コード例 #1
    bool HandleClick()
        //cast the mouse position to world space
        Vector3 target = new Vector3
            this.gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).x,
            this.gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>().ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition).y, 0

        //raycast to the mouse position in world space
        RaycastHit hit;

        Physics.Raycast(target, transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), out hit, 100f);

        //ignore if no tiles were hit
        if (hit.collider == null)

        //store the data of the tile hit otherwise
        TileData data = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <TileData>();

        //If the player hasn't chosen a move yet
        if (state == PlayerState.IDLE)
            //Ignore if the player didn't click one of their tiles
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag != "Sheep5")

            //Ignore if the player's tile can't perform a valid move
            if (data.GetAccessibleTiles().Count < 1 || data.StackSize < 2)

            //Resize the text and display how many tiles the player wants to move
            chosen_tile_data = data;
            chosen_tile_data.stack_text.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize        = 60;
            chosen_tile_data.stack_text_shadow.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize = 60;
            chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize = chosen_tile_data.StackSize - 1;

            Collider[] collision;

            //Create directional arrows based on the directions the tile can move in
            for (int i = 0; i < Directions.directions.Count; i++)
                collision = Physics.OverlapSphere(data.transform.position + Directions.directions[i], 0.5f);

                if (collision.Length == 1)
                    if (collision[0].gameObject.tag == "Tile")
                        collision[0].gameObject.tag = "Arrow";
                        collision[0].gameObject.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 0, -60 * i));
                        collision[0].GetComponent <TileData>().Direction = (byte)i;
                collision = null;
            //The player has chosen a tile & returns so the move isnt automatically made
            state = PlayerState.TILE_CHOSEN;

        //Makes sure the player has chosen a tile
        if (state == PlayerState.TILE_CHOSEN)
            //If the previous raycast has hit a directional arrow
            if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "Arrow")
                bool furthest_found  = false;
                int  last_checked_ID = 0;
                chosen_tile_data.TileChecker.transform.position = chosen_tile_data.transform.position;
                Collider[] checked_tile = null;

                //check the furthest position the player can move to in the chosen direction
                while (!furthest_found)
                    chosen_tile_data.TileChecker.transform.position += Directions.directions[data.Direction];
                    checked_tile = Physics.OverlapSphere(chosen_tile_data.TileChecker.transform.position, 0.5f);

                    //There is a tile here
                    if (checked_tile.Length == 1)
                        if (checked_tile[0].gameObject.tag == "Tile" || checked_tile[0].gameObject.tag == "Arrow")
                            last_checked_ID = checked_tile[0].GetComponent <TileData>().ID;
                            furthest_found = true;
                    //no more tiles found, the last tile queried is the furthest the player can move
                        furthest_found = true;

                //as long as at least one tile was queried
                if (last_checked_ID >= 0)
                    //Decrease the stack of the moving tile by the amount designated by the player
                    chosen_tile_data.StackSize -= chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize;

                    //Change ownership of the empty tile to the player, with its stack size equalling the amount moved by the player
                    Game.GetBoard()[last_checked_ID].GetComponent <TileData>().ChangeOwnership(5);
                    Game.GetBoard()[last_checked_ID].GetComponent <TileData>().StackSize = chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize;

                    //Player is no longer moving
                    state = PlayerState.IDLE;

                    //Remove the changes made to the font on the tile
                    chosen_tile_data.stack_text.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize        = 30;
                    chosen_tile_data.stack_text_shadow.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize = 30;
                    chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize = 0;

                    //Destroy the arrows created for directional movement
                    foreach (GameObject tile in Game.GetBoard())
                        tile.GetComponent <TileData>().DestroyArrow();

                    //End the player's turn
            //Clicking the selected tile decreases the amount of tiles you want to move
            else if (hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <TileData>() == chosen_tile_data)
                if (chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize < 1)
                    chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize = chosen_tile_data.StackSize - 1;
            //clicking anywhere else voids your current selection
                foreach (GameObject tile in Game.GetBoard())
                    tile.GetComponent <TileData>().DestroyArrow();
                state = PlayerState.IDLE;
                chosen_tile_data.stack_text.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize        = 30;
                chosen_tile_data.stack_text_shadow.GetComponent <TextMesh>().fontSize = 30;
                chosen_tile_data.TempStackSize = 0;