コード例 #1
        public ExpandShrunkWorld(Tile[,] tileGrid, ShrunkNode[,] shrunkMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.ExpandingShrunkWorld, percentDone);
                for (int y = 0; y < ShrunkWorldBuilder.shrunkWorldHeight; y++)
                    for (int useX = (x * 2); useX < (x * 2) + 2; useX++)
                        for (int useY = (y * 2); useY < (y * 2) + 2; useY++)
                            LandType landType = shrunkMap[x, y].landType;

                            if (landType == LandType.PLOT)
                                landType = LandType.OPEN;
                            tileGrid[useX, useY].SetTileLogistic(TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(landType, 0));
コード例 #2
        public AddingRoadTiles(Tile[,] tileGrid, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            List <Point> pointsToUpdateList = new List <Point>();

            for (int x = 0; x < CreatingWorld.worldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.AddingRoadTiles, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < CreatingWorld.worldHeight; y++)
                    if (CheckRoad(x, y, 0, tileGrid))
                        int bitCount = BitMaskValue(x, y, tileGrid);

                        if (bitCount > -1)
                            Tile tile = tileGrid[x, y];

                            int index = BitMask.GetTileIndexFromBitmask(bitCount);

                            if (index > -1 && index < 56)
                                if (tile.GetLandType() == LandType.CITYROAD)
                                    tile.AddLayer(GroundLayerController.GetLayerByIndex(LayerType.CITYROAD, index));
                                    tile.SetTileLogistic(TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.CITYROAD, index));
                                else if (tile.GetLandType() == LandType.COUNTRYROAD)
                                    tile.AddLayer(GroundLayerController.GetLayerByIndex(LayerType.COUNTRYROAD, index));
                                    tile.SetTileLogistic(TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.COUNTRYROAD, index));

                            /*else if (index == 56)
                             * {
                             *  pointsToUpdateList.Add(new Point(x, y));
                             * }*/
コード例 #3
        private void FixSpot(Point point, Tile[,] tileGrid)
            Point nextPoint = point;

            for (int i = 2; i < 7; i += 1)
                if (CreatingWorld.IsRoad(tileGrid, nextPoint))
                    int id = tileGrid[nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y].tileLogistic.roadId;
                    if (id < 12) //Lets try do every road
                        LandType landtype = tileGrid[nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y].tileLogistic.landType;
                        tileGrid[nextPoint.X, nextPoint.Y].SetTileLogistic(TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(landtype, id + 12));
                nextPoint = AngleStuff.AddPointToDirection(point, i);
コード例 #4
ファイル: AddingTrees.cs プロジェクト: theboot999/Bushfire
        //Instead of just having a level
        //make the level determine the chance of a tree landing there

        public AddingTrees(Tile[,] tileGrid, double[,] treeMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            Random rnd       = GameController.GetRandomWithSeed();
            double treeLevel = 0;
            //-6 to positive 6

            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < CreatingWorld.worldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.AddingTrees, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < CreatingWorld.worldHeight; y++)
                    //basically between 0 and 200

                    int i = (int)((treeMap[x, y] + 8)) * 10;
                    if (rnd.Next(0, 200) < i)
                        if (treeMap[x, y] > treeLevel)
                            if (tileGrid[x, y].GetChildObject() == null && tileGrid[x, y].GetLandType() == Game.LandType.OPEN)
                                float p = (float)(rnd.Next(500, 800)) / 1000f;

                                int type = rnd.Next(0, 8);

                                Tree         tree         = MapObjectController.GetTree(type);
                                MapObject    mapObject    = new MapObject(tree, x, y, Color.White, p);
                                TileLogistic tileLogistic = TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.TREE, 0);
                                tileGrid[x, y].AddMapObject(mapObject, false, false, true, tileLogistic, true);
コード例 #5
ファイル: GameBushFire.cs プロジェクト: theboot999/Bushfire
        protected override void Initialize()
            debugDrawTimeStopwatch = new Stopwatch();
            // Window.IsBorderless = false;
            ScreenController.graphicsDevice = GraphicsDevice;

            //Game specific init. this could probably be done in game load
            IsMouseVisible = true;
            ScreenController.ChangeScreen(new MenuMain());
コード例 #6
        private void AddBuildingToMap(Point topLeft, Building building, Tile[,] tileGrid, Random rnd)
            Color        color        = building.GetColorFromAvailable(rnd);
            MapObject    mapObject    = new MapObject(building, topLeft.X, topLeft.Y, color, 1f);
            TileLogistic tileLogistic = TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.BUILDING, 0);

            tileGrid[topLeft.X, topLeft.Y].AddMapObject(mapObject, false, false, false, tileLogistic, true);

            for (int x = 0; x < building.width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < building.height; y++)
                    if (building.isPiece(x, y))
                        tileGrid[x + topLeft.X, y + topLeft.Y].SetChildObject(mapObject, false, true, tileLogistic, true);

                    //add burn rates for hte tile etc
                    //here we also need to switch the tile type to what it is
                    //in this case, a
コード例 #7
        public LandMass(Tile[,] tileGrid, double[,] waterMap, LoadingInfo loadingInfo)
            //following number is amount of ground layers
            groundLevels = new double[50];
            float value = -5.5f;

            for (int i = 0; i < groundLevels.Length; i++)
                groundLevels[i] = value;
                value          += 0.20f;

            float percentDone = 0;
            float percentJump = 100f / CreatingWorld.worldWidth;

            for (int x = 0; x < CreatingWorld.worldWidth; x++)
                percentDone += percentJump;
                loadingInfo.UpdateLoading(LoadingType.BuildingLandMass, percentDone);

                for (int y = 0; y < CreatingWorld.worldHeight; y++)
                    if (tileGrid[x, y] == null)
                        int       layerIndex = GetLayerIndex(waterMap[x, y]);
                        LayerType layerType  = (LayerType)layerIndex;

                        if (layerIndex > waterCoastline)
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetRandomLayer(layerType), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.OPEN, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetRandomLayer(layerType), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.WATER, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;

                        if (x == 0 || x == CreatingWorld.worldWidth - 1 || y == 0 || y == CreatingWorld.worldHeight - 1)
                            Tile tile = new Tile(GroundLayerController.GetLayerByIndex(LayerType.BORDER, 0), TileLogisticsController.GetTileLogistic(LandType.BORDER, 0), x, y);
                            tileGrid[x, y] = tile;