コード例 #1
        // fileName of the form  "d:\Temp\Image.jpg"
        private byte[] GetBufferFromImageFile(string fileName, TextureCompressionType compressionType)
            System.Drawing.Image image        = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(fileName);
            MemoryStream         memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format = compressionType == TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp;
            image.Save(memoryStream, format);
            byte[] imageBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();

コード例 #2
        // sUri of the form  "pack://application:,,,/myPack;component/Images/image.jpg"
        private byte[] GetBufferImage(string sUri, TextureCompressionType compressionType)
            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format = (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG) ? System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg : System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp;

            Uri uri = new Uri(sUri, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute);
            StreamResourceInfo info = Application.GetResourceStream(uri);

            System.Drawing.Image image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(info.Stream);

            MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

            image.Save(memoryStream, format);
            byte[] imageBuffer = memoryStream.ToArray();

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Warcraft.BLP.BLP"/> class.
        /// This constructor creates a BLP file using the specified compression from a bitmap object.
        /// If the compression type specifed is DXTC, the default pixel format used is DXT1 for opaque textures and DXT3 for the rest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionType">Compression type.</param>
        public BLP(Image <Rgba32> image, TextureCompressionType compressionType)
            // Set up the header
            Header = new BLPHeader
                CompressionType = compressionType

            if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.Palettized)
                Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.Palettized;

                // Determine best alpha bit depth
                if (image.HasAlpha())
                    var alphaLevels = new List <byte>();
                    for (var y = 0; y < image.Height; ++y)
                        for (var x = 0; x < image.Width; ++x)
                            var pixel = image[x, y];
                            if (!alphaLevels.Contains(pixel.A))

                            if (alphaLevels.Count > 16)

                    if (alphaLevels.Count > 16)
                        // More than 16? Use a full byte
                        Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;
                    else if (alphaLevels.Count > 2)
                        // More than 2, but less than or equal to 16? Use half a byte
                        Header.AlphaBitDepth = 4;
                        // Just 2? Use a bit instead
                        Header.AlphaBitDepth = 1;
                    // No alpha, so a bit depth of 0.
                    Header.AlphaBitDepth = 0;
            else if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.DXTC)
                Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;

                // Determine best DXTC type (1, 3 or 5)
                if (image.HasAlpha())
                    Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.DXT3;
                    // DXT1 for no alpha
                    Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.DXT1;
            else if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.Uncompressed)
                // The alpha will be stored as a straight ARGB texture, so set it to 8
                Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;
                Header.PixelFormat   = BLPPixelFormat.PalARGB1555DitherFloydSteinberg;

            // What the mip type does is currently unknown, but it's usually set to 1.
            Header.MipMapType = 1;
            Header.Resolution = new Resolution((uint)image.Width, (uint)image.Height);

            // It's now time to compress the image
            _rawMipMaps = CompressImage(image);

            // Calculate the offsets and sizes
            var mipOffset = (uint)(Header.GetSize() + (_palette.Count * 4));

            foreach (var rawMipMap in _rawMipMaps)
                var mipSize = (uint)rawMipMap.Length;


                // Push the offset ahead for the next mipmap
                mipOffset += mipSize;
コード例 #4
ファイル: BLPHeader.cs プロジェクト: datphL/libwarcraft
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Warcraft.BLP.BLPHeader"/> class.
        /// This constructor creates a header from input data read from a BLP file.
        /// Usually, this is 148 bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inData">ExtendedData.</param>
        public BLPHeader(byte[] inData)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(inData))
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    this.Signature = new string(br.ReadChars(4));

                    if (Enum.TryParse(this.Signature, out this.Format))
                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Version = (uint)br.ReadInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.CompressionType = (TextureCompressionType)br.ReadByte();
                            this.CompressionType = (TextureCompressionType)br.ReadUInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.AlphaBitDepth = br.ReadByte();
                            this.AlphaBitDepth = br.ReadUInt32();

                        // BLP0 & BLP1 stores the resolution here
                        if (this.Format < BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Resolution = new Resolution(br.ReadUInt32(), br.ReadUInt32());

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.PixelFormat = (BLPPixelFormat)br.ReadByte();
                            this.PixelFormat = (BLPPixelFormat)br.ReadUInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.MipMapType = br.ReadByte();
                            this.MipMapType = br.ReadUInt32();

                        // BLP2 stores the resolution here
                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Resolution = new Resolution(br.ReadUInt32(), br.ReadUInt32());

                        this.MipMapOffsets = new List <uint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                            uint offset = br.ReadUInt32();
                            if (offset > 0)

                        this.MipMapSizes = new List <uint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                            uint size = br.ReadUInt32();
                            if (size > 0)
                        throw new FileLoadException("The provided data did not have a BLP signature.");
コード例 #5
        protected override async void OnClick()
            // make sure there's an OID from a created feature
            if (Module1.MultipatchOID == -1)

            if (MapView.Active?.Map == null)

            // find layer
            var member = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "MultipatchWithTextureSimple") as FeatureLayer;

            if (member == null)

            // create the textures
            TextureCompressionType compressionType = TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG;

            byte[] brickImageBuffer     = GetBufferImage("pack://application:,,,/MultipatchBuilderEx;component/Textures/Brick.jpg", compressionType);
            var    brickTextureResource = new TextureResource(new JPEGTexture(brickImageBuffer));

            BasicMaterial brickMaterialTexture = new BasicMaterial();

            brickMaterialTexture.TextureResource = brickTextureResource;

            byte[] blocksImageBuffer     = GetBufferImage("pack://application:,,,/MultipatchBuilderEx;component/Textures/Retaining_Blocks.jpg", compressionType);
            var    blocksTextureResource = new TextureResource(new JPEGTexture(blocksImageBuffer));

            BasicMaterial blockskMaterialTexture = new BasicMaterial();

            blockskMaterialTexture.TextureResource = blocksTextureResource;

            byte[] waterImageBuffer     = GetBufferImage("pack://application:,,,/MultipatchBuilderEx;component/Textures/water.jpg", compressionType);
            var    waterTextureResource = new TextureResource(new JPEGTexture(waterImageBuffer));

            BasicMaterial waterMaterialTexture = new BasicMaterial();

            waterMaterialTexture.TextureResource = waterTextureResource;

            // set up a set of TextureCoordinates - these determine how the texture is draped over a face
            //  In this scenario we will use the same textureCoordinates for each face
            var textureCoords = new List <Coordinate2D>()
                new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
                new Coordinate2D(1, 0),
                new Coordinate2D(1, -1),
                new Coordinate2D(0, 0),
                new Coordinate2D(1, -1),
                new Coordinate2D(0, -1),

            bool result = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                // get the multipatch shape using the Inspector
                var insp = new Inspector();
                insp.Load(member, Module1.MultipatchOID);
                var origMultipatch = insp.Shape as Multipatch;

                // create a builder
                var mpb = new ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.MultipatchBuilderEx(origMultipatch);

                // apply the texture materials to the patches
                var patches = mpb.Patches;

                patches[0].Material        = brickMaterialTexture;
                patches[0].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                patches[1].Material        = blockskMaterialTexture;
                patches[1].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                patches[2].Material        = brickMaterialTexture;
                patches[2].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                patches[3].Material        = waterMaterialTexture;
                patches[3].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                patches[4].Material        = blockskMaterialTexture;
                patches[4].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                patches[5].Material        = waterMaterialTexture;
                patches[5].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

                // use this method to determine patches which contain the specified texture
                //var texture = mpb.QueryPatchIndicesWithTexture(brickTextureResource);

                // get the modified multipatch geometry
                var newMultipatch = mpb.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;

                // modify operation
                var modifyOp  = new EditOperation();
                modifyOp.Name = "Apply textures to multipatch";
                modifyOp.Modify(member, Module1.MultipatchOID, newMultipatch);

                if (modifyOp.Execute())

コード例 #6
    void OnGUI()
        Undo.RecordObject(this, "lb");

        scrollPos = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPos,

        EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space();
        EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space();

        importerType = (TexImporterType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Importer Mode", importerType, GUILayout.Width(343));
        if (GUILayout.Button("Batch Import"))
            if (importerType == TexImporterType.AllTextures)
                var files = Directory.GetFiles("Assets", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                            .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".png") || s.EndsWith(".jpg") || s.EndsWith(".psd") || s.EndsWith(".gif") ||
                                   s.EndsWith(".iff") || s.EndsWith(".tga") || s.EndsWith(".tiff") || s.EndsWith(".bmp") ||

                foreach (string s in files)
                    TextureImporter tImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(s) as TextureImporter;
                    tImporter.maxTextureSize = textureSize;

                    if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.None)
                        tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
                    if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.LowQuality)
                        tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedLQ;
                    if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.HighQuality)
                        tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedHQ;

                    if (advancedMode)
                        tImporter.textureType         = textureType;
                        tImporter.textureShape        = textureShape;
                        tImporter.sRGBTexture         = textureRGB;
                        tImporter.alphaSource         = textureAlphaSource;
                        tImporter.alphaIsTransparency = AlphaIsTransparent;
                        tImporter.isReadable          = ReadWriteEnabled;
                        tImporter.mipmapEnabled       = GenerateMipMaps;
                        tImporter.wrapMode            = wrapMode;
                        tImporter.filterMode          = filterMode;
                        tImporter.anisoLevel          = AnisoLevel;

                    AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(s, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);

            if (importerType == TexImporterType.CustomPath)
                if (CustomPath.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string f in CustomPath)
                        var files = Directory.GetFiles(f, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                                    .Where(s => s.EndsWith(".png") || s.EndsWith(".jpg") || s.EndsWith(".psd") || s.EndsWith(".gif") ||
                                           s.EndsWith(".iff") || s.EndsWith(".tga") || s.EndsWith(".tiff") || s.EndsWith(".bmp") ||

                        foreach (string ss in files)
                            TextureImporter tImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(ss) as TextureImporter;
                            tImporter.maxTextureSize = textureSize;

                            if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.None)
                                tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
                            if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.LowQuality)
                                tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedLQ;
                            if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.HighQuality)
                                tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedHQ;

                            if (advancedMode)
                                tImporter.textureType         = textureType;
                                tImporter.textureShape        = textureShape;
                                tImporter.sRGBTexture         = textureRGB;
                                tImporter.alphaSource         = textureAlphaSource;
                                tImporter.alphaIsTransparency = AlphaIsTransparent;
                                tImporter.isReadable          = ReadWriteEnabled;
                                tImporter.mipmapEnabled       = GenerateMipMaps;
                                tImporter.wrapMode            = wrapMode;
                                tImporter.filterMode          = filterMode;
                                tImporter.anisoLevel          = AnisoLevel;
                            AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(ss, ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);

            if (importerType == TexImporterType.CustomTextures)
                if (targets.Length > 0)
                    foreach (Texture2D s in targets)
                        TextureImporter tImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(s)) as TextureImporter;
                        tImporter.maxTextureSize = textureSize;

                        if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.None)
                            tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.Uncompressed;
                        if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.LowQuality)
                            tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedLQ;
                        if (comprissonMode == TextureCompressionType.HighQuality)
                            tImporter.textureCompression = TextureImporterCompression.CompressedHQ;

                        if (advancedMode)
                            tImporter.textureType         = textureType;
                            tImporter.textureShape        = textureShape;
                            tImporter.sRGBTexture         = textureRGB;
                            tImporter.alphaSource         = textureAlphaSource;
                            tImporter.alphaIsTransparency = AlphaIsTransparent;
                            tImporter.isReadable          = ReadWriteEnabled;
                            tImporter.mipmapEnabled       = GenerateMipMaps;
                            tImporter.wrapMode            = wrapMode;
                            tImporter.filterMode          = filterMode;
                            tImporter.anisoLevel          = AnisoLevel;
                        AssetDatabase.ImportAsset(AssetDatabase.GetAssetPath(s), ImportAssetOptions.ForceUpdate);


        if (importerType == TexImporterType.CustomTextures)
            ScriptableObject   target          = this;
            SerializedObject   so              = new SerializedObject(target);
            SerializedProperty stringsProperty = so.FindProperty("targets");
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(stringsProperty, true); // True means show children
            so.ApplyModifiedProperties();                         // Remember to apply modified properties

        if (importerType == TexImporterType.CustomPath)
            ScriptableObject   target          = this;
            SerializedObject   so              = new SerializedObject(target);
            SerializedProperty stringsProperty = so.FindProperty("CustomPath");
            EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(stringsProperty, true); // True means show children
            so.ApplyModifiedProperties();                         // Remember to apply modified properties

        textureSize = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Texture Size", textureSize, GUILayout.Width(343));
        EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.Space();

        comprissonMode = (TextureCompressionType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Comprisson Mode", comprissonMode, GUILayout.Width(343));
        advancedMode = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Show Advanced Options", advancedMode);
        if (advancedMode)
            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Recommended non-advanced mode to avoid problems");

            textureType        = (TextureImporterType)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Texture Type", textureType, GUILayout.Width(343));
            textureShape       = (TextureImporterShape)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Texture Shape", textureShape, GUILayout.Width(343));
            textureRGB         = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("sRGB Mode", textureRGB, GUILayout.Width(343));
            textureAlphaSource = (TextureImporterAlphaSource)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Alpha Source", textureAlphaSource, GUILayout.Width(343));
            AlphaIsTransparent = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Alpha Is Transparent", AlphaIsTransparent, GUILayout.Width(343));
            ReadWriteEnabled   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Read Write Enabled", ReadWriteEnabled, GUILayout.Width(343));
            GenerateMipMaps    = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Generate Mip Maps", GenerateMipMaps, GUILayout.Width(343));
            wrapMode   = (TextureWrapMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Wrap Mode", wrapMode, GUILayout.Width(343));
            filterMode = (FilterMode)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Filter Mode", filterMode, GUILayout.Width(343));
            AnisoLevel = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Aniso Level", AnisoLevel, GUILayout.Width(343));
コード例 #7
ファイル: BLP.cs プロジェクト: Nihlus/libwarcraft
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Warcraft.BLP.BLP"/> class.
        /// This constructor creates a BLP file using the specified compression from a bitmap object.
        /// If the compression type specifed is DXTC, the default pixel format used is DXT1 for opaque textures and DXT3 for the rest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image.</param>
        /// <param name="compressionType">Compression type.</param>
        public BLP(Bitmap image, TextureCompressionType compressionType)
            // Set up the header
            this.Header = new BLPHeader
                CompressionType = compressionType

            if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.Palettized)
                this.Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.Pixel_Palettized;
                // Determine best alpha bit depth
                if (image.HasAlpha())
                    List<byte> alphaLevels = new List<byte>();
                    for (int y = 0; y < image.Height; ++y)
                        for (int x = 0; x < image.Width; ++x)
                            Color pixel = image.GetPixel(x, y);
                            if (!alphaLevels.Contains(pixel.A))

                            if (alphaLevels.Count > 16)

                    if (alphaLevels.Count > 16)
                        // More than 16? Use a full byte
                        this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;
                    else if (alphaLevels.Count > 2)
                        // More than 2, but less than or equal to 16? Use half a byte
                        this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 4;
                        // Just 2? Use a bit instead
                        this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 1;
                    // No alpha, so a bit depth of 0.
                    this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 0;
            else if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.DXTC)
                this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;

                // Determine best DXTC type (1, 3 or 5)
                if (image.HasAlpha())
                    this.Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.Pixel_DXT3;
                    // DXT1 for no alpha
                    this.Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.Pixel_DXT1;
            else if (compressionType == TextureCompressionType.Uncompressed)
                // The alpha will be stored as a straight ARGB texture, so set it to 8
                this.Header.AlphaBitDepth = 8;
                this.Header.PixelFormat = BLPPixelFormat.Pixel_PalARGB1555DitherFloydSteinberg;

            // What the mip type does is currently unknown, but it's usually set to 1.
            this.Header.MipMapType = 1;
            this.Header.Resolution = new Resolution((uint)image.Width, (uint)image.Height);

            // It's now time to compress the image
            this.RawMipMaps = CompressImage(image);

            // Calculate the offsets and sizes
            uint mipOffset = (uint)(this.Header.GetSize() + this.Palette.Count * 4);
            foreach (byte[] rawMipMap in this.RawMipMaps)
                uint mipSize = (uint)rawMipMap.Length;


                // Push the offset ahead for the next mipmap
                mipOffset += mipSize;
コード例 #8
ファイル: BLPHeader.cs プロジェクト: Nihlus/libwarcraft
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Warcraft.BLP.BLPHeader"/> class.
        /// This constructor creates a header from input data read from a BLP file.
        /// Usually, this is 148 bytes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InData">Data.</param>
        public BLPHeader(byte[] InData)
            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(InData))
                using (BinaryReader br = new BinaryReader(ms))
                    this.Signature = new string(br.ReadChars(4));

                    if (Enum.TryParse(this.Signature, out this.Format))
                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Version = (uint)br.ReadInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.CompressionType = (TextureCompressionType)br.ReadByte();
                            this.CompressionType = (TextureCompressionType)br.ReadUInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.AlphaBitDepth = br.ReadByte();
                            this.AlphaBitDepth = br.ReadUInt32();

                        // BLP0 & BLP1 stores the resolution here
                        if (this.Format < BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Resolution = new Resolution(br.ReadUInt32(), br.ReadUInt32());

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.PixelFormat = (BLPPixelFormat)br.ReadByte();
                            this.PixelFormat = (BLPPixelFormat)br.ReadUInt32();

                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.MipMapType = br.ReadByte();
                            this.MipMapType = br.ReadUInt32();

                        // BLP2 stores the resolution here
                        if (this.Format == BLPFormat.BLP2)
                            this.Resolution = new Resolution(br.ReadUInt32(), br.ReadUInt32());

                        this.MipMapOffsets = new List<uint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                            uint offset = br.ReadUInt32();
                            if (offset > 0)

                        this.MipMapSizes = new List<uint>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
                            uint size = br.ReadUInt32();
                            if (size > 0)
                        throw new FileLoadException("The provided data did not have a BLP signature.");
コード例 #9
        protected override async void OnClick()
            #region Initialization
            // set up a set of TextureCoordinates - these determine how the texture is draped over a face
            //  In this scenario we will use the same textureCoordinates for each face
            var textureCoords = new List <Coordinate2D>()
                new Coordinate2D(4.67909908294678, -2.89953231811523),
                new Coordinate2D(-3.7085223197937, -2.89953231811523),
                new Coordinate2D(-3.6790623664856, 1.89953279495239),
                new Coordinate2D(4.67909908294678, -2.89953231811523),
                new Coordinate2D(-3.6790623664856, 1.89953279495239),
                new Coordinate2D(4.7085223197937, 1.89953327178955)

            TextureCompressionType compressionType = TextureCompressionType.CompressionJPEG;
            byte[] glassImageBuffer     = GetBufferImage("pack://application:,,,/MultipatchBuilder;component/Textures/Glass.jpg", compressionType);
            var    glassTextureResource = new TextureResource(new JPEGTexture(glassImageBuffer));
            byte[] roofImageBuffer      = GetBufferImage("pack://application:,,,/MultipatchBuilder;component/Textures/Roof.jpg", compressionType);
            var    roofTextureResource  = new TextureResource(new JPEGTexture(roofImageBuffer));

            var materialGray = new BasicMaterial
                Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Gray

            if (MapView.Active?.Map == null)

            // find footprint layer
            var footPrintLyr = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "BuildingFootprints") as FeatureLayer;
            if (footPrintLyr == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Can't find layer: BuildingFootprint");

            var buildingLyr = MapView.Active.Map.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().FirstOrDefault(l => l.Name == "BuildingStructure") as FeatureLayer;
            if (buildingLyr == null)
                MessageBox.Show("Can't find layer: BuildingStructure");

            // create the multipatch
            var mpb = await QueuedTask.Run <MultipatchBuilderEx>(() =>
                // get all selected lines and use them as the building footprint
                var footPrintSelection = footPrintLyr.GetSelection();
                Polygon footPrint      = null;
                int floorLevels        = 1;
                #region Get Footprint and Floor levels
                foreach (var footprintOid in footPrintSelection.GetObjectIDs())
                    // get the multipatch shape using the Inspector
                    var insp = new Inspector();
                    insp.Load(footPrintLyr, footprintOid);
                    footPrint   = GeometryEngine.Instance.ReverseOrientation(insp.Shape as Multipart) as Polygon;
                    floorLevels = (int)insp["Floors"];
                if (footPrint == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("No selected building footprint found");
                // Create the MultipatchBuilder using the building footprints and the floorlevels as height
                return(MyMultipatchBuilder.CreateTriangleMultipatchBuilder(footPrint, floorLevels));

            // apply texture or material
            // create a builder to work on the multipatch geometry
            switch (Module1.SelectedTexture)
            case "Glass":
                // create the textures for walls and roof
                BasicMaterial glassMaterialTexture = new BasicMaterial
                    TextureResource = glassTextureResource
                BasicMaterial roofMaterialTexture = new BasicMaterial
                    TextureResource = roofTextureResource

                // apply the texture materials to the patches
                var patches = mpb.Patches;
                for (var iPatch = 0; iPatch < patches.Count; iPatch++)
                    if (iPatch == patches.Count - 1)
                        // roof
                        patches[iPatch].Material        = roofMaterialTexture;
                        patches[iPatch].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;
                        // walls
                        patches[iPatch].Material        = glassMaterialTexture;
                        patches[iPatch].TextureCoords2D = textureCoords;

            case "Red-solid":
                // create some materials
                var materialRed = new BasicMaterial
                    Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Brown
                // apply the materials to the patches
                for (var iPatch = 0; iPatch < mpb.Patches.Count; iPatch++)
                    if (iPatch == mpb.Patches.Count - 1)
                        // roof
                        mpb.Patches[iPatch].Material = materialGray;
                        // walls
                        mpb.Patches[iPatch].Material = materialRed;

            case "Gray-solid":
                // create some materials
                var materialSilver = new BasicMaterial
                    Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Silver
                // apply the materials to the patches
                for (var iPatch = 0; iPatch < mpb.Patches.Count; iPatch++)
                    if (iPatch == mpb.Patches.Count - 1)
                        // roof
                        mpb.Patches[iPatch].Material = materialGray;
                        // walls
                        mpb.Patches[iPatch].Material = materialSilver;

            // create a new feature using the multipatch
            bool result = await QueuedTask.Run(() =>
                var op = new EditOperation
                    Name = "Create multipatch feature",
                    SelectNewFeatures = false
                Module1.NewMultipatch = mpb.ToGeometry() as Multipatch;
                var rowToken          = op.Create(buildingLyr, Module1.NewMultipatch);
                if (op.Execute())
                    // track the newly created objectID
                    // save the oid in the module for other commands to use
                    Module1.NewMultipatchOID = rowToken.ObjectID.Value;
                var msg = op.ErrorMessage;