コード例 #1
        public static void SelectTile(int xPos, int yPos, TileTab tab, int clicks)
            var ti            = TileHandler.GetTileImage(tab);
            var tileSize      = ti.TileSize;
            int originalIndex = TileHandler.GetTileIndex(xPos, yPos, tab);
            int index         = ti.ColumnsPerRow * yPos + xPos;

            if (xPos >= ti.Image.Width / tileSize || yPos >= ti.Image.Height / tileSize)

            if (clicks == 1)
                if (SelectedTiles.Contains(index))
                switch (tab)
                case TileTab.Source: { TileHandler.SelectedTile = originalIndex; break; }

                case TileTab.Randomized: { TileHandler.SelectedTile = RandomizedMap[xPos, yPos]; break; }

                case TileTab.RuleTest: { TileHandler.SelectedTile = RuleTestMap[xPos, yPos]; break; }
コード例 #2
        public static void DrawTiles(PictureBox pctb, TileTab tab)
            var img      = new Bitmap(pctb.Image);
            var graphics = Graphics.FromImage(img);

            var tileSize = TileHandler.TileSize;
            var grid     = tab == TileTab.Randomized ? RandomizedMap : RuleTestMap;

            for (int x = 0; x <= grid.GetLength(0) - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y <= grid.GetLength(1) - 1; y++)
                    int srcX = grid[x, y] % TileHandler.GetTileImage(TileTab.Source).ColumnsPerRow;
                    int srcY = (grid[x, y] - srcX) / TileHandler.GetTileImage(TileTab.Source).ColumnsPerRow;
                    var dest = new Rectangle(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);
                    var src  = new Rectangle(srcX * tileSize, srcY * tileSize, tileSize, tileSize);

                    if (grid[x, y] == -1)
                        graphics.DrawImage(_Blank, dest.X, dest.Y);
                        graphics.DrawImage(SourceImages[SelectedSource].Image, dest, src, GraphicsUnit.Pixel);

            pctb.Image = img;
コード例 #3
        public static int GetTileIndex(int index, TileTab tab)
            var ti = GetTileImage(tab);
            int x  = index % ti.ColumnsPerRow;
            int y  = index / ti.ColumnsPerRow;

            return(GetTileIndex(x, y, tab));
コード例 #4
 public static void SelectAll(TileTab tab)
     for (int i = 0; i <= GetTileImage(tab).NumberOfTiles - 1; i++)
コード例 #5
        public static void GroupSelectedTiles(TileTab tab, TileSelectionGroups tsg)
            var ti = TileHandler.GetTileImage(tab);

            foreach (var i in SelectedTiles)
                ti.SetSelectionGroup(i, tsg);
コード例 #6
        public static void DisallowEverythingNotAttributed(TileTab tab)
            var ti = GetTileImage(tab);

            for (int i = 0; i < ti.NumberOfTiles; i++)
                if (!ti.GetTiles().Exists(item => i == item.Index))
                    ti.SetSelectionGroup(i, TileSelectionGroups.Red);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// The 'true' index of a tile is based on its location in the source image,
        /// so we need to convert from one tab's coordinate system to the source tab's.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x"></param>
        /// <param name="y"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int GetTileIndex(int x, int y, TileTab tab)
            switch (tab)
            case TileTab.Source: return(SourceImages[SelectedSource].Image.Width / SourceImages[SelectedSource].TileSize * y + x);

            case TileTab.Randomized: return(RandomizedMap[x, y]);

            case TileTab.RuleTest: return(RuleTestMap[x, y]);

            default: goto case 0;
コード例 #8
        public static TileImage GetTileImage(TileTab tab)
            switch (tab)
            case TileTab.Source: { return(SourceImages[SelectedSource]); }

            case TileTab.Randomized: { return(_RandomizedMapImage); }

            case TileTab.RuleTest: { return(_RuleTestMapImage); }

            default: { return(SourceImages[SelectedSource]); }
コード例 #9
        public static void DisallowAllAroundSelected(TileTab tab)
            var ti = GetTileImage(tab);

            foreach (var t in ti.GetTiles(t => t.SelectionGroup != TileSelectionGroups.None))
                ti.SetSelectionGroup(t.Index - 1, TileSelectionGroups.Red);
                ti.SetSelectionGroup(t.Index + 1, TileSelectionGroups.Red);
                ti.SetSelectionGroup(t.Index - ti.ColumnsPerRow, TileSelectionGroups.Red);
                ti.SetSelectionGroup(t.Index + ti.ColumnsPerRow, TileSelectionGroups.Red);
コード例 #10
        public static void CreateRule(TileTab tab)
            var ti = GetTileImage(tab);

            //Blue is selected tile, green allowed neighbors, red disallowed neighbors.
            foreach (var t in ti.GetTiles())
                var index = GetTileIndex(t.Index, tab);
                var west  = t.Index - 1;
                var east  = t.Index + 1;
                var north = t.Index - ti.ColumnsPerRow;
                var south = t.Index + ti.ColumnsPerRow;
                var rt    = RuleType.None;

                if (ti.GetSelectionGroup(west) == TileSelectionGroups.Green || ti.GetSelectionGroup(west) == TileSelectionGroups.Red)
                    rt = ti.GetSelectionGroup(west) == TileSelectionGroups.Green ? RuleType.Allowed : RuleType.Disallowed;
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index, GetTileIndex(west, tab), Direction.West, ti.Identifier, rt));
                if (ti.GetSelectionGroup(east) == TileSelectionGroups.Green || ti.GetSelectionGroup(east) == TileSelectionGroups.Red)
                    rt = ti.GetSelectionGroup(east) == TileSelectionGroups.Green ? RuleType.Allowed : RuleType.Disallowed;
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index, GetTileIndex(east, tab), Direction.East, ti.Identifier, rt));
                if (ti.GetSelectionGroup(north) == TileSelectionGroups.Green || ti.GetSelectionGroup(north) == TileSelectionGroups.Red)
                    rt = ti.GetSelectionGroup(north) == TileSelectionGroups.Green ? RuleType.Allowed : RuleType.Disallowed;
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index, GetTileIndex(north, tab), Direction.North, ti.Identifier, rt));
                if (ti.GetSelectionGroup(south) == TileSelectionGroups.Green || ti.GetSelectionGroup(south) == TileSelectionGroups.Red)
                    rt = ti.GetSelectionGroup(south) == TileSelectionGroups.Green ? RuleType.Allowed : RuleType.Disallowed;
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index, GetTileIndex(south, tab), Direction.South, ti.Identifier, rt));
コード例 #11
 public static int GetHeight(TileTab tab)
コード例 #12
 public static int GetWidth(TileTab tab)
コード例 #13
        public static void CreateRulesFromDisallowAllBetweenGroups(TileTab tab, BackgroundWorker worker)
            var   ti     = GetTileImage(tab);
            var   group1 = ti.GetTiles();
            var   group2 = ti.GetTiles(t => t.SelectionGroup == TileSelectionGroups.Green);
            var   group3 = ti.GetTiles(t => t.SelectionGroup == TileSelectionGroups.Red);
            int   max    = group1.Count + group2.Count;
            float count  = 0;

            foreach (var t1 in group1)
                int index1 = GetTileIndex(t1.Index, tab);
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100 * (count++ / max)));

                foreach (var t2 in group2)
                    int index2 = GetTileIndex(t2.Index, tab);

                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index2, Direction.West, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index2, Direction.East, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index2, Direction.North, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index2, Direction.South, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                foreach (var t3 in group3)
                    int index3 = GetTileIndex(t3.Index, tab);

                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index3, Direction.West, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index3, Direction.East, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index3, Direction.North, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index1, index3, Direction.South, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
            foreach (var t2 in group2)
                int index2 = GetTileIndex(t2.Index, tab);
                worker.ReportProgress((int)(100 * (count++ / max)));

                foreach (var t3 in group3)
                    int index3 = GetTileIndex(t3.Index, tab);

                    AddRule(new TileRule(index2, index3, Direction.West, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index2, index3, Direction.East, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index2, index3, Direction.North, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
                    AddRule(new TileRule(index2, index3, Direction.South, ti.Identifier, RuleType.Disallowed));
コード例 #14
 public static void DeselectAll(TileTab tab)