コード例 #1
    private void ParseMap(TextAsset map, TilemapDefinition definition)
        // We start off by splitting the text file into individual lines. \n is the escape sequence (symbol) for a new line.
        // By splitting the text file according to \n, we chop it up into individual lines. For our purposes, each line is a row in out Unity map.
        string[] rows = map.text.Split('\n');

        Transform folderObject = new GameObject("Map").transform;

        Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(folderObject.gameObject, "Create Folder Object");

        // For each line in the text file (as in, for each row)
        for (int i = 0; i < rows.Length; i++)
            // We want to read the rows from the bottom row to the top row so that our map looks like its text file representation.
            // i.e If our map is 3x3 the first row to be created should be: rows[2(rows.length) - 1(to avoid index out of bounds) - i(our index in the loop)]
            // which is equal to rows[2] which is the 3rd line of rows (indexing starts at 0, so its [0, 1, 2])
            // then we instantiate rows[1] then rows[0]. Bottom to top, just like the text file :)
            string[] keys = rows[rows.Length - 1 - i].Split(' ');

            // This commented out line would generate the map upside down
            //string[] keys = rows[i].Split(' ');

            // Now we go through each key on this line. The keys are our columns.
            for (int j = 0; j < keys.Length; j++)
                // Try and fetch the prefab related to this key
                string currentKey = keys[j];
                // When we press enter in our text file editor a return escape key is inserted into the text file. We want to ignore this because when we're comparing the
                // name, the \r is included! e.g "Hello\r" != "Hello"
                currentKey = currentKey.Trim('\r');

                // If definition.GetPrefab returns null, we know that currentKey wasn't defined in the tilemap definition
                GameObject currentPrefab = definition.GetPrefab(currentKey);

                if (currentPrefab != null)
                    GameObject instantiatedPrefab = Instantiate(currentPrefab, new Vector3(j * tileWidth, i * tileHeight, 0), Quaternion.identity, folderObject) as GameObject;
                    Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(instantiatedPrefab, "Create Tile");
                // We'll assume an empty space is an empty tile. Only throw an error when there's an undefined key
                else if (currentKey != "")
                    // Give a helpful error in case we have bad data
                    Debug.LogError("Couldn't find a definition for the key: [" + currentKey + "] in the tilemap definition: " + definition.name, definition);
コード例 #2
    private void OnGUI()
        mapFile       = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Map File", mapFile, typeof(TextAsset), false) as TextAsset;
        mapDefinition = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Map Definition", mapDefinition, typeof(TilemapDefinition), false) as TilemapDefinition;

        // Make sure that we've provided the required information before we try and parse the file
        if (mapFile != null && mapDefinition != null)
            // Show the options for the tile width and tile height
            tileWidth  = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Tile Width", tileWidth);
            tileHeight = EditorGUILayout.FloatField("Tile Height", tileHeight);

            // Finally, generate the map with a button click :)
            if (GUILayout.Button("Generate Map"))
                ParseMap(mapFile, mapDefinition);