protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { thongTinHeThong = thongTinHeThongManagement.getThongTinHeThong()[0]; listLoaiTienBox = loaiTienManagement.getLoaiTien(" where TrangThai=N'KichHoat' and ThuTuHienThiBox>0"); if (Request.QueryString["IDNguoiDungGioiThieu"] != null && Session["TenDangNhap"] == null) { Request.Cookies.Remove("IDNguoiDungGioiThieu"); HttpCookie httpCookie = new HttpCookie("IDNguoiDungGioiThieu", Request.QueryString["IDNguoiDungGioiThieu"].ToString()); httpCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10); Request.Cookies.Add(httpCookie); } //hòa sửa 24/02 thêm vào ktr hiển thị menu quản trị if (Session["TenDangNhap"] != null) { listNguoiDung = nguoiDungManagement.getNguoiDung("WHERE TenDangNhap=N'" + Session["TenDangNhap"] + "'"); if (listNguoiDung.Count > 0) { loainguoidung = listNguoiDung[0].LoaiNguoiDung; } else { loainguoidung = ""; } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { thongTinHeThong = thongTinHeThongManagement.getThongTinHeThong()[0]; if (!this.IsPostBack) { initializeDataInControl(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //if (Session["TenDangNhap"] == null) //{ // Response.Redirect("/"); //} thongTinHeThong = thongTinHeThongManagement.getThongTinHeThong()[0]; listLoaiTienBox = loaiTienManagement.getLoaiTien(" where TrangThai=N'KichHoat' and ThuTuHienThiBox>0"); //hòa sửa 24/02 thêm vào ktr hiển thị menu quản trị if (Session["TenDangNhap"] != null) { listNguoiDung = nguoiDungManagement.getNguoiDung("WHERE TenDangNhap=N'" + Session["TenDangNhap"] + "'"); if (listNguoiDung.Count > 0) { loainguoidung = listNguoiDung[0].LoaiNguoiDung; } else { loainguoidung = ""; } } }