/// <summary> /// save complete new Item /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PostGroupItem saveNewPostGroupItem(PostGroupItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [newsgroup] ([newsgroupname]) " + "VALUES ('" + item.Name.ToString() + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; item.PostGroupID = LastID; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public MenuItem editMenu(int id, MenuItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [menu] SET [mealid]='" + item.Meal.MealID + "',[date]='" + item.Date.ToString() + "'," + " [price]='" + item.Price.ToString().Replace(",", ".") + "'" + " WHERE [foodplanid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// save complete new AuthorsToPostGroup /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void addUserToPostGroupAuthors(int postGroupID, long userID) { try { using (sqlConnection) { if (checkIfUserIsPostGroupAuthor(postGroupID, userID) == false) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); string SQL = "INSERT INTO [postgroupauthor] ([userid],[newsgroupid]) " + "VALUES (" + userID.ToString() + "," + postGroupID.ToString() + ");"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; } } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; } }
/// <summary> /// return all groups in a array /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PostGroupItem[] getPostGroupItems() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PostGroupItem SQLItem = new PostGroupItem(); List <PostGroupItem> lstPGI = new List <PostGroupItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [newsgroupid],[newsgroupname] " + " FROM[newsgroup];"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.Name = myReader["newsgroupname"].ToString(); SQLItem.PostGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["newsgroupid"]); lstPGI.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new PostGroupItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(lstPGI.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Edit UserItem by ID /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public UserItem editUserItem(long id, UserItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [user] SET " + "[mail]='" + item.Email + "'," + "[lastname]='" + item.Lastname + "'," + "[firstname]='" + item.Firstname + "'," + "[username]='" + item.Username + "'," + "[groupid]='" + item.StudyGroup.ID.ToString() + "'," + "[relationtypid]='" + item.UserType.ID.ToString() + "'," + "[dsgvo]='" + item.DSGVO.ToString() + "'," + "[dsgvodate]='" + item.DSGVODate.ToString() + "'" + " WHERE [userid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(getUserItem(id)); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public UserItem saveNewUserItem(UserItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { //In der SQL Anweisung muss noch Contacttypid und CourseTypID und Verantwortlicher geändert werden. string SQL = "INSERT INTO [contact] " + "([mail],[lastname],[firstname],[dsgvo],[username], [groupid],[relationtypid],[dsgvodate]) " + "VALUES('" + item.Email + "','" + item.Lastname + "','" + item.Firstname + "','" + item.DSGVO.ToString() + "','" + item.Username + "','" + item.StudyGroup.ID.ToString() + "','" + item.UserType.ID.ToString() + "','" + item.DSGVODate.ToString() + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); item.UserID = LastID; sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Saves new item and assing new id, return the new item /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NewsItem saveNewPost(NewsItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [news] ([newsgroupid],[headline],[text],[createtime],[updatetime],[push],[attachmentsid]) " + "VALUES (" + item.PostGroup.PostGroupID.ToString() + ",'" + item.Title + "','" + item.Message + "',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,0,NULL);" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; item.ID = LastID; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
private MenuItem[] getAllMenusByFitlerWhere(string SQLWhere) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { MenuItem SQLItem = new MenuItem(); SQLItem.Meal = new MealItem(); SQLItem.Meal.Place = new PlaceItem(); List <MenuItem> MenuItemList = new List <MenuItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [foodplanid],[menu].[mealid],[date],[price],[attachmentsid],[foodplace].[foodplaceid], [foodplace].[name], [meal].[mealname],[meal].[description]" + " FROM [menu] " + "INNER JOIN [meal] on [meal].[mealid] = [menu].[mealid]" + "INNER JOIN [foodplace] on [meal].[foodplaceid] = [foodplace].[foodplaceid] " + SQLWhere + "" + " ORDER BY [date],[mealname] ASC;"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); int j = 0; while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader["date"]); SQLItem.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(myReader["price"]); SQLItem.MenuID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplanid"]); SQLItem.Meal.MealID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["mealid"]); SQLItem.Meal.MealName = myReader["mealname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Meal.Description = myReader["description"].ToString(); SQLItem.Meal.Place.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"].ToString()); SQLItem.Meal.Place.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); MenuItemList.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new MenuItem(); SQLItem.Meal = new MealItem(); SQLItem.Meal.Place = new PlaceItem(); j++; } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; if (j == 0) { return(null); } else { return(MenuItemList.ToArray()); } } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Update existing News-Item by replacing /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public NewsItem editPost(NewsItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [news] SET " + "[newsgroupid]='" + item.PostGroup.PostGroupID.ToString() + "'," + "[headline]='" + item.Title + "',[text]='" + item.Message + "'," + "[updatetime]= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,[push]=0," + "[attachmentsid]=NULL " + " WHERE [newsid] ='" + item.ID.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public PlaceItem saveNewPlace(PlaceItem place) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [foodplace] ([name]) " + "VALUES('" + place.PlaceName + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return getPlaceItem(LastID); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return null; } }
/// <summary> /// Return all News-Items starting by startID and returns amount, filtered by groups /// </summary> /// <param name="amount">How many items should found</param> /// <param name="startID">What is the startid, desc</param> /// <param name="groups">What groups should loaded</param> /// <returns></returns> public NewsItem[] getPosts(int amount, Int64 startID, int[] groups) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string groupid = ""; int j = 0; foreach (int i in groups) { if (j > 0) { groupid = groupid + "," + i.ToString(); } else { groupid = i.ToString(); } j++; } NewsItem SQLItem = new NewsItem(); SQLItem.PostGroup = new PostGroupItem(); List <NewsItem> NewsItemList = new List <NewsItem>(); string SQL = "Select TOP " + amount + " news.newsid, news.newsgroupid, news.headline, news.text, news.createtime, news.updatetime, news.push, news.attachmentsid, newsgroup.newsgroupname " + "from news " + "LEFT JOIN newsgroup on news.newsgroupid = newsgroup.newsgroupid " + "WHERE news.newsid >= " + startID + " AND news.newsgroupid IN(" + groupid + ")" + " ORDER BY newsid DESC"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["newsid"]); SQLItem.Message = myReader["text"].ToString(); SQLItem.Title = myReader["headline"].ToString(); SQLItem.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(myReader["createtime"]); //SQLItem.AuthorID SQLItem.PostGroup.PostGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["newsgroupid"]); SQLItem.PostGroup.Name = myReader["newsgroupname"].ToString(); NewsItemList.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new NewsItem(); SQLItem.PostGroup = new PostGroupItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(NewsItemList.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public void deleteMenu(int id) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "DELETE FROM [menu] WHERE [foodplanid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return; } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a ContactItem based on the given ContactItem /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns>ContactItem</returns> public ContactItem createContactItem(ContactItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string courseID = ""; if (item.Course.ID == 0) { courseID = "NULL"; } else { courseID = "'" + item.Course.ID.ToString() + "'"; } string SQL = "INSERT INTO [contact] ([relationtypid],[lastname],[firstname],[titel],[mail], [phonenumber],[roomnumber],[coursetypid],[responsibility]) " + "VALUES('" + item.Type.ID.ToString() + "','" + item.LastName + "','" + item.FirstName + "','" + item.Title + "','" + item.Email + "','" + item.TelNumber + "','" + item.Room + "'," + courseID + ",'" + item.Responsibility + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(getContactItem(LastID)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(null); } }
public MealItem getMealItem(int MealID) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = ""; MealItem SQLItem = new MealItem(); SQLItem.Place = new PlaceItem(); SQL = "SELECT [mealid],[mealname],[description],[foodplace].[foodplaceid], [foodplace].[name] " + " FROM [meal] INNER JOIN [foodplace] on [meal].[foodplaceid] = [foodplace].[foodplaceid] " + " WHERE [mealid]='" + MealID.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.MealID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["mealid"]); SQLItem.MealName = myReader["mealname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Description = myReader["description"].ToString(); SQLItem.Place.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"].ToString()); SQLItem.Place.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(SQLItem); } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public MealItem[] getMeals() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { MealItem SQLItem = new MealItem(); SQLItem.Place = new PlaceItem(); List <MealItem> MealItemList = new List <MealItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [mealid],[mealname],[description],[foodplace].[foodplaceid], [foodplace].[name] " + " FROM [meal] INNER JOIN [foodplace] on [meal].[foodplaceid] = [foodplace].[foodplaceid] " + ";"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.MealID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["mealid"]); SQLItem.MealName = myReader["mealname"].ToString(); SQLItem.Description = myReader["description"].ToString(); SQLItem.Place.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"].ToString()); SQLItem.Place.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); MealItemList.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new MealItem(); SQLItem.Place = new PlaceItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(MealItemList.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public StudyCourse getCourseById(int id) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { StudyCourse SQLItem = new StudyCourse(); string SQL = "SELECT [coursetypid],[shortname],[longname]" + " FROM [coursetyp] WHERE [coursetypid] = '" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["coursetypid"].ToString()); SQLItem.LongText = myReader["longname"].ToString(); SQLItem.ShortText = myReader["shortname"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(SQLItem); } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public PlaceItem getPlaceItemByName(string name) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PlaceItem SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); string SQL = "SELECT [foodplaceid],[name] FROM [foodplace] " + " WHERE [name]='" + name + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"]); SQLItem.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return SQLItem; } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return null; } } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
public StudyCourse[] getAllCourses() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { StudyCourse SQLItem = new StudyCourse(); List <StudyCourse> list = new List <StudyCourse>(); string SQL = "SELECT [coursetypid],[shortname],[longname]" + " FROM [coursetyp];"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.ID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["coursetypid"].ToString()); SQLItem.LongText = myReader["longname"].ToString(); SQLItem.ShortText = myReader["shortname"].ToString(); list.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new StudyCourse(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(list.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Delete User by ID /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public void deleteUserItem(long id) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "DELETE FROM [user] WHERE [userid] =" + id.ToString() + ";"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return; } } catch (System.Exception) { return; } }
/// <summary> /// return groupitem by id /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public PostGroupItem getPostGroupItem(int id) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PostGroupItem SQLItem = new PostGroupItem(); string SQL = "SELECT [newsgroupid],[newsgroupname] " + " FROM[newsgroup] WHERE [newsgroupid]=" + id.ToString() + ";"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.Name = myReader["newsgroupname"].ToString(); SQLItem.PostGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["newsgroupid"]); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(SQLItem); } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting[] getSubscribedPostGroupsSettings(long userID) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting SQLItem = new PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting(); List <PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting> list = new List <PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting>(); string SQL = "SELECT[newsgroupid],[active] FROM subscribe WHERE userid='" + userID.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.PostGroupID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["newsgroupid"].ToString()); SQLItem.PostGroupActive = Convert.ToBoolean(myReader["active"].ToString()); list.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new PostGroupUserPushNotificationSetting(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(list.ToArray()); } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(null); } }
public PlaceItem editPlace(int id, PlaceItem place) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [foodplace] SET [name]='" + place.PlaceName + "'" + " WHERE [foodplaceid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return place; } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
public PlaceItem[] getPlaces() { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { PlaceItem SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); List<PlaceItem> ListPlaceItem = new List<PlaceItem>(); string SQL = "SELECT [foodplaceid],[name] FROM [foodplace] " + " ;"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (myReader.Read()) { SQLItem.PlaceID = Convert.ToInt32(myReader["foodplaceid"]); SQLItem.PlaceName = myReader["name"].ToString(); ListPlaceItem.Add(SQLItem); SQLItem = new PlaceItem(); } sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return ListPlaceItem.ToArray(); } } catch (System.Exception) { return null; } }
public bool checkIfUserIsPostGroupAuthor(int postGroupID, long userID) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "SELECT [postgroupauthorid] " + " FROM [postgroupauthor] WHERE [newsgroupid]=" + postGroupID.ToString() + " AND [userid] = " + userID.ToString() + ";"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlDataReader myReader = null; SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(); if (myReader.Read()) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(true); } else { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(false); } } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(false); } }
public MealItem editMeal(int id, MealItem meal) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [meal] SET [foodplaceid]='" + meal.Place.ToString() + "',[mealname]='" + meal.MealName + "'," + "[description]='" + meal.Description + "'" + " WHERE [mealid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(meal); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public MenuItem saveNewMenu(MenuItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [menu] ([mealid],[date],[price]) " + "VALUES('" + item.Meal.MealID.ToString() + "','" + item.Date.ToString() + "','" + item.Price + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(getMenuItem(LastID)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Edits a ContactItem based on the given ContactItem except for the ID /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns>ContactItem</returns> public ContactItem editContactItem(int id, ContactItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string courseID = ""; if (item.Course.ID == 0) { courseID = "NULL"; } else { courseID = "'" + item.Course.ID.ToString() + "'"; } //In der SQL Anweisung muss noch Contacttypid und CourseTypID und Verantwortlicher geändert werden. string SQL = "UPDATE [contact] SET [lastname]='" + item.LastName + "',[firstname]='" + item.FirstName + "'," + "[titel]='" + item.Title + "',[mail]='" + item.Email + "', [phonenumber]='" + item.TelNumber + "'," + "[roomnumber]='" + item.Room + "', [coursetypid]=" + courseID + " , [relationtypid]='" + item.Type.ID.ToString() + "', [responsibility] ='" + item.Responsibility + "' " + " WHERE [contactid] ='" + id.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public void deleteUserFromPostGroupAuthors(int postGroupID, long userID) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "DELETE FROM [postgroupauthor] WHERE [newsgroupid] =" + postGroupID.ToString() + " AND [userid] = " + userID.ToString() + ";"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return; } } catch (System.Exception) { sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return; } }
/// <summary> /// Update existing Postgroup-Item by ID and replacing /// </summary> /// <param name="item"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PostGroupItem editPostGroupItem(int id, PostGroupItem item) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "UPDATE [newsgroup] SET " + "[newsgroupname]='" + item.Name + "'" + " WHERE [newsgroupid] ='" + item.PostGroupID.ToString() + "';"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(item); } } catch (System.Exception) { return(null); } }
public MealItem saveNewMeal(MealItem meal) { sqlConnection = null; sqlConnection = TimeTableDatabase.getConnection(); try { using (sqlConnection) { string SQL = "INSERT INTO [meal] ([foodplaceid],[mealname],[description]) " + "VALUES('" + meal.Place.PlaceID.ToString() + "','" + meal.MealName + "','" + meal.Description + "');" + "SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY();"; sqlConnection.Open(); SqlCommand myCommand = new SqlCommand(SQL, sqlConnection); int LastID = Convert.ToInt32(myCommand.ExecuteScalar()); sqlConnection.Close(); sqlConnection = null; return(getMealItem(LastID)); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { return(null); } }