コード例 #1
        private Duration SubtractIgnoringTimeStandard(JulianDate value, TimeStandard standard)
            int    days    = Day - value.Day;
            double seconds = SecondsOfDay - value.SecondsOfDay;

            return(new Duration(days, seconds));
コード例 #2
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        public Duration Subtract(JulianDate subtrahend)
            const TimeStandard subtractionTimeStandard = TimeStandard.InternationalAtomicTime;

            if (subtractionTimeStandard != Standard && subtractionTimeStandard != subtrahend.Standard)
                // Convert both the subtrahend and the minuend to the subtraction time standard.

            if (subtractionTimeStandard != Standard)
                // Convert the minuend to the subtraction time standard - subtrahend is already in the correct standard.

            if (subtractionTimeStandard != subtrahend.Standard)
                // Convert the subtrahend to the subtraction time standard - minuend is already in the correct standard.

            // Time standards match up, so do the subtraction directly.
コード例 #3
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a <see cref="JulianDate"/> from a <see cref="GregorianDate"/> where the <see cref="GregorianDate"/>
        /// is expressed in the given <see cref="TimeStandard"/>.  If the date is during a leap second, the
        /// <see cref="JulianDate"/> will be expressed in <see cref="TimeStandard.InternationalAtomicTime"/> (TAI).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="gregorianDate">The <see cref="GregorianDate"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="standard">
        /// The time standard in which the <paramref name="gregorianDate"/> is expressed.
        /// </param>
        public JulianDate(GregorianDate gregorianDate, TimeStandard standard)
            JulianDate converted = gregorianDate.ToJulianDate(standard);

            m_day          = converted.m_day;
            m_secondsOfDay = converted.m_secondsOfDay;
            m_timeStandard = converted.Standard;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a <see cref="TimeInterval"/> equivalent to this one where the time standard
        /// of the start and end dates has been converted to the specified standard.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="timeStandard">The time standard of the new interval.</param>
        /// <returns>An equivalent interval with the new time standard.</returns>
        public TimeInterval ToTimeStandard(TimeStandard timeStandard)
            if (m_start.Standard == timeStandard &&
                m_stop.Standard == timeStandard)

            return(new TimeInterval(m_start.ToTimeStandard(timeStandard), m_stop.ToTimeStandard(timeStandard)));
コード例 #5
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        public JulianDate ToTimeStandard(TimeStandard timeStandard)
            JulianDate result;

            if (!TryConvertTimeStandard(timeStandard, out result))
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(CesiumLocalization.CannotRepresentLeapSecondAsUTCJulianDate);
コード例 #6
ファイル: TimeInterval.cs プロジェクト: yescape/czml-writer
        public TimeInterval ToTimeStandard(TimeStandard timeStandard)
            if (ReferenceEquals(m_start.Standard, timeStandard) &&
                ReferenceEquals(m_stop.Standard, timeStandard))

            return(new TimeInterval(m_start.ToTimeStandard(timeStandard), m_stop.ToTimeStandard(timeStandard)));
コード例 #7
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        public bool TryConvertTimeStandard(TimeStandard timeStandard, out JulianDate result)
            if (timeStandard == Standard)
                result = this;

            if (timeStandard == TimeStandard.InternationalAtomicTime && Standard == TimeStandard.CoordinatedUniversalTime)
                result = new JulianDate(Day, SecondsOfDay + LeapSeconds.Instance.GetTaiMinusUtc(this), timeStandard);

            if (timeStandard == TimeStandard.CoordinatedUniversalTime && Standard == TimeStandard.InternationalAtomicTime)
                return(LeapSeconds.Instance.TryConvertTaiToUtc(this, out result));

            result = MinValue;
コード例 #8
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a <see cref="JulianDate"/> from the provided values.  The values will be
        /// normalized so that the <see cref="SecondsOfDay"/> property is less than the length of the day.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="day">The whole number part of the date.</param>
        /// <param name="secondsOfDay">The time of day, expressed as seconds past noon on the given whole-number day.</param>
        /// <param name="timeStandard">The time standard to use for this Julian Date.</param>
        public JulianDate(int day, double secondsOfDay, TimeStandard timeStandard)
            m_timeStandard = timeStandard;
            m_day          = day;
            m_secondsOfDay = secondsOfDay;

            // Normalize so that the number of seconds is >= 0 and < a day.
            if (m_secondsOfDay < 0)
                int wholeDays = (int)(m_secondsOfDay / TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay);

                m_day          += wholeDays;
                m_secondsOfDay -= TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay * wholeDays;

                if (m_secondsOfDay > TimeConstants.NextBefore86400)
                    // In theory m_secondsOfDay can't actually be greater than 86400.0.
                    // But it can be equal to that, or it can be in the 80-bit floating point
                    // unit and thus in between 86400.0 and the next smaller representable 64-bit
                    // double.  If it's the latter, it's in danger of being rounded to 86400.0.
                    // 86400.0 is of course not a valid value for m_secondsOfDay, so we need to
                    // reset it to 0.0 and increment m_day.
                    // This can happen if the original m_secondsOfDay coming in is a very small
                    // negative number.  When we add 86400.0 to it, we get 86400.0 instead of
                    // something slightly less than that as expected, because a double has more
                    // precision near 0.0 than near 86400.0.
                    m_secondsOfDay = 0.0;
            else if (m_secondsOfDay >= TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay)
                int wholeDays = (int)(m_secondsOfDay / TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay);
                m_day          += wholeDays;
                m_secondsOfDay -= TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay * wholeDays;
コード例 #9
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
        public JulianDate Add(Duration duration)
            const TimeStandard additionTimeStandard = TimeStandard.InternationalAtomicTime;

            if (additionTimeStandard != Standard)
                // Do the addition in the addition time standard
                JulianDate resultInAdditionStandard = ToInternationalAtomicTime().AddIgnoringTimeStandard(duration);

                //then convert back if possible
                JulianDate result;
                if (resultInAdditionStandard.TryConvertTimeStandard(Standard, out result))

                //if we couldn't convert back, then use the valid result in the addition standard

            // Time standards match up, so do the addition directly.
コード例 #10
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
 public GregorianDate ToGregorianDate(TimeStandard standard)
     return(new GregorianDate(this, standard));
コード例 #11
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
 public DateTime ToDateTime(TimeStandard standard)
コード例 #12
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a <see cref="JulianDate"/> from a <see cref="DateTime"/> and specified time standard.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dateTime">The <see cref="DateTime"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="standard">
 /// The time standard to use for this Julian Date.  The <paramref name="dateTime"/> is assumed to be expressed
 /// in this time standard.
 /// </param>
 public JulianDate(DateTime dateTime, TimeStandard standard)
     : this(new GregorianDate(dateTime), standard)
コード例 #13
ファイル: JulianDate.cs プロジェクト: wwwK/czml-writer
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a <see cref="JulianDate"/> from a double expressing the complete astronomical Julian Date.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dayCount">The complete Julian date.</param>
 /// <param name="timeStandard">The time standard to use for this Julian Date.</param>
 public JulianDate(double dayCount, TimeStandard timeStandard)
     m_timeStandard = timeStandard;
     m_day          = (int)dayCount;
     m_secondsOfDay = (dayCount - m_day) * TimeConstants.SecondsPerDay;
コード例 #14
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            btnAddToFav.Src = "http://" + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Host + "/Images/star.png";

            var churchId = 0;


            if (Request["id"] == null && Page.RouteData.Values["church-id"] == null && Page.RouteData.Values["church-id"] == null)

            if (Request["id"] != null)
                churchId = Convert.ToInt32(Request["id"]);
            else if (Page.RouteData.Values["church-id"] != null)
                churchId = Convert.ToInt32(Page.RouteData.Values["church-id"]);

            var service = new ChurchService();

            var favoriteService = new FavoritesService();

            var timeStandard = new TimeStandard();

            churches = service.Find(churchId);

            Master.MetaTitle       = $"{churches.MetaTitle}";
            Master.MetaDescription = $"{churches.MetaDescription}";

            maskData.Value             = churches.MaskData;
            simbahanID.Value           = churchId.ToString();
            churchName.InnerHtml       = churches.Parish;
            churchAddress.InnerHtml    = churches.CompleteAddress;
            churchLastUpdate.InnerHtml = churches.LastUpdate.ToString("MMM d, yyyy");
            churchHistory.InnerHtml    = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(churches.ChurchHistory) == ""
                ? "<h3>No Data Available.</h3>"
                : "<strong>" + churches.Parish + "</strong> " + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(churches.ChurchHistory);
            churchType.InnerHtml        = ChurchType.parseInt(churches.ChurchTypeID);
            churchEstablished.InnerHtml = churches.DateEstablished;
            churchFeastDay.InnerHtml    = churches.FeastDay;
            churchPriest.InnerHtml      = churches.Priest;
            churchVicariate.InnerHtml   = churches.Vicariate;
            churchDiocese.InnerHtml     = churches.Diocese;
            churchContact.InnerHtml     = churches.ContactNo;
            churchWeb.HRef              = "http://www." + churches.Website;
            churchWebsite.InnerHtml     = churches.Website;
            adorationSchedule.InnerHtml = churches.AdorationDisplayText;
            churchMapAddress.InnerHtml  = churches.CompleteAddress;
            churchMapDestination.Value  = churches.CompleteAddress;

            baptismSchedule.InnerHtml  = churches.BaptismDetails;
            weddingSchedule.InnerHtml  = churches.WeddingDetails;
            officeHours.InnerHtml      = churches.OfficeHours;
            devotionSchedule.InnerHtml = churches.DevotionSchedule;
            latitude.Value             = churches.Latitude.ToString();
            longitude.Value            = churches.Longitude.ToString();

            editChurchHistory.InnerHtml = churches.ChurchHistory;

            if (Auth.Check())
                if (favoriteService.IsChurchAlreadyInFavorites(Auth.user().Id, churches.SimbahanID))
                    AddFav.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");
                    RemoveFav.Attributes.Add("style", "display: block;");
                    AddFav.Attributes.Add("style", "display: block;");
                    RemoveFav.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");
                RemoveFav.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none");

            List <MassDetailsModel> schedules;

            switch (DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek)
            case DayOfWeek.Sunday:
                schedules = churches.SundayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Monday:
                schedules = churches.MondayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Tuesday:
                schedules = churches.TuesdayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Wednesday:
                schedules = churches.WednesdayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Thursday:
                schedules = churches.ThursdayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Friday:
                schedules = churches.FridayMassSchedule;

            case DayOfWeek.Saturday:
                schedules = churches.SaturdayMassSchedule;

                schedules = new List <MassDetailsModel>();

            var languages     = new List <string>();
            var massSchedules = new List <string>();

            foreach (var mass in schedules)
                if (mass.Language != "" && !languages.Contains(mass.Language))


            var massDate = "No Mass Schedule for " + DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek;

            churchMassLanguages.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");
            if (massSchedules.Count > 0)
                massDate = DateTime.UtcNow.DayOfWeek + " - " + string.Join(", ", massSchedules);
                churchMassLanguages.Attributes.Add("style", "display: block;");

            churchMassDates.InnerHtml     = massDate;
            churchMassLanguages.InnerHtml = string.Join(", ", languages);

            adorationChapelSchedule.InnerHtml = churches.AdorationDisplayText;

            confessionSchedule.InnerHtml = churches.ConfessionDetails.Count > 0
                ? churches.ConfessionDetails[0].Text
                : "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(churches.LocationType))
                var locationLabel = new CheckLabel(churches.LocationType);
                churchLocation.InnerHtml = locationLabel.ToHtml();

            foreach (var ventilation in churches.Ventilations)
                var ventilationLabel = new CheckLabel(ventilation.VentType);

                churchVentilations.InnerHtml += ventilationLabel.ToHtml();

            foreach (var ventilation in churches.AdorationVentilations)
                var ventilationLabel = new CheckLabel(ventilation);

                adorationVentilations.InnerHtml += ventilationLabel.ToHtml();

            foreach (var parking in churches.ChurchParking)
                var parkingLabel = new CheckLabel(parking.ParkingType);

                churchParking.InnerHtml += parkingLabel.ToHtml();

            for (var i = 5; i <= 22; i++)
                var row = new HtmlTableRow();

                var dayTime       = new HtmlTableCell();
                var sundayMass    = new HtmlTableCell();
                var mondayMass    = new HtmlTableCell();
                var tuesdayMass   = new HtmlTableCell();
                var wednesdayMass = new HtmlTableCell();
                var thursdayMass  = new HtmlTableCell();
                var fridayMass    = new HtmlTableCell();
                var saturdayMass  = new HtmlTableCell();

                var sundayTime    = churches.SundayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var mondayTime    = churches.MondayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var tuesdayTime   = churches.TuesdayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var wednesdayTime =
                    churches.WednesdayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var thursdayTime =
                    churches.ThursdayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var fridayTime   = churches.FridayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);
                var saturdayTime =
                    churches.SaturdayMassSchedule.FirstOrDefault(schedule => schedule.TimeStandardId == i);

                dayTime.InnerHtml = timeStandard.Time[i - 1];

                sundayMass.InnerHtml =
                    sundayTime != null ? sundayTime.Time + "<br/>" + sundayTime.Language : "";

                mondayMass.InnerHtml =
                    mondayTime != null ? mondayTime.Time + "<br/>" + mondayTime.Language : "";

                tuesdayMass.InnerHtml =
                    tuesdayTime != null ? tuesdayTime.Time + "<br/>" + tuesdayTime.Language : "";

                wednesdayMass.InnerHtml =
                    wednesdayTime != null ? wednesdayTime.Time + "<br/>" + wednesdayTime.Language : "";

                thursdayMass.InnerHtml =
                    thursdayTime != null ? thursdayTime.Time + "<br/>" + thursdayTime.Language : "";

                fridayMass.InnerHtml =
                    fridayTime != null ? fridayTime.Time + "<br/>" + fridayTime.Language : "";

                saturdayMass.InnerHtml =
                    saturdayTime != null ? saturdayTime.Time + "<br/>" + saturdayTime.Language : "";

                row.Attributes.Add("class", "text-center");


            if (churches.Announcements.Count > 0)
                foreach (var announcement in churches.Announcements)
                    var announcementControl = new Components.Announcement(announcement);

                    churchAnnouncementContainer.InnerHtml += announcementControl.ToHtml();
                churchAnnouncementContainer.InnerHtml += "<h4>No Announcement Found.</h4>";

            foreach (var review in churches.ChurchReviews)
                var reviewItem = new Components.ChurchReview(review);

                churchReviewsContainer.InnerHtml += reviewItem.ToHtml();

            //var path = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsolutePath;
            //string[] QueryArray = path.Split('/');
            //var newPath = QueryArray[1];
            //var root = QueryArray[0];

            //if (newPath == "Churches")
            //    ResolveUrl("Churches.aspx");
            //    var carousel = new Carousel();

            //    if (churches.ChurchPhotos.Count > 0)
            //    {
            //        //carousel.FirstImage = churches.ChurchPhotos[0].ChurchPhotos;

            //        for (var i = 0; i < churches.ChurchPhotos.Count; i++)
            //            carousel.AddImage(i, churches.ChurchPhotos[i].ChurchPhotos);

            //        cssSlider.InnerHtml = carousel.ToHtml();
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        cssSlider.InnerHtml = "<h3 class=\"text-center\">No Photos Available.</h3>";
            //    }

            //} else

            var carousel = new Carousel();

            if (churches.ChurchPhotos.Count > 0)
                //carousel.FirstImage = churches.ChurchPhotos[0].ChurchPhotos;

                for (var i = 0; i < churches.ChurchPhotos.Count; i++)
                    carousel.AddImage(i, churches.ChurchPhotos[i].ChurchPhotos);

                cssSlider.InnerHtml = carousel.ToHtml();
                cssSlider.InnerHtml = "<h3 class=\"text-center\">No Photos Available.</h3>";

            if (churches.AdorationPhotos.Count > 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < churches.AdorationPhotos.Count; i++)
                    var imagePath = ResolveUrl(churches.AdorationPhotos[i]);

                    var newLi = new HtmlGenericControl("li")
                        InnerHtml = "<img src=\"" + imagePath +
                                    "\" alt=\"\" title=\"\" id=\"wows1_" + i + "\" />"

                    var newA = new HtmlGenericControl("a");
                    newA.Attributes.Add("href", "#");
                    newA.InnerHtml = "<a href=\"#\" title=\"\"><span><img src=\"" + imagePath +
                                     "\" alt=\"\" />" + (i + 1) + "</span></a>";
                adorationImageContainer.InnerHtml = "<h3>No Photos Available</h3>";

            Master.GoogleMetaDescription = massDate;
            Page.Title = churches.Parish;