = Mtim;
     this.Ctim    = Ctim;
     this.Blksize = Blksize;
     this.Pad4    = Pad4;
     this.Blocks  = Blocks;
コード例 #25
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, uint Mode = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, ulong Rdev = default, Timespec Atimespec = default, Timespec Mtimespec = default, Timespec Ctimespec = default, Timespec Birthtimespec = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, uint Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, array <uint> Spare = default)
     this.Dev           = Dev;
     this.Mode          = Mode;
     this.Ino           = Ino;
     this.Nlink         = Nlink;
     this.Uid           = Uid;
     this.Gid           = Gid;
     this.Rdev          = Rdev;
     this.Atimespec     = Atimespec;
     this.Mtimespec     = Mtimespec;
     this.Ctimespec     = Ctimespec;
     this.Birthtimespec = Birthtimespec;
     this.Size          = Size;
     this.Blocks        = Blocks;
     this.Blksize       = Blksize;
     this.Flags         = Flags;
     this.Gen           = Gen;
     this.Spare         = Spare;
コード例 #26
 public IfData(byte Type = default, byte Addrlen = default, byte Hdrlen = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_0 = default, int Link_state = default, ulong Mtu = default, ulong Metric = default, ulong Baudrate = default, ulong Ipackets = default, ulong Ierrors = default, ulong Opackets = default, ulong Oerrors = default, ulong Collisions = default, ulong Ibytes = default, ulong Obytes = default, ulong Imcasts = default, ulong Omcasts = default, ulong Iqdrops = default, ulong Noproto = default, Timespec Lastchange = default)
     this.Type       = Type;
     this.Addrlen    = Addrlen;
     this.Hdrlen     = Hdrlen;
     this.Pad_cgo_0  = Pad_cgo_0;
     this.Link_state = Link_state;
     this.Mtu        = Mtu;
     this.Metric     = Metric;
     this.Baudrate   = Baudrate;
     this.Ipackets   = Ipackets;
     this.Ierrors    = Ierrors;
     this.Opackets   = Opackets;
     this.Oerrors    = Oerrors;
     this.Collisions = Collisions;
     this.Ibytes     = Ibytes;
     this.Obytes     = Obytes;
     this.Imcasts    = Imcasts;
     this.Omcasts    = Omcasts;
     this.Iqdrops    = Iqdrops;
     this.Noproto    = Noproto;
     this.Lastchange = Lastchange;
コード例 #27
		private static int FromTimespec (ref Timespec source, IntPtr destination)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
コード例 #28
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ushort X__pad1 = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_0 = default, uint X__st_ino = default, uint Mode = default, uint Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, ulong Rdev = default, ushort X__pad2 = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_1 = default, long Size = default, int Blksize = default, array <byte> Pad_cgo_2 = default, long Blocks = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, ulong Ino = default)
     this.Dev       = Dev;
     this.X__pad1   = X__pad1;
     this.Pad_cgo_0 = Pad_cgo_0;
     this.X__st_ino = X__st_ino;
     this.Mode      = Mode;
     this.Nlink     = Nlink;
     this.Uid       = Uid;
     this.Gid       = Gid;
     this.Rdev      = Rdev;
     this.X__pad2   = X__pad2;
     this.Pad_cgo_1 = Pad_cgo_1;
     this.Size      = Size;
     this.Blksize   = Blksize;
     this.Pad_cgo_2 = Pad_cgo_2;
     this.Blocks    = Blocks;
     this.Atim      = Atim;
     this.Mtim      = Mtim;
     this.Ctim      = Ctim;
     this.Ino       = Ino;
コード例 #29
		private static int ToTimespec (IntPtr source, out Timespec destination)
			throw new System.NotImplementedException();
コード例 #30
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, uint Mode = default, short Nlink = default, ushort Flag = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, ulong Rdev = default, int Ssize = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, long Blksize = default, long Blocks = default, int Vfstype = default, uint Vfs = default, uint Type = default, uint Gen = default, array <uint> Reserved = default, uint Padto_ll = default, long Size = default)
     this.Dev      = Dev;
     this.Ino      = Ino;
     this.Mode     = Mode;
     this.Nlink    = Nlink;
     this.Flag     = Flag;
     this.Uid      = Uid;
     this.Gid      = Gid;
     this.Rdev     = Rdev;
     this.Ssize    = Ssize;
     this.Atim     = Atim;
     this.Mtim     = Mtim;
     this.Ctim     = Ctim;
     this.Blksize  = Blksize;
     this.Blocks   = Blocks;
     this.Vfstype  = Vfstype;
     this.Vfs      = Vfs;
     this.Type     = Type;
     this.Gen      = Gen;
     this.Reserved = Reserved;
     this.Padto_ll = Padto_ll;
     this.Size     = Size;
コード例 #31
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, ulong Nlink = default, ushort Mode = default, short Padding0 = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int Padding1 = default, ulong Rdev = default, int Atim_ext = default, Timespec Atimespec = default, int Mtim_ext = default, Timespec Mtimespec = default, int Ctim_ext = default, Timespec Ctimespec = default, int Btim_ext = default, Timespec Birthtimespec = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, int Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, ulong Gen = default, array <ulong> Spare = default)
     this.Dev           = Dev;
     this.Ino           = Ino;
     this.Nlink         = Nlink;
     this.Mode          = Mode;
     this.Padding0      = Padding0;
     this.Uid           = Uid;
     this.Gid           = Gid;
     this.Padding1      = Padding1;
     this.Rdev          = Rdev;
     this.Atim_ext      = Atim_ext;
     this.Atimespec     = Atimespec;
     this.Mtim_ext      = Mtim_ext;
     this.Mtimespec     = Mtimespec;
     this.Ctim_ext      = Ctim_ext;
     this.Ctimespec     = Ctimespec;
     this.Btim_ext      = Btim_ext;
     this.Birthtimespec = Birthtimespec;
     this.Size          = Size;
     this.Blocks        = Blocks;
     this.Blksize       = Blksize;
     this.Flags         = Flags;
     this.Gen           = Gen;
     this.Spare         = Spare;
コード例 #32
 public stat_freebsd11_t(uint Dev = default, uint Ino = default, ushort Mode = default, ushort Nlink = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, uint Rdev = default, Timespec Atimespec = default, Timespec Mtimespec = default, Timespec Ctimespec = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, int Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, uint Gen = default, int Lspare = default, Timespec Birthtimespec = default)
     this.Dev           = Dev;
     this.Ino           = Ino;
     this.Mode          = Mode;
     this.Nlink         = Nlink;
     this.Uid           = Uid;
     this.Gid           = Gid;
     this.Rdev          = Rdev;
     this.Atimespec     = Atimespec;
     this.Mtimespec     = Mtimespec;
     this.Ctimespec     = Ctimespec;
     this.Size          = Size;
     this.Blocks        = Blocks;
     this.Blksize       = Blksize;
     this.Flags         = Flags;
     this.Gen           = Gen;
     this.Lspare        = Lspare;
     this.Birthtimespec = Birthtimespec;
コード例 #33
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, ulong Nlink = default, uint Mode = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int X__pad2 = default, ulong Rdev = default, long Size = default, long Blksize = default, long Blocks = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, ulong X__unused4 = default, ulong X__unused5 = default, ulong X__unused6 = default)
     this.Dev        = Dev;
     this.Ino        = Ino;
     this.Nlink      = Nlink;
     this.Mode       = Mode;
     this.Uid        = Uid;
     this.Gid        = Gid;
     this.X__pad2    = X__pad2;
     this.Rdev       = Rdev;
     this.Size       = Size;
     this.Blksize    = Blksize;
     this.Blocks     = Blocks;
     this.Atim       = Atim;
     this.Mtim       = Mtim;
     this.Ctim       = Ctim;
     this.X__unused4 = X__unused4;
     this.X__unused5 = X__unused5;
     this.X__unused6 = X__unused6;
コード例 #34
 public Stat_t(ulong Dev = default, ulong Ino = default, ulong Nlink = default, ushort Mode = default, short _0 = default, uint Uid = default, uint Gid = default, int _1 = default, ulong Rdev = default, Timespec Atim = default, Timespec Mtim = default, Timespec Ctim = default, Timespec Btim = default, long Size = default, long Blocks = default, int Blksize = default, uint Flags = default, ulong Gen = default, array <ulong> Spare = default)
     this.Dev     = Dev;
     this.Ino     = Ino;
     this.Nlink   = Nlink;
     this.Mode    = Mode;
     this._0      = _0;
     this.Uid     = Uid;
     this.Gid     = Gid;
     this._1      = _1;
     this.Rdev    = Rdev;
     this.Atim    = Atim;
     this.Mtim    = Mtim;
     this.Ctim    = Ctim;
     this.Btim    = Btim;
     this.Size    = Size;
     this.Blocks  = Blocks;
     this.Blksize = Blksize;
     this.Flags   = Flags;
     this.Gen     = Gen;
     this.Spare   = Spare;
コード例 #35
 public ProfilerEntry(Timespec timespec, Type type, string tag)
     this.timespec = timespec;
     this.type     = type;
     this.tag      = tag;