/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void BttConferma_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { Classi.Sicurezza _Sic = new Classi.Sicurezza(); Classi.Utente _Utente = new TheSite.Classi.Utente(); txtsPasword.Text = _Sic.EncryptMD5(txtsPasword.Text); //txtsPasword.Text = _Sic.EncryptSHA1(txtsPasword.Text); try { int i_IdUtente = _Utente.Login(this); if (i_IdUtente > 0) { string url = FormsAuthentication.GetRedirectUrl(txtsUserName.Text, false); // FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(txtsUserName.Text,false); // // Response.Redirect(url); string[] a_roles = _Utente.GetRuoli(txtsUserName.Text); string roleStr = ""; double ore = 8; foreach (String role in a_roles) { //if(role.ToUpper()=="CALLCENTER") // ore=8; roleStr += role; roleStr += ";"; } FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket( 1, txtsUserName.Text, DateTime.Now, // issue time DateTime.Now.AddHours(ore), // expires every hour false, // don't persist cookie roleStr, // roles FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath); // Encrypt the ticket. string encTicket = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket); // Create the cookie. Response.Cookies.Add(new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, encTicket)); // Redirect back to original URL. Response.Redirect(url); } else { PanelMess.ShowError("Utenza o Password errati", true); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); //PanelMess.ShowError("Errore interno al Data Base.", true); PanelMess.ShowError(ex.Message.ToString(), true); } }
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { user.Text = Request.Params["user"]; password.Text = Request.Params["password"]; //user.Text="callcenter"; //password.Text="callcenter01"; usr = Request.Params["user"]; //usr="******"; Sicurezza sic = new Sicurezza(); pwd = sic.EncryptMD5(Request.Params["password"]); //pwd=sic.EncryptMD5("callcenter01"); /*PROCEDURE SP_AUTENTICA_UTENTI (p_UserName in varchar2, * p_Password in varchar2, * IO_CURSOR IN OUT T_CURSOR)*/ S_ControlsCollection _SColl = new S_ControlsCollection(); S_Controls.Collections.S_Object UserName = new S_Object(); UserName.ParameterName = "p_UserName"; UserName.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; UserName.Size = 50; UserName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; UserName.Value = usr; UserName.Index = 0; _SColl.Add(UserName); S_Controls.Collections.S_Object Password = new S_Object(); Password.ParameterName = "p_Password"; Password.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; Password.Size = 50; Password.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; Password.Value = pwd; Password.Index = 1; _SColl.Add(Password); Classi.Utente _Utente = new TheSite.Classi.Utente(); int res = _Utente.Login(_SColl); Response.Clear(); Response.ClearHeaders(); Response.ClearContent(); Response.AddHeader("autenticato", res.ToString()); } catch (Exception exc) { lblH.Text = exc.ToString(); } }
/// <summary> /// Verifica che l'utente corrente abbia inserito la propria password /// Ritorna True se è l'utente corrente in caso contrario false. /// </summary> private bool IsUtente() { Classi.Sicurezza _Sic = new Classi.Sicurezza(); Classi.Utente _Utente = new TheSite.Classi.Utente(); txtsPasword.Text = _Sic.EncryptMD5(txtsPasword.Text); string UserName = Context.User.Identity.Name; S_ControlsCollection _SColl = new S_ControlsCollection(); S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_p_UserName = new S_Object(); s_p_UserName.ParameterName = "p_UserName"; s_p_UserName.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; s_p_UserName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_p_UserName.Index = 0; s_p_UserName.Size = 50; s_p_UserName.Value = UserName; _SColl.Add(s_p_UserName); S_Controls.Collections.S_Object s_p_Password = new S_Object(); s_p_Password.ParameterName = "p_Password"; s_p_Password.DbType = CustomDBType.VarChar; s_p_Password.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; s_p_Password.Index = 1; s_p_Password.Size = 50; s_p_Password.Value = txtsPasword.Text; _SColl.Add(s_p_Password); i_IdUtente = _Utente.Login(_SColl); if (i_IdUtente > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }