コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// add
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void TimerAddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //if text matches an amount of time
            if (timeRegex.IsMatch(TimerAmount.Text))
                //take input
                string[] s      = timeRegex.Match(TimerAmount.Text).Value.Split(splitChArr, 3);
                int[]    values = new int[s.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = Convert.ToInt32(s[i]);

                //create timespan with input
                TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(values[0], values[1], values[2]);

                //if a timer is selected add the TimeSpan to it
                if (TimerListBox.SelectedIndex >= 0)
                    TimerListBox.Items[TimerListBox.SelectedIndex] = timerList[TimerListBox.SelectedIndex].TimerFormat();
                //else create a new timer with the TimeSpan
                else if (TimerListBox.SelectedIndex == -1)
                    TimerClock temp = new TimerClock(ts);

コード例 #2
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: sharewebcode/Web
        public Form1()

            TimerClock.Interval = 1000;

            // Create a timer that will call the ShowTime method every second.
            // 윈폼 타이틀바에 시계표시
            //var timer = new System.Threading.Timer( ShowTime, null, 0, 1000 );

            watcher.Path   = @"C:\Temp";
            watcher.Filter = "*.txt";
            watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

            // 텍스트 박스
            //watcher.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler( ( o, e ) => { UpdateTextBox( Environment.NewLine + e.Name + " : is Renamed" ); } );
            //watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler( ( o, e ) => { UpdateTextBox( Environment.NewLine + e.Name + " : is Changed" ); } );
            //watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler( ( o, e ) => { UpdateTextBox( Environment.NewLine + e.Name + " : is Created" ); } );
            //watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler( ( o, e ) => { UpdateTextBox( Environment.NewLine + e.Name + " : is Deleted" ); } );

            // 리스트 박스
            //watcher.Changed += new FileSystemEventHandler( ( o, e ) => { UpdateListBox( e.Name + " : is Changed" ); } );
            watcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler((o, e) => { UpdateListBox(e.Name + " : is Created"); });
            watcher.Deleted += new FileSystemEventHandler((o, e) => { UpdateListBox(e.Name + " : is Deleted"); });
            watcher.Renamed += new RenamedEventHandler((o, e) => { UpdateListBox(e.Name + " : is Renamed"); });
コード例 #3
    public override void PregameSetup()

        if (skipTutorial)
        difficultyLevel = GameManager.Instance.GetLevel(DataType.Minigame.Brainbow);
        timer           = TimerClock.Instance;
        scoreGauge      = ScoreGauge.Instance;
        scoreGoal = GetLevelConfig().scoreGoal;
        waterManager.waterTimeBoost = GetLevelConfig().waterTimeBoost;

        monsterObject = monsterCreator.SpawnMonster(
        monsterObject.transform.localPosition     = monsterCreator.transform.position;
        monsterObject.transform.localScale        = Vector3.one * 0.4f;
        monsterObject.spriteRenderer.sortingOrder = 0;

        if (GameManager.Instance.GetPendingTutorial(DataType.Minigame.Brainbow))
コード例 #4
        public void When_scheduling_multiple_actions_to_execute_at_every_interval()
            using (var clockA = new TimerClock(500.Milliseconds()))
                using (var clockB = new TimerClock(100.Milliseconds()))
                    var counter = 0;

                    clockA.Tick   += (sender, args) => Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
                    clockA.Enabled = true;


                    var snapshotA = counter;


                    clockB.Tick   += (sender, args) => Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);
                    clockB.Enabled = true;


                    var snapshotB = counter;
                    snapshotB.ShouldBeInRange(7, 20);
コード例 #5
        private void UserControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            timer        = TimerClock.IntervalMultiSeconds(timer, 1, RefreshSlider);
            controlTimer = TimerClock.IntervalMultiSeconds(controlTimer, 3, ControlPopupIsShow);

            //mediaElement.MouseLeftButtonUp += MediaElement_MouseLeftButtonUp;
            MouseDoubleClick += UserMediaView_MouseDoubleClick;
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Event supported after creating anaglyph.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"> sender </param>
 /// <param name="e"> anaglyph created event </param>
 public void EventImageFinished(object sender, BitmapEventArgs e)
         this.SetImageOnForm(ImageVersion.ANAGLYPH_IMAGE, e.anaglyphImage);     // set anaglyph image on form
         this.historyLabel.Content = TimerClock.GetTime().ToString() + " [ms]"; // set time measured on form
         e.anaglyphImage.Save("anaglyph.bmp");                                  // save anaglyph on project folder
         this.buttonGenerateAnaglyph.IsEnabled = true;
コード例 #7
        public void TimerClock_ClockTicksEqualThreadTimerTicks(int sleepSeconds)
            var ticks = 0;
            var clock = new TimerClock(1000, args => ticks++);


            Thread.Sleep(sleepSeconds * 1000);
            //=== Manual Step : Check CPU to see processor efficiency.

コード例 #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TimerClock timer = new TimerClock();

            AlarmClock alarm = new AlarmClock();


            Phone phone = new Phone();



コード例 #9
        public IClockUserCtrl GetTimerClockUserControl(Dispatcher dispatcher)
            var dispatcherForPlayer = new DispatcherTimerImpl(new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Normal, dispatcher));
            var clockForPlayer      = new TimerClock(_config, _logger, dispatcherForPlayer);

            var stream = Utils.GetResourceStream(_config.RingtoneFilename);
            var player = new LoopSoundPlayer(stream, _config, clockForPlayer);

            var dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimerImpl(new DispatcherTimer(DispatcherPriority.Normal, dispatcher));
            var clock           = new TimerClock(_config, _logger, dispatcherTimer);

            var ctrl = new ClockUserCtrl("_timer");
            var vm   = new TimerViewModel(ctrl, player, clock, _config, _logger);


コード例 #10
        public void When_scheduling_an_action_to_execute_at_every_interval()
            var counter = 0;

            using var clock = new TimerClock(10.Milliseconds());
            clock.Tick     += (sender, args) => Interlocked.Increment(ref counter);


            clock.Enabled = true;


            var snapshot = counter;

            snapshot.ShouldBeInRange(10, 200);

            clock.Enabled = false;
コード例 #11
        public void When_scheduling_an_action_to_execute_after_a_timeout()
            using var clock = new TimerClock(300.Milliseconds());
            var counter = 0;

            clock.Tick += (sender, args) =>
                var clockCopy = sender as TimerClock;
                // ReSharper disable once PossibleNullReferenceException
                clockCopy.Enabled = false;
                counter          += 666;
            clock.Enabled = true;


            Assert.AreEqual(0, counter);


            Assert.AreEqual(666, counter);
コード例 #12
        private void TimerAddTimerButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //if text matches an amount of time
            if (timeRegex.IsMatch(TimerAmount.Text))
                string[] s      = timeRegex.Match(TimerAmount.Text).Value.Split(splitChArr, 3);
                int[]    values = new int[s.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++)
                    values[i] = Convert.ToInt32(s[i]);

                //create timespan with input
                TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(values[0], values[1], values[2]);

                //create a new timer with the TimeSpan and add it to the ListBox
                TimerClock temp = new TimerClock(ts);

コード例 #13
ファイル: Raindrops.cs プロジェクト: Landrash/ZoneLighting
 public Raindrops()
     LoopClock = new TimerClock(1             //refresh interval
                                , args => SendColors(ColorsToSend));
     //, 0); //drift threshold
コード例 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Called after pressing the button responsible for creating anaglyph. Runs the method from the object instance responsible for creating anaglyph.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"> object sender </param>
        /// <param name="e"> RoutedEventArgs </param>
        private void OnClickButtonGenerateAnaglyph(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (radioAsm.IsChecked.Value) // assembler dll selected
                this.dllVersion = DllVersion.ASM_DLL;
            else if (radioC.IsChecked.Value) // C++ dll selected
                this.dllVersion = DllVersion.CPP_DLL;
            else // no dll selected
                this.dllVersion = DllVersion.VOID;

            if (radioTrue.IsChecked.Value) // true anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.TRUE_ANAGLYPH;
            else if (radioGray.IsChecked.Value) // gray anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.GRAY_ANAGLYPH;
            else if (radioColor.IsChecked.Value) // color anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.COLOR_ANAGLYPH;
            else if (radioHalfColor.IsChecked.Value) // half color anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.HALF_COLOR_ANAGLYPH;
            else if (radioOptimized.IsChecked.Value) // optimized anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.OPTIMIZED_ANAGLYPH;
            else // no anaglyph filter selected
                this.anaglyphVersion = AnaglyphVersion.VOID;

            if (this.anaglyphVersion == AnaglyphVersion.VOID || this.dllVersion == DllVersion.VOID) // if anaglyph filter is no selected or dll is no selected display message to user
                MessageBox.Show("You must select the DLL and anaglyph type choice!", "Anaglyph Creator Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            // checking if the images are the same size
            if (this.leftImage.GetImageInformation().imageSizeX != this.rightImage.GetImageInformation().imageSizeX ||
                this.leftImage.GetImageInformation().imageSizeY != this.rightImage.GetImageInformation().imageSizeY)
                MessageBox.Show("Left and right images must be the same size!", "Wrong image sizes", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            // checking if there are dll files
            if (this.dllVersion == DllVersion.CPP_DLL && !File.Exists("DLL_C.dll"))
                MessageBox.Show("No DLL found for the C++ algorithm!", "C++ DLL missing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
            else if (this.dllVersion == DllVersion.ASM_DLL && !File.Exists("DLL_ASM.dll"))
                MessageBox.Show("No DLL found for the assembler algorithm!", "Asm DLL missing", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            TimerClock.ResetTimer();                        // reset timer that measures algorithm time

            int threadsAmount = (int)this.threadsBar.Value; // getting the number of threads

            this.buttonGenerateAnaglyph.IsEnabled = false;  // turning off the generate button while creating anaglyph

            new Thread(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground = true;
                anaglyph.CreateAnaglyph(this.dllVersion, this.anaglyphVersion, rightImage.GetImageInformation(), leftImage.GetImageInformation(), threadsAmount);
            }).Start(); // invoke method that creates anaglyph
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Subscribes the timer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timer">The clock.</param>
 public void Subscribe(TimerClock timer) => timer.TimeIsOver += OnTimeIsOver_Handler;
コード例 #16
        /// <summary>
        /// A method that creates anaglyph from the left and right image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dllVersion"> The dll version selected by the user. </param>
        /// <param name="anaglyphVersion"> User selection of anaglyph version. </param>
        /// <param name="leftImageInformation"> An instance of the class that stores information about the left image. </param>
        /// <param name="rightImageInformation"> An instance of the class that stores information about the right image. </param>
        /// <param name="threadAmount"> Number of threads selected by the user. </param>
        public void CreateAnaglyph(DllVersion dllVersion, AnaglyphVersion anaglyphVersion, ImageInformation leftImageInformation, ImageInformation rightImageInformation, int threadAmount)
            int amountOfPixels = leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray.Length / 4;                  // the number of pixels that will be modified

            pixelsForThread = amountOfPixels / threadAmount;                                       // the number of pixels to modify per thread

            if (pixelsForThread * threadAmount != leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray.Length / 4) // condition checking if the same number of pixels can be processed in each thread (different number of pixels)
                int delta = amountOfPixels - (pixelsForThread * threadAmount);                     // number of pixels remaining
                PrepareThreads(threadAmount - 1);                                                  // prepare tables for the number of threads selected by the user minus one

                int start = pixelsForThread * (threadAmount - 1);                                  // start index for a thread that modifies the rest of the pixels

                this.coords.Add(start);                                                            // start index for the last thread
                this.coords.Add(leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray.Length / 4);                  // end index for the last thread
            else // the same number of pixels in each thread
                PrepareThreads(threadAmount); // prepare a table of coordinates

            anaglyphFilters = new float[12]; // creating an array that stores an anaglyph filter
            switch (anaglyphVersion)         // choosing the right anaglyph filter depending on the user's choice
            case AnaglyphVersion.TRUE_ANAGLYPH:
                anaglyphFilters = AnaglyphOptions._true;

            case AnaglyphVersion.GRAY_ANAGLYPH:
                anaglyphFilters = AnaglyphOptions._gray;

            case AnaglyphVersion.COLOR_ANAGLYPH:
                anaglyphFilters = AnaglyphOptions._color;

            case AnaglyphVersion.HALF_COLOR_ANAGLYPH:
                anaglyphFilters = AnaglyphOptions._halfColor;

            case AnaglyphVersion.OPTIMIZED_ANAGLYPH:
                anaglyphFilters = AnaglyphOptions._optimized;

            tmpLeftImagePixelArray = new float[leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray.Length]; // creating a temporary array storing the pixels of the left image
            for (int i = 0; i < tmpLeftImagePixelArray.Length; i++)                          // loop that copies the pixel values of the left image into a temporary table
                tmpLeftImagePixelArray[i] = leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray[i];         // copy the pixel color value from the left image to a temporary table

            switch (dllVersion)                                                         // choice of dll depending on the user's choice
            case DllVersion.ASM_DLL:                                                    // assembler dll choice
                for (int i = 0; i < this.coords.Count; i += 2)                          // loop calling as many times as there are coordinates (start and end) for each thread
                    int[] imageCoords = { this.coords[i] * 4, this.coords[i + 1] * 4 }; // get start and start index for the current thread
                    var   th          = new Thread(() =>                                // thread creation
                        AnaglyphAlgorithmAsm(leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray, imageCoords, anaglyphFilters, rightImageInformation.imagePixelArray);
                    this.threads.Add(th);     // adding a newly created thread to the list of threads

            case DllVersion.CPP_DLL:                                                    // C++ dll choice
                for (int i = 0; i < this.coords.Count; i += 2)                          // loop calling as many times as there are coordinates(start and end) for each thread
                    int[] imageCoords = { this.coords[i] * 4, this.coords[i + 1] * 4 }; // get start and start index for the current thread
                    var   th          = new Thread(() =>                                // thread creation
                        AnaglyphAlgorithm(leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray, imageCoords, anaglyphFilters, rightImageInformation.imagePixelArray);
                    this.threads.Add(th);     // adding a newly created thread to the list of threads

            TimerClock.StartTimer();       // counting the time it takes for threads to finish
            foreach (Thread th in threads) // start all threads

            foreach (Thread th in threads) // waiting for the end of each thread
            TimerClock.StopTimer();                                 // stop counting time

            threads.Clear();                                        // clear the list of threads
            coords.Clear();                                         // clearing the list of start and end indexes
            leftImageInformation.finishConversion();                // creating an image based on returned pixels

            for (int i = 0; i < tmpLeftImagePixelArray.Length; i++) // copying the pixel color values from the previously created table to the table storing the pixel values of the left image
                leftImageInformation.imagePixelArray[i] = tmpLeftImagePixelArray[i];

            EventImageFinished(leftImageInformation.imageBitmap); // reporting an event about the end of anaglyph creation
コード例 #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Unsubscribes the timer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="timer">The clock.</param>
 public void Unsubscribe(TimerClock timer) => timer.TimeIsOver -= OnTimeIsOver_Handler;
コード例 #18
        public void Test_TimerViewModel_HappyPath()
            string startAt     = "02";
            string initialText = "";
            string stoppedText = "";
            string afterTick   = "";
            string finalText   = "";
            string afterReset  = "";

            Mock <IUserInterface>   ui     = new Mock <IUserInterface>();
            Mock <ILogger>          logger = new Mock <ILogger>();
            Mock <ILoopSoundPlayer> player = new Mock <ILoopSoundPlayer>();

            var config = new ConfigurationValues();

            var timer = CreateDispatcherTimer(config);

            TimerClock clock = new TimerClock(config, logger.Object, timer.Object);

            TimerViewModel timervm = new TimerViewModel(ui.Object, player.Object, clock, config, logger.Object);

            timervm.Text = startAt;
            MethodInfo dynMethod = timervm.GetType().GetMethod("Ui_UiEventHappened", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            dynMethod.Invoke(timervm, new object[] { new object(), new UIEventArgs(UIEventArgs.UIEventType.BtnStartClicked) });
            initialText = timervm.Text;

            timer.Raise(x => x.Tick += null, this, new EventArgs()
            afterTick = timervm.Text;

            dynMethod.Invoke(timervm, new object[] { new object(), new UIEventArgs(UIEventArgs.UIEventType.BtnStartClicked) });
            timer.Raise(x => x.Tick += null, this, new EventArgs()

            stoppedText = timervm.Text;

            dynMethod.Invoke(timervm, new object[] { new object(), new UIEventArgs(UIEventArgs.UIEventType.BtnStartClicked) });
            timer.Raise(x => x.Tick += null, this, new EventArgs()

            finalText = timervm.Text;

            dynMethod.Invoke(timervm, new object[] { new object(), new UIEventArgs(UIEventArgs.UIEventType.BtnResetClicked) });
            afterReset = timervm.Text;


            Assert.Equal("00:00:02", initialText);
            Assert.Equal("00:00:01", afterTick);
            Assert.Equal("00:00:01", stoppedText);
            Assert.Equal("00:00:00", finalText);
            Assert.Equal("00:00:01", afterReset);

            logger.Verify(x => x.LogError(It.IsAny <string>()), Times.Never);
            logger.Verify(x => x.LogError(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <Exception>()), Times.Never);
            player.Verify(x => x.Play(It.IsAny <int>()), Times.Once);
コード例 #19
 public void Setup()
     _uut = new TimerClock(10);