コード例 #1
        /// <summary> Attempts to clean dirty OCR files that may somehow
        /// contain unprintable characters and other flaws </summary>
        /// <param name="Resource"> Incoming digital resource object </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if processing can continue, FALSE if a critical error occurred which should stop all processing </returns>
        public override bool DoWork(Incoming_Digital_Resource Resource)
            string resourceFolder = Resource.Resource_Folder;

            // Clean any incoming text files first
                // Get the list of all text files here
                string[] text_files = Directory.GetFiles(resourceFolder, "*.txt");
                if (text_files.Length > 0)
                    // Step through each text file
                    foreach (string textFile in text_files)
                        // Clean the text file first


コード例 #2
        /// <summary> Checks the text files for a match that appears to be a social security number and
        /// emails a warning to the privacy email address on a possible match </summary>
        /// <param name="Resource"> Incoming digital resource object </param>
        /// <returns> TRUE if processing can continue, FALSE if a critical error occurred which should stop all processing </returns>
        public override bool DoWork(Incoming_Digital_Resource Resource)
            string resourceFolder = Resource.Resource_Folder;
            string bibID          = Resource.BibID;
            string vid            = Resource.VID;

            // Look for SSN in text
            string ssn_text_file_name = String.Empty;
            string ssn_match          = String.Empty;

                // Get the list of all text files here
                string[] text_files = Directory.GetFiles(resourceFolder, "*.txt");
                if (text_files.Length > 0)
                    // Step through each text file
                    foreach (string textFile in text_files)
                        // If no SSN possibly found, look for one
                        if (ssn_match.Length == 0)
                            ssn_match = Text_Cleaner.Has_SSN(textFile);
                            if (ssn_match.Length > 0)
                                ssn_text_file_name = (new FileInfo(textFile)).Name;

            // Send a database email if there appears to have been a SSN
            if (ssn_match.Length > 0)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Email.Privacy_Email))
                    Email_Helper.SendEmail(Settings.Email.Privacy_Email, "Possible Social Security Number Located", "A string which appeared to be a possible social security number was found while bulk loading or post-processing an item.\n\nThe SSN was found in package " + bibID + ":" + vid + " in file '" + ssn_text_file_name + "'.\n\nThe text which may be a SSN is '" + ssn_match + "'.\n\nPlease review this item and remove any private information which should not be on the web server.", false, Settings.System.System_Name);
                OnProcess("Possible SSN Located (" + ssn_text_file_name + ")", "Privacy Checking", Resource.BibID + ":" + Resource.VID, Resource.METS_Type_String, Resource.BuilderLogId);
