void Start() { controller = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); myRigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); gunController = GetComponent <TPGunController>(); viewCamera = Camera.main; }
void OnEnable() { if( !cameraTransform && Camera.main ) cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; if( !cameraTransform ) { Debug.Log( "Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script." ); enabled = false; } _target = transform; if( _target ) { controller = _target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); } if( controller ) { CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)_target.GetComponent<Collider>(); centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - _target.position; headOffset = centerOffset; headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - _target.position.y; } else Debug.Log( "Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached." ); }
void Awake() { cameraScript = GetComponent <ThirdPersonCamera> (); controllerScript = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController> (); specialAbbilities = GetComponent <PlayerSpecialAbbilities> (); if (photonView.isMine) { //MINE: local player, simply enable the local scripts cameraScript.enabled = true; controllerScript.enabled = true; specialAbbilities.enabled = true; } else { cameraScript.enabled = false; cameraScript.cameraTransform.gameObject.SetActive(false); controllerScript.enabled = true; controllerScript.isControllable = false; specialAbbilities.enabled = true; specialAbbilities.isControllable = false; } gameObject.name = gameObject.name + photonView.viewID; }
void Start() { _player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); tpc = _player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); myCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider>(); myVoice = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); walking.SetActive(false); sex.SetActive(false); fight.SetActive(false); origPos = transform.position; FindNewPoint(); animalState = AnimalState.WALKING; idleTimer = idleTimerTotal; float randomClimax = Random.Range(-climaxTotal / 2, climaxTotal / 2); climaxTotal += randomClimax; int RandomSex = Random.Range(0, sexy.Length); int RandomFight = Random.Range(0, fighting.Length); sexxer = sexy[RandomSex]; fighter = fighting[RandomFight]; }
void Start() { buttonInterface = GameManager.instance.altOS.gameObject; altweapons = GameManager.instance.altWeapons; playerB = GameManager.instance.playerB; tpc = GameManager.instance.tpc; }
void Awake() { playerState = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponentInChildren<PlayerState>(); gameState = GameObject.Find("GameController").GetComponentInChildren<GameState>(); weaponSystem = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponentInChildren<WeaponSystem>(); thirdPersonController = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponentInChildren<ThirdPersonController>(); }
public void Awake() { time = Time.time; Loaded = false; mGen = GetComponent<MapGeneration> (); //new MapGeneration(); pFind = GetComponent<AStar> (); photonView = GetComponent<PhotonView> (); seed = 0; if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) { seed = Random.seed; for (int i = -4; i <= 4; ++i) { for(int j = -4; j <= 4; ++j){ mGen.GenerateBlock (i, j, seed, 0, 0); } } mGen.CreateGrid(0, 0); Loaded = true; lastX = 0; lastY = 0; } // in case we started this demo with the wrong scene being active, simply load the menu scene if (!PhotonNetwork.connected) { Application.LoadLevel(Menu.SceneNameMenu); return; } // we're in a room. spawn a character for the local player. it gets synced by using PhotonNetwork.Instantiate playerObject = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate(this.playerPrefab.name, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, 0); playerController = playerObject.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController> (); }
private void OnEnable() { if (!this.cameraTransform && Camera.main) { this.cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; } if (!this.cameraTransform) { Debug.Log("Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script."); base.enabled = false; } this.m_CameraTransformCamera = this.cameraTransform.GetComponent <Camera>(); this._target = base.transform; if (this._target) { this.controller = this._target.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); } if (this.controller) { CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)this._target.GetComponent <Collider>(); this.centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - this._target.position; this.headOffset = this.centerOffset; this.headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - this._target.position.y; } else { Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached."); } this.Cut(this._target, this.centerOffset); }
public override void Awake() { if (!this.cameraTransform && Camera.main) { this.cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; } if (!this.cameraTransform) { Debug.Log("Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script."); this.enabled = false; } this._target = this.transform; if (this._target) { this.controller = (ThirdPersonController)this._target.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); } if (this.controller) { CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)this._target.collider; this.centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - this._target.position; this.headOffset = this.centerOffset; this.headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - this._target.position.y; } else { Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached."); } this.Cut(this._target, this.centerOffset); }
void OnEnable() { if( !this.cameraTransform && Camera.main ) this.cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; if( !this.cameraTransform ) { Debug.Log( "Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script." ); this.enabled = false; } this.m_CameraTransformCamera = this.cameraTransform.GetComponent<Camera>(); this._target = this.transform; if(this._target ) { this.controller = this._target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); } if(this.controller ) { CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)this._target.GetComponent<Collider>(); this.centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - this._target.position; this.headOffset = this.centerOffset; this.headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - this._target.position.y; } else Debug.Log( "Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached." ); this.Cut(this._target, this.centerOffset ); }
void Start() { // store the Animator component animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); tpController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); // find character chest and hips characterChest = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Chest); characterHips = animator.GetBoneTransform(HumanBodyBones.Hips); // set all RigidBodies to kinematic so that they can be controlled with Mecanim // and there will be no glitches when transitioning to a ragdoll setKinematic(true); setCollider(true); // find all the transforms in the character, assuming that this script is attached to the root Component[] components = GetComponentsInChildren(typeof(Transform)); // for each of the transforms, create a BodyPart instance and store the transform foreach (Component c in components) { BodyPart bodyPart = new BodyPart(); bodyPart.transform = c as Transform; bodyParts.Add(bodyPart); } }
public void StartScene(bool instrucciones) { int numMonedas = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Monedas"); if (numMonedas != 0 && instrucciones) { foreach (GameObject aux in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Masita")) { aux.GetComponent <Moneditas>().valor = 0; } } nuevoTalento = numMonedas >= 10; Screen.showCursor = false; pause = false; controlador = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); monedas = GameObject.Find("Interfaz_Monedas").guiText; interfazTalentos = GameObject.Find("Interfaz_Talentos").guiTexture; monedas.text = "Masa: " + numMonedas; controlador.isControllable = true; talentosController = new TalentosController(); }
void OnEnable() { if (!cameraTransform && Camera.main) { cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; } if (!cameraTransform) { Debug.Log("Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script."); enabled = false; } _target = transform; if (_target) { controller = _target.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); } if (controller) { CharacterController characterController = (CharacterController)_target.collider; centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - _target.position; headOffset = centerOffset; headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - _target.position.y; } else { Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached."); } Cut(_target, centerOffset); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { controls = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController> (); weapons = GetComponentsInChildren <Weapon> (); currentLife = maxLife; damageSmoke = GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem> (); // sliderLife.value = currentLife; }
public void OnInteracted(ThirdPersonController player) { focusOn = player.transform; if (layer == InteractiveLayer.NPC) { this.transform.parent.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(focusOn.position - transform.position, Vector3.up); } }
void Start() { enemyB = GetComponent <EnemyBehaviour>(); sManager = GameManager.instance.sManager; tpc = GameManager.instance.tpc; altWeapons = GameManager.instance.altWeapons; healthScript = GameManager.instance.health; shield = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Shield").GetComponent <Animator>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start () { // gets the force forceObj = GameObject.Find("Force"); theForce = forceObj.GetComponent("Force") as Force; // gets the player controller playerController = this.GetComponent("ThirdPersonController") as ThirdPersonController; }
public virtual void UpdateHUD(ThirdPersonController cc) { // UpdateDebugWindow(cc); UpdateSliders(cc); // ChangeInputDisplay(); ShowDamageSprite(); // FadeEffect(); //CheckActionTrigger(cc); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { // gets the force forceObj = GameObject.Find("Force"); theForce = forceObj.GetComponent("Force") as Force; // gets the player controller playerController = this.GetComponent("ThirdPersonController") as ThirdPersonController; }
private void Awake() { _audioSource = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); _ps = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <ParticleSystem>(); _player = FindObjectOfType <ThirdPersonController>(); _parent = transform.parent; _messageText = GameObject.FindWithTag("MessageText").gameObject.GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); _messageBoxAnimation = _messageText.transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <MessageBoxAnimation>(); }
private void Start() { character = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); oxygen = GetComponent <Oxygen>(); CurrentHeartRate = 60; UIManager.HeartRateMonitor.SetHeartRate(CurrentHeartRate); targetHeartRate = relaxedTarget; isRelaxed = true; }
private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { ThirdPersonController character = other.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); if (character) { GameManager.Instance.PassCheckpoint(this); } }
void Awake() { CharacterController = GetComponent("CharacterController") as CharacterController; Instance = this; MoveVector = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); /*Set Main Camera to look at Player*/ ThirdPersonCamera.UseExistingOrCreateNewMainCamera(); }
public virtual void Update() { ThirdPersonController playerController = (ThirdPersonController)this.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); float currentSpeed = playerController.GetSpeed(); if (currentSpeed > playerController.walkSpeed) { this.anim.CrossFade("run"); this.anim.Blend("jumpland", 0); } else { if (currentSpeed > 0.1f) { this.anim.CrossFade("walk"); this.anim.Blend("jumpland", 0); } else { this.anim.Blend("walk", 0f, 0.3f); this.anim.Blend("run", 0f, 0.3f); this.anim.Blend("run", 0f, 0.3f); } } this.anim["run"].normalizedSpeed = this.runSpeedScale; this.anim["walk"].normalizedSpeed = this.walkSpeedScale; if (playerController.IsJumping()) { if (playerController.IsControlledDescent()) { this.anim.CrossFade("jetpackjump", 0.2f); } else { if (playerController.HasJumpReachedApex()) { this.anim.CrossFade("jumpfall", 0.2f); } else { this.anim.CrossFade("jump", 0.2f); } } } else { if (!playerController.IsGroundedWithTimeout()) { this.anim.CrossFade("ledgefall", 0.2f); } else { this.anim.Blend("ledgefall", 0f, 0.2f); } } }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider c) { if (c.gameObject.tag == "Player") { Debug.Log("Player timeline trigger"); timeline.Play(); playerController = c.gameObject.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); playerController.Disable(); // Disable player movements } }
void Start() { tpc = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player").GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); // get in boat UI symbol = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Symbol").GetComponent <Image>(); //searches for InteractSymbol symbolAnimator = symbol.GetComponent <AnimateUI>(); rb.isKinematic = true; }
void Start() { _playerScript = player.GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); _insideTower = _playerScript.InsideTower; _initAngle = _currAngle = GetAngle(); _headRenderer = firstPersonView.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); _targetPosition = Vector3.zero; }
void Start() { CameraTarget = transform.parent; controller = ThirdPersonController.Instance; Vector3 Angles = transform.eulerAngles; x = Angles.x; y = Angles.y; desireDistance = 9f; }
public virtual void Update() { ThirdPersonController controller = (ThirdPersonController)this.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); if (((!this.busy && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) && controller.IsGroundedWithTimeout()) && !controller.IsMoving()) { this.SendMessage("DidPunch"); this.busy = true; } }
void ComponentStart() { controller = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); int uid = Player.Instance.Uid; Vector2 pos = Player.Instance.Pos; mainPlayer = ThirdPersonManager.Instance.CreateCharacter(uid, pos); controller.Attach(mainPlayer); Debug.Log("GameScene MainPlayer:" + pos); }
public virtual IEnumerator Slam() { this.anim.CrossFade("buttstomp", 0.2f); ThirdPersonController playerController = (ThirdPersonController)this.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); while (!playerController.IsGrounded()) { yield return(null); } this.anim.Blend("buttstomp", 0, 0); }
void Start() { tpc = GameManager.instance.tpc; cpt = GameManager.instance.cpt; playerTrans = tpc.transform; transform.position = playerTrans.position + offset; cameraTargetDefault.position = playerTrans.position; cameraState = CameraState.Default; }
void Start() { tpc = GameManager.instance.tpc; altOS = GameManager.instance.altOS; hookshot = GetComponent <HookshotController>(); hookshot.altweapons = this; boomerang = GetComponent <BoomerangController>(); boomerang.altweapons = this; bow = GetComponent <BowController>(); bow.altweapons = this; }
// public cinem; void Awake() { m = this; anim = transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Animator>(); WalkInitSpeed = walkSpeed; rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); controller = GetComponent <CharacterController>(); moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); hit_transform_keep = new GameObject().transform; hit_transform_keep.SetParent(transform); hit_transform_keep.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; }
public void DetectFirstPersonCharacter(ThirdPersonController thirdPersonCharacter) { detectedPlayer = true; _thirdPersonCharacter = thirdPersonCharacter; rendererParent.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, currentShootDirection == ShootDirection.Right ? rightRotation : leftRotation, 0); if (shootFrequenceSystem.IsStopped) { StartShooting(); shootFrequenceSystem.Resume(); } }
public virtual void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { ThirdPersonController controller = (ThirdPersonController)col.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); if (controller != null) { if (this.GetComponent <AudioSource>()) { this.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(); } controller.SuperJump(this.jumpHeight); } }
public override void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col) { ThirdPersonController thirdPersonController = (ThirdPersonController)col.GetComponent(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); if (thirdPersonController != null) { if (this.get_audio()) { this.get_audio().Play(); } thirdPersonController.SuperJump(this.jumpHeight); } }
void Start () { currentStatus = AnimationStatus.Idle; // By default loop all animations // animationGameObject.animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animationGameObject.animation["run"].layer = -1; animationGameObject.animation["run"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animationGameObject.animation["walk"].layer = -1; animationGameObject.animation["walk"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animationGameObject.animation["idle"].layer = -2; animationGameObject.animation.SyncLayer(-1); animationGameObject.animation["fly"].layer = 1; animationGameObject.animation["fly"].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever; // animationGameObject.animation["elevate"].layer = 1; // animationGameObject.animation["lower"].layer = 1; animationGameObject.animation["idle"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; // The jump animation is clamped and overrides all others animationGameObject.animation["jump"].layer = 10; animationGameObject.animation["jump"].wrapMode = WrapMode.ClampForever; animationGameObject.animation["fall"].layer = 10; animationGameObject.animation["fall"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; animationGameObject.animation["land"].layer = 10; animationGameObject.animation["land"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; animationGameObject.animation["fallHit"].layer = 10; animationGameObject.animation["fallHit"].wrapMode = WrapMode.Once; // We are in full control here - don't let any other animations play when we start animationGameObject.animation.Stop(); animationGameObject.animation.Play("idle"); characterController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); flyingController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonFlyingController>(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { shooting = false; player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); person = player.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); col = GetComponent<CapsuleCollider>(); activeBullet = GameObject.Find("bullet"); activeBullet.SetActive(false); ak = GameObject.Find("Ak-47Enemy"); render = GetComponentInChildren<LineRenderer>(); //CollectShootableBodyParts(player.transform); //go.transform.position = new Vector3(); }
void Start () // Verify setup, configure { Setup (); // Retry setup if references were cleared post-add if (VerifySetup ()) { controller = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController> (); controller.onJump += OnJump; // Have OnJump invoked when the ThirdPersonController starts a jump currentRotation = 0.0f; lastRootForward = root.forward; } }
void Awake() { characterController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); controller = GetComponent<CharacterController>(); moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward); //assign to Component in main camera // normalCameraSmoothFollow = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<PlayerCamera>(); camManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").GetComponent<CameraManager>(); playerManager = GetComponent<PlayerManager>(); Screen.lockCursor = true; }
void SetCameraTarget(Transform t) { target = t; if (target != null) { if (target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>()) { charController = target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); } else { Debug.LogError("The camaera target needs a characterController"); } } else Debug.LogError ("Your camera needs a target"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { thirdPersonController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); thirdPersonFlyingController = GetComponent<ThirdPersonFlyingController>(); mouseOrbit = GameObject.Find("LookTarget").GetComponent<MouseOrbit>(); mouseAimFlying = GameObject.Find("LookTarget").GetComponent<MouseFlying>(); //playerLookTarget = GetComponent<PlayerLookTarget>(); headLookController = GetComponent<HeadLookController>(); _lookDirection = thirdPersonController.MoveDirection(); _inAirVelocity = 0.0f; _health = 100; _catsCollected = 0; }
void Awake() { cameraScript = GetComponent<ThirdPersonCamera>(); controllerScript = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); if (photonView.isMine) { //MINE: local player, simply enable the local scripts cameraScript.enabled = true; controllerScript.enabled = true; } else { cameraScript.enabled = false; controllerScript.enabled = true; controllerScript.isControllable = false; } gameObject.name = gameObject.name + photonView.viewID; }
void Awake() { this.cameraScript = this.GetComponent<ThirdPersonCamera>(); this.controllerScript = this.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); if (this.photonView.isMine) { //MINE: local player, simply enable the local scripts this.cameraScript.enabled = true; this.controllerScript.enabled = true; } else { this.cameraScript.enabled = false; this.controllerScript.enabled = true; this.controllerScript.isControllable = false; } this.gameObject.name = this.gameObject.name + this.photonView.viewID; }
void Start() { timeActions = GetComponent<TimeActions>(); master = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); playerTransform = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").transform; }
void Start() { controller = GetComponent <ThirdPersonController>(); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the custom components. /// </summary> private void InitializeCustomComponents() { _thirdPersonController = personController.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); _thirdPersonCameraController = personController.GetComponent<ThirdPersonCamera>(); _flyScan = personController.GetComponent<FlyScan>(); _characterMotor = personController.GetComponent<CharacterMotor>(); _fpsInputController = personController.GetComponent<FPSInputController>(); _rotationConstraint = eyesCamera.GetComponent<RotationConstraint>(); _myMouseLook = personController.GetComponent<MyMouseLook>(); }
void Start() { players = new Dictionary<string, ChickenPlayer>(); if (Player) { player_controller = Player.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); camera_controller = Player.GetComponent<ThirdPersonCamera>(); player_last_position = Player.transform.position; player_last_rotation = Player.transform.eulerAngles.y; player_last_state = player_controller.GetState(); } }
private void Awake() { var characterController = Target.GetComponent<CharacterController>(); if (characterController != null) { _centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - Target.position; _headOffset = _centerOffset; _headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - Target.position.y; } if (Target != null) { _controller = Target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); } if (_controller == null) Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a Third Person Controller script component."); }
// When the player spawn public virtual void Start() { _health = 100.0f; _tm = GameObject.Find("TeamManager").GetComponent<TeamManager>(); _obstacleManager = GameObject.Find("ObstacleManager").GetComponent<ObstacleManager>(); _tpc = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); // Minimap icon if (_minimapIcon == null) { _minimapIcon = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Quad); _minimapIcon.name = "Icon"; _minimapIcon.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().enabled = false; _minimapIcon.transform.SetParent (transform); _minimapIcon.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); _minimapIcon.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); _minimapIcon.transform.localScale = 9.0f * Vector3.one; _minimapIcon.layer = 10; if (team == 1) { _minimapIcon.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material = Resources.Load ("team1Minimap") as Material; foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.name == "Bip001") { child.GetChild(0).GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("constructor_done") as Material; } } } else { _minimapIcon.GetComponent<Renderer> ().material = Resources.Load ("team2Minimap") as Material; foreach (Transform child in transform) { if (child.name == "Bip001") { child.GetChild(0).GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>().material = Resources.Load("constructor_done2") as Material; } } } } // Fog mask if (_team == 1 && _fogMask == null) { _fogMask = GameObject.CreatePrimitive (PrimitiveType.Quad); _fogMask.name = "FogMask"; _fogMask.GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().enabled = false; _fogMask.transform.SetParent (transform); _fogMask.transform.localPosition = new Vector3 (0.0f, 1.5f, 0.0f); _fogMask.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler (90.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f); _fogMask.transform.localScale = 16.0f * Vector3.one; _fogMask.layer = 9; _fogMask.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = Resources.Load ("FogMaskMat") as Material; } // grenade _grenadePrefab = Resources.Load("Grenade") as GameObject; if (!isMainPlayer()) { AI_Start(); } }
void DidChangeTarget() { if (target) { Collider characterController = target.collider; if (characterController) { centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - target.position; headOffset = centerOffset; headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - target.position.y; } if (target) { controller = target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController> (); } if (!controller) Debug.Log ("Please assign a target to the camera that has a super mario controller."); } }
void Awake() { combat = (Combat)FindObjectOfType(typeof(Combat)); tps = (ThirdPersonController)FindObjectOfType(typeof(ThirdPersonController)); }
void Awake() { controllerScript = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); if (photonView.isMine) { //MINE: local player, simply enable the local scripts SendMessage("SetIsControl", true, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } else { cameraController.active = false; cameraController.transform.FindChild("MainCamera").active = false; cameraController.transform.FindChild("MainCamera").FindChild("GunCamera").active = false; SendMessage("SetIsControl", false, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); controllerScript.isControllable = false; gameObject.tag = "OtherPlayer"; } gameObject.name = gameObject.name + photonView.viewID; }
void Awake() { if(!cameraTransform && Camera.main) cameraTransform = Camera.main.transform; if(!cameraTransform) { //Debug.Log("Please assign a camera to the ThirdPersonCamera script."); enabled = false; } minimapTransform = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("MinimapCamera").GetComponent<Transform> (); minimapCamera = minimapTransform.camera; _target = transform; _pawn = GetComponent<Pawn> (); if (_target) { controller = _target.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); } if (controller) { CapsuleCollider characterController = _target.GetComponent<CapsuleCollider> (); centerOffset = characterController.bounds.center - _target.position; headOffset = centerOffset; headOffset.y = characterController.bounds.max.y - _target.position.y; } else { //Debug.Log("Please assign a target to the camera that has a ThirdPersonController script attached."); } Cut(_target, centerOffset); }
void Awake() { cameraScript = GetComponent<ThirdPersonCamera>(); controllerScript = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); }
void Awake() { tpc = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); particles = this.GetComponentsInChildren<ParticleEmitter>(); }
public WolfChasePlayer(WolfAIFSMSystem fsm, GameObject npc, GameObject pc) { stateID = WolfAIStateID.ChasePlayer; this.npc = npc; this.pc = pc; pcScript = pc.GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); anim = npc.GetComponent<Animator>(); this.fsm = fsm; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { alive = true; attackRange = 1f; attacking = false; ParticleSystem ps = GetComponentInChildren<ParticleSystem>(); ps.startColor = playerChemicals.getChemicals(); GetComponentInChildren<SpriteRenderer> ().color = new Color(playerChemicals.getChemicals ().r + 0.6f, playerChemicals.getChemicals ().g + 0.6f, playerChemicals.getChemicals ().b + 0.6f); health = maxHealth; controller = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); gameOverDisplay = GameObject.Find ("GameOverDisplay"); }
private void Start() { healthBar = Resources.Load("WhiteSquare") as Texture; stats = GetComponent<PlayerStats>(); inputManager = GetComponent<PlayerInputManager>(); controller = GetComponent<ThirdPersonController>(); elements["HealthBackground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/HealthBackground") as Texture2D; elements["HealthForeground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/HealthActive") as Texture2D; elements["ManaBackground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/ManaBackground") as Texture2D; elements["ManaForeground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/ManaActive") as Texture2D; elements["StaminaBackground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/StamBackground") as Texture2D; elements["StaminaForeground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/StamActive") as Texture2D; elements["ActionSocketBezel"] = Resources.Load("GUI/ActionSocketBezel") as Texture2D; elements["ActionBackground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/ActionBackground") as Texture2D; elements["CastRed"] = Resources.Load("SpellIcons/CastRed") as Texture2D; elements["OneHandedRed"] = Resources.Load("GUI/OneHandedRed") as Texture2D; elements["SpellcastForeground"] = Resources.Load("GUI/SpellcastForeground") as Texture2D; elements["Button"] = Resources.Load("GUI/Button") as Texture2D; elements["Gold"] = Resources.Load("GUI/STOLEN_GoldCoin") as Texture2D; StartCoroutine(LoadNetworkRequiredComponents()); skin = Util.ISEGUISkin; }