コード例 #1
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(string translation, List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    RegexOptions regex_options = case_sensitive ? RegexOptions.None : RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
                    if (text.IsArabic()) // Arabic letters in translation (Emlaaei, Urdu, Farsi, etc.)
                        regex_options |= RegexOptions.RightToLeft;

                        string pattern_empty_line = @"^$";
                        string pattern_whole_line = "(" + @"^" + text + @"$" + ")";

                        string pattern_any_with_prefix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + ")";
                        string pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_with_suffix = "(" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";

                        string pattern_word_with_prefix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix + @"\b" + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_suffix = "(" + @"\b" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";
                        string pattern_word_with_any_fixes = "(" + pattern_word_with_prefix + "|" + pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix + "|" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";

                        // Whole word
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + @"\b" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_whole_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + ")";

                        // Part of word
                        string pattern_part_word_at_start = "(" + @"^" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_at_middle = "(" + @"(?<!^)" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_part_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_part_word_at_start + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_middle + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_end + ")";

                        // Any == Whole word | Part of word
                        string pattern_any_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + ")";
                        string pattern_any_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + text + @"(?!$)" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + text + @"$" + ")";
                        string pattern_any_anywhere = text;

                        string pattern = null;
                        List<string> negative_words = new List<string>();
                        List<string> positive_words = new List<string>();
                        List<string> unsigned_words = new List<string>();

                        if (at_word_start)
                            pattern = @"(?<=\b)(" + pattern + @")"; // positive lookbehind

                        switch (text_location)
                            case TextLocation.Anywhere:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_anywhere;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_anywhere;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_anywhere;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtStart:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_start;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_start;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_start;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtMiddle:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_middle;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_middle;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_middle;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AtEnd:
                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_end;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_end;
                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                        pattern += pattern_any_at_end;
                                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
                            case TextLocation.AllWords:
                            case TextLocation.AnyWord:
                                    pattern = Regex.Replace(text.Trim(), @"\s+", " "); // remove double space or higher if any

                                    string[] pattern_words = pattern.Split();
                                    foreach (string pattern_word in pattern_words)
                                        if (pattern_word.StartsWith("-"))
                                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("-"))
                                            negative_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                                        else if (pattern_word.StartsWith("+"))
                                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("+"))
                                            positive_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                                    return new List<Phrase>();

                        // do actual search
                        foreach (Verse verse in source)
                            if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                    if (verse.Translations[translation].Contains(negative_word))
                                        found = true;
                                if (found) continue;

                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                    if (!verse.Translations[translation].Contains(positive_word))
                                        found = true;
                                if (found) continue;

                                if (
                                     (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                            else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                bool skip = false;
                                foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                    if (verse.Translations[translation].Contains(negative_word))
                                        skip = true;
                                if (skip) continue;

                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                    if (!verse.Translations[translation].Contains(positive_word))
                                        skip = true;
                                if (skip) continue;

                                if (
                                     (negative_words.Count > 0) ||
                                     (positive_words.Count > 0) ||
                                       (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                            else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse.Translations[translation], pattern, regex_options);
                                if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                    if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                        if (matches.Count > 0)
                                            result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                else // without multiplicity
                                    if (matches.Count > 0)
                                        result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                        } // end for
                        // log exception
        return result;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    // find by text - Exact
    public static List<Phrase> FindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();

        if (language_type == LanguageType.Arabic)
            result = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, language_type, translation, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, true);
        else if (language_type == LanguageType.Translation)
            if (book.Verses != null)
                if (book.Verses.Count > 0)
                    foreach (string key in book.Verses[0].Translations.Keys)
                        List<Phrase> new_phrases = DoFindPhrases(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, language_type, key, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, false);

        return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(List<Verse> source, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, TextLocation text_location, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics, bool try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
        List<Phrase> result = new List<Phrase>();
        List<Verse> found_verses = new List<Verse>();
        if (source != null)
            if (source.Count > 0)
                Book book = source[0].Book;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                    RegexOptions regex_options = RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.RightToLeft;

                    string pattern = null;
                    List<string> unsigned_words = null;
                    List<string> positive_words = null;
                    List<string> negative_words = null;

                        if (with_diacritics)
                            // search in original text first (without simplification)
                            pattern = BuildPattern(text, text_location, wordness, at_word_start, out unsigned_words, out positive_words, out negative_words);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
                                foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                    // process negative_words
                                    if (negative_words.Count > 0)
                                        bool found = false;
                                        foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(negative_word))
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(negative_word)) && (word_text.Length > negative_word.Length))
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == negative_word)
                                                        found = true; // next verse
                                            if (found)
                                        if (found) continue; // next verse

                                    // process positive_words
                                    if (positive_words.Count > 0)
                                        int matches = 0;
                                        foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                        break; // next positive_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                        break; // next positive_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                        break; // next positive_word

                                        // verse failed test, so skip it
                                        if (matches < positive_words.Count)
                                            continue; // next verse

                                    // both negative and positive conditions have been met

                                    // process unsigned_words
                                    // FindByText WORDS All
                                    if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                        int matches = 0;
                                        foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                        break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches

                                        if (matches == unsigned_words.Count)
                                            // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                            // add positive matches
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                            // add unsigned matches
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                        else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            continue; // next verse
                                    // FindByText WORDS Any
                                    else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                        bool found = false;
                                        foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                            foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                string word_text = word.Text;
                                                if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                    if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                    if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                                else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                    if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                        found = true;
                                                        break; // next unsigned_word
                                            if (found)

                                        if (found) // found 1 unsigned word in verse, which is enough
                                            // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                            // add positive matches
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                            // add unsigned matches
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text;
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                            //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                        else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            continue; // next verse
                                    // FindByText EXACT
                                    else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                        string verse_text = verse.Text;
                                        //??? whole_word still needs verification in border cases in all text_modes
                                        MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                        if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                            if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else // without multiplicity
                                            if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                } // end for
                        //DON'T use else{} in case with_diacritics didn't find any result, so try simplified text first before emlaaei text
                        if (result.Count == 0)
                            // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                            text = text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) // re-test in case text was just harakaat which is simplifed to nothing
                                pattern = BuildPattern(text, text_location, wordness, at_word_start, out unsigned_words, out positive_words, out negative_words);
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern))
                                    foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                        // process negative_words
                                        if (negative_words.Count > 0)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string negative_word in negative_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(negative_word))
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(negative_word)) && (word_text.Length > negative_word.Length))
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == negative_word)
                                                            found = true; // next verse
                                                if (found)
                                            if (found) continue; // next verse

                                        // process positive_words
                                        if (positive_words.Count > 0)
                                            int matches = 0;
                                            foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                            break; // next positive_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                            break; // next positive_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                            break; // next positive_word

                                            // verse failed test, so skip it
                                            if (matches < positive_words.Count)
                                                continue; // next verse

                                        // both negative and positive conditions have been met

                                        // process unsigned_words
                                        // FindByText WORDS All
                                        if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                            int matches = 0;
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            break; // no need to continue even if there are more matches

                                            if (matches == unsigned_words.Count)
                                                // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                                // add positive matches
                                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                                // add unsigned matches
                                                foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                            else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                                continue; // next verse
                                        // FindByText WORDS Any
                                        else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                    // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                    string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                    if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                        if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                        if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                        if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                            found = true;
                                                            break; // next unsigned_word
                                                if (found)

                                            if (found) // found 1 unsigned word in verse, which is enough
                                                // all negative, positive and unsigned conditions have been met

                                                // add positive matches
                                                foreach (string positive_word in positive_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(positive_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(positive_word)) && (word_text.Length > positive_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == positive_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches

                                                // add unsigned matches
                                                foreach (string unsigned_word in unsigned_words)
                                                    foreach (Word word in verse.Words)
                                                        // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                                        string word_text = word.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                                        if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                                                            if (word_text.Contains(unsigned_word))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                                                            if ((word_text.Contains(unsigned_word)) && (word_text.Length > unsigned_word.Length))
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                                        else if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                                                            if (word_text == unsigned_word)
                                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, word.Position, word.Text));
                                                                //break; // no break in case there are more matches
                                            else // verse failed test, so skip it
                                                continue; // next verse
                                        // FindByText EXACT
                                        else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                            // simplify all text_modes (Original will be simplified29 automatically)
                                            string verse_text = verse.Text.SimplifyTo(s_numerology_system.TextMode);
                                            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(verse_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                            if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                    if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                        result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                                        result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                            else // without multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    result.AddRange(BuildPhrasesAndOriginify(verse, matches));
                                    } // end for

                        // if nothing found
                        if ((multiplicity != 0) && (result.Count == 0))
                            //  search in emlaaei
                            if (try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
                                // always simplify29 for emlaaei comparison
                                pattern = pattern.Simplify29();
                                pattern = pattern.Trim();
                                while (pattern.Contains("  "))
                                    pattern = pattern.Replace("  ", " ");

                                if ((source != null) && (source.Count > 0))
                                    foreach (Verse verse in source)
                                        // always simplify29 for emlaaei comparison
                                        string simplified_emlaaei_text = verse.Translations[DEFAULT_EMLAAEI_TEXT].Simplify29();
                                        simplified_emlaaei_text = simplified_emlaaei_text.Trim();
                                        while (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains("  "))
                                            simplified_emlaaei_text = simplified_emlaaei_text.Replace("  ", " ");

                                        if (text_location == TextLocation.AllWords)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string pattern_word in negative_words)
                                                if (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            foreach (string pattern_word in positive_words)
                                                if (!simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            if (
                                                 (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else if (text_location == TextLocation.AnyWord)
                                            bool found = false;
                                            foreach (string pattern_word in negative_words)
                                                if (simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            foreach (string pattern_word in positive_words)
                                                if (!simplified_emlaaei_text.Contains(pattern_word))
                                                    found = true;
                                            if (found) continue;

                                            if (
                                                 (negative_words.Count > 0) ||
                                                 (positive_words.Count > 0) ||
                                                   (unsigned_words.Count == 0) ||
                                                result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                        else // at start, middle, end, or anywhere
                                            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(simplified_emlaaei_text, pattern, regex_options);
                                            if (multiplicity != -1) // with multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count >= multiplicity)
                                                    // don't colorize emaleei matches to let user know this is unofficial spelling
                                                    //result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                            else // without multiplicity
                                                if (matches.Count > 0)
                                                    // don't colorize emaleei matches to let user know this is unofficial spelling
                                                    //result.AddRange(BuildPhrases(verse, matches));
                                                    result.Add(new Phrase(verse, 0, ""));
                                    } // end for
                        // log exception
        return result;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
 private static List<Phrase> DoFindPhrases(Book book, FindScope find_scope, Selection current_selection, List<Verse> previous_result, string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics, bool try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found)
     List<Verse> source = GetSourceVerses(book, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result);
     if (language_type == LanguageType.Arabic)
         return DoFindPhrases(source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, text_location, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics, try_emlaaei_if_nothing_found);
     else //if (language_type == FindByTextLanguageType.Translation)
         return DoFindPhrases(translation, source, find_scope, current_selection, previous_result, text, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Server.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    private static string BuildPattern(string text,
                                       TextLocation text_location, TextWordness wordness, bool at_word_start,
                                       out List<string> unsigned_words,
                                       out List<string> positive_words,
                                       out List<string> negative_words
        string pattern = null;
        unsigned_words = new List<string>();
        positive_words = new List<string>();
        negative_words = new List<string>();

        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(text)) return text;
        text = text.Trim();

        Regular Expressions (RegEx)
        Best Reference: http://www.regular-expressions.info/
        Matches	Characters
        x	character x
        \\	backslash character
        \0n	character with octal value 0n (0 <= n <= 7)
        \0nn	character with octal value 0nn (0 <= n <= 7)
        \0mnn	character with octal value 0mnn (0 <= m <= 3, 0 <= n <= 7)
        \xhh	character with hexadecimal value 0xhh
        \uhhhh	character with hexadecimal value 0xhhhh
        \t	tab character ('\u0009')
        \n	newline (line feed) character ('\u000A')
        \r	carriage-return character ('\u000D')
        \f	form-feed character ('\u000C')
        \a	alert (bell) character ('\u0007')
        \e	escape character ('\u001B')
        \cx	control character corresponding to x

        Character Classes
        [abc]		    a, b, or c				                    (simple class)
        [^abc]		    any character except a, b, or c		        (negation)
        [a-zA-Z]	    a through z or A through Z, inclusive	    (range)
        [a-d[m-p]]	    a through d, or m through p: [a-dm-p]	    (union)
        [a-z&&[def]]	d, e, or f				                    (intersection)
        [a-z&&[^bc]]	a through z, except for b and c: [ad-z]	    (subtraction)
        [a-z&&[^m-p]]	a through z, and not m through p: [a-lq-z]  (subtraction)

        .	any character (inc line terminators) except newline
        \d	digit				            [0-9]
        \D	non-digit			            [^0-9]
        \s	whitespace character		    [ \t\n\x0B\f\r]
        \S	non-whitespace character	    [^\s]
        \w	word character (alphanumeric)	[a-zA-Z_0-9]
        \W	non-word character		        [^\w]

        Boundary Matchers
        ^	beginning of a line	(in Multiline)
        $	end of a line  		(in Multiline)
        \b	word boundary
        \B	non-word boundary
        \A	beginning of the input
        \G	end of the previous match
        \Z	end of the input but for the final terminator, if any
        \z	end of the input

        Greedy quantifiers
        X?	X, once or not at all
        X*	X, zero or more times
        X+	X, one or more times
        X{n}	X, exactly n times
        X{n,}	X, at least n times
        X{n,m}	X, at least n but not more than m times

        Reluctant quantifiers
        X??	X, once or not at all
        X*?	X, zero or more times
        X+?	X, one or more times
        X{n}?	X, exactly n times
        X{n,}?	X, at least n times
        X{n,m}?	X, at least n but not more than m times

        Possessive quantifiers
        X?+	X, once or not at all
        X*+	X, zero or more times
        X++	X, one or more times
        X{n}+	X, exactly n times
        X{n,}+	X, at least n times
        X{n,m}+	X, at least n but not more than m times

        positive lookahead	(?=text)
        negative lookahead	(?!text)
        // eg: not at end of line 	    (?!$)
        positive lookbehind	(?<=text)
        negative lookbehind	(?<!text)
        // eg: not at start of line 	(?<!^)

        string pattern_empty_line = @"^$";
        string pattern_whole_line = "(" + @"^" + text + @"$" + ")";

        string pattern_any_with_prefix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + ")";
        string pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + @"\S+?" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";
        string pattern_any_with_suffix = "(" + text + @"\S+?" + ")";

        string pattern_word_with_prefix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix + @"\b" + ")";
        string pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix = "(" + pattern_any_with_prefix_and_suffix + ")";
        string pattern_word_with_suffix = "(" + @"\b" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";
        string pattern_word_with_any_fixes = "(" + pattern_word_with_prefix + "|" + pattern_word_with_prefix_and_suffix + "|" + pattern_any_with_suffix + ")";

        // Whole word
        string pattern_whole_word_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + @"\b" + ")";
        string pattern_whole_word_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + @"(?!$)" + ")";
        string pattern_whole_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"$" + ")";
        string pattern_whole_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"\b" + text + @"\b" + ")";

        // Part of word
        string pattern_part_word_at_start = "(" + @"^" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + ")";
        string pattern_part_word_at_middle = "(" + @"(?<!^)" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"(?!$)" + ")";
        string pattern_part_word_at_end = "(" + pattern_word_with_any_fixes + @"$" + ")";
        string pattern_part_word_anywhere = "(" + pattern_part_word_at_start + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_middle + "|" + pattern_part_word_at_end + ")";

        // Any == Whole word | Part of word
        string pattern_any_at_start = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"^" + text + ")";
        string pattern_any_at_middle = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + @"(?<!^)" + text + @"(?!$)" + ")";
        string pattern_any_at_end = "(" + pattern_whole_line + "|" + text + @"$" + ")";
        string pattern_any_anywhere = text;

        if (at_word_start)
            pattern = @"(?<=\b)(" + pattern + @")"; // positive lookbehind

        switch (text_location)
            case TextLocation.Anywhere:
                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_anywhere;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                        pattern += pattern_part_word_anywhere;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                        pattern += pattern_any_anywhere;
                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
            case TextLocation.AtStart:
                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_start;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_start;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                        pattern += pattern_any_at_start;
                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
            case TextLocation.AtMiddle:
                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_middle;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_middle;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                        pattern += pattern_any_at_middle;
                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
            case TextLocation.AtEnd:
                    if (wordness == TextWordness.WholeWord)
                        pattern += pattern_whole_word_at_end;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.PartOfWord)
                        pattern += pattern_part_word_at_end;
                    else if (wordness == TextWordness.Any)
                        pattern += pattern_any_at_end;
                        pattern += pattern_empty_line;
            case TextLocation.AllWords:
            case TextLocation.AnyWord:
                    pattern = Regex.Replace(text.Trim(), @"\s+", " "); // remove double space or higher if any

                    string[] pattern_words = pattern.Split();
                    foreach (string pattern_word in pattern_words)
                        if (pattern_word.StartsWith("-"))
                            if (negative_words != null)
                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("-"))
                            if (negative_words != null)
                                negative_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                        else if (pattern_word.StartsWith("+"))
                            if (positive_words != null)
                        else if (pattern_word.EndsWith("+"))
                            if (positive_words != null)
                                positive_words.Add(pattern_word.Substring(0, pattern_word.Length - 1));
                            if (unsigned_words != null)

        return pattern;
コード例 #6
ファイル: MainForm.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    private void FindByText(string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics)
        if (m_client != null)

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(text))
                m_client.FindPhrases(text, language_type, translation, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, m_with_diacritics);
                if (m_client.FoundPhrases != null)
                    int phrase_count = m_client.FoundPhrases.Count;
                    if (m_client.FoundVerses != null)
                        int verse_count = m_client.FoundVerses.Count;
                        if (multiplicity == 0)
                            m_find_result_header = verse_count + ((verse_count == 1) ? " verse" : " verses") + " without " + text + " " + text_location.ToString() + " in " + m_client.FindScope.ToString();
                            m_find_result_header = phrase_count + " matches in " + verse_count + ((verse_count == 1) ? " verse" : " verses") + " with " + text + " " + text_location.ToString() + " in " + m_client.FindScope.ToString();
コード例 #7
ファイル: Client.cs プロジェクト: ATouhou/QuranCode
    // find by text - Exact
    /// <summary>
    /// Find phrases for given exact text that meet all parameters.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="text"></param>
    /// <param name="language_type"></param>
    /// <param name="translation"></param>
    /// <param name="text_location"></param>
    /// <param name="case_sensitive"></param>
    /// <param name="wordness"></param>
    /// <param name="multiplicity"></param>
    /// <param name="at_word_start"></param>
    /// <returns>Number of found phrases. Result is stored in FoundPhrases.</returns>
    public int FindPhrases(string text, LanguageType language_type, string translation, TextLocation text_location, bool case_sensitive, TextWordness wordness, int multiplicity, bool at_word_start, bool with_diacritics)
        m_found_phrases = Server.FindPhrases(m_book, m_find_scope, m_selection, m_found_verses, text, language_type, translation, text_location, case_sensitive, wordness, multiplicity, at_word_start, with_diacritics);
        if (m_found_phrases != null)
            m_found_verses = new List<Verse>();
            foreach (Phrase phrase in m_found_phrases)
                if (phrase != null)
                    if (!m_found_verses.Contains(phrase.Verse))

            return m_found_phrases.Count;
        return 0;