public void HyperDash(ref PlayerState playerState, ref float coolDownTimer, ref bool playerHyperDashing, Vector3 attackDirection, float moveHorizontal, float moveVertical) { switch (hyperDashState) { case HyperDashState.Ready: //Activate slow motion if we initiated Hyper Dash if (!(timeManager.SlowMotionActive())) { timeManager.ActivateSlowMotion(); } //If player has picked all positions to Hyper Dash to if (donePickingPositions) { //Set up hyper dash information hyperDashState = HyperDashState.HyperDashing; timer = hyperDashTime; //DetermineAttackDirection() -> may need a modified version of this function //hyperDashDirection = playerController.GetMousePositionVector (); //timeManager.DoSlowMotion (); donePickingPositions = false; //reset //timeManager.DoSlowMotion(); } else { //Let player move while in slow motion //playerController.MovePlayer (); //Let player pick attack positions PickHyperDashPositions(attackDirection, ref playerState); } break; case HyperDashState.HyperDashing: timer -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; //This bool may not be needed playerHyperDashing = true; //move towards click position playerBody.velocity =; if (positionsToDashTo.Count > 0) { transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, positionsToDashTo.Peek(), dashDistance * Time.unscaledDeltaTime); } if (timer <= 0f) { if (positionsToDashTo.Count > 0) { positionsToDashTo.Dequeue(); timer = hyperDashTime; break; } hyperDashState = HyperDashState.Cooldown; //Window of time that player can chain another dash timer = comboWindowTime; } break; case HyperDashState.Cooldown: timer -= Time.unscaledDeltaTime; timeManager.DeactivateSlowMotion(); //playerController.MovePlayer (); //If Hyper Dashes aren't done, move on to next attack if (positionsToDashTo.Count != 0) { timer = hyperDashTime; hyperDashState = HyperDashState.Ready; //playerHyperDashing = false; break; } if (timer <= 0f) { timer = 0; hyperDashState = HyperDashState.Ready; playerState = PlayerState.Default; } break; } //switch } //HyperDash()