コード例 #1
        public void TestBidAsk()
            ptt   = new PapertradeTracker();
            pt    = new PositionTracker();
            fills = 0;
            const string SYM = "TST";

            ptt.SendDebugEvent += new DebugDelegate(debug);
            ptt.GotFillEvent   += new FillDelegate(ptt_GotFillEvent);
            ptt.GotOrderEvent  += new OrderDelegate(ptt_GotOrderEvent);
            // enable bid ask fills
            ptt.UseBidAskFills = true;
            // send an order
            ptt.sendorder(new BuyMarket(SYM, 1000));
            // verify it did not fill
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pt[SYM].Size);
            // send a tick
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100));
            // verify it did not fill
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pt[SYM].Size);
            // send bid
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewBid(SYM, 10, 100));
            // verify it did not fill
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pt[SYM].Size);
            // send ask
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            // verify it fills
            Assert.AreEqual(100, pt[SYM].Size);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, fills);
            // fill rest of the order
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(10, fills);
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, pt[SYM].Size);
            // send a bunch more ticks and ensure nothing else is filled
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            ptt.newTick(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 12, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, ptt.QueuedOrders.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, fills);
            Assert.AreEqual(1000, pt[SYM].Size);
コード例 #2
        void stk_OnLevel1Update(object sender, BWLevel1Quote quote)
            Tick k = new TickImpl(quote.Symbol);

            k.depth   = 0;
            k.bid     = (decimal)quote.Bid;
            k.BidSize = quote.BidSize;
            k.ask     = (decimal)quote.Ask;
            k.os      = quote.AskSize;
            k.date    = date;
            k.time    = TradeLink.Common.Util.ToTLTime();
コード例 #3
        public void BinaryDiffTest()
//			string pair = "USD_JPY_Huge";
//			string pair = "USD_JPY_YEARS";
            string     pair       = "USD_JPY";
            TickReader tickReader = new TickReader();

            tickReader.LogProgress = true;
            tickReader.Initialize("Test\\DataCache", pair);

            byte[]       previous = new byte[1024];
            MemoryStream stream   = new MemoryStream();

            diffBits = new BitArray(1024);
            long fileSize     = 0;
            long compressSize = 0;

            int count = 0;

            try {
                TickBinary tick   = new TickBinary();
                TickIO     tickIO = new TickImpl();
                while (true)
                    tickReader.ReadQueue.Dequeue(ref tick);
                    stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    CompareSignature(stream.GetBuffer(), previous, stream.Position);
                    fileSize += stream.Position;
                    int totDiffLength = 1 + diffLength + diffBits.ByteCount;
                    compressSize += totDiffLength;
                    if (count > 1000 && count < 2000)
//		                log.WriteFile(ByteArrayToString(memory,stream.Position));
                        if (logging)
                            log.Debug(count + ": " + totDiffLength + " " + diffLength + " byte " + ByteArrayToString(diffBits.Bytes, diffBits.ByteCount) + " " + ByteArrayToString(diff, diffLength));

                    Array.Copy(stream.GetBuffer(), previous, stream.Position);
            } catch (QueueException ex) {
                Assert.AreEqual(EventType.EndHistorical, ex.EntryType);
            } catch (CollectionTerminatedException) {
            log.Debug("File Size = " + fileSize + ", Compressed Size = " + compressSize);
コード例 #4
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void Fill_HighLiquidity()
            Broker broker = new Broker();

            broker.UseHighLiquidityFillsEOD = true;
            const string s         = "SPY";
            OrderImpl    limitBuy  = new LimitOrder(s, true, 1, 133m);
            OrderImpl    limitSell = new LimitOrder(s, false, 2, 133.5m);
            OrderImpl    stopBuy   = new StopOrder(s, true, 3, 135.70m);
            OrderImpl    stopSell  = new StopOrder(s, false, 4, 135.75m);


            // OHLC for 6/21/2012 on SPY
            TickImpl openingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.TL2FT(9, 30, 00), 135.67m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl endMornTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.TL2FT(12, 00, 00), 135.78m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl endLunchTick = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.TL2FT(14, 15, 00), 132.33m, 10670270, "NYS");
            TickImpl closingTick  = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now), Util.TL2FT(16, 00, 00), 132.44m, 10670270, "NYS");


            List <Trade> trades = broker.GetTradeList();

            Assert.IsTrue(trades.Count == 4);

            foreach (Trade trade in trades)
                if (trade.xsize == 1)
                    Assert.AreEqual(133m, trade.xprice);
                else if (trade.xsize == 2)
                    Assert.AreEqual(133.5m, trade.xprice);
                else if (trade.xsize == 3)
                    Assert.AreEqual(135.7m, trade.xprice);
                else if (trade.xsize == 4)
                    Assert.AreEqual(135.75m, trade.xprice);
コード例 #5
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void Basics()
            Broker broker = new Broker();

            broker.GotFill  += new FillDelegate(broker_GotFill);
            broker.GotOrder += new OrderDelegate(broker_GotOrder);
            OrderImpl o     = new OrderImpl();
            int       error = broker.SendOrderStatus(o);

            Assert.AreNotEqual((int)MessageTypes.OK, error);
            Assert.That(orders == 0);
            Assert.That(fills == 0);
            o = new BuyMarket(s, 100);
            Assert.That(orders == 1);
            Assert.That(fills == 0);
            Assert.That(broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 10, 200)) == 1);
            Assert.That(fills == 1);

            // test that a limit order is not filled outside the market
            o = new BuyLimit(s, 100, 9);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 10, 100)));
            Assert.That(fills == 1); // redudant but for counting

            // test that limit order is filled inside the market
            Assert.AreEqual(1, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 8, 100)));
            Assert.That(fills == 2);

            OrderImpl x = new OrderImpl();

            // test that a market order is filled when opposite book exists
            o = new SellLimit(s, 100, 11);
            x = new BuyMarket(s, 100);
            const string t2 = "trader2";

            x.Account = t2;
            Assert.AreEqual(3, fills);

            // test that a market order is not filled when no book exists
            // on opposite side

            // clear existing orders
            o         = new SellMarket(s, 100);
            o.Account = t2;
            Assert.AreEqual(3, fills);
コード例 #6
        public void FillBidAsk()
            string s = security.Name;
            // market should fill on trade but not on quote
            OrderImpl o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100);

            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.ORDER_FILLED);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 8, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);

            // buy limit

            // limit should fill if order price is inside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.ORDER_FILLED);
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 11, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 11, 100), trans) == StatusType.OK);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 10, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);

            // sell limit

            // limit should fill if order price is inside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Short, 100, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 11, 100), trans) == StatusType.ORDER_FILLED);
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Short, 100, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);

            // buy stop

            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100, 0, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.Type == OrderType.Stop);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 11, 100), trans) == StatusType.ORDER_FILLED);
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100, 0, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);

            // sell stop

            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Short, 100, 0, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 9, 100), trans) == StatusType.ORDER_FILLED);
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Short, 100, 0, 10m);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 11, 100), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);

            // always fail filling an invalid tick
            o = new OrderImpl(security, Direction.Long, 100);
            Assert.True(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 0, 0), trans) == StatusType.OFF_QUOTES);
コード例 #7
ファイル: TestOrder.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void FillBidAsk()
            const string s = "TST";
            // market should fill on trade but not on quote
            OrderImpl o = new BuyMarket(s, 100);

            Assert.That(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 9, 100)));
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100)));
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 8, 100)));

            // buy limit

            // limit should fill if order price is inside market
            o = new BuyLimit(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 9, 100)));
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new BuyLimit(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 11, 100)));
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 11, 100)));
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 10, 100)));

            // sell limit

            // limit should fill if order price is inside market
            o = new SellLimit(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 11, 100)));
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new SellLimit(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100)));

            // buy stop

            o = new BuyStop(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewAsk(s, 11, 100)));
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new BuyStop(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100)));

            // sell stop

            o = new SellStop(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewBid(s, 9, 100)));
            // shouldn't fill outside market
            o = new SellStop(s, 100, 10m);
            Assert.That(!o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 11, 100)));

            // always fail filling an invalid tick
            o = new BuyMarket(s, 100);
            Assert.IsFalse(o.FillBidAsk(TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 0, 0)));
コード例 #8
        public void DataProvider()
            TickImpl t = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 10, 700);
            // feature to pass-through ticks to any subscriber
            // this can be connected to tradelink library to allow filtered subscribptions
            // and interapplication communication
            Broker broker = new Broker();

            broker.GotTick += new TickDelegate(broker_GotTick);
            Assert.That((receivedtickDP == null) && (gottickDP == 0));
            broker.Execute(t); // should fire a gotTick
            Assert.That(gottickDP != 0);
            Assert.That((receivedtickDP != null) && (receivedtickDP.trade == t.trade));
コード例 #9
        public void FillThenStopAndLimitOversell()
            long id = 1;

            sho = new REGSHO_ShortTracker();
            sho.SendDebugEvent  += new DebugDelegate(rt.d);
            sho.VerboseDebugging = true;
            Order o = new OrderImpl();

            // send some initial orders
            so(new SellLimit(sym, 100, 25.83m, id++));
            so(new SellStop(sym, 100, 25.83m, id++));
            o = new SellStop(sym, 200, 25.83m, id++);
            // cancel first two orders
            // fill last order
            Assert.IsTrue(o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 25.80m, 200)), "missing initial fill");
            // check pending size
            Assert.AreEqual(0, pendingsize(sym), "had pending size after cancels and fills");
            // flat position
            sho.GotPosition(new PositionImpl(sym, 0, 0, 0, ACCT));

            // take a position
            o         = new BuyLimit(sym, 100, 25.83m, id++);
            o.Account = ACCT;
            Assert.IsFalse(sho.isOrderShort(o), "entry buy never a short.");
            Assert.IsTrue(o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 25.80m, 100)), "unable to fill order");
            Trade t = (Trade)o;

            Assert.IsTrue(t.isValid && t.isFilled, "not a valid trade");

            // accept two exits
            o         = new SellStop(sym, 100, 21.09m, id++);
            o.Account = ACCT;
            Assert.IsFalse(sho.isOrderShort(o), "first exit was wrongly a short");
            o         = new SellLimit(sym, 100, 21.19m, id++);
            o.Account = ACCT;
            Assert.IsTrue(sho.isOrderShort(o), "second exit was wrongly a sell");
コード例 #10
        public void DefaultInt()
            BarListTrackerImpl blt = new BarListTrackerImpl();

            blt.GotNewBar += new SymBarIntervalDelegate(blt_GotNewBar);

            Tick[] tape = TestBarList.SampleData();
            // get second tape and change symbol
            Tick[] tape2 = new Tick[tape.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < tape2.Length; i++)
                TickImpl t = (TickImpl)tape[i];
                t.Symbol = "TST2";
                tape2[i] = t;

            // add ticks from both tape to tracker
            for (int i = 0; i < tape.Length; i++)

            //make sure we got two symbols as bar events
            Assert.Equal(2, syms.Count);
            // make sure our symbols matched barlist count
            Assert.Equal(blt.SymbolCount, syms.Count);

            int    secondcount = 0;
            string symstring   = string.Empty;

            foreach (string sym in blt)
                symstring += sym;

            // make sure enumeration equals symbol count
            Assert.Equal(syms.Count, secondcount);
            // make sure symbols are there
            Assert.True(symstring.Contains("TST") && symstring.Contains("TST2"));

            // change default interval
            blt.DefaultInterval = BarInterval.Minute;
            // make sure same on individual bars
            Assert.Equal(blt.DefaultInterval, blt["TST"].DefaultInterval);

            Assert.Equal(9, blt["TST"].IntervalCount(BarInterval.Minute));
            Assert.Equal(3, blt["TST"].IntervalCount(BarInterval.FiveMin));
コード例 #11
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: w1r2p1/Core-1
        public void OpGs()
            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker();

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            const string  s    = "NYS";
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(s);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            // build and send an OPG order
            OrderImpl        opg  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200, 10);
            PendingOrderImpl popg = new PendingOrderImpl(opg);

            Assert.Equal(0, broker.SendOrderStatus(popg));

            // build a tick on another exchange
            TickImpl it = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 100);

            it.Exchange = "ISLD";

            // fill order (should fail)
            int c = broker.Execute(it);

            Assert.Equal(0, c);

            // build opening price for desired exchange
            TickImpl nt = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 10000);

            nt.Exchange = "NYS";
            // fill order (should work)

            c = broker.Execute(nt);

            Assert.Equal(1, c);

            // add another OPG, make sure it's not filled with another tick

            TickImpl next = TickImpl.NewTrade(s, 9, 2000);

            next.Exchange = "NYS";

            OrderImpl        late  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 200, 10);
            PendingOrderImpl plate = new PendingOrderImpl(late);

            c = broker.Execute(next);
            Assert.Equal(0, c);
コード例 #12
        public void ProcessTest()
            StrategyInner inner = new StrategyInner();

            inner.IntervalDefault = IntervalsInternal.Day1;
            TickImpl   tick       = new TickImpl();
            TickBinary tickBinary = new TickBinary();

            tickReader.ReadQueue.Dequeue(ref tickBinary);
            Assert.IsTrue(inner.processCalled, "Process called");
コード例 #13
        public void TikTypes()
            // get symbol
            string SYM = TradeLink.Research.RandomSymbol.GetSymbol((int)DateTime.Now.Ticks);

            // prepare data
            System.Collections.Generic.List <Tick> data = new List <Tick>();
            // bid
            data.Add(TickImpl.NewBid(SYM, 10, 100));
            // ask
            data.Add(TickImpl.NewAsk(SYM, 11, 200));
            // full quote
            data.Add(TickImpl.NewQuote(SYM, DATE, 93000, 10, 11, 300, 300, "NYSE", "ARCA"));
            // trade
            data.Add(TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, DATE, 93100, 10, 400, "NYSE"));
            // full tick
            Tick full = TickImpl.Copy((TickImpl)data[2], (TickImpl)data[3]);


            // write and read the data
            writeandread(data.ToArray(), DATE, false);

            //verify the count
            Assert.AreEqual(data.Count, readdata.Count);

            // verify the data
            bool equal = true;

            System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(string.Empty);
            for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++)
                bool start = equal;
                equal &= data[i].bid == readdata[i].bid;
                equal &= data[i].bs == readdata[i].bs;
                equal &= data[i].be == readdata[i].be;
                equal &= data[i].ask == readdata[i].ask;
                equal &= data[i].os == readdata[i].os;
                equal &= data[i].oe == readdata[i].oe;
                equal &= data[i].trade == readdata[i].trade;
                equal &= data[i].size == readdata[i].size;
                equal &= data[i].ex == readdata[i].ex;
                equal &= data[i].depth == readdata[i].depth;
                if (equal != start)
                    sb.Append(i + " ");
            Assert.IsTrue(equal, "bad ticks: " + sb.ToString() + data[0].ToString() + readdata[0].ToString());
コード例 #14
        public override void BestBidQuote(BidInfo oInfo)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();


            Tick k = TickImpl.NewBid(oInfo.Symbol, (decimal)oInfo.Price, oInfo.Size);

            k.be   = oInfo.Exchange;
            k.date = Util.ToTLDate();
            k.time = Util.ToTLTime();
コード例 #15
ファイル: BarImpl.cs プロジェクト: w1r2p1/Core-1
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts the specified tick.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="k">The tick you want to add to the bar.</param>
        /// <returns>true if the tick is accepted, false if it belongs to another bar.</returns>
        public bool NewTick(Tick k)
            TickImpl t = (TickImpl)k;

            if (_sym == "")
                _sym = t.Symbol;
            if (_sym != t.Symbol)
                throw new InvalidTick();
            if (Time == 0)
                Time = Bt(t.Time); Bardate = t.Date;
            DayEnd = Bardate != t.Date;
            // check if this bar's tick
            if ((Bt(t.Time) != Time) || (Bardate != t.Date))
            // if tick doesn't have trade or index, ignore
            if (!t.IsTrade && !t.IsIndex)
            TradeCount++; // count it
            IsNew = TradeCount == 1;
            // only count volume on trades, not indicies
            if (!t.IsIndex)
                Volume += t.Size;             // add trade size to bar volume
            if (LOpen == 0)
                LOpen = t.Trade;
            if (t.Trade > _h)
                _h = t.Trade;
            if (t.Trade < _l)
                _l = t.Trade;
            LClose = t.Trade;
コード例 #16
ファイル: TestMessage.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void MultipleMessages()
            // get some data
            Tick k1 = TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, p, size);

            // encode it
            byte[] data1 = Message.sendmessage(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, TickImpl.Serialize(k1));
            // get some data
            Tick k2 = TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, p * 2, size * 2);

            // encode it
            byte[] data2 = Message.sendmessage(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, TickImpl.Serialize(k2));
            // get some data
            Tick k3 = TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, p * 3, size * 3);

            // encode it
            byte[] data3 = Message.sendmessage(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, TickImpl.Serialize(k3));
            // prepare a continuous bitstream to hold all data
            byte[] streamlike = new byte[data1.Length + data2.Length + data3.Length];
            // roll all data into stream
            Array.Copy(data1, 0, streamlike, 0, data1.Length);
            Array.Copy(data2, 0, streamlike, data1.Length, data2.Length);
            Array.Copy(data3, 0, streamlike, data1.Length + data2.Length, data3.Length);
            // decode all messages from stream
            int offset = 0;

            Message[] msgs = Message.gotmessages(ref streamlike, ref offset);
            // ensure we got correct amount/type
            Assert.AreEqual(3, msgs.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, msgs[0].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, msgs[1].Type);
            Assert.AreEqual(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, msgs[2].Type);
            // decode to ticks
            Tick c1 = TickImpl.Deserialize(msgs[0].Content);
            Tick c2 = TickImpl.Deserialize(msgs[1].Content);
            Tick c3 = TickImpl.Deserialize(msgs[2].Content);

            // verify ticks
            Assert.AreEqual(k1.symbol, c1.symbol, TickImpl.Serialize(k1) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c1));
            Assert.AreEqual(k1.trade, c1.trade, TickImpl.Serialize(k1) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c1));
            Assert.AreEqual(k1.size, c1.size, TickImpl.Serialize(k1) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c1));
            Assert.AreEqual(k2.symbol, c2.symbol, TickImpl.Serialize(k2) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c2));
            Assert.AreEqual(k2.trade, c2.trade, TickImpl.Serialize(k2) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c2));
            Assert.AreEqual(k2.size, c2.size, TickImpl.Serialize(k2) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c2));
            Assert.AreEqual(k3.symbol, c3.symbol, TickImpl.Serialize(k3) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c3));
            Assert.AreEqual(k3.trade, c3.trade, TickImpl.Serialize(k3) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c3));
            Assert.AreEqual(k3.size, c3.size, TickImpl.Serialize(k3) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c3));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, offset);
コード例 #17
        public void ResendTest2()
            // reset "book" to start from scratch

            // SETOFFSET("IBM", 0.03, 0, 1, 0);
            const string  sym   = "IBM";
            const decimal pdist = .03m;
            const decimal pct   = 1;

            ot[sym] = new OffsetInfo(pdist, 0, pct, 0, false, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(pdist, ot[sym].ProfitDist);
            Assert.AreEqual(pct, ot[sym].ProfitPercent);
            // entry fill
            // 094508: fill: 20100423,94532,IBM,SELL,10,128.85, 0
            fill(new TradeImpl(sym, 128.85m, -10));
            Assert.AreEqual(-10, ot.PositionTracker[sym].Size);
            // profit
            // 094508: sent new profit: 634076112353906253  BUY10 [email protected] [] 634076112353906253
            Assert.AreEqual(1, profits.Count);
            Order profit = profits[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(128.82m, profit.price);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, profit.size);
            // fill profit
            // 094609: fill: 20100423,94632,IBM,BUY,10,128.82, 634076112353906253
            // 094609: IBM hit profit: 634076112353906253
            Assert.IsTrue(profit.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 128.82m, 10)));
            Trade profitfill = (Trade)profit;


            // we're now flat
            // 094609: IBM now flat.
            // tick
            ot.newTick(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 128.82m, 100));
            Assert.AreEqual(0, profits.Count);
            // re-enter
            //094722: fill: 20100423,94746,IBM,SELL,10,128.86, 100947
            fill(new TradeImpl(sym, 128.86m, -10));
            Assert.AreEqual(-10, ot.PositionTracker[sym].Size);
            // we should now have a profit offset
            Assert.AreEqual(1, profits.Count);
            profit = profits[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(128.83m, profit.price);
            Assert.AreEqual(10, profit.size);
コード例 #18
ファイル: SimpleBacktester.cs プロジェクト: w1r2p1/Core-1
        private void histsim_GotTick(Tick t)
            TickImpl tick = (TickImpl)t;

            // execute any pending orders

            // send any new orders from our application
            while (orders.Count > 0)

            //Set pending orders

            //Count ticks

                //Check if this symbol is subscribed
                if (portfolio.Streams.ContainsKey(t.Symbol))
                    //Set got tick for portfolio
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (OnMessage != null)
                    OnMessage(this, "Portfolio threw exception: - " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace);

            double percent = Math.Round((histsim.FilesProcessed / (double)histsim.FilesPresent) * 100);

            if (percent > lastp)
                //Update percentage
                if (OnProgress != null)
                    OnProgress(this, string.Format("Progress: {0}%, ROI: {1}%, DD: {2}", percent, portfolio.Results.ROI, portfolio.Results.MaxDDPortfolio), 0);
                lastp = percent;
コード例 #19
ファイル: TestBar.cs プロジェクト: rebider/TradeLinkProj
        public void Construction()
            BarImpl b = new BarImpl();

            Assert.That(b.Volume == 200);
            b.newTick(TickImpl.NewQuote(sym, d, t, 10m, 11m, 1, 1, x, x));
            Assert.That(b.TradeCount == 2);
コード例 #20
ファイル: TestBar.cs プロジェクト: w1r2p1/Core-1
        public void Construction()
            BarImpl b = new BarImpl();

            Assert.True(b.Volume == 200);
            b.NewTick(TickImpl.NewQuote(Sym, D, T, 10m, 11m, 1, 1, X, X));
            Assert.True(b.TradeCount == 2);
コード例 #21
ファイル: TestMessage.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void EncodeDecode()
            // get some data
            Tick k = TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, p, size);

            // encode it
            byte[] data = Message.sendmessage(MessageTypes.TICKNOTIFY, TickImpl.Serialize(k));
            // decode it
            Message m = Message.gotmessage(data);
            Tick    c = TickImpl.Deserialize(m.Content);

            // verify
            Assert.AreEqual(k.symbol, c.symbol, TickImpl.Serialize(k) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c));
            Assert.AreEqual(k.trade, c.trade, TickImpl.Serialize(k) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c));
            Assert.AreEqual(k.size, c.size, TickImpl.Serialize(k) + "=>" + TickImpl.Serialize(c));
コード例 #22
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: mpvyard/Core
        public void Basics()
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(S);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.PipValue      = 1;
            tsec.PipSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            SimAccount account = new SimAccount("TEST", "testing", 1000M, 100);


            SimBroker broker = new SimBroker(account, _trans);

            broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            broker.GotFill    += broker_GotFill;
            broker.GotOrder   += broker_GotOrder;
            OrderImpl        o  = new OrderImpl();
            PendingOrderImpl po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);
            int error           = broker.SendOrderStatus(po);

            Assert.NotEqual((int)StatusType.OK, error);
            Assert.True(_orders == 0);
            Assert.True(_fills == 0);

            o  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);
            po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);

            Assert.True(_orders == 1);
            Assert.True(_fills == 0);
            Assert.True(broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 10, 200)) == 1);
            Assert.True(_fills == 1);

            // test that a limit order is not filled outside the market
            o  = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100, 9);
            po = new PendingOrderImpl(o);

            Assert.Equal(0, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 10, 100)));
            Assert.True(_fills == 1); // redundant but for counting

            // test that limit order is filled inside the market
            Assert.Equal(1, broker.Execute(TickImpl.NewTrade(S, 8, 100)));
            Assert.True(_fills == 2);
コード例 #23
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: w1r2p1/Core-1
        public void MultiAccount()
            _broker.BrokerModel = _trans;
            const string  sym  = "TST";
            ForexSecurity tsec = new ForexSecurity(sym);

            tsec.LotSize       = 1;
            tsec.OrderStepSize = 1;

            const string me    = "tester";
            const string other = "anotherguy";
            SimAccount   a     = new SimAccount(me);
            SimAccount   b     = new SimAccount(other);
            SimAccount   c     = new SimAccount("sleeper");
            OrderImpl    oa    = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);
            OrderImpl    ob    = new OrderImpl(tsec, Direction.Long, 100);

            oa.AccountName = me;
            ob.AccountName = other;
            // send order to accounts
            PendingOrderImpl poa = new PendingOrderImpl(oa, a);
            PendingOrderImpl pob = new PendingOrderImpl(ob, b);


            TickImpl t = new TickImpl(sym)
                Trade = 100m,
                Size  = 200

            Assert.Equal(2, _broker.Execute(t));
            Position apos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, a);
            Position bpos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, b);
            Position cpos = _broker.GetOpenPosition(tsec, c);

            Assert.Equal(100, apos.Size);
            Assert.Equal(100, bpos.Size);
            // make sure that default account doesn't register
            // any trades
コード例 #24
        public void DoubleBasicWithFlat()
            long id = 1;

            sho = new REGSHO_ShortTracker();
            sho.SendDebugEvent  += new DebugDelegate(sho_SendDebugEvent);
            sho.VerboseDebugging = true;
            Order o = new OrderImpl();

            // take a position
            sho.GotPosition(new PositionImpl(sym, 89.7m, 100));

            // accept two exits
            o = new SellStop(sym, 100, 89.65m, id++);
            long stop1 = o.id;

            Assert.IsFalse(sho.isOrderShort(o), "entry1: first sell was incorrectly short");
            o = new SellLimit(sym, 100, 89.75m, id++);
            long profit1 = o.id;

            Assert.IsTrue(sho.isOrderShort(o), "entry1: second sell was incorrectly sell");

            // flat
            o = new SellStop(sym, 100, 89.65m, stop1);
            o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 89.62m, 100));

            // do again
            // take a position
            o    = new BuyMarket(sym, 100);
            o.id = id++;
            o.Fill(TickImpl.NewTrade(sym, 89.64m, 100));

            // accept two exits
            o = new SellStop(sym, 100, 89.65m, id++);
            Assert.IsFalse(sho.isOrderShort(o), "entry2: first sell was incorrectly short");
            o = new SellLimit(sym, 100, 89.75m, id++);
            Assert.IsTrue(sho.isOrderShort(o), "entry2: second sell was incorrectly NOT short");
コード例 #25
 public Tick[] SampleData()
     return(new Tick[] {
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100), // get fill for initial position
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 11, 100),     // new high
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100), // retrace... FLAT!
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 1),   // not enough to fill flat order
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100), // flat order should be completely filled here
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100), // want to make sure we are not oversold
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100),
         TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10.50m, 100),
コード例 #26
ファイル: TestBroker.cs プロジェクト: michaelwills/tradelink
        public void MultiAccount()
            const string sym = "TST";

            const string me    = "tester";
            const string other = "anotherguy";
            const int    od    = 20070926;
            const int    ot    = 95400;
            Account      a     = new Account(me);
            Account      b     = new Account(other);
            Account      c     = new Account("sleeper");
            OrderImpl    oa    = new BuyMarket(sym, 100);
            OrderImpl    ob    = new BuyMarket(sym, 100);

            oa.time = ot;
            oa.date = od;
            ob.time = ot;
            ob.date = od;

            oa.Account = me;
            ob.Account = other;
            // send order to account for jfranta
            TickImpl t = new TickImpl(sym);

            t.trade = 100m;
            t.size  = 200;
            t.date  = od;
            t.time  = ot;
            Assert.AreEqual(2, broker.Execute(t));
            Position apos = broker.GetOpenPosition(sym, a);
            Position bpos = broker.GetOpenPosition(sym, b);
            Position cpos = broker.GetOpenPosition(sym, c);

            Assert.AreEqual(100, apos.Size);
            Assert.AreEqual(100, bpos.Size);
            // make sure that default account doesn't register
            // any trades
コード例 #27
        public static Tick parseline(string line, string sym)
            int decimalplaces = 5;

            string[] r = line.Split(',');

            var t = new TickImpl(sym);

            if (sym.Contains("JPY"))
                decimalplaces = 3;

            DateTime dt;

            if (DateTime.TryParseExact(r[DATETIME], "yyyyMMdd HH:mm:ss.fff", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.None, out dt))
                t.date = Util.ToTLDate(dt.Date);
                t.time = Util.ToTLTime(dt);

            decimal b, a;

            if (decimal.TryParse(r[BID], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out b))
                t.bid = b;
            if (decimal.TryParse(r[ASK], NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out a))
                t.ask = a;

            //simulate bid/offer midpoint trade-tick
            decimal px = Math.Round((a + b) / 2, decimalplaces);

            t.trade = px;

            //there is no size information in the data
            //assume bid/offer size of 500K basecurrency units
            //simulated midpoint trade of 1 BCU, for compatibility only
            t.bs = 500000; t.os = 500000; t.size = 1;

コード例 #28
        public void SignatureResult()
            string     pair       = "USD_JPY_Volume";
            TickReader tickReader = new TickReader();

            tickReader.LogProgress = true;
            tickReader.Initialize("Test\\DataCache", pair);
            int totalBytes = 0;
            SignatureCompressor compressor = new SignatureCompressor();
            ByteMemory          compressed = new ByteMemory("compressed");
            int compressedLength           = 0;

            try {
                TickBinary tick     = new TickBinary();
                TickImpl   tickImpl = new TickImpl();
                for (int i = 0; i < 101; i++)
                    tickReader.ReadQueue.Dequeue(ref tick);
                    compressor.CompressTick(tick, compressed.Memory);
                    totalBytes += compressedLength;
                Assert.AreEqual(TestSignature, compressor.Signature);
                for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)
                    tickReader.ReadQueue.Dequeue(ref tick);
                    compressor.CompressTick(tick, compressed.Memory);
                    totalBytes += compressedLength;
                    int length    = compressed.Bytes[0];
                    int diffBytes = length / 8 + 1;
                    log.Debug(compressedLength + ": " +
                              compressed.Bytes[0] + " " +
                              ByteArrayToString(compressor.Difference, 0, compressor.DiffLength));
            } catch (CollectionTerminatedException) {
            log.Debug("Total Compressed Bytes: " + totalBytes);
コード例 #29
        void InsideMktEvent_GBEvent(object pISrc, string bstrSymbol, string bstrHint, object pIEventData)
            GBInsideMkt insideMkt = new GBInsideMktClass();

            insideMkt = (GBInsideMkt)pIEventData;

            Tick k = new TickImpl(bstrSymbol);

            k.bid  = (decimal)insideMkt.BidPrice;
            k.ask  = (decimal)insideMkt.AskPrice;
            k.bs   = insideMkt.BidVolume / 100;
            k.os   = insideMkt.AskVolume / 100;
            k.date = Util.ToTLDate(DateTime.Now);
            k.time = Util.ToTLTime(DateTime.Now);

コード例 #30
        public void TickTests()
            // havent' sent any ticks, so shouldn't have any counted
            Assert.That(ticks == 0, ticks.ToString());

            // have to subscribe to a stock to get notified on fills for said stock
            c.Subscribe(new BasketImpl(new SecurityImpl(SYM)));

            //send a tick from the server
            TickImpl t = TickImpl.NewTrade(SYM, 10, 100);


            // make sure the client got it
            Assert.That(ticks == 1, ticks.ToString());
            // make sure other clients did not get ticks
            // (cause we didnt' subscribe from other clients)
            Assert.AreNotEqual(copyticks, ticks);