internal void SetVerbosity(ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance) { foreach (CallTree callTree in this) { callTree.SetVerbosity(importance); } }
private void Init(int step, Location location, Stack stack, string kind, string module, IDictionary <string, string> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime timestamp, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Step = step; if (location != null) { Location = new Location(location); } if (stack != null) { Stack = new Stack(stack); } Kind = kind; Module = module; if (state != null) { State = new Dictionary <string, string>(state); } NestingLevel = nestingLevel; ExecutionOrder = executionOrder; Timestamp = timestamp; Importance = importance; if (properties != null) { Properties = new Dictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo>(properties); } }
internal void SetVerbosity(ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance) { if (TopLevelNodes != null) { foreach (CallTreeNode child in TopLevelNodes) { child.SetVerbosity(importance); } } }
internal void SetVerbosity(ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance) { if (this.TopLevelNodes != null) { foreach (AnalysisStepNode child in this.TopLevelNodes) { child.SetVerbosity(importance); } } }
internal void SetVerbosity(ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance) { Visibility visibility = Visibility.Visible; ThreadFlowLocationImportance myImportance = this.Location?.Importance ?? ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Unimportant; switch (importance) { case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Essential: if (myImportance != ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Essential) { visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Important: if (myImportance == ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Unimportant) { visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; default: visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; } if (visibility == Visibility.Visible) { AnalysisStepNode current = this; while (current != null) { current.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; current = current.Parent; } } else { this.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (this.Children != null) { foreach (AnalysisStepNode child in this.Children) { child.SetVerbosity(importance); } } }
internal void SetVerbosity(ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance) { Visibility visibility = Visibility.Visible; ThreadFlowLocationImportance myImportance = (Location?.Importance).GetValueOrDefault(ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Unimportant); switch (importance) { case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Essential: if (myImportance != ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Essential) { visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Important: if (myImportance == ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Unimportant) { visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } break; default: visibility = Visibility.Visible; break; } if (visibility == Visibility.Visible) { CallTreeNode current = this; while (current != null) { current.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; current = current.Parent; } } else { Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } if (Children != null) { foreach (CallTreeNode child in Children) { child.SetVerbosity(importance); } } }
private void Init(int index, Location location, Stack stack, IEnumerable <string> kinds, string module, IDictionary <string, string> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime executionTimeUtc, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Index = index; if (location != null) { Location = new Location(location); } if (stack != null) { Stack = new Stack(stack); } if (kinds != null) { var destination_0 = new List <string>(); foreach (var value_0 in kinds) { destination_0.Add(value_0); } Kinds = destination_0; } Module = module; if (state != null) { State = new Dictionary <string, string>(state); } NestingLevel = nestingLevel; ExecutionOrder = executionOrder; ExecutionTimeUtc = executionTimeUtc; Importance = importance; if (properties != null) { Properties = new Dictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo>(properties); } }
protected virtual void Init(int index, Location location, Stack stack, IEnumerable <string> kinds, IEnumerable <ReportingDescriptorReference> taxa, string module, IDictionary <string, MultiformatMessageString> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime executionTimeUtc, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, WebRequest webRequest, WebResponse webResponse, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Index = index; if (location != null) { Location = new Location(location); } if (stack != null) { Stack = new Stack(stack); } if (kinds != null) { var destination_0 = new List <string>(); foreach (var value_0 in kinds) { destination_0.Add(value_0); } Kinds = destination_0; } if (taxa != null) { var destination_1 = new List <ReportingDescriptorReference>(); foreach (var value_1 in taxa) { if (value_1 == null) { destination_1.Add(null); } else { destination_1.Add(new ReportingDescriptorReference(value_1)); } } Taxa = destination_1; } Module = module; if (state != null) { State = new Dictionary <string, MultiformatMessageString>(); foreach (var value_2 in state) { State.Add(value_2.Key, new MultiformatMessageString(value_2.Value)); } } NestingLevel = nestingLevel; ExecutionOrder = executionOrder; ExecutionTimeUtc = executionTimeUtc; Importance = importance; if (webRequest != null) { WebRequest = new WebRequest(webRequest); } if (webResponse != null) { WebResponse = new WebResponse(webResponse); } if (properties != null) { Properties = new Dictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo>(properties); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThreadFlowLocation" /> class from the supplied values. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Index" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="location"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Location" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="stack"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Stack" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="kinds"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Kinds" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="taxa"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Taxa" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="module"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Module" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="state"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:State" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="nestingLevel"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:NestingLevel" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="executionOrder"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:ExecutionOrder" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="executionTimeUtc"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:ExecutionTimeUtc" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="importance"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Importance" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="webRequest"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:WebRequest" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="webResponse"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:WebResponse" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="properties"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Properties" /> property. /// </param> public ThreadFlowLocation(int index, Location location, Stack stack, IEnumerable <string> kinds, IEnumerable <ReportingDescriptorReference> taxa, string module, IDictionary <string, MultiformatMessageString> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime executionTimeUtc, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, WebRequest webRequest, WebResponse webResponse, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Init(index, location, stack, kinds, taxa, module, state, nestingLevel, executionOrder, executionTimeUtc, importance, webRequest, webResponse, properties); }
public static AnnotatedCodeLocationImportanceVersionOne CreateAnnotatedCodeLocationImportance(ThreadFlowLocationImportance v2ThreadFlowLocationImportance) { switch (v2ThreadFlowLocationImportance) { case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Essential: return(AnnotatedCodeLocationImportanceVersionOne.Essential); case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Important: return(AnnotatedCodeLocationImportanceVersionOne.Important); case ThreadFlowLocationImportance.Unimportant: return(AnnotatedCodeLocationImportanceVersionOne.Unimportant); default: return(AnnotatedCodeLocationImportanceVersionOne.Important); } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThreadFlowLocation" /> class from the supplied values. /// </summary> /// <param name="step"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Step" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="location"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Location" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="stack"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Stack" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="kind"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Kind" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="module"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Module" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="state"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: State" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="nestingLevel"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: NestingLevel" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="executionOrder"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: ExecutionOrder" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="timestamp"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Timestamp" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="importance"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Importance" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="properties"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P: Properties" /> property. /// </param> public ThreadFlowLocation(int step, Location location, Stack stack, string kind, string module, IDictionary <string, string> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime timestamp, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Init(step, location, stack, kind, module, state, nestingLevel, executionOrder, timestamp, importance, properties); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ThreadFlowLocation" /> class from the supplied values. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Index" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="location"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Location" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="stack"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Stack" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="kinds"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Kinds" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="module"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Module" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="state"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:State" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="nestingLevel"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:NestingLevel" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="executionOrder"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:ExecutionOrder" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="executionTimeUtc"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:ExecutionTimeUtc" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="importance"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Importance" /> property. /// </param> /// <param name="properties"> /// An initialization value for the <see cref="P:Properties" /> property. /// </param> public ThreadFlowLocation(int index, Location location, Stack stack, IEnumerable <string> kinds, string module, IDictionary <string, string> state, int nestingLevel, int executionOrder, DateTime executionTimeUtc, ThreadFlowLocationImportance importance, IDictionary <string, SerializedPropertyInfo> properties) { Init(index, location, stack, kinds, module, state, nestingLevel, executionOrder, executionTimeUtc, importance, properties); }