internal bool UpdateSessionLCID(Guid pSessionID, int pLCID) { lock (GetLock()) //LOCK-REVIEW: This is more a logic lock then read/write MySessionStates.MyRecordsLock) //low impact { TheSessionState tSess = ValidateSEID(pSessionID); //Low Frequency if (tSess != null) { tSess.LCID = pLCID; MySessionStates.UpdateItem(tSess, null); return(true); } } return(false); }
private void GetIP(TheStorageMirror <TheVisitorLogData> .StoreResponse pRec) { lock (mVisitorList.MyLock) { TheVisitorLogData tLog = null; if (pRec == null || pRec.HasErrors || pRec.MyRecords.Count == 0) { if (pRec != null) { mVisitorList.TryGetValue(pRec.SQLFilter, out tLog); if (tLog != null) { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{tLog.ip}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tLog); mVisitorList.RemoveNoCare(pRec.SQLFilter); } } } else { tLog = pRec.MyRecords[0]; tLog.Visits++; tLog.LastVisit = DateTimeOffset.Now; if (tLog.latitude == 0 && tLog.longitude == 0) { TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri($"{tLog.ip}?access_key={APIKey}"), 0, sinkProcessLocation, tLog); } else { MyVisitorLogStore.UpdateItem(MyLocation); } } } }
public override void HandleMessage(ICDEThing sender, object pIncoming) { TheProcessMessage pMsg = pIncoming as TheProcessMessage; if (pMsg == null || pMsg.Message == null) { return; } var cmd = TheCommonUtils.cdeSplit(pMsg.Message.TXT, ":", false, false); switch (cmd[0]) { case nameof(MsgAddConnectionThing <TConnectionThingParam>): var addMsg = TheCommRequestResponse.ParseRequestMessageJSON <MsgAddConnectionThing <TConnectionThingParam> >(pMsg.Message); var responseMsg = new MsgAddConnectionThingResponse { Error = "Unexpected" }; if (addMsg != null) { var thingToAdd = addMsg.ThingToAdd; if (thingToAdd != null) { var currentThing = MyConnectionThings.MyMirrorCache.GetEntryByID(thingToAdd.cdeMID); var newThing = new TConnectionThing(); newThing.Initialize(thingToAdd); if (currentThing == null) { MyConnectionThings.AddAnItem(newThing); responseMsg.Error = null; } else { if (!newThing.IsEqual(currentThing)) { UpdateConnectionThing(currentThing, newThing); MyConnectionThings.UpdateItem(newThing); Connect(); } responseMsg.Error = null; } } else { responseMsg.Error = "INVALIDARGS"; } } TheCommRequestResponse.PublishResponseMessageJson(pMsg.Message, responseMsg); break; default: base.HandleMessage(sender, pIncoming); break; } }
void sinkServiceInfo(TSM pMsgMessage) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pMsgMessage?.PLS)) { return; } var MyInfo = TheCommonUtils.DeserializeJSONStringToObject <List <TheNodeTopics> >(pMsgMessage.PLS); int bk = 0; foreach (TheFootPrints tf in MyFootPrints.MyMirrorCache.TheValues) { tf.Counter = 0; tf.IsDirty = false; } if (MyInfo?.Count > 0) { foreach (var tIn in MyInfo) { if (tIn.NodeType == cdeSenderType.CDE_JAVAJASON) { bk++; } else { foreach (TheFootPrints tf in MyFootPrints.MyMirrorCache.TheValues) { List <string> tFs = TheCommonUtils.CStringToList(tf.Footprint, ';'); if (IsListInList(tIn.Topics, tFs) && (tf.ExactCount == 0 || tf.ExactCount == tIn.Topics.Count)) { tf.Counter++; tf.IsDirty = true; } } } } TheThing.SetSafePropertyNumber(MyBaseThing, "BrowserCount", bk); } foreach (TheFootPrints tf in MyFootPrints.MyMirrorCache.TheValues) { if (tf.IsDirty || tf.Counter == 0) { MyFootPrints.UpdateItem(tf); TheThing.SetSafePropertyNumber(MyBaseThing, $"{tf.NodeType}_Count", tf.Counter); } } }
internal void sinkProcessLocation(TheRequestData pLocationState) { if (pLocationState.ResponseBuffer == null) { return; } TheVisitorLogData tlog = pLocationState.CookieObject as TheVisitorLogData; if (tlog != null) { MyLocation = tlog; } if (MyLocation == null) { MyLocation = new TheVisitorLogData(); } string pLocation = TheCommonUtils.CArray2UTF8String(pLocationState.ResponseBuffer); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pLocation)) { try { TheVisitorLogData tIP = TheCommonUtils.DeserializeJSONStringToObject <TheVisitorLogData>(pLocation); if (tIP != null) { MyLocation.ip = tIP.ip; MyLocation.latitude = tIP.latitude; MyLocation.longitude = tIP.longitude; MyLocation.region_code = tIP.region_code; MyLocation.region_name = tIP.region_name; =; MyBaseThing?.FireEvent("NewVisitorLogged", MyBaseThing, null, true); //TheREST.GetRESTAsync(new Uri(string.Format("{0}&long={1}&UnitType=1&OutputType=1", MyLocation.Latitude, MyLocation.Longitude)), 0, MyWeather.sinkProcessWeather, null); } } catch (Exception ee) { TheBaseAssets.MySYSLOG.WriteToLog(512, TSM.L(eDEBUG_LEVELS.ESSENTIALS) ? null : new TSM("VisitorLog", "Error processing Location ", eMsgLevel.l1_Error, ee.ToString() + ":::" + pLocation)); } } MyVisitorLogStore?.UpdateItem(MyLocation); }
//Helper to update storage list private void UpdateStorageList(string name, string status, int step, TheScript script, TheThing context, bool replay) { ScriptSnapshot existingSnapshot = null; // No longer adding a new entry on replay because the list is now used to disable script/steps etc. existingSnapshot = MyScriptTableStorage.MyMirrorCache.GetEntryByFunc(snapshot => snapshot.ScriptName == name && snapshot.ScriptStep == step); var stepName = step > 0 && step <= script?.Steps.Length ? script?.Steps[step - 1]?.GetName() ?? "" : ""; if (existingSnapshot == null) { var newSnapshot = new ScriptSnapshot { ScriptName = name, ScriptStatus = status, StepName = stepName, ScriptStep = step, ContextScript = script, FileName = script?.FileName, ScriptRaw = script?.ScriptRaw, Context = context, LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.Now, }; MyScriptTableStorage.AddAnItem(newSnapshot); } else { existingSnapshot.ScriptName = name; existingSnapshot.ScriptStatus = status; existingSnapshot.StepName = stepName; existingSnapshot.ScriptStep = step; existingSnapshot.ContextScript = script; existingSnapshot.FileName = script?.FileName; existingSnapshot.ScriptRaw = script?.ScriptRaw; existingSnapshot.Context = context; existingSnapshot.LastUpdate = DateTimeOffset.Now; MyScriptTableStorage.UpdateItem(existingSnapshot); } }