コード例 #1
    void ActivateThrowee(GameObject _throwee)
        _throwee = throweeList [currentThroweeNumber];
        ThroweeScript throwScript = _throwee.GetComponent <ThroweeScript> ();

        throwScript.child             = false;
        _throwee.transform.position   = throweePosition.transform.position;
        throwScript.tex               = currentTex;
        _throwee.transform.localScale = origThroweeSize;
        throwScript.myPosition        = _throwee.transform.position - player.transform.position;
        throwScript.thrown            = false;
        _throwee.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.mainTexture = currentTex;

コード例 #2
 void WalkThrowing()
     if (playerStatus.walking && InputManager.instance.shootInputStay)
         if (throwTimer <= 0 && !currentThrowee.activeSelf)
             soundList.audioSources [0].Stop();
             soundList.audioSources [0].pitch = Random.Range(randomPitchSpit.x * 100, randomPitchSpit.y * 100) / 100;
             soundList.audioSources [0].Play();
             throwTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
         if (currentThrowee.activeSelf)
             ThroweeScript currentThroweeScript = currentThrowee.GetComponent <ThroweeScript> ();
             Rigidbody     currentThroweeRig    = currentThrowee.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ();
             throwTimer = throwReload / walkNumberFactor;
             currentThroweeRig.isKinematic = false;
             currentThroweeScript.enabled  = true;
             currentThroweeScript.thrown   = true;
             Vector3 playerVelocity = this.GetComponent <Rigidbody> ().velocity;
             currentThroweeRig.velocity = playerVelocity - Vector3.Scale(playerVelocity, transform.up);
             if (InputManager.instance.colorWheelVertical == 0)
                 currentThroweeRig.AddForce((transform.forward + transform.right * InputManager.instance.colorWheelHorizontal * tiltFactor.x - transform.up * tiltFactor.y * defaultYSpitTilt) * throwForce / walkForceReduction, ForceMode.Impulse);
                 currentThroweeRig.AddForce((transform.forward + transform.right * InputManager.instance.colorWheelHorizontal * tiltFactor.x + transform.up * InputManager.instance.colorWheelVertical * tiltFactor.y) * throwForce / walkForceReduction, ForceMode.Impulse);
コード例 #3
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision _col)
        //no matter where it collides, we set the splashsound up
        splashSound        = splashSounds.audioSources[Random.Range(0, 2)];
        splashSoundVolOrig = splashSound.volume;
        //if we hit a platform,which is the tag for our paintable surfaces
        if (_col.gameObject.CompareTag("Platform"))
            //the initial plan was to have different colors that give the surfaces different physics properties, so the splash ball would check here which color it actually has
            splashColor = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color;
            //the ball checks if could find a valid point of impact. If I remember correctly, this was necessary due to contactpoints not providing UV data
            splashPointFound = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, (_col.contacts[0].point - transform.position), out splashPosition, 3f, playerThrowScript.targetLayer);
            //if no valid point was found, we just reset the ball without anything happening
            if (!splashPointFound)
                //setting the color according to what kind of paintball this is
                //hardcoding due to little time for polishing CHANGE
                if (tex.name == "slidetex6")
                    color = _col.gameObject.GetComponent <MySplash>().slideSplash;
                //we get the texture and mark the intended portion for repaint
                targetTexture = _col.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.mainTexture as Texture2D;
                startX        = (int)Mathf.Clamp(((splashPosition.textureCoord.x * targetTexture.width)), 0, targetTexture.width);
                startY        = (int)Mathf.Clamp(((splashPosition.textureCoord.y * targetTexture.height)), 0, targetTexture.height);
                splatX        = (int)(Mathf.Clamp((playerThrowScript.splatSize / splashPosition.transform.localScale.x), 0, playerThrowScript.splatSize));
                splatY        = (int)(Mathf.Clamp((playerThrowScript.splatSize / splashPosition.transform.localScale.z), 0, playerThrowScript.splatSize));
                startX        = Mathf.Max(startX, splatX / 2);
                startY        = Mathf.Max(startY, splatY / 2);
                spaceX        = Mathf.Clamp(startX - splatX / 2, 0, targetTexture.width - splatX);
                spaceY        = Mathf.Clamp(startY - splatY / 2, 0, targetTexture.height - splatY);
                targetTexture.SetPixels(spaceX, spaceY, splatX, splatY, color);
                //registering the texture to our textureUpdater to update them centrally for performance gain
                if (!playerThrowScript.textureUpdater.textureList.Contains(targetTexture))
                //child is a bool used to mark activated paintballs as those who are created by a big paintball hitting a surface rather than from the player shooting it
                //these create a more natural feeling painting experience
                //so if this current paintball isn't one of those secondary ones we create some
                if (!child)
                    fragNumber = Random.Range(2, playerThrowScript.maxFrags);
                    for (int i = 0; i <= fragNumber; i++)
                        frag            = playerThrowScript.throweeList[playerThrowScript.currentThroweeNumber];
                        fragRig         = frag.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                        fragThrowScript = frag.GetComponent <ThroweeScript>();
                        //they get spawned around the location of the primary paintball
                        frag.transform.position = transform.position + Random.Range(35, 65) / 100f * _col.transform.up + Random.Range(-100, 100) / 100f * transform.right;
                        frag.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material;

                        fragRig.isKinematic        = false;
                        fragThrowScript.child      = true;
                        frag.transform.localScale /= fragNumber;
                        fragThrowScript.tex        = this.tex;
                        fragThrowScript.color      = this.color;
                        fragThrowScript.thrown     = true;
                        parentSpeed = myRig.velocity;
                        //and get a velocity that is influenced by how many secondaries were spawned and the direction from the impactpoint to their spawnpoint and the initial main ball velocity direction and magnitude
                        fragRig.velocity = (Mathf.Clamp(parentSpeed.magnitude, 0, 60) / Mathf.Clamp((fragNumber * playerThrowScript.fragDistanceDamp), 1, playerThrowScript.fragDistanceDamp * fragNumber)) * (frag.transform.position - _col.contacts[0].point).normalized;
                        fragRig.AddForce(_col.transform.up * parentSpeed.magnitude / (fragNumber * 0.5f));
                        //and we set the index for our throwing script so it targets a new ball, since we took one out of the pool
                    //we reset the splashsound properties so it doesn't sound the same every time
                    splashSound.pitch   = Random.Range(randomPitchMinMax.x * 100 / randomPitchMinMax.x, randomPitchMinMax.y * 100 / randomPitchMinMax.y) / 100;
                    splashSound.volume *= Random.Range(randomVolumeParChil.x * 50, randomVolumeParChil.x * 100) / 100;
                    //if it's a secondary, we just reset the splashsound but with slightly different properties
                    splashSound.pitch   = Random.Range(randomPitchMinMax.x * 100, randomPitchMinMax.y * 100) / 100;
                    splashSound.volume *= Random.Range(0, randomVolumeParChil.y * 100) / 100;
                // and finally we play the splash sound
                waitTime = splashSound.clip.length;
        if (_col.gameObject.CompareTag("Enemy") && tex.name == "FieryTexture")
            _col.gameObject.GetComponent <EnemyMove>().agitated = true;
        //this is a special case where the paintball hits an inlet, which is a mechanic that, instead of directly painting the surface, additionally sprays an area from the outlet
        //to communicate the significance , we use a different sound
        if (_col.gameObject.name == "Inlet" || _col.gameObject.name == "Outlet" || _col.gameObject.name == "FountainPiece")
            splashSound       = splashSounds.audioSources[Random.Range(2, 4)];
            splashSound.pitch = Random.Range(200, 300) / 100;
            waitTime = splashSound.clip.length;
        //we hide the object and reset it as soon as the sound is played
        myCollider.enabled = false;
        myMesh.enabled     = false;
        Invoke("Reset", waitTime);