public async Task <List <string> > SubscribeHives(List <string> hives) { var results = new List <string>(); if (hives.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(results); } var handle = GetUserHandle(); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.SubscribeHives, handle, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message); return(results); } foreach (var hive in hives) { var hiveName = HiveValidation.GetHiveName(hive, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hiveName)) { continue; } await Subscribe(handle, hiveName); results.Add(hiveName); } return(results); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <object> > GetTrending() { var handle = GetUserHandle(); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.JoinHive, handle, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message); return(Enumerable.Empty <object>()); } return(await ConnectionStore.GetPopularHives(15)); }
public async Task <object> SubscribeFollowers(List <string> followers) { var handle = GetUserHandle(); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.SubscribeFollowers, handle, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message)); } var following = await FollowerStore.GetFollowers(handle); if (followers.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return new { Followers = following, Following = new List <string>() } } ; var result = new List <string>(); foreach (var follower in followers.Select(x => x.Trim()).Distinct()) { if (!HiveValidation.ValidateUserHandle(follower)) { continue; } await FollowerStore.FollowHandle(handle, follower); await SendFollowUpdate(follower, handle, false); result.Add(follower); } return(new { Followers = following, Following = result }); }
public async Task <bool> LeaveHive(string hive) { var hiveName = HiveValidation.GetHiveName(hive, true); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hiveName)) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Validation Error", "Invalid Hive name")); } var handle = GetUserHandle(); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.LeaveHive, handle, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message)); } await Unsubscribe(handle, hiveName); return(true); }
public async Task <bool> UnfollowUser(string userToUnfollow) { if (!HiveValidation.ValidateUserHandle(userToUnfollow)) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Validation Error", "Invalid name format")); } var handle = GetUserHandle(); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.UnfollowUser, handle, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message)); } await FollowerStore.UnfollowHandle(handle, userToUnfollow); await SendFollowUpdate(userToUnfollow, handle, true); return(true); }
public async Task <bool> SendMessage(string sender, string messageInput, string hiveTargets) { var senderId = GetUserHandle(); var senderName = GetSenderName(sender, senderId); var throttleResult = await ThrottleStore.CheckThrottle(ThrottleAction.SendMessage, senderId, IsAuthenticated); if (throttleResult.ThrottleRequest) { return(await SendErrorMessage("Rate Limit", throttleResult.Message)); } var message = HiveValidation.ValidateMessage(messageInput); var timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow.ToJavaTime(); var hives = HiveValidation.GetHives(message, hiveTargets); var messageId = HiveValidation.GetMessageId(senderId, message, timestamp); var hivers = await ConnectionStore.GetHiveUsers(hives); var mentions = HiveValidation.GetMentions(message); var followers = await GetFollowers(senderId); var messages = new Dictionary <string, HiveMessage>(); // Messages to users in hives if (!hivers.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var userHandle in hivers) { if (messages.ContainsKey(userHandle)) { continue; } messages.Add(userHandle, new HiveMessage { Id = messageId, Sender = senderId, SenderName = senderName, IsSenderVerified = IsAuthenticated, Message = message, Timestamp = timestamp, Hives = new HashSet <string>(hives), MessageType = new HashSet <string> { "Feed" } }); } } // Messages to users mentioned in message if (!mentions.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var userHandle in mentions) { if (messages.ContainsKey(userHandle)) { messages[userHandle].MessageType.Add("Mention"); continue; } messages.Add(userHandle, new HiveMessage { Id = messageId, Sender = senderId, SenderName = senderName, IsSenderVerified = IsAuthenticated, Message = message, Timestamp = timestamp, Hives = new HashSet <string>(hives), MessageType = new HashSet <string> { "Mention" } }); } } // Messages to anyone following the sender if (!followers.IsNullOrEmpty()) { foreach (var userHandle in followers) { if (messages.ContainsKey(userHandle)) { messages[userHandle].MessageType.Add("Follow"); continue; } messages.Add(userHandle, new HiveMessage { Id = messageId, Sender = senderId, SenderName = senderName, IsSenderVerified = IsAuthenticated, Message = message, Timestamp = timestamp, Hives = new HashSet <string>(hives), MessageType = new HashSet <string> { "Follow" } }); } } foreach (var item in messages) { await Clients.User(item.Key).OnMessage(item.Value); } return(true); }