public void MakeLittleBlueExplosion(Vector3 pos) { GameObject exp = (GameObject)Instantiate(littleBlueExplosion, pos, Quaternion.identity); TimedObjectDestructor tod = exp.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.DestroyNow(2); }
public GameObject MakeIntoRocket(GameObject rocket) { TimedObjectDestructor tod = rocket.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.autoDestruct = false; tod.DestroyNow(10); // rockets die out after 10 secodns. rocket.transform.parent = null; rocket.GetComponent <Collider>().enabled = true; // Create the rocket. rocket.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; // Why is this true by default?! rocket.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; rocket.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag = 0.01f; rocket.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag = 0.01f; rocket.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.ContinuousDynamic; NumberInfo ni = rocket.GetComponent <NumberInfo>(); if (!ni.gameObject.GetComponent <DoesExplodeOnImpact>()) { ni.gameObject.AddComponent <DoesExplodeOnImpact>(); } // // commented Debug.Log ("rocket created, value;"+rocket.GetComponent<NumberInfo>().fraction); return(rocket); }
void OnDestroy() { if (smokeTrail) { TimedObjectDestructor tod = smokeTrail.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); } // tod.DestroyNow(2.5f); // Destroy (smokeTrail); }
virtual public void CleanObjectOnCollect(GameObject obj) { TimedObjectDestructor tod = obj.GetComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); // Very awkward way to stop this from happening.. if (tod) { tod.StopAllCoroutines(); UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(tod); } }
void Fire() { AudioManager.inst.PlayNumberFire(transform.position, 1); // AudioManager.inst.PlayPlungerSuck(transform.position,1,1 Vector3 pos = firePos.position; GameObject num = NumberManager.inst.CreateNumber(number, pos, NumberShape.Cube); mynums.Add(num); EffectsManager.inst.CreateSmokePuffBig(pos + transform.right * 4, firePos.forward * 5 + Vector3.up, Random.Range(8, 15)); num.transform.localScale = * scale; num.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = false; num.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; if (rotate) { num.AddComponent <Rotate>(); } num.transform.parent = bucket.transform; num.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag = 0; num.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag = 0; if (numbersAreEnemyRockets) { // num.AddComponent<DestroyOnPlayerTouch>(); // DestroyNumbersInFiringLine d= num.AddComponent<DestroyNumbersInFiringLine>(); // d.line=this; NumberInfo ni = num.GetComponent <NumberInfo>(); // NumberManager.inst.ApplySpikes(ni,true); // ni.pickupFlag=false; // ni.killPlayerOnContact=true; num.AddComponent <EnemyBrick>(); // AttackPlayerWithLightning l = num.AddComponent<AttackPlayerWithLightning>(); // l.range=50; // GameObject smokeTrail = (GameObject)Instantiate(EffectsManager.inst.smokeTrail,num.transform.position,Quaternion.identity); // add smoke trail // = "smokeTrail"; // smokeTrail.transform.parent = num.transform; // num.GetComponent<NumberInfo>().doesExplodeOnImpact=true; } TimedObjectDestructor tod = num.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.autoDestruct = false; tod.DestroyNow(timeout); // make cannon shake on each fire float jumpForce = 120; GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(new Vector3(Random.Range(-10, 10), Random.Range(30, 50), Random.Range(-10, 10)) * jumpForce); if (addToPlayerNumber) { // num.AddComponent<CombineOnPlayerTouch>(); num.layer = 25; // collide with player and numbers only. } }
public void Die() { if (stem) { stem.transform.parent = null; stem.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); TimedObjectDestructor tod = stem.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); stem.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(Random.insideUnitSphere * 500f); tod.DestroyNow(Random.Range(5f, 10f)); } // Debug.Log("I dieded.:"+name); Destroy(gameObject); }
void Update() { lightningTimerFX -= Time.deltaTime; if (lightningTimerFX < 0) { lightningTimerFX = Random.Range(.5f, 1f); GameObject randomG = new GameObject(); randomG.transform.position = transform.position + Random.insideUnitSphere * radius; TimedObjectDestructor tod = randomG.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); // what is default seconds.. and why..ugh float randomDuration = Random.Range(1.2f, 1.5f); SMW_GF.inst.CreateLightning(transform, randomG.transform, randomDuration); } }
void Start() { inst = this; foreach (Effect e in effects) { = (ParticleSystem)Instantiate(e.particleSystem).GetComponent <ParticleSystem> (); TimedObjectDestructor tod = <TimedObjectDestructor> (); if (tod) { Destroy(tod); // awkward but these have TODs for when they're instantiated by other behaviors } effectsList.Add(, e); =; } }
bool checkChildren = false; // don't need to check until we've generated a few. GameObject GenerateSpikey() { checkChildren = true; GameObject spikey = (GameObject)Instantiate(spikeyPrefab, generatorT.position, Quaternion.identity); spikey.GetComponent <NumberInfo>().SetNumber(spikeyFraction); float throwForce = 5200f; spikey.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce(transform.forward * throwForce); spikey.transform.parent = transform; TimedObjectDestructor tod = spikey.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.DestroyNow(20f); return(null); }
public void TempDebugSphere(Vector3 p, Color c) { float tempDebugInterval = 0.2f; if (Utils.IntervalElapsed(tempDebugInterval)) { GameObject debugSphere = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Sphere); debugSphere.transform.position = p; debugSphere.transform.localScale = * .5f; // = "Debug sphere"; debugSphere.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.color = c; Destroy(debugSphere.GetComponent <Collider>()); TimedObjectDestructor tod = debugSphere.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.DestroyNow(tempDebugInterval); } }
void Die() { dead = true; transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <ResourceDrop>().DropResource(); // commented Debug.Log("Dying now."); foreach (NumberInfo ni in myBlocks) { if (ni != null) { if (transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <LevelMonster_Shield>()) { Destroy(transform.root.GetComponentInChildren <LevelMonster_Shield>().gameObject); } ni.transform.parent = null; if (!ni.gameObject.GetComponent <Rigidbody>()) { ni.gameObject.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); ni.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().mass = 4; ni.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag = .2f; } ni.gameObject.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = false; if (ni.GetComponent <Rigidbody>()) { ni.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = false; ni.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().useGravity = true; } // ni.pickupFlag = true; // todo: Make inventory recognize cube numbers as well. ni.gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Default"); ni.greaterThanCombine = 0; ni.lessThanCombine = 1; // if (ni.transform.transform.localScale.x > 3) // crit block scale is 4 and other block scale is 2.6 PickUppableObject pip = ni.gameObject.AddComponent <PickUppableObject>(); pip.heldScale = 1.5f; //2 / ni.transform.localScale.x; // } // pip.heldScale // rocketLauncher.gameObject.AddComponent<Rigidbody>(); rocketLauncher.transform.parent = null; TimedObjectDestructor tod = rocketLauncher.gameObject.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); } } Destroy(transform.root.gameObject); }
void Fire() { if (!canFire) { return; } firecount += 1; // AudioManager.inst.PlayNumberFire(transform.position,1); // AudioManager.inst.PlayPlungerSuck(transform.position,1,false,.5f); Vector3 pos = firePos.position; GameObject num = (GameObject)Instantiate(bulletPrefab); num.transform.position = pos; EffectsManager.inst.CreateSmokePuffBig(pos + transform.right * 4, firePos.forward * 5 + Vector3.up, Random.Range(8, 15)); num.transform.localScale = * scale; // if (rotate) num.AddComponent<Rotate>(); Color c; num.layer = 25; // collide with player and numbers only. // // commented Debug.Log ("number numerator % firecount: " + number.numerator + " % " + firecount + " = " + (number.numerator % firecount)); if (firecount % number.numerator == 0) { c = Color.white; } else { c =; num.GetComponent <Collider>().isTrigger = true; } TimedObjectDestructor tod = num.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.autoDestruct = false; tod.DestroyNow(timeout); // make cannon shake on each fire float jumpForce = 120; // rigidbody.AddForce(new Vector3(Random.Range(-10,10),Random.Range(30,50),Random.Range(-10,10))*jumpForce); StartCoroutine(AddToPoolAfterSeconds(interval / 2f, num, c)); }
List <MeshRenderer> cachedMeshRenderers = new List <MeshRenderer>(); //This one is for fading out the Mesh Renderers used by the Ferr2D terrain tool void Awake() { CacheRenderers(); destructor = GetComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); }
void OnCollisionEnter(Collision hit) { Collider other = hit.collider; NumberInfo ni = other.GetComponent <NumberInfo>(); if (!ni) { // hit the ground or something. Stick in the ground, become noninteractable (or can you still pick up?) // Debug.Log("hit;"; GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true; transform.parent = GetComponent <Collider>().transform; TimedObjectDestructor tod = gameObject.AddComponent <TimedObjectDestructor>(); tod.DestroyNow(2); } else if (ni.myShape == NumberShape.Sphere) { // Divide the number. int degreesToComplete = 360; float radius = 4f; float scale = radius / 3.2f / 3.2f; int count = Mathf.Abs(ni0.fraction.numerator); int startingDegrees = Mathf.FloorToInt(Player.inst.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y + 90); Vector3[] circlePoints = MathUtils.GetPointsOfACircle(degreesToComplete, radius, scale, count, startingDegrees); // why is there a 19 here? float splashForce = 340f; // after the arrow splits this number, how much force does each piece move away with? Fraction result = Fraction.Multiply(ni.fraction, ni0.fraction.GetReciprocal()); for (int i = 0; i < circlePoints.Length; i++) { Vector3 pos = hit.contacts[0].point + circlePoints[i] + Vector3.up * 2; ni.SetNumber(result); ni.gameObject.AddComponent <BowSplitNumber>(); ni.ForbidCombinationsForSeconds(5); // don't collide with nearby stuff right away. GameObject piece = (GameObject)Instantiate(ni.gameObject, pos, ni.transform.rotation); // NumberManager.inst.CreateNumber(result),pos,NumberShape.Sphere); Animal an = piece.GetComponent <Animal>(); if (an) { // in case we split a frog while it's tonguing. if ( != null) { if ( { Destroy(; } } an.LoseTarget(); } // ScaleUpAndStop sc = piece.AddComponent<ScaleUpAndStop>(); // sc.stopScale = piece.transform.localScale; // piece.transform.localScale = * 0.4f; // piece.GetComponent<NumberInfo>().InitSinGrowAttributes(); Vector3 dir = Vector3.Normalize(pos - other.transform.position) + Vector3.up; Rigidbody rb = piece.GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); if (!rb) { rb = piece.AddComponent <Rigidbody>(); rb.freezeRotation = true; rb.drag = 1f; } rb.mass = Mathf.Max(10, rb.mass); rb.drag = Mathf.Max(.05f, rb.drag); rb.AddForce(dir * splashForce); } NumberManager.inst.DestroyOrPool(ni); Destroy(gameObject); } }