protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool result = false; bool arg_40_0; CompAbilityUserMight comp = this.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>(); verVal = TM_Calc.GetMightSkillLevel(this.CasterPawn, comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike, "TM_PhaseStrike", "_ver", true); pwrVal = TM_Calc.GetMightSkillLevel(this.CasterPawn, comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike, "TM_PhaseStrike", "_pwr", true); //pwr = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_pwr"); //ver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_ver"); //verVal = ver.level; //pwrVal = pwr.level; //if (base.CasterPawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) //{ // MightPowerSkill mver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); // MightPowerSkill mpwr = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); // verVal = mver.level; // pwrVal = mpwr.level; //} if ( != null && ! { TMAbilityDef ad = (TMAbilityDef)this.Ability.Def; this.dmgNum = Mathf.RoundToInt(comp.weaponDamage * ad.weaponDamageFactor); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); if (!this.CasterPawn.IsColonist && settingsRef.AIHardMode) { this.dmgNum += 10; } if (this.currentTarget != null && base.CasterPawn != null) { arg_29_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell; Vector3 vector = this.currentTarget.CenterVector3; arg_40_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell.IsValid; arg_41_0 = vector.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map); arg_42_0 = true; // vector.ToIntVec3().Standable(base.CasterPawn.Map); } else { arg_40_0 = false; } bool flag = arg_40_0; bool flag2 = arg_41_0; bool flag3 = arg_42_0; if (flag) { if (flag2 & flag3) { Pawn p = this.CasterPawn; Map map = this.CasterPawn.Map; IntVec3 pLoc = this.CasterPawn.Position; bool drafted = p.Drafted; if (p.IsColonist) { try { ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); //p.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * verVal)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(verVal)); p.drafter.Drafted = drafted; CameraJumper.TryJumpAndSelect(p); TM_MoteMaker.ThrowGenericMote(ThingDef.Named("Mote_BladeSweep"), this.CasterPawn.DrawPos, this.CasterPawn.Map, 1.4f + .4f * ver.level, .04f, 0f, .18f, 1000, 0, 0, Rand.Range(0, 360)); } catch { if (!CasterPawn.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(p, pLoc, map); p.drafter.Drafted = true; Log.Message("Phase strike threw exception - despawned pawn has been recovered at casting location"); } } } else { this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * verVal)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(verVal)); } //this.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //base.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //this.CasterPawn.pather.ResetToCurrentPosition(); result = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidTargetLocation".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } } } else { Messages.Message("MustHaveMeleeWeapon".Translate( this.CasterPawn.LabelCap ), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } this.burstShotsLeft = 0; //this.ability.TicksUntilCasting = (int)base.UseAbilityProps.SecondsToRecharge * 60; return(result); }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool result = false; bool arg_40_0; CompAbilityUserMight comp = this.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>(); pwr = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_pwr"); ver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_ver"); verVal = ver.level; pwrVal = pwr.level; if (base.CasterPawn.story.traits.HasTrait(TorannMagicDefOf.Faceless)) { MightPowerSkill mver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_ver"); MightPowerSkill mpwr = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_Mimic.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Mimic_pwr"); verVal = mver.level; pwrVal = mpwr.level; } if ( != null && ! { this.dmgNum = GetWeaponDmg(this.CasterPawn); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); if (!this.CasterPawn.IsColonist && settingsRef.AIHardMode) { this.dmgNum += 10; } if (this.currentTarget != null && base.CasterPawn != null) { arg_29_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell; Vector3 vector = this.currentTarget.CenterVector3; arg_40_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell.IsValid; arg_41_0 = vector.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map); arg_42_0 = true; // vector.ToIntVec3().Standable(base.CasterPawn.Map); } else { arg_40_0 = false; } bool flag = arg_40_0; bool flag2 = arg_41_0; bool flag3 = arg_42_0; if (flag) { if (flag2 & flag3) { Pawn p = this.CasterPawn; Map map = this.CasterPawn.Map; IntVec3 pLoc = this.CasterPawn.Position; if (p.IsColonist) { try { ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); //p.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * verVal)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(verVal)); p.drafter.Drafted = true; ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist(); } catch { if (!CasterPawn.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(p, pLoc, map); p.drafter.Drafted = true; Log.Message("Phase strike threw exception - despawned pawn has been recovered at casting location"); } } this.Ability.PostAbilityAttempt(); } else { this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * verVal)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(verVal)); } //this.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //base.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //this.CasterPawn.pather.ResetToCurrentPosition(); result = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidTargetLocation".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } } } else { Messages.Message("MustHaveMeleeWeapon".Translate(new object[] { this.CasterPawn.LabelCap }), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } this.burstShotsLeft = 0; //this.ability.TicksUntilCasting = (int)base.UseAbilityProps.SecondsToRecharge * 60; return(result); }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool result = false; bool arg_40_0; if (this.currentTarget != null && base.CasterPawn != null) { IntVec3 arg_29_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell; Vector3 vector = this.currentTarget.CenterVector3; arg_40_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell.IsValid; arg_41_0 = vector.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map); arg_42_0 = true; // vector.ToIntVec3().Standable(base.CasterPawn.Map); } else { arg_40_0 = false; } bool flag = arg_40_0; bool flag2 = arg_41_0; bool flag3 = arg_42_0; if (flag) { if (flag2 & flag3) { Pawn p = this.CasterPawn; Map map = this.CasterPawn.Map; IntVec3 cell = this.CasterPawn.Position; try { if (this.CasterPawn.IsColonist) { ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); //p.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); p.drafter.Drafted = true; ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist(); } else { this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); } } catch { if (!this.CasterPawn.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(p, cell, map); Log.Message("Exception occured when trying to blink - recovered pawn at position ability was used from."); } } //this.Ability.PostAbilityAttempt(); //this.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //base.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //this.CasterPawn.pather.ResetToCurrentPosition(); result = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidTargetLocation".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } } else { Log.Warning("failed to TryCastShot"); } this.burstShotsLeft = 0; //this.ability.TicksUntilCasting = (int)base.UseAbilityProps.SecondsToRecharge * 60; return(result); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetWornGizmos() { // base.GetWornGizmos(); if (Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing != base.Wearer) { yield break; } //tanya if (base.Wearer.kindDef.defName == "ra2_AlliedTanya") { yield return new Command_Action { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(!tanyaHandWeapon()?DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Gun_Tanya", true).graphicData.texPath : DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_TanyaC4Bomb", true).graphicData.texPath, true), defaultLabel = "TanyaChangeWeapon".Translate(), activateSound = DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_tanya_select", true), action = delegate { Pawn_EquipmentTracker pe =; ThingDef tempDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(tanyaHandWeapon()? "ra2_TanyaC4Bomb" : "ra2_Gun_Tanya", true); pe.Remove(pe.Primary); pe.AddEquipment((ThingWithComps)ThingMaker.MakeThing(tempDef)); } } } ; //chrono TargetingParameters tp = new TargetingParameters(); tp.canTargetBuildings = false; tp.canTargetFires = false; tp.canTargetLocations = true; tp.canTargetPawns = false; tp.canTargetSelf = false; if (base.Wearer.kindDef.defName == "ra2_AlliedChrono") { yield return new Command_TargetPlus { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ra2/Things/Misc/ChTeleport", true), defaultLabel = "ChronoTeleport".Translate(), activateSound = DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_select", true), targetingParams = tp, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4, disabled = !base.Wearer.drafter.Drafted || base.Wearer.stances.stunner.Stunned, aimIcon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ra2/Things/Misc/ChTeleport", true), action = delegate(LocalTargetInfo target) { Pawn casterPawn = base.Wearer; Map map = base.Wearer.Map; IEnumerable <Thing> thi = map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(target.Cell); foreach (Thing th in thi) { if (th is Building) { Messages.Message("ChronoNotToBuild".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } } MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(target.Cell, map, ThingDefOf.Mote_ExplosionFlash, new UnityEngine.Color(1, 1, 1)); // MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(target.Cell, map, ThingDefOf.Mote_ExplosionFlash, new UnityEngine.Color(1,1,1)); for (int asd = 0; asd < 60; asd++) { MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(casterPawn.Position, map, ThingDefOf.Mote_ExplosionFlash, new UnityEngine.Color(1f - asd * 0.1f, asd * 0.1f, 1f - asd * 0.05f)); } double dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(casterPawn.Position.x - target.Cell.x, 2) + Math.Pow(casterPawn.Position.z - target.Cell.z, 2)); if (dist < 20) { dist = 20; } ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); base.Wearer.DeSpawn(DestroyMode.Vanish); GenSpawn.Spawn(casterPawn, target.Cell, map, WipeMode.Vanish); casterPawn.drafter.Drafted = true; ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist(); SoundStarter.PlayOneShot(DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_move", true), casterPawn); SoundStarter.PlayOneShotOnCamera(DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_movesay", true)); DamageInfo dinfo = new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Stun, (int)(dist * 0.1), -1, 1, null, null,, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown, casterPawn); casterPawn.TakeDamage(dinfo); // Log.Warning(target+"VV"); } } } ; //yuri bool isYuri = false; if (this.Wearer != null) { Pawn pawn = this.Wearer; if (pawn.kindDef.defName.EqualsIgnoreCase("ra2_yuriyuri")) { isYuri = true; } } if (isYuri) { bool canCast = this.ticks <= 0 && this.Wearer.drafter.Drafted && !this.Wearer.stances.stunner.Stunned; yield return(new Command_YuriAction { defaultLabel = "YuriExpTitle".Translate(), icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ra2/Things/Misc/yuriExpIcon", true), disabled = !canCast, caster = this.Wearer, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4, action = delegate { Pawn pawn = this.Wearer; DamageDef df = DefDatabase <DamageDef> .GetNamed("YuriExp", true); foreach (IntVec3 cell in CellsAround(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 7)) { // if (!cell.IsValid) continue; List <Thing> list = (pawn.Map.thingGrid.ThingsListAt(cell)); try { if (list.Count < 1) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { Pawn p; if ((p = (list[i] as Pawn)) != null) { if (p.kindDef.defName.EqualsIgnoreCase("ra2_yuriyuri")) { continue; } if (p.RaceProps.IsFlesh) { { p.Kill(new DamageInfo(df, 0, 0, -1, null, null, null, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown, null), null); } if (!(p.Faction == Faction.OfPlayer && p.kindDef.defName.StartsWith("ra2_"))) { p.Corpse.Kill(null); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warning(e + "233"); } } pawn.stances.stunner.StunFor(120, null); this.ticks = 300; GenExplosion.DoExplosion(pawn.Position, pawn.Map, 7f, df, pawn, 0, -1, null, null, null, null, null, 0, 1, false, null, 0, 1, 0, false); } }); } yield break; } } }
protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool result = false; bool arg_40_0; CompAbilityUserMight comp = this.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMight>(); pwr = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_pwr"); ver = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_PhaseStrike.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_PhaseStrike_ver"); str = comp.MightData.MightPowerSkill_global_strength.FirstOrDefault((MightPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_global_strength_pwr"); if ( != null && ! { weaponComp =; weaponDPS = weaponComp.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeWeapon_AverageDPS, false) * .7f; dmgMultiplier = weaponComp.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeWeapon_DamageMultiplier, false); pawnDPS = base.CasterPawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MeleeDPS, false); skillMultiplier = (.8f + (.025f * str.level)); dmgNum = Mathf.RoundToInt(skillMultiplier * dmgMultiplier * (pawnDPS + weaponDPS)); ModOptions.SettingsRef settingsRef = new ModOptions.SettingsRef(); if (!this.CasterPawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled && settingsRef.AIHardMode) { dmgNum += 10; } if (this.currentTarget != null && base.CasterPawn != null) { arg_29_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell; Vector3 vector = this.currentTarget.CenterVector3; arg_40_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell.IsValid; arg_41_0 = vector.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map); arg_42_0 = true; // vector.ToIntVec3().Standable(base.CasterPawn.Map); } else { arg_40_0 = false; } bool flag = arg_40_0; bool flag2 = arg_41_0; bool flag3 = arg_42_0; if (flag) { if (flag2 & flag3) { Pawn p = this.CasterPawn; Map map = this.CasterPawn.Map; IntVec3 pLoc = this.CasterPawn.Position; if (p.IsColonistPlayerControlled) { try { ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); //p.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * ver.level)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(ver.level)); p.drafter.Drafted = true; ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist(); } catch { if (!CasterPawn.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(p, pLoc, map); p.drafter.Drafted = true; Log.Message("Phase strike threw exception - despawned pawn has been recovered at casting location"); } } this.Ability.PostAbilityAttempt(); } else { this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); SearchForTargets(arg_29_0, (2f + (float)(.5f * ver.level)), map, p); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); DrawBlade(p.Position.ToVector3Shifted(), 4f + (float)(ver.level)); } //this.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //base.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //this.CasterPawn.pather.ResetToCurrentPosition(); result = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidTargetLocation".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } } } else { Messages.Message("MustHaveMeleeWeapon".Translate(new object[] { this.CasterPawn.LabelCap }), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return(false); } this.burstShotsLeft = 0; //this.ability.TicksUntilCasting = (int)base.UseAbilityProps.SecondsToRecharge * 60; return(result); }
public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> GetWornGizmos() { // base.GetWornGizmos(); if (Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing != Wearer) { yield break; } //tanya if (Wearer.kindDef.defName == "ra2_AlliedTanya") { yield return(new Command_Action { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get(!tanyaHandWeapon() ?DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Gun_Tanya").graphicData.texPath : DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed("ra2_TanyaC4Bomb").graphicData.texPath), defaultLabel = "TanyaChangeWeapon".Translate(), activateSound = DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_tanya_select"), action = delegate { var pe =; var tempDef = DefDatabase <ThingDef> .GetNamed(tanyaHandWeapon()? "ra2_TanyaC4Bomb" : "ra2_Gun_Tanya"); pe.Remove(pe.Primary); pe.AddEquipment((ThingWithComps)ThingMaker.MakeThing(tempDef)); } }); } //chrono var tp = new TargetingParameters { canTargetBuildings = false, canTargetFires = false, canTargetLocations = true, canTargetPawns = false, canTargetSelf = false }; if (Wearer.kindDef.defName == "ra2_AlliedChrono") { yield return(new Command_TargetPlus { icon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ra2/Things/Misc/ChTeleport"), defaultLabel = "ChronoTeleport".Translate(), activateSound = DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_select"), targetingParams = tp, hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4, disabled = !Wearer.drafter.Drafted || Wearer.stances.stunner.Stunned, aimIcon = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("ra2/Things/Misc/ChTeleport"), action = delegate(LocalTargetInfo target) { var casterPawn = Wearer; var map = Wearer.Map; var thi = map.thingGrid.ThingsAt(target.Cell); foreach (var th in thi) { if (th is not Building) { continue; } Messages.Message("ChronoNotToBuild".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); return; } FleckMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(target.Cell, map, FleckDefOf.ExplosionFlash, new Color(1, 1, 1)); // MoteMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(target.Cell, map, ThingDefOf.Mote_ExplosionFlash, new UnityEngine.Color(1,1,1)); for (var asd = 0; asd < 60; asd++) { FleckMaker.ThrowExplosionCell(casterPawn.Position, map, FleckDefOf.ExplosionFlash, new Color(1f - (asd * 0.1f), asd * 0.1f, 1f - (asd * 0.05f))); } var dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(casterPawn.Position.x - target.Cell.x, 2) + Math.Pow(casterPawn.Position.z - target.Cell.z, 2)); if (dist < 20) { dist = 20; } ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); Wearer.DeSpawn(); GenSpawn.Spawn(casterPawn, target.Cell, map); casterPawn.drafter.Drafted = true; ThingSelectionUtility.SelectPreviousColonist(); DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_move").PlayOneShot(casterPawn); DefDatabase <SoundDef> .GetNamed("ra2_Chrono_movesay").PlayOneShotOnCamera(); var dinfo = new DamageInfo(DamageDefOf.Stun, (int)(dist * 0.1), -1, 1, null, null,, DamageInfo.SourceCategory.ThingOrUnknown, casterPawn); casterPawn.TakeDamage(dinfo); // Log.Warning(target+"VV"); } });
protected override bool TryCastShot() { bool result = false; bool arg_40_0; if (this.currentTarget != null && base.CasterPawn != null) { IntVec3 arg_29_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell; Vector3 vector = this.currentTarget.CenterVector3; arg_40_0 = this.currentTarget.Cell.IsValid; arg_41_0 = vector.InBounds(base.CasterPawn.Map); arg_42_0 = true; // vector.ToIntVec3().Standable(base.CasterPawn.Map); } else { arg_40_0 = false; } bool flag = arg_40_0; bool flag2 = arg_41_0; bool flag3 = arg_42_0; if (flag) { if (flag2 & flag3) { Pawn p = this.CasterPawn; Map map = this.CasterPawn.Map; IntVec3 cell = this.CasterPawn.Position; bool draftFlag = this.CasterPawn.Drafted; try { if (this.CasterPawn.IsColonist) { ModOptions.Constants.SetPawnInFlight(true); ThingSelectionUtility.SelectNextColonist(); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); //p.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); p.drafter.Drafted = draftFlag; if (base.CasterPawn.GetComp <CompAbilityUserMagic>().MagicData.MagicPowerSkill_Cantrips.FirstOrDefault((MagicPowerSkill x) => x.label == "TM_Cantrips_ver").level >= 1) { List <Pawn> eList = TM_Calc.FindPawnsNearTarget(p, 2, this.currentTarget.Cell, true); if (eList != null && eList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < eList.Count; i++) { Pawn e = eList[i]; TM_Action.DamageEntities(e, null, 5f, DamageDefOf.Stun, p); } } } CameraJumper.TryJumpAndSelect(p); ModOptions.Constants.SetPawnInFlight(false); } else { ModOptions.Constants.SetPawnInFlight(true); this.CasterPawn.DeSpawn(); GenSpawn.Spawn(p, this.currentTarget.Cell, map); ModOptions.Constants.SetPawnInFlight(false); } } catch { if (!this.CasterPawn.Spawned) { GenSpawn.Spawn(p, cell, map); Log.Message("Exception occured when trying to blink - recovered pawn at position ability was used from."); } } //this.Ability.PostAbilityAttempt(); //this.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //base.CasterPawn.SetPositionDirect(this.currentTarget.Cell); //this.CasterPawn.pather.ResetToCurrentPosition(); result = true; } else { Messages.Message("InvalidTargetLocation".Translate(), MessageTypeDefOf.RejectInput); } } else { Log.Warning("failed to TryCastShot"); } this.burstShotsLeft = 0; //this.ability.TicksUntilCasting = (int)base.UseAbilityProps.SecondsToRecharge * 60; return(result); }